Say, Why Aren’t Companies Fighting China Joe’s Vaccine Mandate?

Well, for one thing, the actual mandate rule from OSHA hasn’t been released. This might change once it is. And then

Here’s Why Companies Aren’t Fighting Biden’s Employee Vaccine Mandate

President Biden met last week with business leaders to inspire others to require their employees to get vaccinated against COVID-19. His recent guidelines—that all companies with more than 100 employees mandate vaccination or weekly COVID-19 testing—caused a stir among workers claiming that it infringes upon their rights to medical freedom.

The mandate would potentially affect 80 million private-sector workers. All told, about 64% of the nation’s 157 million-member workforce could be mandated to be vaccinated or regularly tested. While the $14,000 penalty for companies that don’t comply, along with the requirement to provide paid time off for employees to get vaccinated or tested regularly, place a burden on companies, few so far have refused to participate.

One reason: less than 2% of the nation’s private businesses actually qualify.

While large companies such as Walmart, Amazon, FedEx, and Target employ hundreds of thousands of Americans each, over 98% of U.S. companies are small businesses that employ under 100 people, with a total of nearly 43 million workers. And some of those large companies already had vaccine mandates in place. CVS, for example—one of the largest employers in the U.S.—announced an employee mandate on Aug. 23. Google, another major U.S. employer, announced a worker vaccine mandate in July. Deloitte and McDonald’s have also issued mandates.

Well, that’s one way to look at it. Of course, many companies with just over 100 employees may soon downsize to 99. Another way is that, of 17,677,325 businesses in U.S., 1,920,509 of them employ 100+ employees. Remember, a lot of what we think of as big companies, such as fast food ones, are really franchised, hence, the number who work for, say, McDonald’s, is actually rather low. That local one down the road is a standalone business which may have 50 employees, so, that there over 210K who work at a McDonald’s, they aren’t employees of the McDonald’s corporation.

With the mandate, the Biden administration seems focused on increasing vaccination numbers without placing undue burden on the country’s many small businesses. In fact, in the midst of a labor shortage, the nation’s small businesses could see a windfall of job applicants if workers leave larger companies that will require them to get vaccinated.

That could happen. It remains to be seen. But, we’ll have to see what happens with the 100+ private sector companies and the less than 100 once the rule is released, which will certainly face lots of lawsuits.


After Altercation at Restaurant, Black Lives Matter Claims NYC Vaccine Mandate Is Being Weaponized

After a skirmish involving NYC’s vaccine mandate and African-American patrons erupted at Carmine’s restaurant in the Upper West Side last week, Black Lives Matter of Greater New York and related organizations converged in front of the establishment Monday to protest and hold a news conference. (snip through what happened)

Chivona Newsome, the other co-founder of BLM NYC, targeted Mayor Bill de Blasio’s vaccine mandate more specifically in her remarks. She implied that the edict has resulted in repeats of historical episodes when blacks were disenfranchised from society.

“Being a doctor does not protect you from anti-blackness. Having a vaccination card does not protect you from discrimination. The 1964 Civil Rights Act prohibits the actions of Carmine’s. It says it is illegal to discriminate against you on the basis of race,” she said.

“Seventy-two percent of black people in this city from ages 18 to 44 are unvaccinated. So what is going to stop the Gestapo, I mean the NYPD, from rounding up black people, from snatching them off the train, off the bus?” she added.

This will get interesting. And

Raleigh officials: Mask mandate stays until positive tests drop below 5%

Raleigh officials said during a city council meeting on Tuesday that the city would continue to require that people wear face masks in all public and private indoor settings until the daily rate of positive coronavirus tests drops below 5%.

Neighborhoods in Raleigh and Wake Forest have two of the three highest totals of coronavirus infections in North Carolina, WRAL News reported on Monday and Wake County overall has a positivity rate of 5.8% as of Tuesday, city officials said during Tuesday’s city council meeting.

Um, so what is the positivity rate for Raleigh? The article fails to say. This is why so many local news stations are having issues, because their reporting is shoddy.

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36 Responses to “Say, Why Aren’t Companies Fighting China Joe’s Vaccine Mandate?”

