I’m sure you’ve read and heard all about Surrender Joe’s new COVID vaccination rule. Funny how so many were calling Trump a dictator for pushing for less government in their lives, while refusing to condemn Biden. Even some of the Never Trumpers, like unhinged Jonah Goldberg, who should know better after writing the book Liberal Fascism, aren’t criticizing Biden.
Just wondering, where does OSHA have the statutory authority to come up with a rule forcing private companies to vaccinate/test, and, if not, $14k fines? https://t.co/jAQXKlbkio pic.twitter.com/3IHlSr8QFw
— William Teach2 ??????? #refuseresist (@WTeach2) September 9, 2021
Let’s consider that it can take two to three years to come up with a rule, even IF OSHA has the authority to come up with one like this without Congress passing a new law. Remember, courts killed many of the rules from the Trump admin over failing to go through the proper rule-making process, which requires public review and so much more. I suspect Biden knows this, or at least the people around him do, since Biden isn’t all there mentally, and this is meant to get private companies to do this on their own before a rule takes effect?
Republican states said they were reviewing all legal avenues after President Joe Biden unveiled strict requirements for private sector companies to mandate COVID-19 vaccines for employees.
Several state attorneys general quickly condemned the president’s actions Thursday and warned they would take the Biden administration to court to defend individual liberties. Arizona, Montana, Indiana, Arkansas, Missouri, Georgia and South Carolina were all among the states that threatened legal action in response to the White House announcement.
“President Biden is now taking federal overreach to unheard of levels by dictating vaccine mandates for all private companies with over 100 people, federal contractors, and healthcare providers receiving federal dollars,†Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich said in a statement shared with the Daily Caller News Foundation.
They’ll have to wait for the rule to actually be released, and it probably won’t be hard to kill the rule off, even if it’s just over improper rule making. But, they should do this via the Constitutional route, in order to get the Supreme Court to rule on this federal over-reach and authoritarianism.
BIDEN: "This is not about freedom or personal choice." pic.twitter.com/uoOYPew4Me
— Townhall.com (@townhallcom) September 9, 2021
It bloody well is, and, intent is rather a huge thing in court
(Fox News) Ronald Klain, the White House chief of staff, faced criticism on social media Thursday after he retweeted a post that seemed to praise the Biden administration for pulling off the “ultimate work-around” for a national COVID-19 vaccine requirement.
Klain retweeted MSNBC’s Stephanie Ruhle, who posted, “OSHA doing this vaxx mandate as an emergency workplace safety rule is the ultimate work-around for the Federal govt to require vaccinations.”
The New York Times pointed out that OSHA is tasked with overseeing workplace safety and has the authority to “quickly issue a rule, known as an emergency temporary standard, if it can show that workers are exposed to a grave danger and that the rule is necessary to address that danger. The rule must also be feasible for employers to enforce.
Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, a critic of Biden’s announcement, retweeted a post warning Klain that courts consider intention when hearing cases, and the retweet could prove to be problematic during future challenges.
“Important,” Cruz tweeted. “Foolish RT from WH chief of staff. He said the quiet part out loud. Biden admin knows it’s likely illegal (like the eviction moratorium) but they don’t care.”
Forcing companies to force their employees to take the vaccine will surely not come under emergency temporary standard, and Cruz further noted that Courts tend to take “intent” into account. Biden has turned into a COVID tyrant (worth reading that entire piece, too much to excerpt).
“Our patience is wearing thin,” ?@POTUS? says to people who are not vaccinated. pic.twitter.com/muuuroVAgU
— Jeff Mason (@jeffmason1) September 9, 2021
Who cares? His the president, not a dictator, though he’s giving this a shot. Further, he’s pushing masking mandates while not wearing a mask. Oh, sure, there’s a carve out in the rule. There’s always an exemption for the Elites.
But, anyhow, the question here will be as to how many companies institute a vaccine mandate prior to any OSHA rule, trying to get ahead of it? That is most likely the point.
"The Daily Wire does have more than 100 employees but we won't be enforcing Joe Biden's unconstitutional and tyrannical vaccine mandate. That's it. We'll use every tool at our disposal including legal action to resist." – @realDailyWire CEO @JeremyDBoreing pic.twitter.com/uQy3Fufmmj
— Daily Wire (@realDailyWire) September 10, 2021
They may be the first to say “no.”

Let’s see, after making the CDC arbiter of who pays rent, when and to whom this Nazi pig wants OSHA to decide who MUST get invasive , non proven and quite possibly dangerous medicine.
Remind me wasn’t it the demofascists who bitched that Trump was a tyrant and despot? What was that about again?
There is nothing more tyrannical than a stolen junta.
The Banana Republic of America.
Of course the nuCon Death Cult will sue! It’s what they do. Vaccinated nuCons have no problem urging others to risk death ’cause, Freedom!!
Between 1000-1500 Americans are still dying every day from Covid infections. We’re still seeing over 100,000 new infections/day. Children make up 1/4th the new cases. Our best long-term defense is vaccination.
Infection rates are 300% higher now than one year ago, when there were no vaccines.

Bwaha! Lolgfy
Bungholio: Infection rates are 300% higher now than one year ago, when there were no vaccines.
Irrelevant factoid if true, which it isn’t.
The Delta variant is much more contagious than the original and the unvaccinated are filling the hospitals.
Bwah! Lolgf
“Our patience is wearing thin.”

Can’t give a more dictatorial speech than that.
