Every once in a while the doomsday Cult of Climastrology comes up with something new
Climate change is sabotaging education for American students – and it’s only getting worse
The wildfires that ripped through California towns torched school buildings and postponed the start of school as students and teachers were left homeless. A deadly deluge in Tennessee flooded schools and delayed classes as rescue teams searched for dozens of people who’d gone missing. Students around the country were dismissed early due to heat waves and Hurricane Ida, while smoke settled over towns and cities as far east as Philadelphia, sending kids inside for recess.
Wildfires, eh?
So, the fire wasn't caused by 'climate change'? https://t.co/ucka2Ii3so
— William Teach2 ??????? #refuseresist (@WTeach2) September 19, 2021
They’re suing over negligence of PG&E, not because the Earth got a little warmer since 1850
This summer brought not only a resurgence of the coronavirus but also some of the starkest evidence yet of the devastating toll that climate change will take on the planet – and on the lives and learning of children. As humans continue to unleash greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, fires, hurricanes, floods, droughts and heat waves are intensifying, in some cases forcing kids to flee their homes and classrooms and shattering their sense of security.
School buildings and budgets aren’t up to the task of weathering climate disasters and the experience of living through these calamities is adding to the mental health strains on students already burdened by the coronavirus pandemic.
It’s a long, long piece which is long on bringing up disasters and short on providing evidence that it is in any way man caused via carbon pollution, fossil fuels, and the rest, ending with
Mental health professionals say we may have entered a new reality in which almost everyone, including children, is touched by climate change – and routinely so. “This summer has been a wakeup call for what we mean when we say climate change is a threat multiplier, in which many things come together to increase stress on people,†said Elizabeth Haase, chair of the American Psychiatric Association Committee on Climate Change and Mental Health.
Pretty much ever summer, and now winter, is a “wake up call” with these cultists. Perhaps if they didn’t position a slight temperature increase as Doom there would be no stress on the kids. But, then, the entire political movement of empowering government to control everyone’s lives would collapse.

So in regards to the actual existence, or effect, or cause – or not – of “Climate Change”, she knows no more than me.
Climate Anxiety” is quite real – but no “Climate Emergency” needs exist for that to be so. After all, if you’re actually paranoid, it doesn’t mean anybody’s actually after you.
Can’t we just keep the kids out of school for two weeks until we flatten the new ice ag…global warmi…Climate Change curve?
You cannot possibly be this dense. Global warming does not start the fires, but makes it much more likely from the heat and drought that the fires propagate rapidly.
If you fail to douse your campfire in a verdant, damp forest, you’re unlikely to start a major forest fire. If you fail to douse your campfire in a browned, bone dry forest, you’re more likely to start a major forest fire.
You cannot possibly be this dense.
You, OTOH, know no limit.
One of the main reasons they propagate rapidly is because of an abundance of fuel, due of course to poor forest management procedures. And seeing as 80-90% of wildfires are caused by humans, one would expect to see more simply due to the fact that there’s more humans visiting forests, either through camping, building of power lines, and in some instances arson. But they aren’t any worse than they used to be, though of course some of that is due to advanced detection and firefighting techniques. As far as droughts, they are no worse than they used to be.
The Pettifoggers are lined up elbow to elbow trying to get in on the grab here. Big problem, the tree that fell into the lines was from outside of the power line R.O.W. green alive and on Forest Circus property. Hard to prevent a tree from hitting the lines when you are not allowed to remove it.