Didn’t Surrender Joe make Cackling Kamala the sheriff in charge of the border? Which is wide open?
Kamala Harris skips US-Mexico border-security meeting, goes to New Jersey instead
Several top members of the Biden administration were in Mexico City on Friday for a meeting with Mexican officials regarding security along the U.S.-Mexico border. But Vice President Kamala Harris wasn’t among them.
Harris, whom President Biden appointed in March to manage the U.S. response to the migrant crisis along the border, went to New Jersey instead.
Attending Friday’s high-level talks in Mexico’s capital were Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland.
“Today’s High-Level Security Dialogue marks an important new phase in the US-Mexico security partnership,” Mayorkas tweeted Friday. “We will work together under a new framework to guide our joint efforts, and work toward our shared goals of security and prosperity for our two nations.”
And Kamala?
Harris, meanwhile, traveled to the Garden State, visiting a daycare center at Montclair State University in Little Falls and a vaccination site at Essex County Community College in Newark to promote the Biden administration’s agenda.
The vice president last visited the border in June, spending several hours in El Paso, Texas, while on her way to her home in California. It’s the only time she’s been to the border since taking office.
If they’re trying to make the VP more likable, this ain’t it. https://t.co/UV4l8YgXKq
— Abigail Jackson ???????? (@abigailmarone) October 8, 2021
In fairness, did they really need her for the meeting? On one hand, the optics of her being there involved would have been good. On the other hand, her cackling and inappropriate laughing at random would have been distracting and bad optics. On the third hand, the meeting was pretty much meaningless, because the Biden administration will not do a damned thing about the border regardless.

So William Teach wants to be in charge of Vice-President Harris’s itinerary now? Can he pass a background check or will his white nationalist, sexist record hamstring him? (Which begs the question… Why are all nuCons not just white nationalist but also sexist?)
The US Sec of State, DHS Chief, AG and ambassador to Mexico went to Mexico City for the security meeting.
To his embarrassment, William Teach mocked a video of US Vice-President Harris talking with a group of schoolchildren. Of course, being a nuCon, he finds that unnatural. Could you imagine “strong” men such as Dick Cheney or Mike Pence stooping so low?
With typical William Teach grammar & inaccuracy, he headlined: Where’s Kamala: Blows Of (sic) Meeting With Mexican Officials On Border… which was an invitation to the Prod Boyz to respond in kind. Maybe his misspelling of “off” threw the Prod Boyz off.
Nothin irks a nuCon more than a biracial, female liberal. Unless she is part Mexican. Or Muslim.
Yet the person who President Biden appointed to handle the border didn’t go.
It is being mocked because it deserves to be mocked. And what is embarrassing is Harris’ condescending tone, lack of credibility and lack of knowledge.
Did you know that you can see the moon with your own eyes? That scientists and engineers built a telescope to see the moon’s craters and the sun? Oooooooooooooo…..
Wow! Such scientific revelations from a person who was MIA and not doing her job.
The left hates people so much that they think the way Harris spoke to those kids was wonderful. Instead, the rest of the world and people with kids went “who talks to kids this way and expects them to be inspired by anything?”
(Also notice that the kids were not masked in a close setting but were masked in an open setting because “science.”)
Harris is a failure just as Biden is a failure. Yet the left hates the country so much that they try to prop them up as if they know what they are doing. In addition, as we constantly see from the hateful, they attack the messenger instead of the actions of the Biden administration.
It’s as if they hate people expressing a different view than theirs because they hate the freedom to say that the emperor has no clothes.
Then again, that is to be expected because all the left has is hate.
gitarcarver has taken on the role as William Teach’s fluffer, adopting Teach’s opinions ad libitum. He and Teach’s other minions try to prop him up as if he knows what he is typing about.
William Teach typed, referring to the border: Which is wide open
Is the border “wide open”? gitarcarver knows it isn’t, yet ignores, even supports, Teach’s disinformation.
We get it. NuCons don’t like President Biden or Vice-President Harris because they trounced tRump/peNce in a free and fair election. And President Biden and Vice-President Harris and the Democrats support policies that are anathema to nuCons and nuGOPhers – issues such as equality, democracy and freedom. Further, neither President Biden nor Vice-President Harris need to be “propped up” having soundly defeated their opponents by millions of votes in a free and fair election.
Mr gitarcarver doesn’t list the supposed failures of President Biden or Vice-President Harris, only that they are failures!
NuCons such as gitarcarver have become increasingly frustrated with the direction of this great nation and have resorted to increasingly violent ideation and outright violence. Is there one nuCon to condemn the Jan 6 attack on democracy engineered by Traitor Don? One? We understand your fear of being marginalized as the Great White Fathers, and that fear translates into hatred and violence.
Then again, that is to be expected because all the right has is hate.
So help him out by posting any of Joey’s or Kumala’s “successes”, dipshit.
Ready for a good chuckle.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Oh Rimjob, don’t you realize that gitarcarver and William Teach are dipshits?
Anyway, Rimjob, you and gitarcarver can do your own research without my help.
Is that it?
Knew you couldn’t do it because there aren’t any “successes”.
Thanks again Rimjob just for being the dipshit you are.

Bwaha! Lolgfy
Poor Rimjob…
Mr gitarcarver made the claim, not me. Just another logical fallacy from the Prod Boyz 2nd lieutenant. You make the claim, you need to support it, dipshit.
You’ve got that turned around, dipshit.