  1. drowningpuppies says:

    “Gonna put y’all back in chain-za!”
    — Joey —

    Bwaha! Lolgf

  2. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Teach: “Say, Why Aren’t Companies Fighting (slur> Joe’s Vaccine Mandate?”

    Because the mandates benefit the companies?

    Maybe all companies with greater than 100 employees are managed by communists?

    The American far-right is wrong?

    • Dana says:

      Sadly, Mr Dowd is right on this one: a lot of corporate management believe that the vaccines are helpful, and the mandate gives them the excuse they need to impose it on their companies. Vaccination does not eliminate the possibility someone will get COVID, but it does reduce the probabilities, and it (usually) reduces how ill a person who does contract COVID will become. This reduces the spread, it reduces absenteeism, as vaccinated people who contract it will be more likely to be completely asymptomatic, never know they have it, and not miss work, and it reduces health insurance costs for corporations down the road.

      I have never argued that vaccination is a bad thing; I have only argued that it ought to be an individual choice.

    • est1950 says:

      Maybe all companies with greater than 100 employees are managed by communists?

      BINGO….Elwood has actually accidentally hit on a truism that exists in the USA.

      For the past 30 years our universities and high schools have churned out communist thinking kiddo’s who truly believe that communism is good. It is why trying to penalize these corporations for their WOKENESS is futile because those in charge are WOKE COMMUNISTS who honestly have every intention of destroying their own business from within.

      I suggest that everyone who has money in the stock market pull it now. Right now 100’s of ships are parked off our coast because they can’t be unloaded. Why is that do you think?

      Why is Walmart and Home Depot and Lowes a critical need corporation? But 10’s of thousands of mom and pops are NOT? Why does the trucks roll relentlessly to the big corporations run by communists but MOM and POP cant even open without being fined for something by their blue state Brown Shirts?

      Elwood accidentally let the cat out of the bag…..INDEED most companies are now run by communists.

      2021 corporations and big businesses are much like the closet Gays of the 70’s and 80’s. They are there, they are doing what they do, they just didn’t flaunt it yet.

      Give em time. Two years. If the USA does not throw out the democrats en masse for an extended period of time, it will be much too late for the USA.

  3. drowningpuppies says:

    Rimjob: Because the mandates benefit the companies?

    Wouldn’t that same bizarre reasoning apply to the USPS, Congress, and the Federal Court system?

    Thanks, dipshit, just for being you.

    Bwaha! Lolgf

    • Kye says:

      He really has no clue as to what a moron he is, drowningpuppies. Not. A. Clue! He fails to understand that if ONE EXCEPTION is made then the entire thing is a sham!!! Or is he telling us the demofascist flue just doesn’t attack members of Congress, the court system or the USPS? If he believes that he’s a moron too.

      NEW YORK, NY—After conducting several trials, Pfizer has announced that their vaccine is now almost as safe for kids as getting COVID is.

      “We are very proud of this achievement,” said a Pfizer spokesperson. “We can now confidently say that there is only a very small chance your child will suffer life-altering complications or death from the vaccine. Chances are still a bit higher than the chances of your kid dying from COVID, but hey! Give us some credit here! Not bad, huh?”

      Experts confirmed that even though there is a statistically 0% chance of kids dying from COVID, parents should still require kids to get the vaccine immediately, to make up for Pfizer’s financial loss from the FDA not approving booster shots right away.

      “Besides,” said one expert, “kids are puny and can’t even fight back with their skinny little arms and legs. Just get them vaccinated—to protect yourself—since your safety is the highest priority here.”

      Pfizer is hoping they can get kids fully vaccinated before their Q3 sales numbers come out.

      • Zachriel says:

        Kye: Or is he telling us {COVID-19} just doesn’t attack members of Congress, the court system or the USPS?

        USPS is not covered under the federal mandate, but are covered under the new OSHA rules. The legislature and judicial branches are not subject to mandates promulgated by the executive branch.

        • Kye says:

          First of all why? Secondly, makes no difference. If one single person is exempt then it’s a farce. The disease does not know who one works for, if they’re special celebrities, or government thugs.

          Also political mandates regarding personal medical choices then requiring people to share those PRIVATE choices with others reeks of Nazification.