Heckuva job Joey.
Bwaha! Lolgf
If one likes wearing masks, likes hospitalized children, likes business lockdowns and closed schools, by all means continue to discourage vaccinations.
Was George Washington a dictator? Will nuCons sue states to stop requiring childhood vaccines ’cause Freedom!!
Biden/the Left is/are deliberately setting up the non-vaxxed people to be the latter-day SCAPEGOATS, for everyone to vent their hatred onto, as more and more calamities pile up on us all. This is deliberate, calculated, and very evil.
Look at the way the fascist Elwood paints non vaxxed people. As killers. Yet right now more vaxxed people are getting the mutated virus than non vaxxed. IT’s all a big lie for more power and Elwood either knows that and is part of the despotic scam or he does not know and is a total fuking fool.
Why do fascists like Elwood give away OUR freedom for their fake safety?
The left is actively discussing the possibility that Biden will be Impeached.
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll, sponsored by The ANTIFA by Jack Posobiec, for Friday shows that 46% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Biden’s job performance. Fifty-two percent (52%) disapprove.
The latest figures include 26% who Strongly Approve of the job Biden is doing and 45% who Strongly Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -19.
Other polls run by the left have Biden at 39 percent and plummeting.
The problem for the left is that no one wants Cacklin Harris in the White House. What goes around comes around.
Biden will most likely be impeached THREE TIMES. NOT TWICE LIKE TRUMP. The left are even admitting this if you go visit their websites and listen to their angst over what is happening with the clearly dysfunctional and Cognitively impaired president.
His handling of Covid Pales in comparison to Trump and Dr. Fukki should be imprisoned for killing 3 million people. Another year or two and he will put Hitler to shame.
This is the problem with the DEEP STATE and UN E L E C T E D LEADERS. They rule by fiat and are untouchable.
But “their patience is growing thin.”

Joey knows it’s illegal but he says he’s going to do it anyway.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Kye: Yet right now more vaxxed people are getting the mutated virus than non vaxxed.
“New COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations continue to be largely limited to the unvaccinated, and only a small percentage of vaccinated people experience breakthrough infections.”
Nice cherry pick there, KiddieZ.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Aug 8, 2021 … It turned out that 20.3% of the people who got reinfected had been fully vaccinated, compared with 34.3% of the control group who didn’t get the vaccine.
GEE WHIZ…Zach’s link says only 1 percent of vaccinated people are getting infected.
From Israel:
In protecting against infection, Pfizer vaccines are 95% effective for the alpha variant but only 64% effective for the delta variant.
In preventing symptomatic COVID-19 cases, Pfizer vaccines are 97% effective for the alpha variant but only 64% effective for the delta variant.
In preventing hospitalization and serious disease, Pfizer vaccines are 97.5% effective for the alpha variant and still 93% effective for the delta variant.
The last one is the most important issue. 93 percent effective against hospitalizations. This is what you want to prevent yet if 36 percent of people can be reinfected and 7 percent are hospitalized that is still a large number.
est1950: It turned out that 20.3% of the people who got reinfected had been fully vaccinated, compared with 34.3% of the control group who didn’t get the vaccine. GEE WHIZ…Zach’s link says only 1 percent of vaccinated people are getting infected.
Apples and oranges. The figures have different denominators.
est1950: The last one is the most important issue.
Quite so, but it is not the only important issue. Reducing infection reduces community spread, so when you get vaccinated, you are also protecting those around you.
Jl: “Are the vaccines effective”
Black and white thinking. No vaccine offers perfect protection.
Jl: Flu vaccine ~ 900M doses and 1,951 deaths. Covid vaccine ~ 200M doses and 13,627 deaths.
Those are reported deaths after vaccination, not deaths due to vaccination. The rate of death after vaccination is approximately the number expected due to all causes, so the actual death rate is probably much lower.
If they’re comparing apples to apples in that chart, then there’s over 30 times more deaths looking at Covid compared to influenza, as stated. And, much more than any other vaccine..
Jl: If they’re comparing apples to apples in that chart, then there’s over 30 times more deaths looking at Covid compared to influenza, as stated.
You’re comparing pomegranates and potatoes. The numbers don’t represent deaths due to vaccination, but deaths after vaccination.
Regardless, mortality is much lower with vaccination.
A snippet from Zman that reminded me of the Blind Mouse Elwood:
The news of late has been dominated by a few big items, all of which are driven by the ruling class commitment to their narratives. As a result, the show this week is about how the Cloud People are living in a simulation. Their reality is not only not our reality, but rather an approximation of it. If you imagine the Cloud People playing a live action role plating game of real life, their rantings make more sense.
They just had Mumbly Joe slur through a speech on Covid that sounded like it was given by an alien in another universe. This great emergency he thinks is happening outside the bubble is not happening at all. For most of the country, life is back to normal, except for the annoying interference of these idiots. Team Dementia, however, is sure the peasants are living through a version of the Black Death.
The thing is, they probably sense that it does not exist, but they need it to be real so they pretend it is real. It feels better to imagine themselves defending their democracy from Covid that to see themselves as wreckers cause the food prices to shoot through the roof due to their meddling. Reality avoidance is a major concern for the Cloud people, so they are fully committed to their own narratives.
For the intensely on-line, this simulated reality crowds out their daily reality. In the case of Covid, the Covidian believe all of the Covid porn that the system beams at him on-line and through the mass media. The reality he sees is not the normal activity around him, but the imaginary hospitals overrun with sick people. He is like someone addicted to video games, struggling to discern fantasy from reality.