You can’t provide any successes from Joey’s non-administration.
Don’t you realize everyone here notices your little middle school immaturity.
Rimjob’s an ignorant clown.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Poor little rimjob… reduced to being dipshit gitarcarver’s fluffer who has become dipshit William Teach’s fluffer…
A “hard” job?
Do any of youse guyz have an original thought?
Let me make it clear then…..in the context of this thread, Harris’ failure to meet with Mexican officials concerning the border over which she was given control by the President, is a failure. Her “talk” to kids was a failure.
As for Biden, Afghanistan ring a bell? Increasing taxes ring a bell? Inflation ring a bell? Re-instating civil forfeiture ring a bell? Eviction mandate ring a bell?
I could go on, but by this point in time it doesn’t matter in that your response will be something like “gitarcarver is a dipshit” or “a fluffer.”
(I have never understood your fascination with calling people a fluffer. Perhaps you have had experience in the field so you lash out at others based on your own history?”
I know you have problems with comprehension and your hatred makes you lie and become more ridiculous, but I have never advocated violence. You have supported violent protests in the summer of 2020, but I didn’t. Perhaps your hatred means either you project or you won’t look in the mirror.
No matter what, don’t think that I haven’t forgotten that when you first showed up here, you threatened to send your sons to me to “beat [my] ass.” That sure sounds like support of violence to me but you won’t see it that way because violence from the left is accepted by the left.
Anyway, Rimjob, you and gitarcarver can do your own research without my help.
And just the other day you demanded a citation on the NASB. Tsk Tsk Tsk.
As usual, your hatred makes you the violent, hypocrite you are.
Then again, all the left has is hate.
I have one exception to what you penned about the insane Elwood, guitarcarver. You stated his hatred makes him lie and become more ridiculous. I would like to suggest substituting “delirious” for “ridiculous”. After all that little puffer has always been ridiculous.
This is just an example of Fauxi worship by the insane left. You know the type, the Elwood’s. Now they have prayer candles.
Since March 2020, I’d say economists are only second to doctors in revealing how over-inflated are their reputations. But the Herr Elwood’s keep on kissing their asses as long as they keep stomping American faces.
There are about as many actual “anti-vaxers” in America as there are KKK members or “White supremacist’s”. People are vax hesitant and/or vax suspicious as they should be with all the crap that’s been tossed about by leftists promoting politics not science. Especially when the ardent pro-vaxxers are medicine deniers. They just hate those HQC and Ivermectin meds. They are in the pockets of Big Pharma as huge demofascist donors so they gotta stay with the lies for the Big $$$$.
The leftist hate makes him that way.
The crazy runs deep in Elwood these days. How’s that jobs report ding, Elwood? And now that junta joe has more Fauxi Flu dead on his hands I assume you won’t be blaming presidents for disease deaths any more. The fascists have succeeded in paying lay-abouts enough that normal small businesses can’t pay enough to get them off their greedy asses any more. But I guess from Elwood’s point of view those damn fuking small businessmen better get used to $50 an hour and $75 pound ground beef. Ya wondering why prices are rising faster than Hunters dick in a whore house? That’s why.
Now as you realize that so called “Facebook whistleblower” was part of the team that censored Hunter’s laptop story to keep Crooked Joe from being arrested in the middle of a campaign you might start paying attention. Since all tyrannies survive on fraud and force we are seeing that as the lies are revealed and the frauds uncovered the force becomes their go-to style.
How long before School Board meetings are “closed to the public”?
How can you tell when The Truth is being told?
When Facebook blocks it.
Twitter deletes it.
Google hides it.
YouTube bans it.
Your government forbids it.
When the media brands it a Conspiracy Theory.
When Elwood says the opposite. Then calls you a White supremacist and sexist.
“If you have to be persuaded, reminded pressured, lied to, incentivized, coerced, bullied, socially shamed, guilt-tripped, threatened, punished and criminalized … If all of this is considered necessary to gain your compliance — you can be absolutely certain that what is being promoted is not in your best interest.†– Ian Watson
Remember kids, every time you see some lawyers ads that begins: “You may be entitled to financial compensation” it refers to something the FDA approved. Look for “vaccines” to start appearing in lawyer ads as soon as the next fascist “Emergency” displaces Fauxi Flue as the preeminent boogey man.
If you’re not scared enough or crazy as Elwood just remember: All White people are oppressors and all black people are oppress. CRT will explain that to ya. White men want White nationalism and Christians want Theocracy, but terrorist mooslems are our friends!
Kye believes President Biden should have been arrested from a supposed crime committed by Hunter Biden.
So much of what the right thinks they understand about America is false.
Understandable, since we all know that all the right has is hate.
Yeah, moron. You keep on projecting that fascist hate you guys have on others if it makes you feel big and tough. We want junta joe the crookedest liar “president” ever arrested for his own crimes. Like telling the Ukrainian gvt to fire a prosecutor if they want American aid money. Or getting 10% of Hunters plunder. Or breaking the US constitution or stealing an election then using is power to suppress an honest audit. Or , or, or you get the drift cause he’s got the grift.
If what we think about America, that it’s the greatest country that ever existed, that it’s the Freest, most prosperous because of its Christian heritage and its free market philosophy of the Founding Fathers is wrong the we don’t wanna be right. You OTOH, are a fascist anti American hater and an anti White, Christian, Jewish hater as well.
Kye, like William Teach, is a moron.
All that nuCons have is hate.
Speaking of VPs, FOX “News” roasted not-a-VP-anymore Mike Pence calling the Jan 6 coup attempt, “…
It’s only denigrating to those tRump voters who still insist 1) tRump won the election (he lost bigly) and 2) that the Jan 6 coup attempt didn’t happen.