          The government is apathetic and incompetent with a proclivity towards totalitarianism, the mainstream media is in collusion with the government and the opposition (so-called republicans) is in deep slumber.

          The citizen is helpless and is relentlessly being subjected to misinformation, mandates, restrictions, demonization, and intimidation.

          This is how modern authoritarianism functions. This is how the installed biden junta and it’s criminal sycophants function.

          But Trump was a tyrant? Kiss my kraut/mic ass.

          • Zachriel says:

            Kye: If one single person is exempt then it’s a farce.

            That’s not how it works under the U.S. Constitution. It just means that other authorities have to enact the rules. So, in Congress, the Attending Physician of the Capitol can and has enacted rules concerning COVID. Courts also have enacted such rules.

            Kye: Also political mandates regarding personal medical choices then requiring people to share those PRIVATE choices with others reeks of Nazification.

            Next thing you know they’ll make you stop when the light is red.

            The power of government during a pandemic is deeply rooted in common and statutory law. The Supreme Court has ruled that states can enforce a universal vaccine mandate.

      • Elwood P. Dowd says:

        Like Teach, Kye is a moron. And both are hypocrites. They both received vaccinations but dissuade others from doing so! Let the other people die!

        Unlike Kye, Pfizer didn’t take unearned taxpayer dollars. They ARE selling a useful product, though. Why does Kye live off taxpayer welfare yet criticize a corporation for selling their needed and desired product? Kye sounds like a true capitalism-hating commie to me.

        And how moronic of Kye to insist on receiving a vaccine that he claims kills thousands of Americans! There was no mandate.

        • Kye says:

          You are a fuking shit-faced liar. Again. Or is it as usual? Neither Teach nor myself EVER tried to dissuade anyone from getting a vaccination. YOU LIE. Unlike you we try to encourage Freedom of personal choice regarding medical procedures. Therefore, neither of us are hypocrites and you are once again a PROVEN LIAR.

          “Unlike Kye, Pfizer didn’t take unearned taxpayer dollars. They ARE selling a useful product, though. Why does Kye live off taxpayer welfare yet criticize a corporation for selling their needed and desired product? Kye sounds like a true capitalism-hating commie to me.”

          You again spread lies. Why do you do that when everyone here knows it’s all a lie. I have never taken “unearned taxpayer dollars” in any way. Period. What “taxpayer welfare” do I live off of? I earn every dime of my money and just to bust your balls further I met with my accountant/CFO this morning and my net worth (thanks to the unregulated and criminal actions of the installed biden junta) just passed $10 million. I believe that should make me eligible to become a demofascist. Should I change my voter registration and go unmasked to a party?

          Also I never criticized Pfizer for anything except forcing an untested and unapproved fake “vaccine” on the public by using government force.. Something a Nazi like you apparently thinks is fine. People like you have been defending Big Pharma while allowing hundreds of thousands of Americans DIE by DENYING them HQC and Ivermectin knowing full well those cheap and efficient well tested meds would save lives. You and your demofascist murderers are monsters of the Joseph Mengele stature.

          “And how moronic of Kye to insist on receiving a vaccine that he claims kills thousands of Americans! There was no mandate.”

          I did not “INSIST” on receiving vaccine I reluctantly took THE FIRST AND ONLY THE FIRST DOSE at the nagging behest of my wife. Once again you charge me with “crimes” I did not commit and you knew the circumstances so you deliberately lied and slandered me.

          You’ve gone even lower than I though you could. WOW!

          • Zachriel says:

            Kye: I never criticized Pfizer for anything except forcing an untested and unapproved fake “vaccine” on the public by using government force.

            The Pfizer vaccine was subject to phase 3, double-blind testing, which included 38,000 volunteers, half receiving the vaccine and half receiving a placebo. The FDA provided Emergency approval based on a completed approval process, which included the phase 3 results. The FDA has since provided full approval on a completed approval process, which included long term studies of those who received the vaccine.

          • Elwood P. Dowd says:

            Although he denies it, Kye’s falsehoods regarding the vaccines are intended to dissuade Americans.

            There is no credible evidence that the widespread use of either HCQ or ivermectin would have saved anyone. In fact, if anyone passed on the vaccine thinking there was a “cure” in case they were stricken, the bizarre right-wing devotion to false cures has killed Americans.