Kye: The news of late has been dominated by a few big items, all of which are driven by the ruling class commitment to their narratives.
675,000 dead is hardly just a narrative.
If you actually believe 675,000 Americans have died OF Wuhan/Demofascist Flu and not jut WITH Wuhan/Demofascist Flu then you are part of the problem. No. Fuking. Way.
You and the other hysterical weirdos running around claiming the flu created by Fauxci and his Chinese Communist comrades killed all those people are nuts. You all suffer from “I don’t believe in anything syndrome” and therefore believe anything the government “experts” tell you.
But you know what’s not a narrative, Zachriel? , 60 million dead American citizens murdered in the womb by Nazi Mengele’s. That’s not a fuking narrative, that’s genocide!
Kye: If you actually believe 675,000 Americans have died OF Wuhan/Demofascist Flu and not jut WITH Wuhan/Demofascist Flu then you are part of the problem.
There are several lines of evidence: the official state counts, studies of death certificates, the strain on hospitals and morgues, and deaths in excess of what is expected during the period. When independent lines of evidence point to the same result, it gives confidence to the conclusion.
Kye: No. Fuking. Way.
Saying “Is not!” even when using colorful language, doesn’t constitute much of an argument.
There are zero “lines of evidence” that prove 675,000 Americans died FROM Wuhan Flu. Zero. The counts were off from the beginning when they started counting regular flu and pneumonia as Wuhan. Then in order to expand the fear factor and rig the election with bullshit “mail in” and “absentee” and “harvested” ballots. At that point they were so deep in the lie they had to stay with it and they knew idiots like yourself that buy every bullshit program the left throws out would run with the lie until your deaths cause that’s what communists do.
You have turned a corrupt political party into a religion to replace the God you deny. That’s your problem but it becomes OUR problem when you try to force your psychosis on the rest of us by force of law. WE ARE NOT YOUR SUBJECTS and if need be we will do whatever we need to to stop this inhuman and unconstitutional use of power.
The Democrats have a history of slavery, subjugation, crime, mass murder and insurrection and the Coup of Nov 3 is no exception. You are deliberately forcing Patriotic Americans into rebellion because you hate us, not because you care. We are a country ruled by narcissistic elites who hate the people they rule. Why else would you support the murder of 600,000 unborn Americans each year while crying about people dying of the flu?
“Note the term “vaccine hesitancyâ€. They cannot allow for disconfirmation, so the assumed model is one camp are those who have accepted Covid and those who have yet to accept Covid. The latter group is just scared and uninformed, so it is incumbent upon the former group to guide them to the light. All of sudden. being an annoying pest about Covid is transformed into a righteous cause that proves to the believer that she is on the side of angels, saving mankind from evil.
Also note the communitarian aspect of modern mass movements. We have to sit in the dark and walk to work because we all share the same earth. If one person refuses to use those grimy canvas sacks, then we all suffer! Similarly, the vaccine is a community good that only works when everyone is vaccinated. As long as there is one disbeliever in our midst, we will continue to be punished. The only thing missing from the Covidian toolkit is the flagellants whipping themselves in public.
What Covid has revealed is that the only path out of the madness that is infecting the West is to sort out how to manage the fanatics. That is easier said than done, as it means creating a new religion and prying these people out of power. It also means that political power alone is not enough. As long as the fanatic population is left to operate like a hive without a queen, they will keep finding new queens. Usually, those queens will be seeking dominion of the rest of society.”
You are all pathological liars and followers of an insane theocracy wherein your politics has become your religion.
And not one of you is smart enough to stop and see it!!!!!
“Saying “Is not!†even when using colorful language, doesn’t constitute much of an argument.”
Neither is 18 months of lies, obfuscation, gaslighting and changing the program every other week.
Kye: There are zero “lines of evidence†that prove 675,000 Americans died FROM Wuhan Flu. Zero.
We provided several. Let’s see how you respond . . .
Something, something, ballots.
Something, something, replace the God
Something, something, Democrats and slavery
Something, something, communitarian mass movements
Something, something, fanatics new religion
Something, something, pathological liars
Nope. You never addressed any of the lines of evidence.
It’s not even a number that can be verified. So yes it is a narrative.

Bwaha! Lolgf
And from the CDC, only 5-6% of those 675,000 deaths are solely from Covid, but rather with Covid.
Jl: And from the CDC, only 5-6% of those 675,000 deaths are solely from Covid, but rather with Covid.
If you end up hospitalized with COVID, you may die of pneumonia or heart failure. That should be counted in the COVID statistics. In any case, there are several lines of evidence: the official state counts, studies of death certificates, the strain on hospitals and morgues, and deaths in excess of what is expected during the period. When independent lines of evidence point to the same result, it gives confidence to the conclusion.
Biden is requiring everyone to get the Kung Flu shot. Unless you’re in this country illegally or part of a protected group such as the USPS.
Since Biden has released many of these illegals into the country who were infected with covid we should charge him along with every member in his administration including Il Douche Fauchi with reckless endangerment.
The bottom line is that when Republicans are in power, they are accused of being tyrants.
When Democrats are in power, they actually are tyrants.
There is no Constitutional authority for what Biden is doing. He claims he can do this under OSHA, but OSHA’s authority is derived from Congress, not the executive branch. That’s what the lawsuits will be based upon.
