Well, those who are still left, since the other plan seems to be to boot out all those who refuse to get vaccinated
Troops to Get ‘Climate Literacy’ Education Under Pentagon’s New Climate Change Plan
A military of “climate literate” troops and bases powered by microgrids, that’s the future envisioned by the Pentagon.
Its new climate change plan, ordered by President Joe Biden and released Thursday, would affect every level of command. It seeks to counter the damaging effects of a warming world by educating troops on the potential peril and hardening installations.
Rising sea levels, extreme heat, more severe hurricanes and wildfires are all hitting the military, either by threatening bases and hampering training or by fueling global instability.
“It’s real, and no one in the department denies it, particularly the new people, the younger folks,” Richard Kidd, deputy assistant secretary of defense for environment and energy resilience, said during a press conference Friday. “This is part of their life, and they’re driving it. They’re a force for change.”
Oh, good, the military is seeing lots of little SJWs and virtue signalers join, ones who would rather enforce their beliefs on the gender confused and ‘climate change’ rather than keep the military strong to protect the United States. It’s no wonder so many military specialists are saying China would woop our ass in a conflict.
The new DoD Climate Adaptation Plan will broaden its efforts.
“We intend to adapt the entire department — our decision-making processes, our training, our equipment, our supply chain, and our partnerships with others,” Kidd said at the event hosted by George Washington University’s Project for Media and National Security.
This is apparently going to be the climate peace corps.
Troops will be educated to improve their “climate literacy,” according to the report. The topic should be taught to all during professional development training and at advanced courses, it said.
“In order to properly respond, we need to have the knowledge, the tools and the ability to make climate-informed decisions at all echelons,” Kidd said.
And how much training will this knock out? Time when they should be getting ready to fight wars? How many career and long term members will simply resign in disgust, taking all their knowledge and experience with them? These people are insane, making our military part of the Cult of Climastrology. Will they next become the enforcement arm?

My guess is that any career minded military have already been vaccinated or will be by the end of the year deadline Failurecto get the vaccination will be seen as a lack of commitment to their service
90% of active duty Navy are fully vaccinated I expect thst to ho higher as for quitting? Lol you don’t get that option, you are under contract and orders Do youvrealkyvthink that those serving 10-19 years of service will walk away from their pensions? If they aren’t willing to risk the extremely insignificant risk of the inoculation they seem to maybe not going to e wrong to take any risks in a shooting war
This year 3x as many in the military have died from covid as in war
You have no knowledge of the military at all. You mentioned pensions. They are not what they used to be and most are disappointed with what they have. The enlisted men certainly can not leave without getting a bad report. But the officers can resign any time, assuming no obligation such as student loans from the military. And the officers are leaving in droves. People are upset over leaving military goods behind. Guess what, on a good day only a fraction of that stuff works. The military is in bad shape, fuck Biden.
The anti vaxxers anti maskers are becoming g more and more violent fighting for their “freedoms” here in NYC even the stretch testing sites are becoming battle grounds as the Uber anti vaxxers are attacking even them
Even if that were true Johnnie, would it make a difference if “they” were antifa or BLM?
Have another toke and think about it.

Bwaha! Lolgf