This is a rather wild one
Swiss Guards leave corps in order to avoid Vatican vaccine mandate
Three members of the Vatican’s Swiss Guard have voluntarily left the corps after refusing to be vaccinated against COVID-19, defying the Vatican’s mandate, AP reports.
Driving the news: Last week, the Vatican ordered all employees to get vaccinated or submit to testing, with the new policy going into effect on Oct. 1.
Employees unable to provide proper documentation will be considered “unjustly absent” and receive no salary.
The big picture:Â The Swiss Guards have been asked to be vaccinated “to protect their health and that of the others they come into contact with as part of their service,” Lt. Urs Breitenmoser, a spokesperson for the Swiss Guard, told AP.
Meh, just three, but, couldn’t they claim a religious exemption? They’re at the Vatican, after all.
Washington, D.C., city officials said nearly 2,500 health care workers have failed to comply with their COVID-19 mandate deadline requiring at least one dose of the inoculation by Thursday. Nearly 70% of those health care workers who have not yet been vaccinated have requested religious exemptions.
City Administrator Kevin Donahue said the largest number of exemption requests have come from the D.C. Fire and EMS Department, The Washington Post reported. About 267 of the agency’s some 2,000 employees have sought some type of exemption from the vaccine mandate, with the vast majority of that group citing their religion. All 20 requests which have been reviewed so far have been rejected.
Will that rejection of religious exemption lead to lawsuits, or the employees just saying “the hell with it, I’m moving, D.C. can deal with the staff shortages”? It might be lawsuits, because it is not that easy to move these days, not with the cost of housing skyrocketing. Also, it’s weird that a city that votes heavily Democrat has so many holdouts.
Donahue said 89% of all D.C. government employees had reported their vaccination status by Thursday afternoon, with 75% reporting that they were fully vaccinated. During a call Friday, D.C. City Council member Elissa Silverman suggested that the city health department might eliminate the religious exemption for the vaccine mandate, arguing possible abuse.
But members of the DC Firefighters Bodily Autonomy Affirmation Group, which is made up of members who hold Christian, Jewish and Muslim beliefs, insist that their requests for religious exemptions coincide with genuine expressions of their faith, which has comforted them during the pandemic. The group has retained legal counsel should their requests be denied.
Has the City Council read the 1st Amendment? Do they even care?
That mandate (for health workers) applies to some 82,000 licensed health care workers, not including fire department personnel, city officials said.
But just 51,000 licensed health care workers had reported their vaccination status by Friday morning – about 49,000 of which said they had received one or more doses of the vaccine, The Washington Post reported. Meanwhile, some 1,640 licensed health care workers reported that they had not started a dosage – and 75% of that group said they are seeking a religious exemption.
Strange that so many health professionals are holding off.
Donahue said each exemption request must be reviewed on a case-by-case basis under federal law, and there is an appeals process, WTOP reported. But firefighters whose requests are ultimately denied might face termination. Other health care workers might face having their medical licenses revoked. Those workers who might appeal the decision will continue to be subjected to weekly testing.
Taking away an earned medical license for refusing to take a vaccine that is essentially in the testing phase? Where we don’t know the long term effects, or, really, even the short term effects? I’m pro-vaccine, but, I understand their concerns.

How about that!!
VOLuntarily left their Job,,,
When a thug who is ready, willing and able to do you harm tells you to hand over your car keys and bill fold ,you Voluntarily do so?
Or are you being Forced to do that?
Coercion is not in the formula that makes up
In the summer of 2020, health care workers were hailed as “heroes.” Stories of their “bravery” and “first hand knowledge” were touted by the media and government officials.
Now that those same people are being told their experiences are not valid. They are being told what they see is not valid. In a time when the health care industry is in desperate need of workers, they are being thrown out like three week old tuna casserole.
I’d think that if they were willing to wear those awful uniforms, they’d submit to anything.
Sadly, Pope Frank has decreed that the vaccines are religiously licit, and many bishops around the US have ordered their parish priests not to sign any such exemptions.
This report is bogus: refusing the vaccine has nothing to do with professional licensing.
source: DC HEALTH: Government of the District of Colmubia
Do you think that the million or so illegals who’ve recently entered our country will have to leave if they don’t want to take the jab?