After the legal disaster with the CDC and the eviction moratorium, you’d think the administration would know that, but they have no regard for the Courts either.
Because the left hates the Constitution, they will do exactly what is being done here – blaming others for supporting the ideas upon which the country was founded.
This will come back and bite the left. Their hatred of the Constitution and the laws of the land will not go well with them when the balance of power switches back as it always does.
They will scream and yell at a “tyrannical” President in their hate and hypocrisy.
Then again, all the left has is hate.
gitarcarver: There is no Constitutional authority for what Biden is doing. He claims he can do this under OSHA, but OSHA’s authority is derived from Congress, not the executive branch.
All agency powers derive from Congress, but Congress has delegated those powers, so the agencies do have certain powers. In this case, the executive is trying to bypass the normal rule-making process because the emergency makes the process “impracticable.” Nor can the executive use the emergency power to push through policies unrelated to the emergency. And, of course, the action has to be reasonable in the circumstances. Those will be the questions before the court, not a vague “They can’t do that” objection.
All agency powers derive from Congress, but Congress has delegated those powers, so the agencies do have certain powers.
Agencies have authority – not power – granted to them by Congress.
In this case, the executive is trying to bypass the normal rule-making process because the emergency makes the process “impracticable.â€
So you agree that the Executive Branch is violating the separation of powers as outlined in the Constitution. Therefore, the actions are unConstitutional.
Nor can the executive use the emergency power to push through policies unrelated to the emergency.
The Executive has no authority to push through anything that is under Congress.
And, of course, the action has to be reasonable in the circumstances.
No, it has to be Constitutional.
Those will be the questions before the court, not a vague “They can’t do that†objection.
Clearly you missed the SCOTUS ruling on the eviction mandate. The Court didn’t address what was “reasonable,” but whether the CDC had the authority to do what they did.
“They can’t do that” is a valid legal argument when a branch of the government steps outside the Constitution.
Thanks again, Gitarcarver, for proving that the Kiddiez (like Rimjob) make up shit as they go along.

Bwaha! Lolgf
gitarcarver: Agencies have authority – not power – granted to them by Congress.
Semantics. They’re called powers, such as the FBI has to the power to arrest you if there is probable cause you committed a crime.
gitarcarver: So you agree that the Executive Branch is violating the separation of powers as outlined in the Constitution.
That depends on the criteria outlined above: whether it is properly defined as an emergency, the policy is directed towards that emergency, and the policy is reasonable to the circumstances.
gitarcarver: The Executive has no authority to push through anything that is under Congress.
Huh? The Congress has granted a multitude of powers to the Executive. The normal process requires promulgating a rule along with a public commentary.
gitarcarver: No, it has to be Constitutional.
Administrative law is constitutional, in general. So the question is statutory. Has the Congress delegated the specific power, and is the Executive working within the statute in question.
gitarcarver: Clearly you missed the SCOTUS ruling on the eviction mandate.
The Supreme Court ruled that the Executive exceeded what was allowed under the statute, not the Constitution.
There is a very distinct legal meaning between the two. It is not, at you claim “semantics.”
That depends on the criteria outlined above: whether it is properly defined as an emergency, the policy is directed towards that emergency, and the policy is reasonable to the circumstances.
Once again, the President does not have the emergency powers you claim in this circumstance. Biden is usurping the Congressional power and you admitted it.
Huh? The Congress has granted a multitude of powers to the Executive.
And outside of that which they have granted? That’s the point. You make a ridiculous claim that because the Congress has given some authority to agencies that it has given all authority to all agencies. That’s simply not supported.
Administrative law is constitutional, in general.
Another absurd claim on your part by trying to say that what is unConstitutional is somehow magically Constitutional because “administrative law is Constitutional in general.”
By that reasoning, there can be no such thing as speeding because “in general,” people do not speed.
The Supreme Court ruled that the Executive exceeded what was allowed under the statute, not the Constitution.
And the statute was Constitutional but when Biden stepped out of the statutes, his actions and the actions of the CDC were not Constitutional. (The decision also cited the separation powers. You do realize that the separation of powers is not administrative law, and not statutory, but embedded in the Constitution, don’t you?
So even Biden knew and thought that second moratorium were not Constitutional yet he went through with it any way.
Should a President that knowingly violates the Constitution remain in office. Doesn’t the President take an oath to protect and defend the Constitution?
It is amazing that you are trying to defend an arguably impeachable offense.
gitarcarver: There is a very distinct legal meaning between the two.
gitarcarver: the President does not have the emergency powers you claim in this circumstance.
Zachriel: Semantics. They’re called powers, such as the FBI has to the power to arrest you if there is probable cause you committed a crime.
The commenter gitarcarver was also known as “the semanticist” related to his modus operandi, ie, diverting discussion by beating to death an off-topic tangent. He will no doubt respond with “Words have meaning!” etc and further distract.
The US Supreme Court agrees that our Constitution is not a suicide pact. People such as gitarcarver would have another 675,000 Americans die to “protect freedom”.
I’m sorry guitarcarver, but the balance of power will never switch back as long as corrupt demofascists are counting the votes. We cannot vote ourselves out of this tyrannical “administration” because we did not vote ourselves in. Voting “harder” ain’t gonna do it. The demofascists have created a fool proof election rigging system that guarantees them power for as long as there’s an America.
The radical left cannot compromise on anything for three reasons: first, they think they are right on everything and they are infallible, second they hate the opposition, and finally because they are inherently evil to the core. Hence their need to control everybody and mandate everything and murder babies, abandon our troops, align with communists and mooslems all against America.
