They really do want to force everyone to comply
Fauci says he would support vaccine requirements for air travel
Anthony Fauci said in a new interview that he would support vaccine requirements for air travel.
“I would support that, if you want to get on a plane and travel with other people that you should be vaccinated,†Fauci said during an interview with theSkimm’s “Skimm This” podcast, which was taped Friday and is set to be released Thursday.
Fauci’s backing of a travel vaccine mandate comes after Rep. Don Beyer (D-Va.) introduced a bill on Thursday that calls for all airline and train passengers in the U.S. to show proof of vaccination or a present negative COVID-19 test in order to travel.
The legislation, dubbed the Safe Travel Act, advocates for all travelers on Amtrak and commercial airlines to be vaccinated against COVID-19 or provide a negative coronavirus test taken within 72 hours of traveling.
The bill also seeks to require that employees, contractors and subcontractors of Amtrak and commercial airlines either show proof of a completed vaccination series or present a negative COVID-19 test at least once per week.
You vill show your papers, Comrade.
Study: COVID-19 transmission risk on airplanes ‘virtually non-existent’ when passengers wear masks
A new study released Thursday shows that the risk of COVID-19 transmission is “virtually non-existent” during air travel when passengers wear masks.
The study, conducted by the Department of Defense in partnership with United Airlines, found that when seated with a mask on, “only 0.003% of particles actually made their way into another passenger’s breathing zone.” The results have yet to be peer-reviewed.
Remember when the government was saying that traveling by air was safe if you wore a mask (which people kept taking off to drink and eat), because of the unique conditions on airplanes? It was safe enough that people were jammed in with zero social distancing. There were no vaccines. Flights were never considered super spreader events. Sure, the CDC recommended against traveling for Thanksgiving and Christmas, but, did not screech out “don’t travel!!!!!” Now they want to force people to show their papers to travel.
Again, I’m not against the vaccines, I’m for them. I’m against using government force. Especially since the same people who are saying everyone needs to take the vaccine to safeguard against the Chinese coronavirus are not protected against the Chinese coronavirus by the vaccine unless everyone else has it. If others want to take their chance, that’s on them. I will say, I do approve of requiring a negative COVID test to fly.

Does Teach want to stop all vaccine mandates, e.g., for students, against measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria, tetanus, chickenpox etc; for healthcare workers, against influenza, hepatitis, measles, mumps, rubella, pneumococcal pneumonia and varicella; and for the military? If not, why not?
The nuCon opposition to Covid vaccines is based on politics, not science.
If it’s such an emergency and soooo important for everyone to be vaccinated…
Why aren’t postal workers mandated to take the jab?
Why aren’t members of Congress and their staffs mandated to take the jab?
Why aren’t federal courts and all who work within them mandated to take the jab?
Why aren’t illegal aliens and Afghani refugees mandated to take the jab before entering the US?
C’mon Rimjob, being the dipshit you are, tell us why.

Bwaha! Lolgf
The Centers for Disease Control said, on August 26, 2021:
If the fully vaccinated are still able to contract the virus, and are still able to “infect others,†then why would Joe Biden’s fascist vaccine mandate exempt the fully vaccinated from regular COVID testing?
The answer is simple: it’s not to slow the spread of the virus, but to compel people to submit to authoritarian dictates!
Dana: If the fully vaccinated are still able to contract the virus, and are still able to “infect others,†then why would Joe Biden’s fascist vaccine mandate exempt the fully vaccinated from regular COVID testing?
The answer may not be simple but some people sure are. Dana is usually not that simple.
A few points… If vaccine mandates are “fascist” why do you tolerate them for children, healthcare workers and the military? (This should be good! We know, we know… this is a federal mandate that overrides local control – ignoring that nuGOP governors are allowing their citizens to die. Anything else?)
The fully vaccinated are much less likely to contract the virus, therefore less likely to infect others and much less likely to be hospitalized and to die. Sounds like a win, win, win, win.
N.B. – “Thousands” are fewer than “millions”.
Now a question: What motivates nuGOPhers/nuCons to want this pandemic to continue and for thousands more Americans to die? FREEDOM!! is their excuse, but what is the reason? Disruption. Anarchy. Power. Authoritarianism. tRump.
So as far as your concerned either you’re for forcing everyone to do what you want or you want the pandemic (which is now over BTW) to continue and thousands more Americans to die? You mean we can’t treat the flu any other way? It’s either give up our Freedom or die? Wow, your paranoia knows no bounds.
Really now?

Then why did Joey basically open the gates wide on our southern border, permitting hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants to come pouring into our country?
And why is Joey flying in tens of thousands of unvetted Afghani refugees and resettling them in swing states?
Neither of these sound like protection to me. In fact, it sounds like you’re just trying to make America a lot less protected.
Bwaha! Lolgf
The distinguished Mr Dowd wrote:
Actually, though we just used to accept those mandates, the public have been slowly working against them over the past couple of decades. Various exemptions to vaccine requirements have been in place for several years now due to those concerns.
This is about as dumb as Mr Dowd gets; the advocacy of freedom and individual rights he now equates with both anarchy and authoritarianism, which are diametrically opposed.
Fighting authoritarianism does not equal anarchy. And surely even you can see that these dictates imposed by the government, without even the consent of state legislatures or Congress, are one-man dictates.
So Mr Dana is anti-vaccination but was vaccinated himself. Teach those fascists a lesson and refuse any booster shots!!
And your seat belt use is your choice! Some 90% of Americans nationwide disagree with you, but you be you! At least your negligence (FREEDOM!!) mostly affects you (although your family may miss you if you die in a crash), but they probably would respect your decision. “He died doing what he loved, flying through the windshield of his truck headfirst.”
Rimjob, dipshit that he is, keeps bringing the stupid.