Bwaha! Lolgf
Trumpsters obviously.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Nothing says “We care” more than firing hospital employees in the middle of an epidemic. Especially because they refuse an unapproved injection of an unproven drug that seems to not protect people either from the disease nor it’s transmission.
Why are the demofascists trying so hard to force “vaccinate” every man, women and child from a disease that has a mortality rate of less than 1.5% and almost zero for kids under 18?
Why do nations, corporations, school districts, religious organizations want the pandemic to end? Do you really have to ask?
If everyone gets vaccinated the pandemic will die out. That’s why. Life will have some semblance of normal until the next nuGOP/nuCon/anarchist catastrophe. The longer we wait, the greater the chance of a new, more virulent Covid variant/mutant raging through the population.
Why do nuGOP/nuCon/anarchists want the pandemic to continue? (To blame the other guys). It’s the same reason nuGOP/nuCon/anarchists want to wreck the economy.
The nuGOP/nuCon/anarchist lust for power, or more correctly their abject terror at being out of power, drives them.
After all, all the right has are lies.
Are you off your meds again? Are those feral monkey’s in your head typing for you again? That preposterous paranoid rant was a mastery of where insanity meets projection in an unstable mind. Wow, dude, your self awareness is at zero!
My CEO Seaoh is staying at the Hampton Inn says it’s very nice. Today he meets with HUD, HHS. Hud is promising millions in loan guarantees to acquire housing for illegal, unvaxxed immigrants as well as unneeded unvaxxed Afghan dirt people.
You gotta love how the biden junta just pisses away money on foreigners all while throwing working American middle class people out of their jobs because they won’t submit to it’s tyranny. I wish the demofascists loved Americans even people who disagree with them as much as they love diseased, filthy terrorists. What a move forward our nation could make.
But I will take the cash and I do hope Seaoh finds property in St. Louis for us to invest in. We currently have 62 “tenants” for which we are paid $2k a week by the feds to house (a savings of $2500 under what they paid to house them in hotels) that makes $124k a week income. We don’t even have to collect the rent, the feds just drop it in our account weekly. BOOM! I hope to double that by Christmas.
Feeling much better today (day 5). No fever, no chills, still can’t eat. Taking my HCQ and Ivermectin, etc and getting better every day. The really great news is these meds do not interfere nor react with my normal COPD/Emphysema meds.
Sadly, a former employee and friend of my wife’s got the jab last Friday and had a stroke Saturday. She’s only 45 and she’s paralyzed on her left side. She has no family here but her family is wealthy and are arraigning with Jefferson Hospital to have her sent home. She’s really screwed up so we don’t know when that will be. Funny thing is she never was sick in her life. Not even a regular flu.
Then why did you ask?
The question is not whether people want the virus to end, but the means to end it.
When campaigning, Harris and Biden said they would never take a vaccine that was developed under the Trump administration.
Now they want everyone to take it despite studies showing lower effectiveness rates.
So did did Biden and the left lie? Or were there positions based on politics? Why has Fauci repeatedly lied to the American people on various subjects, and then say “trust me?”
When Trump was president, the left trotted out unvaccinated health care workers and said “these people are heroes and have first hand knowledge of COVID!”
Now those same heroes are being fired for no reason. They are being denied legal benefits.
And you want to claim that conservatives are the evil ones? It is not conservatives that are turning out heroes onto the streets – it is the left.
Another projection from you. We want the pandemic to end. People on the left want it to continue until all aspects of American lives are under their control. They do not care about people’s rights or freedoms, and their position is “because I said so.”
Gee, we don’t remember conservatives rioting in the streets. We don’t remember CHEZ being a conservative hold out that was supported by local, left leaning officials.
It wasn’t conservatives who reinstated civil asset forfeiture. It was Biden and the left.
It isn’t conservatives wanting banks to spend billions of dollars tracking and reporting the purchases and accounts of private citizens without any shred that the citizen has done anything wrong.
Project much?
We all get it. You hate anyone and anything that questions the hypocrisy of the left and those who point it out. You hate anyone and everything that exhibits any idea of freedom and adherence to the Constitution.
After all, all the left has is hate.
After all, all gitarcarver has is ignorance. And lies. And a remarkable ability to change the subject. Oh, and a tagline!!
Recall that then-President trump wanted to speed up vaccine development despite push-back from the scientists.