The good news on the vaccine just keeps on coming… https://twitter.com/jad1rad/status/1436192587896004612?s=21
Though in fairness the percentage from a month earlier is down a bit..
Believe what you want Zachriel, but don’t try and force others to. You are being played for a fool and don’t even want to look. You regurgitate the officials figures like they are branded in your brain like a dutiful comrade. You will be among the first to “go missing”.
“(Natural News) Long-time readers know we aren’t big fans of vaccines here, but that said, the reason they were developed in the first place was to provide people with an immunity from whatever disease the vaccine was intended to address and treat.
That’s not speculation and it’s not a conspiracy theory: Vaccines for polio, chicken pox, measles, mumps, rubella, anthrax, and so on are all intended to make people immune to the disease.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention knows this, of course, and even used to recognize that fact. We say ‘used to’ because the nation’s foremost ‘health’ agency is now changing that stance — that fact — after decades, and because the agency has become little more than just another politicized wing of our big fat centralized government.
And of course, it’s all due to COVID-19, the virus that the left has used as an excuse to change everything from how we function in society to our religious practices and how our economy functions (or doesn’t function).
According to Big League Politics:
On September 1st, 2021 the United States Center for Disease Control (CDC) updated its website’s definition of the word “vaccination,†replacing the word “immunity†with “protection.â€
“Vaccination: The act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce immunity to a specific disease.†— Prior to Sept. 1.
“Vaccination: The act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce protection from a specific disease.†— After Sept. 1.
“The change in definition was noticed by Americans around the country with many posting screenshots of the definition before and after the change online,†Big League Politics added.
Social media users took to various online platforms to voice their outrage and disgust with this completely unnecessary (if medical science involving vaccines really has been right all these years) change.
“We’re living in 1984.†conservative political commentator Kangmin Lee noted on Instagram. “They keep shifting the goalpost, lying to us, and redefining terms. They did this with herd immunity, anti-vax, and now the definition of vaccination itself from immunity to ‘protection’, which is such a broad, vague term. And of course, this is all by design. Wake up America.â€
“Stop trusting these public health bureaucrats,†Lee added.”
All lies Zachriel, all lies.
Kye: If you actually believe 675,000 Americans have died OF Wuhan/Demofascist Flu and not jut WITH Wuhan/Demofascist Flu then you are part of the problem.
This the claim at issue.
Kye: Believe what you want Zachriel, but don’t try and force others to.
We don’t force you to do anything. We provide evidence, and you look away.
Kye: Vaccines for polio, chicken pox, measles, mumps, rubella, anthrax, and so on are all intended to make people immune to the disease.
Polio (2 doses), 90%
Mumps (2 doses), 88%
Rubella (1 dose), 97%
Anthrax (series with boosters), 93%
I went to the doctor today for my covid.
I asked if they used Ivermechtin. The nurse said thats HORSE DEWORMER!!!!
Are you kidding me young lady? Seriously?
So after talking to the doctor who explained he used to use Ivermectin quite a bit for scabies but he says with covid there is no way he can get Ivermechtin past any drug store in the country.
So I went home and got to searching around for FAKE NEWS.
The idyllic photo of a chestnut horse appeared on the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Instagram feed in August, along with a blunt caption: “You are not a horse. Stop it with the #Ivermectin. It’s not authorized for treating #COVID.â€
And here is the problem WORLD. The FDA does not care if you live or fukin die. They will even LIE to you and publish fake news.
YES…it is not approved for treating COVID but then neither was any of the vaccines prior to Pfizer just getting approval.
The Japanese scientist Satoshi Omura **********has recently received the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine for his discovery of ivermectin more than 30 years ago.***********
Invermectin is best known for its extraordinarily broad spectrum of activity against nematodes, the roundworms that cause a large proportion of the most common neglected diseases on our planet.
It is used to **************treat millions of people at risk of contracting devastating diseases,*********** such as onchocerciasis and lymphatic filariasis, and also plays an important role in the control of intestinal helminth infections.
Because of its excellent safety profile and broad spectrum of activity, ********ivermectin is catalogued by the World Health Organization as an essential medicine********* and is regarded by many as a “magic bullet” for global health.
The effectiveness of ivermectin against many diseases associated with poverty makes it a candidate to be one of the next breakthroughs in global health owing to its potential for improving quality of life and reducing mortality rates in low-income countries.
YES A VERSION OF IVERMECTIN is used as a horse de-womer but then so is Penicillin. So should we quit using many, many kinds of antibiotics because it is also effective in Animals?
What is the truth is simple. The MAJOR DRUG companies want you to DIE so they can make money off of a world wide health crisis. They do not want competition. The FDA is paid HUGE sums of MONEY….the deep staters at the FDA, NIH and CDC will lie out their ass and watch you die before they will surrender their huge under the table payments.
Hundreds of stuides of Ivermectin have been conducted. It is 5x’s less likely you will end up in the hospital if you take Ivermectin. 3x’s less likely you will end up in the ICU if you do go to the hospital and 2’xs less likely you will DIE if you are in the ICU.
IT works. Monoclonal antibodies was offered to me today. They said it tends to make you vaccine weaker. So its a merry go round…If you take them and get better you then need a booster and if you get the virus again you take the antibodies and need a booster.
