…is champagne, which will soon disappear due to climate change, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The First Street Journal, with a post wondering why reporters aren’t asking relevant questions.

…is champagne, which will soon disappear due to climate change, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The First Street Journal, with a post wondering why reporters aren’t asking relevant questions.
Yes she actually said that.
Uh! Seriously, girl.

Everything was fine until Joey went and fuked it up.
Bwaha! Lolgf
All that illegally installed corrupt moron had to do at the border was NOTHING! Trump left it all under control for the American people.
Care to give us a Bible quote about how immigrants should be treated ? You know fellow, Christians like yourself
There are no Bible quotes I am aware of about immigrants let alone illegal invaders. Do you have one? I do know that illegals invading our country are not “immigrants” they are an invading force. Care to look up some quotes on that?
I am curious, exactly how many legal immigrants have you helped, big mouth? You probably conveniently forget I worked with Asian immigrants FOR YEARS in Philly. Helping them through the system, getting them housing, banking and jobs, getting them driver license’s so they could work, even performing weddings for them. You may also recall I MARRIED ONE.
So Hairy, if I were you I’d STFU before you dig yourself a deeper hole.

Bwaha! Lolgfy
The difference between dexamethasone and ivermectin is that dexamethasone has been shown to benefit Covid patients and ivermectin has not!
Science is hard! Remember that.
Also remember that bloggers such as zerohedge (and Teach) relentlessly lie to you.
This has become the greatest threat to the nation – conservative disinformation, led of course by your disinformer-in-chief, DJ T****.
That really means a lot coming from Rimjob, dipshit that he is, serial liar and pedophile.
But then again, thanks for taking the time to show everyone what a dumbass you truly are.

Bwaha! Lolgfy
All I see is a body with a vagina driving the climate closer and closer to setting our planet on fire in a climate crisis that could already be past the tipping point just so she can race cars to entertain drunk trump voters and rabid proud boys.
The Arizona GOP released the results of the GOP-sponsored Cyber Ninja “forensic” audit of the 2020 Presidential election which showed that Mr Biden won… again.
Said T**** at a GA campaign rally yesterday, “We won at the Arizona forensic audit yesterday at a level that you wouldn’t believe. They had headlines that Biden wins in Arizona, when they know it’s not true. He didn’t win in Arizona. He lost in Arizona based on the forensic audit.”
So… the “forensic” audit showed T**** lost, but he denies reality and says the media is lying to you.
AZ GOP Chair Kelli Ward is calling for ANOTHER audit. AZ Republicans are calling for Ward’s resignation.
The nuCon/nuGOP movement is led by a madman.
The demofascist/nucommie movement is led by a liar, a cheat, an ant American pig, a degenerate and a thief. Just sayin’.
The fake president just spent a week lying about the disposition of the Haitian “refugees” about what was happening to them and where they were disappearing to and finally the Sec State admitted they were released into our communities (that means not into Brentwood, Darien, CT, Los Altos, Scarsdale etc.) but down the street from you.
As of yesterday my company has not received any Haitians. There’ always hope.
Our ALS campaign was a fairly good success. We took in $7,133 plus a nice round $480 from Gus the Greek lobster man or $7,513. With our matching funds it comes to $22,539. Pretty good for a neighborhood group.
One lie at a time, please.
1. Given the results of the GOP/T**** sponsored “forensic audit”, do you still believe that, in Arizona, DJ T**** received more votes than President Biden?
If so, why have “forensic audits”?
Gee, J, I wonder what happened? This is what people do with nothing to hide….. https://twitter.com/oann/status/1441852599402057729?s=21
We left Afghanistan as we left Vietnam, as losers in a war we shouldn’t have started. Of course it was humiliating. Losing always is! And we deserved the humiliation, thanks to Bush, Obama and Trump. President Biden was the only one with the courage to admit it and leave.
from Empire of Chickenhawks: Why America’s Chaotic Departure from Afghanistan was Actually Perfect
We didn’t remember the humiliation of losing and running from Vietnam, did we? The Generals, Presidents, Congress, “defense” contractors($100s of billions/yr), the “economy” and “patriotic” pundits will never remember, as forgetting pays too, too well.
So Rimjob is lying about joining the US Army again.

But being the lying dipshit that he is one would expect that.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Did Teach the Dipshit or Bungholio the Dipshit serve in any of the invasions they backed?
Does Bungholio think the US won in Vietnam or Afghanistan?
Why did Rimjob claim to have signed up with the Army during the Vietnam War?

Guess that being a dipshit he never expected anyone to call him on his claim.
In fact when caught he denied he ever made such claim until he was shown his exact quotes. Then he claimed he didn’t write what he wrote.
Anyone here who’s followed this blog can see Rimjob, dipshit that he is, doesn’t quite tell the truth about practically anything.
However he does provide some chuckles by showing what a lying dumbass he really is.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Sedition William Teach, dipshit that he is, and his “lap”puppy, Bungholio, dipshit that it is, are lying sacks of shit.
But then, right-wingers lie about everything since the truth doesn’t support their claims. The Liar-in-Chief, Sedition Don’s, is spreading his shit around the nation and his supporters, like Sedition William Teach, dipshit that he is, use T****’s shit for dip! They actually eat Sedition Don’s shit!! Gross.
If you spew Sedition Don’s lie that Sedition Don actually won the 2020, you are a Shit Eater! Eat up, idiots.
… and then Rimjob gets really nasty once he can no longer deny he lied.

bwaha! Lolgf