He just can’t help him himseif.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Stop mandating seat belt use
Don’t let them take our freedoms away
Were seat belts mandated to be injected into your body? Who knew?
You needn’t worry; other than on snowy or icy roads, in conditions in which I decide to use them, I never wear seat belts.
Actually, that deserves a longer answer. In the 1960s and 1970s, states were mandating the wearing of helmets while riding a motorcycle, but as time passed, a lot of states dropped those helmet laws, because riders demanded it. One state, Delaware IIRC, you have to have a helmet on the bike, but you don’t have to be wearing it.
A lot of people don’t wear seat belts, but because that isn’t as visible to the police, there isn’t that much pressure to eliminate them; people just ignore the laws, just like they ignore speed
limitssuggestions.As its first stated principle outlining the bare minimum required of medical professionals “to satisfy moral, ethical, and legal” duties, the 1947 Nuremberg Code:
“The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision.”
So according to the Nuremberg Code illegal joe, Fauxci and their supporters (we call them the SS) will be considered criminals of humanity and subject to the same punishments as their forbearers the Nazi’s like Mengele.
It really is amazing how the left in America especially the demofascist are on the same philosophical ideals as their Nazi predecessors: killing babies, forced medical procedures, separation of citizens by race and/or religion, scapegoating, demonizing “the other” and so on.
The similarities are staggering. When will Elwood call for the imprisonment or gassing of the “vaccination hesitant”?
Reasonable questions… but you’re mixing pineapples and hippopotami.
The Nuremberg Code refers to HUMAN EXPERIMENTATION as revealed in the trials of Nazi “doctors”.
Don’t get us wrong, we admire the ingenuity of the nuCons trying to equate the required vaccination of schoolchildren, healthcare workers and troops with Nazi atrocities, just as we admire the nuCons’ genius in establishing the “snitch” corps in Texas!
Do nuCons really want to start trying governors, state health officials, Sec of Defense, hospital heads etc for war crimes for mandating vaccinations for school kids, medicos and soldiers?? Really?
It’s sheer lunacy to think that vaccinations are the next step toward imprisonment and execution (only nations like the US, Botswana, Egypt, China, Iran, Saudi Arabia, North Korea, Somalia, Sudan, Yemen etc). And aren’t nuCons still in favor of capital punishment? Personally, we’re against it.
And anyway, killing babies is still illegal, so not sure why nuCons keep bringing it up. If they can tell us where babies or children are being murdered, we will absolutely join them in stopping it. There are only a handful of nations that prohibit all abortions (the way nuCons desire), including such bastions of freedom as Honduras, Nicaragua, Mauritania, Congo, Egypt and Iraq. Only 5% of the world’s women live under regimes that prohibit all abortions (the way nuCons desire). That leaves 95% of the world’s women with some reasonable access. Western nations, i.e., US, Canada, Europe, Israel etc…
The esteemed Mr Dowd wrote:
So, what would you call the mandatory administration of a vaccine, two out of three of which have still only been approved on an emergency basis, and on which no long term studies have been done because they haven’t existed for even a year yet?
Not human experimentation.
What would you call hundreds of thousands of Americans getting infected with Covid each day? We have evidence from “long-term” studies of Covid there are lasting effects from the infection.
The vaccine clinical trials were conducted in 10s of thousands of volunteers with informed consent, which actually was human experimentation that met the requirements of the Nuremberg Code.
US clinical trials are conducted with informed consent after a thorough review of in vitro and animal safety data by the US FDA.
Another lie from Rimjob.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Rimjob: What would you call hundreds of thousands of Americans getting infected with Covid each day?
Flu season. What would you call it when people get a flu that is 98-99% survivable?
“The vaccine clinical trials were conducted in 10s of thousands of volunteers with informed consent, which actually was human experimentation that met the requirements of the Nuremberg Code.”
BULLSHIT. The vaccines were given a cart blank exemption from lawsuits and nowhere do you see any “required” disclaimers about the side effects of these illegal drugs. That’s because there was no time to properly test the effects. BTW, telling a public terrified by leftist propaganda to “test” a drug is not what is meant by ” free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision.†Even to a Nazi asshole like you.
The first duty of any government in dealing with any issue whatever is objectivity and truth. There are no legitimate circumstances for governments to lie, distort the truth, or peddle deliberate exaggerations. During the entirety of the pandemic, in an end justifying the means scenario, the government and their sycophant media have not been forthcoming or honest with the people.
The result has been what began as a public health crisis is still a public health crisis, but it’s also an economic crisis, an educational crisis, a moral crisis, and a social crisis on top of that. The last four aspects of this crisis, which are the worst aspects, are entirely manmade in order to manipulate the populace, win an election and increase the power of the elite class.
Elwood’s entire reason for being is to FORCE other people to bow to his desires and demands and to punish those who display the American trait of telling him to go fuk himself. Just like his beloved illegal “leader”. All cut from the same cloth as their heroes Adolf and Mengele.
The commenter has no understanding of how clinical trials are conducted, but still blathers on with lies and bullshit.
Clinical trials rely on volunteers. Why did the commenter accept vaccination (which may well have saved his life)?