…is the need to build living spaces high due to the Coming Sea Rise, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Virtual Mirage, with a post on Creepy Joe’s corporate tax hike plan.

…is the need to build living spaces high due to the Coming Sea Rise, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Virtual Mirage, with a post on Creepy Joe’s corporate tax hike plan.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Even the kids are punking Joey.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Shades of Uncle Joe…

Bwaha! Lolgf
The Defense Department supports the ongoing efforts of US military veterans to help evacuate at risk Afghans from the country, Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said Monday.Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin “shares the same concerns that so many of these veterans groups and.
OUR WOKE PENTAGON. OUR WOKE DEFENSE DEPARTMENT. OUR WOKE LEADERS are all in on those True soldiers who are able to fight to rescue the BIDEN ADMINISTRATION FROM UTTER DISASTER. Yet I bet they have refused to allow Seals, Green Berets or other elite units to go into Afghanistan and get our people out.
Stupid is as stupid does and the people leading our defense department and military are Blithering IDIOTS more interested in the color of your skin and the sex of your gender then they are in having a fighting force capable to meet all challenges.
Do not click on this link. It is highly suspect and without strong protection you are going to have heart ache and sorrow. I make 100 dollars per hour doing real work kid. Get a real job, because your job consists of getting people to click on the above link.
Mr. Teach you should scrub these posts by Richard hoard.
Sorry Richard, I couldn’t take the pay cut.
Another right-wing anti-vaxxer hoist with his own petard.
Sounds like a good christian man… Maybe a nuChristian filled with hate?
Both Enyart and his wife contracted Covid and Mr Enyart died within two weeks of being diagnosed.
Right-wingers should add anti-vaxxism as a co-morbidity. At least Enyart had the faith of his convictions and refused to be vaccinated unlike so many other anti-vaxxes.