It’s no wonder no one trusts anyone anymore. Even the nurse was trying to covince me of a LIE!! Well Ill have to do my research she said in a huff after I explained some of the above.
Please do. Being uninformed in the middle of a world wide pandemic is not beneficial for any of us, including you and your family.
Nice try est1950, but you’re talking to people who won’t listen, don’t care and can’t admit anything their lord and master does is wrong. Their politics is now their religion and their Gods junta biden and the liar Fauxci and you won’t change their religion. try though.
I related to Elwood ten times that my own sister, 80 years old, has COPD and is overweight and herself a retired physician caught Wuhan Flu April of 2020. She called her doctor and together decided on a HCQ/Ivermectin/ Zinc therapeutic treatment.
She was very ill for the first three days. She told me it was like a really bad flu. For the next three days she was sick as hell and for the next four days had a bad cold. Then it was over, kaput, finished, done. She has been fine ever since.
Yes, anecdotal but so are all first hand accounts. Elwood still denes the value of ANY meds except what the Chinese collaborator Fauxci is selling, which is none but vaccine.
The vaccines are not working. If vaccines do not prevent the disease then they are not a vaccine regardless of how the left renames them.
Would you fear a person who had no polio, measles, mumps, smallpox vaccine? Of course not because YOU ARE ACTUALLY VACCINATED AGAINST THEM AND CANNOT CONTRACT THOSE DISEASES. Then why are you afraid of Wuhan. You are either vaccinated and safe or they LIED TO US!
est1950: YES A VERSION OF IVERMECTIN is used as a horse de-womer but then so is Penicillin.
You shouldn’t use drugs prepared for horses to self-medicate.
est1950: Hundreds of stuides of Ivermectin have been conducted.
Controlled studies are ongoing but have yet been completed for Ivermectin. The evidence at this point is ambiguous.
Kye: Would you fear a person who had no polio, measles, mumps, smallpox vaccine? Of course not because YOU ARE ACTUALLY VACCINATED AGAINST THEM AND CANNOT CONTRACT THOSE DISEASES.
That is false. Here are the efficacies of common vaccines:
Polio (2 doses) 90%
Measles (2 doses), 97%
Mumps (2 doses), 88%
Smallpox (1 dose), 95%
est1950: It’s no wonder no one trusts anyone anymore.
I blame the rampant mis- and disinformation on social media – facebook, twitter, youtube etc. As citizens we must become better at sifting through the clutter.
Ivermectin – Yes, it is a valuable medicine for the treatment of parasitic worm infections in both humans and animals.
And yes, there have been multiple studies conducted investigating ivermectin as a preventive or treatment for Covid-19 infections based on in vitro anti-viral activity. The quality of the conducted studies has been mixed as have the results. Another commenter here accepts as proof of ivermectin’s efficacy that his sister didn’t die from Covid after receiving ivermectin as a treatment. A retrospective study concluded that ivermectin WAS efficacious but cautioned that: Randomized controlled trials are needed to confirm these findings. Randomized controlled trials are what “killed” hydroxychloroquine. What the CDC, NIH and FDA are saying is the data are insufficient at this time to recommend ivermectin treatment, but higher quality studies are underway. A recent meta-analysis of randomized, controlled trials (RCTs) concluded that ivermectin had no significant effect on Covid-19 patients.
Even with the conflicting clinical data, one could fairly argue what are the risks of using ivermectin in Covid patients? No drug is risk free and AEs and SAEs can appear with wider use. “Polypharmacy”, ie, the use of multiple drugs can lead to SAEs. Finally, a “run” on unapproved drugs can lead to global shortages for indicated diseases where true efficacy has been demonstrated.
est1950: Monoclonal antibodies was offered to me today. They said it tends to make you vaccine weaker.
Not sure what he means by “make you vaccine weaker”. Perhaps he can offer a citation that clarifies.
Covid-19 vaccines have been demonstrated effective. The vaccines appear to generate both humoral (antibody) and cellular responses.
Throwing up one’s hands in defeat and inventing byzantine conspiracies is not useful. If one has evidence that Big Pharma and the Big Gov’t are colluding to kill Americans for political purposes, please share the evidence.
If one has evidence that scientists and managers at NIH, FDA and CDC are taking “under the table” payments from pharma companies, then come forward with the evidence and let’s prosecute the grifters! But accusations without evidence is worthless.
“If one has evidence that scientists and managers at NIH, FDA and CDC are taking “under the table†payments from pharma companies, then come forward with the evidence and let’s prosecute the grifters! But accusations without evidence is worthless.”
Just so you know accusations are how investigations start, then evidence is gathered then proof in court. You are closing your eyes again just like you did with AGW, the election steal, and hunter Biden. you are a nincompoop.
Kye: Just so you know accusations are how investigations start, then evidence is gathered then proof in court.
You can accuse anyone of anything. However, investigations start with reasonable suspicion. You failed to provide evidence of reasonable suspicion, much less probable cause or proof beyond reasonable doubt.
I was offered a cocktail that included casirivimab and imdevimab. They handed me a 3 page print out.
Manufactured by:
Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
777 Old Saw Mill River Road
Tarrytown, NY 10591-6707
REGENERON had ZERO use in treating Covid-19 but was given an EUA by the FDA before any trails of its efficacy was proven. Why?
There are very few studies of Regeneron compared to 1000’s of studies of Ivermechtin which is a reliable drug with minimal side effects.