            Haha, Kye chivalrously tosses his wife under the bus! She made me do it!! She may have saved your pathetic life, but cost the taxpayers millions.

            You’re a “conservative” collecting millions in government handouts, while importing immigrants, while vaccinated with an agent you criticize and want others to avoid. Kyepocrisy?

        • Dana says:

          The confused Mr Dowd wrote:

          Like Teach, Kye is a moron. And both are hypocrites. They both received vaccinations but dissuade others from doing so! Let the other people die!

          Would you be so kind as to point out exactly where either Kye or our esteemed host have tried to “dissuade others from” getting vaccinated, because if they did so, I have missed it.

          Now, both have, as I have, stated that it should not be a requirement, that people do, and ought to have the right to decline the vaccines, for whatever reasons they have.

          • Elwood P. Dowd says:

            The confused Mr Dana wrote:

            Would you be so kind as to point out exactly where either Kye or our esteemed host have tried to “dissuade others from” getting vaccinated, because if they did so, I have missed it.

            We’re surprised you’ve missed it.

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:

      Teach is a dipshit.

      The USPS IS covered. Congress and the Courts aren’t subject to Executive orders.

      That whole separation of powers thing.

      Neither Teach nor his “lap” puppy are very bright.

      • drowningpuppies says:

        So again, Rimjob, dipshit that he is, still doesn’t answer the question about why members of the USPS, Congress and their aides, and the Federal Court system are not subject to Joey’s national vaccine mandate.

        Are they not human beings or what?
        Are they incapable of contracting Covid and spreading it to others?

        Again, thanks for being the total dipshit you are.

        Bwaha! Lolgf

        • Elwood P. Dowd says:

          So again, Teach, dipshit he is, still doesn’t understand the separation of powers between the co-equal branches of the US gov’t.

          Teach and his fluffers are total dipshits, all!

          • drowningpuppies says:

            Rimjob, dipshit that he is, doesn’t seem to understand Joey’s unlawful and unconstitutional mandate.
            But keep being a dipshit, everyone is laughing at you.

            Bwaha! Lolgf

      • Zachriel says:

        Elwood P. Dowd: The USPS IS covered. Congress and the Courts aren’t subject to Executive orders.

        That’s right. USPS employees are not federal employees, so they won’t be covered by the president’s mandate, but will be covered by the new OSHA rules. And you’re right that the president doesn’t have legal authority over Congress or the Courts.

        • drowningpuppies says:

          KiddieZ: USPS employees are not federal employees, so they won’t be covered by the president’s mandate, but will be covered by the new OSHA rules.

          Actually that is debatable and they may not be covered at all.

          There will be lots of litigation, and some judge, somewhere, will find the mandate unlawful.

          Bwaha! Lolgf

          • david7134 says:

            Notice that you are required to have the approval of a grade school soy boy in order to have an opinion.

          • drowningpuppies says:

            As in the past the KiddieZ contradict themselves so often that it’s rather easy to shoot down their bullshit.

            Same with Rimjob.

            Bwaha! Lolgf

          • Elwood P. Dowd says:

            Bungholio: As in the past the KiddieZ contradict themselves so often that it’s rather easy to shoot down their bullshit.

            And yet, the TeachFascists never “shoot” anything down, LOL.

            It’s telling that right-wing commenters here declare victory without ever joining the battle, LOL.

          • drowningpuppies says:

            Funny that Rimjob thinks his ambiguity is, as does the KiddieZ, somehow a winning argument.
            But then again he’s just a dipshit.

            Bwaha! Lolgf

  4. Hairy says:

    No shirt, no shoes, no service
    Freedom from shoes !!!

  5. says:

    The FDA has since provided full approval on a completed approval process, which included long term studies of those who received the vaccine.

    Notice that Pfizer is and was the only vaccine approved by the FDA. Ahem the ex FDA chief sits on the board of Pfizer….ahem…..

    But in reality the drug companies are panicking and relying on misdirection.

    Ivermectin WORKS.


    • est1950 says:

      Can you beleive that dozens of reports emerged from India that Ivermectin didn’t work and that the government discontinued the use of these home health kits which included the drug?