We’ll deal with your lies one at a time, gish.
gitarcarver lied: When campaigning, Harris and Biden said they would never take a vaccine that was developed under the Trump administration.
Then candidate Harris said:
Candidate Biden:
Thanks for making my point.
The left made the vaccine a political issue, attributing motives to Trump that were not there.
It must be horrible to try and defend lies like you do.
It shows a tremendous amount of hatred.
Then again, all the left has is hate.
Funny thing is that Rimjob doesn’t even comprehend he’s doing it.

Bwaha! Lolgf
gitarcarver: we don’t remember conservatives rioting in the streets
You don’t? We remember that on Jan 6 thousands of conservatives stormed the US Capitol Building in an attempt to subvert the democratic process. More information has come out confirming that then President Trump was trying to prevent the certification of the presidential election.
We all get it. You hate anyone and anything that questions the hypocrisy of the right and those who point it out. You hate anyone and everything that exhibits any idea of freedom and adherence to the Constitution.
After all, all the far-right has is the hatred of democracy.
Thank YOU, for making my point!
After all, all the right has is hate. Ignorance. Disinformation. Lies.
Again, when it comes to the Demofascist flu don’t believe the numbers. (In fact don’t believe any demofascist numbers about anything especially votes).
“The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have devised a set of rules pertaining to the classification of infectious disease and death. These rules simultaneously inflate the number of covid cases in the unvaccinated and allow hospitals to classify dead vaccinated people as “unvaccinated†deaths.
Hospitals and laboratories are required to follow these rules and report official covid-19 data based on these rules. It appears that these rules were designed in a way to conceal the number of covid cases in the vaccinated and to conceal the number of deaths caused by the covid-19 vaccines.
This medical fraud and morbid treachery allows the CDC to continue on with the false narrative that the nation is suffering from a “pandemic of the unvaccinated.†People who die from the vaccine are used as props to falsely advertise the need for more of these deadly vaccines.
Suspicious CDC Rules Obfuscate Hospital Data, Deceiving The Nation
When an individual receives their first dose of a covid-19 vaccine, they are still classified as “unvaccinated†for several weeks after the shot. If they test positive for covid-19 in the month following the injection, they are officially registered as an “unvaccinated case.â€
If the vaccine elicits physical symptoms of disease (as was reported in 50 percent of recipients in the clinical studies), this sickness is classified as a healthy immune reaction to the vaccine or is advertised as a milder sickness compared to a hypothetical case of covid.
Even though there is no way to compare a vaccine injury with a hypothetical, nonexistent case of illness, vaccinated patients are told to accept this conjecture as fact. It doesn’t matter how many drugs the patient needs to manage the pain after they get sick from the vaccine. It doesn’t matter how many times the vaccinated patient needs to see a doctor or seek the ER after being vaccinated.
The vaccinated patient is told that these issues are much better than a potential covid infection.
After three to four weeks, a vaccinated patient is instructed to return for a second dose. Even after they take the second dose, they are not considered “fully vaccinated.†If the doubly vaccinated patient has a reaction to the vaccine or tests positive for covid-19 in the following two weeks after the second dose, they are still considered “unvaccinated.â€
According to the CDC’s rules, no one is counted as “fully vaccinated†until a full 14 days have passed from the second injection of Pfizer or Moderna’s mRNA vaccine, or 14 days have passed after the first dose of the Johnson & Johnson shot.
This rule conveniently hides 80 percent of the deaths that occur after vaccination and slyly mis-attributes these deaths as “unvaccinated deaths.â€
This fraudulent rule inflates the unvaccinated death toll and hides the real medical issues that are the result of covid shots.
The vast majority of deaths occur within the first two weeks after vaccination, yet all these deaths are advertised as “unvaccinated deaths.â€
CDC’s Covid Testing Fraud Creates An Illusion Of Outbreaks In The Unvaccinated
The CDC’s morbid distortion of death is not the only process that obfuscates data and deceives the nation. The CDC also devised a different set of testing guidelines for the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. The CDC is pushing many industries to punish the unvaccinated at their place of employment and education, forcing them to take more frequent covid-19 test swabs and nasal probes.
CDC guidance allows laboratories to use a cycle threshold (CT) of 40 or greater for the unvaccinated.
The CDC recommends that laboratories use a CT of 28 or less for the vaccinated.”
You are being misled by right-wing musings.