Zach constantly is a source of misinformation. You shouldn’t use drugs prepared for horses to self-medicate…is his response to me pointing out Ivermechtin was given the nobel peace prize and is used to treat hundreds of millions of people around the world.
Seriously Zach? How much does Big Pharma pay you?
ZACH RESPONDS TO MY POST WITH THIS NONSENSE: Controlled studies are ongoing but have yet been completed for Ivermectin. The evidence at this point is ambiguous.
Ivermectin for COVID-19: real-time analysis of all 113 studies
Remdesivir studies?
Remdesivir has not, so far, been studied in the Recovery trial. From August to November, there was an ACTT-3, to test the antiviral interferon, though the results are not yet available.
We conducted a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial of intravenous remdesivir in adults who were hospitalized with Covid-19 and had evidence of lower respiratory tract infection.
THIS WAS LONG AFTER IT WAS GIVEN AN EUA. Yet Ivermechtin has had trial after trial and it is still smeared by people like ZACH for unknown reasons. I am not sure why ZACH has taken it upon himself to disparage anything that might help the sick.
Currently, there are about six trials and studies being done globally for remdesivir. China has initiated two clinical trials using remdesivir in multiple sites in Hubei province, the worst hit with COVID-19. One study will focus on critically ill patients with low oxygen levels. The other study will focus on patients with moderate symptoms.
S I X 6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6 trials.
Ivermechtin has had over 100.
But thats okay Zach. One moment you are a lawyer, the next a doctor and the next an Epidemiologist.
Thank you for your amazing service to disinformation.
est1950: REGENERON had ZERO use in treating Covid-19 but was given an EUA by the FDA before any trails of its efficacy was proven.
That is incorrect. Regeneron completed phase 1/2/3 trials in September 2020, and the FDA granted the EUA in November 2020.
est1950: There are very few studies of Regeneron compared to 1000’s of studies of Ivermechtin which is a reliable drug with minimal side effects.
No phase 3 trials of Ivermectin have been completed, but are ongoing.
est1950: YET: Ivermectin for COVID-19: real-time analysis of all 113 studies
The link is to the FLCCC (Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance), a collection of physicians who support ivermectin as a treatment based on their own anecdotal observations and poorly controlled clinical studies. The result of 100 poorly controlled studies does not substitute for a statistically sound, randomized, controlled trial. “Data” is not the plural of “anecdote”.
If one is desperate to end the pandemic before a more lethal or resistant strain emerges, advocate vaccination. In medicine, prevention is preferable to treatment.
I remind everyone that the reason the Z’s are here is for you to do their home work for high school debate. They talk in circles and don’t have a rats ass about any subject. Soy boys all.
I have never seen a response like we have witnessed in the COVID. Doctors have been free to treat illnesses like the flu in any manner they see fit. Yet there are multiple blocks on every thing. Protocol will not allow treatment till you enter the hospital and you can’t enter until the disease is well advanced. Now, what are the side effects for taking any of the drugs you have discussed, few to none. In other words they are safe, so what is the big deal on preventing use. Everything the government has done in this illness is geared to getting the worse outcome possible.
Don’t know about y’all but with the steal, open borders, not enforcing crime laws, complete disregard for the Constitution, and this COVID bullshit (caused by Fauci and his buddies), I would say the government does not exist for us.
“I would say the government does not exist for us.”
Well, david7134, I would say we’d be better off if the government didn’t exist for us since it’s been actively hostile and in many cases deadly. Our government has shown open hate for the very people it’s mandated to serve and total contempt for our Constitution, our history and our culture.
They have closed small businesses forcing tens of thousands out of business forever, forced lower and middle class working Americans out of jobs and spent the last 18 months scaring the shit out of people over a flu. They did this while changing the requirements almost weekly: “I won’t get vaccinated if Trump says to”. You must wear a mask and “social distance” (another leftist Orwellian use of language if I ever heard one). You should wear “at least” 2 masks. Masks don’t work. You can gather at BLM riots and Antifa burnings but not at your daughters wedding. Vaccine will protect yo BUT still wear a mask. The vaccine is only 90% effective, I mean 80%, Oops I mean 69% so wear two masks and don’t gather outside. The Wuhan flu came from a Red Chinese lab located in appropriately, Wuhan China. No it didn’t it was from a “wet market” cause that’s what wet markets do.
IF THE VACCINE WORKS YOU SHOULDN’T CARE IF ANY ONE ELSE IS VACCINATED, YOU ARE PROTECTED. Just like with Polio, and several other diseases. If the vaccine doesn’t work then THEY LIED TO YOU. Stop listening to the lies.
The very idea that America has spawned the likes of the 3 Blind Mice is repugnant to the American Way. That they are willing to trade their birthright, Liberty, honesty, loyalty, morality over a flu with a mortality rate of 1% is sickening but for these despots to force others against their will to follow them to perdition is morally corrupt for Americans.
Despicable! I spit on these Nazi pigs. Ptooie!
Sorry, but no vaccine offers perfect protection. Here’s an example of a measles breakthrough outbreak in Sweden:
Nothing offers “perfect protection” you fukin dumbass and I wasn’t suggesting it did. Or do you suppose because you can Google your dumbass back to2017 in another country and a breakout infection and give credibility to your dumbass assertion?
Vaccines should give enough protection that you don’t need the Nazi government to FORCE anyone to take it. There are still people who get Polio so are you gonna lock down America over it?
Kye: Vaccines should give enough protection that you don’t need the Nazi government to FORCE anyone to take it.
