There’s no doubt that many of Jair Bolsonaro’s Amazon policies are bad for the environment: do they rise to crimes against humanity, especially when being argued through the lens of ‘climate change’?
Climate activists call for investigation of Bolsonaro
A group of climate lawyers called Tuesday for the International Criminal Court to launch an investigation into Brazil’s president for possible crimes against humanity over his administration’s Amazon policies.
The AllRise group filed a dossier with the global court alleging that Jair Bolsonaro’s administration is responsible for a “widespread attack on the Amazon, its dependants and its defenders” that affects the global population.
The call comes less than three weeks before the United Nations’ 26th Climate Change Conference of the Parties, known as the COP26, starts on Oct. 31 in Glasgow.
Since taking office, Bolsonaro has encouraged development within the Amazon and dismissed global complaints about its destruction as a plot to hold back Brazil’s agribusiness. His administration also weakened environmental authorities and backed legislative measures to loosen land protections, emboldening land grabbers.
“Crimes against nature are crimes against humanity. Jair Bolsonaro is fueling the mass destruction of the Amazon with eyes wide open and in full knowledge of the consequences, “ AllRise founder Johannes Wesemann said in a statement. â€The ICC has a clear duty to investigate environmental crimes of such global gravity.â€
And, let’s say the climate lawyers win: what’s the end result? Bolsonaro ignoring the ruling? Or, are the climate lawyers just looking for some cash? Of course, the ICC has to accept the case in the first place, and, with hundreds filed each year, the ICC generally avoids picking them up. This, though, is where the climate cultists want to go: anyone not complying with their doomsday cult beliefs should be jailed as a criminal against humanity.
U.N. panel says it can’t rule on climate case brought by Thunberg
A U.N. panel said it could not immediately rule on a complaint by Swedish teenager Greta Thunberg and others that state inaction on climate change violates children’s rights, adding that they should have taken the case to national courts first.
The complaint was filed with the U.N. Committee on the Rights of the Child in 2019 and the 18-member panel has been conducting hearings and deliberating since.
The 15 activists, aged between eight and 17 at the time, had argued that France, Turkey, Brazil, Germany and Argentina had known about the risk of climate change for decades but failed to curb their carbon emissions. (snip)
The committee, made up of 18 independent human rights experts, concluded that a “sufficient causal link” had been established between the significant harm allegedly suffered by the children and the acts or omissions of the five states.
However, it accepted the arguments of the five countries that the children should have tried to bring cases to their national courts first.
The kiddies should be advised that if they believe so strongly in the doctrine of their doomsday cult they should start living a carbon neutral life and get all their fellow cultists to do the same.

Something’s afoot. I just returned from my local Giant Superstore where I was picking up my meds. While there I took a quick run through to see what’s new since nowadays I usually use Instacart and get my groceries delivered therefore I don’t get to see the new stuff.
Let’s see. They had no milk, no butter (they had margarine), I use half & half and that was a big zero. The bread isle was about 2/3 full. The meat counter though full was priced crazy: 2lb of 85% ground beef $6.49 lb or $12.98 a package. Bottom round $9.79 lb. Even cheap crap like Hot Italian Sausage was up about $1.50-$2.00 over a couple weeks ago when I made sausage and peppers. The snacks were pretty good except some potato chip companies were absent. Produce was available if you’re willing to pat $3 for a red pepper or $1.49 for a tomato.
All in all the prices for the available products are going through the roof. Some things just aren’t and won’t be available for some time like my beloved Fiji bottled water. Can’t get it anywhere. Probably sitting on a ship junta joe has stranded at sea.
I guess it’s time for us to stock up again on toilet paper and such. The demofascists are turning America into Venezuela faster than I thought they could. I really figured more than some airline employees and a few pissed off parents would have put a stop to this ridiculousness by now. Especially a “mandate” to inject your body with untested and unproven toxins or lose your job and be starved to death by a demofascist party that hates us and wants us dead. And if you get a bad reaction to the “vaccine” the Big Pharma is protected from being sued. Only demofascists can murder you without legal recourse.
On the way home I gassed up at $4.00 a gal. That’s almost double what it was when Trump was illegally removed from office. The demofascist coup is an unmitigated success if their goal was to destroy the American middle class!
Stealing elections has consequences.