Monthly Archives: September 2021

Abortionistas Pushing For National “Right To Choose” Law

I think this is a fantastic idea. They should push this, and debate it in Congress. It would be an eye opener for the casual voter who’ll see that the killing of unborn children, especially black children, is the number one belief of the Democratic party. That nothing matters more to Democrats It’s Time to […]

Surrender Joe May Bring Up Climate Doom While Touring Ida Ravaged Northeast

There’s probably a better chance that he’ll bring up his dead son Beau and get some ice cream than get a lucid discussion of ‘climate change’, which even Warmists probably do not want to hear. They will want to know about aid for getting nailed with a post-tropical storm, not how the government will tax […]

Teachers Are Living In An “Emotional Hellscape” From Unmasked Students Or Something

This is the NY Times lead story of the day. Not Americans being stuck in the hellscape from Surrender Joe’s ill-planned Afghanistan adventure, or what’s going on with people post-Ida. Or kids having to wear masks that have almost no decrease in the chance of getting COVID (FYI, the single page headline is different from […]

NC Bans “Carolina Squat” Trucks, Which Are Popular Or Something

Not quite sure whom they are popular with, except the owners NC Gov. Cooper signs bill banning popular ‘Carolina Squat’ modification to pickup trucks Among a list of 11 North Carolina bills Gov. Roy Cooper signed into law last week was one generically called “Restrict Certain Vehicle Modifications.” The inconspicuous new law, also called House […]

UK Guardian: Climate “Deniers” As Slippery As Those Who Justified Slave Trade

This is an interesting hot take, since it was Democrats here in the U.S. who justified the slave trade. And slavery. And Jim Crow. And all the other things. And being hardcore climate cultists, who have decided to be as loopy as possible. As Eric Worrell writes “The Guardian is outdoing itself reaching for ridiculous […]

If All You See…

…is an area flooded from Extreme Weather due to carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is A View From The Beach, with a post on the EPA being penalized for polluting.

Bummer: Data Shows A Mixed Record On Vaccination “Equity”

So, I’m guessing it is time to force “people of color” to get the COVID vaccine? Somehow, low vaccination rates among black and brown people is the fault of you white folks Federal vaccination data show mixed record on equity Nearly three out of every four shots administered at the federal government’s Covid vaccination center […]

North Korea Joins The Climate Cult

No one should really be surprised that a brutal dictator is now chiming in on anthropogenic climate change. It’s a great platform for instituting all sorts of authoritarian policies as being for the benefit of the citizens. Kim Jong-un is in great company, being that China, Iran, and Osama Bin Laden have stated their belief […]

Surrender Joe To Pivot To Economy In Wake Of Afghanistan Or Something

Well, he learned this from Obama, who pivoted back to the economy after every disaster. He never really did much of anything but talk, and his Credentialed Media allies were happy to comply Biden to revive economic campaign promises to pivot away from Afghanistan, aides and allies say The White House is preparing to roll […]

Next Up: Having To Prove Your Deeply Held Religious Beliefs To Avoid Vaccine Mandates

No one saw this coming, right? That the vaccine pushers would look to limit people’s 1st Amendment Rights of religion? Religious exemptions to vaccine mandates could test ‘sincerely held beliefs’ Religious exemptions could prove to be the latest legal battlefield of the pandemic, as Americans opposed to the coronavirus vaccine attempt to find ways around employer and government […]

Pirate's Cove