Mandatory vaccination is deeply embedded in common and statutory law. Indeed, George Washington mandated variolation for the entire Continental Army. Nearly everyone is the U.S. has been under mandatory vaccination when they were children attending public schools. Community protection sometimes requires mass vaccination.
The last case of polio in the Americas was a Peruvian lad in 1991. There are still “wild” cases of polio in Pakistan and Afghanistan and cases of virus mutations from the “attenuated” oral vaccine that lead to active infections. These outbreaks can spread to other nations but peter out because of herd immunity where heavily vaccinated. The numbers are in the tens and hundreds, not millions. Like smallpox, polio will eventually be eradicated, thanks to the WHO
(the health org, not the band).
Sounds familiar, doesn’t it?
Anyhow, rather than being a Nazi plot, and although the US Constitution is silent on “vaccination”, “Covid”, “smallpox” and “DTaP”, mandated vaccinations are as American as George Washington, baseball, hot dogs, Supreme Court and apple pie.
Nobody claims vaccinations aren’t as American as George Washington, baseball, hot dogs, Supreme Court and apple pie. We’re saying FORCING other people to put medicine in their bodies is no American. Take your fuking vac and STFU about dictating what other people do.
It’s just like you getting bent out of shape because you didn’t like the way people in Texas made their abortion laws. You even want the right to kill babies not even in your state that’s how fuking evil you are.
Why is it you leftists can’t leave other people alone? Why do you insist whatever you say is the only way and we must OBEY?
Kye: We’re saying FORCING other people to put medicine in their bodies is no American.
Then George Washington wasn’t American.
Why aren’t conservative Americans working as hard to eliminate ALL the unAmerican policies that mandate vaccinations for school children, the military and immigrants?
Aren’t these policies also as unAmerican, fascistic and Nazi-like as a Covid vaccine mandate?
Are these policies leftist?
If vaccines are so good why did the illegal leader “carve out” the USPS?
Could it be to keep the flow of illegal ballots moving at election time? Or a payback for their participation in the last election steal?
Kye: If vaccines are so good why did the illegal leader “carve out†the USPS?
Technically not federal employees, USPS employees are not under the executive order concerning federal employees, but are still under the new OSHA guidelines requiring vaccination.
Kye: Could it be to keep the flow of illegal ballots moving at election time?
As your premise was false, could it be that you reached your conclusion first, then tried to collect evidence you thought might support it?
That is incorrect. Regeneron completed phase 1/2/3 trials in September 2020, and the FDA granted the EUA in November 2020.
You do understand that the EUA given to Regeneron was from one study. Yet there are 1000’s of studies of Ivermechtin in its broad use around the world.
Not to mention there are over 100 trials ongoing that show Ivermechtin as effective yet you continue to parse words.
EUA….ONE trial and Regeneron is good to go….Hundreds and perhaps thousands of trials of Ivermechtin and still you continue to push this drug as a HORSE DEWORMER.
By your own admission you now realize the nonsense you have been spewing about Ivermechtin being a Horse de-wormer once confronted with the amount of usasges this nobel peach prize winning drug has received.
EUA says….IF THERE IS NO OTHER TREATMENT available, then it is possible to authorize and EUA for a medical condition. This is the sole reason why no one will allow Ivermechtin to even leave the shelves from pharmacies around this country.
Introduction: The low frequency of cases and deaths from the SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19 virus in some countries of Africa has called our attention about the unusual behavior of this disease. The ivermectin is considered a drug of choice for various parasitic and viral diseases and shown to have in vitro effects against SARS-CoV-2.
Aims: Our study aimed to describe SARS-CoV2 infection and death rates in African countries that participated in an intensive Ivermectin mass campaign carried out to control onchocerciasis and compare them with those of countries that did not participate.
In other countries Ivermechtin is working to reduce deaths and infections. PERIOD.
YET in the USA controlled by BIG PHARMA where ZACH is an absolute beast in defending their Territory we cannot get Ivermechtin into a serious double blind study the way Regeneron was given instantly when Covid showed up.
You can go on and on bashing Ivermechtin but every doctor I have talked to and that has been many says that it works. Its not a cure, its not a magic bullet but it helps reduce viral load and it helps keep people out of the hospital.
At least five large, prospective, randomized, double blind, placebo controlled clinical studies are recruiting/enrolling patients in the US.
est1950: You do understand that the EUA given to Regeneron was from one study. Yet there are 1000’s of studies of Ivermechtin in its broad use around the world.
It only takes one positive study if it meets the quality standard for a phase 3 trial. The Regeneron phase 3 study met the FDA requirement. The Ivermectin studies are of uneven quality, not controlled, or have small sample sizes.
est1950: IF THERE IS NO OTHER TREATMENT available, then it is possible to authorize and EUA for a medical condition.
Ivermectin does not qualify as “OTHER TREATMENT” under the statute, because it is not currently approved for treatment of COVID-19, and that’s because it hasn’t passed phase 3 trials as yet.
est1950: The low frequency of cases and deaths from the SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19 virus in some countries of Africa has called our attention about the unusual behavior of this disease.
Calling attention may justify a closer look, however, African nations have poor medical reporting. The number of cases is probably much higher than is being reported. That’s why controlled tests are required.
est1950: we cannot get Ivermechtin into a serious double blind study the way Regeneron was given instantly when Covid showed up.
We commented more than once that phase 3 trials for Ivermectin are on-going. We know you read it because you copied and responded to the comment.