Watch, if you can
tldw — Almost all of the measures industry has begged Washington to enact to address bottlenecking — repealing restrictions on long-distance trucking, the Jones Act, unemployment benefits that have led to trucker shortages — Biden totally ignored.
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) October 13, 2021
Biden was almost an hour late for his Big Speech, spoke for ten minutes, started out by botching names, then walked away without taking any questions. So, yeah, the Christmas buying season will be a disaster, and the supply chain issues will be around for a long time.

Bwaha! Lolgf
I want to get away
I want to flyyyyy away
yeah yeah
The entire country would instantly be in better shape if there was a Silver Alert issued with that dumbasses name on it.
But on a lighter note:
In another day that ends in Y more corrupt demofascists are indicted. At least this time they aren’t sex crimes.
Los Angeles City Councilman Mark Ridley-Thomas was indicted Wednesday on federal charges of taking bribes from a former USC dean in exchange for supporting millions of dollars in L.A. County contracts with the university when he was on the county Board of Supervisors.
A federal grand jury accused Ridley-Thomas of conspiring with Marilyn Louise Flynn, then dean of USC’s School of Social Work, to steer county money to the university in return for admitting his son Sebastian into graduate school with a full-tuition scholarship and a paid professorship.
The 20-count indictment alleges that Flynn and Ridley-Thomas also concocted a scheme to funnel $100,000 from one of his campaign committees through the university to a nonprofit where his son would work.
Ridley-Thomas, 66, one of the most powerful political figures in Los Angeles, and Flynn each face charges of conspiracy, bribery, mail and wire fraud.
Isn’t it interesting how so many elitist leftist criminals have hyphenated names, “work” in social works or such contrivances and have nonprofits? That’s why I got on the Bandwagon. I realized as soon as you have “nonprofit” in your resume you become a preferred source of money laundering for demofascists and their pet projects.
Plus more POC demofascist stooges:
The executive director of SEIU California, the biggest labor union in the state, is resigning after the attorney general’s office charged her and her husband with multiple counts of tax fraud, embezzlement, perjury and failure to pay unemployment insurance taxes.
The office filed its charges against Alma Hernández and her husband, Jose Moscoso, on Oct. 4 in the Sacramento County Superior Court.
Ya gotta admit the dems have trained their POC how to steal and corrupt everything very well. Does anyone know a black or Hispanic demofascist politician not on the take?