      SAY IT AINT SO!!!!! Big pharma is going ape shit NAZI on the world trying to kill half of us to protect their profits.

      India has 13 percent vaccination rates and have effectively flattened the curve in India to below USA and UK levels in a third world country with back woods medicine for 90 percent of the people.

      Don’t watch the above video if your an apologist for Big Pharma Elwood and Zach.

    • Zachriel says:

      est1950: Ivermectin WORKS.

      Phase 3 trials of Ivermectin have not been completed, but are ongoing.

  6. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Teach and his fluffer, dipshit that they are, don’t seem to understand that the mandate is lawful and constitutional.

    But keep being a dipshit, everyone is laughing at you.

    • Kye says:

      “Teach and his fluffer, dipshit that they are, don’t seem to understand that the mandate is lawful and constitutional.”

      Says who? You? Eat me. I’m fukin sick and tired of being told what to do by people who hate me, don’t care about me my family or America and who exclude themselves at every opportunity.

      If you believe in America then you believe in medical Freedom and privacy. All others need not apply.

      Thanks to junta joe and Elwood I’m now rich so I only say this for the benefit of the little people. Those of you who must wear masks and lose your jobs and all your personal freedom because Elwood says he’s mandating this that or the other. They like cities where blacks murder each other like they’re trying to win some kind of contest. They love their cities full of poverty, tents and people shitting on the streets. That is the result of their compassion, care and love. They love teaching blacks to hate Whites and Whites to fear blacks. It’s diversity don’t ya see?

      There seems to be a tsunami of tax payer money rolling toward me just to provide housing for the poor, diseased, dirty, illiterate people We elites have chosen to replace you American middle class. Mazel tov.

      Elwood hates you. The government and almost everything else is run by people like Elwood. If your government hates you what should you do? Take your time.

      • drowningpuppies says:

        Every commenter here at the Cove understands that Rimjob is a sociopath who constantly lies about the motivations and mindset of others.
        He enjoys making up shit in order to irritate and annoy others.
        Being the dipshit he is he must get some perverse pleasure by doing so.
        Fortunately one eventually learns to not take his childish rants seriously but to laugh at the infantile stupidity.

        Bwaha! Lolgf

        • david7134 says:

          He is beyond a sociopath, more like a fucking nut job. And I think he wants a relationship with the grade school soy boy.

          • Elwood P. Dowd says:

            duke and Bungholio are two guys sitting together on the couch jerking each other off. LOL. The Fluffer Bros. LOL.

            You’re the two least value adding commenters, and should crawl back into the basket of deplorables! Losers!

            At least Kye claims to have found a way to grift money out of taxpayers. Has he thanked you boyz yet for your contributions? LOL.

            How do you boyz live with yourselves knowing that high school soy boys outsmart you daily? Don’t ever change.

  7. Kye says:

    “At least Kye claims to have found a way to grift money out of taxpayers.”

    I resent that. Please explain to me how creating a LEGAL business, an NGO just like the dozens of others currently providing services and that participates in a system to provide housing for diseased, unvaxed, illiterate, uneducated criminal people who shouldn’t even be here at the behest of the federal junta lead by your savior junta joe Hiden is a “grift”?

    I found a need and filled it but because I don’t share your political philosophy you resent it and are jealous. Framing an honest businessman as a grifter because he and his partners rose to help these people and the junta in their time of need is slanderous and a mischaracterization of us and our business.

    The “grift” if you will lies totally ate the feet of hiden biden as he is the commie fag bringing in theses filthy people illegally, not us. We are merely providing a service to the feds that they REQUESTED from us.

    We now own six properties and four in the pipeline, plus the opportunity for who knows how many more in that great sewer of St. Lois next month. We get calls EVERY DAY from government agents trying to find approved housing and we are that “approved housing”.

    I only regret they want more than we can provide at the moment but that is slowly changing. WE are running ten year contracts on participating housing at $2,000 per week per illegal and loving every dime of it.

    So don’t thank me Elwood, thank the senile criminal you corrupt bastards installed in the White House. It’s his plan to “color up” America away from the White devils and he’s taking YOUR money and paying it to ME to do it. Thanks, hiden biden.

Pirate's Cove