Let me ask: have you ever taken a job and then put on paid leave 8 months in? Perhaps if you were hurt on the job, but, no, because you chose to do do something? Usually, we think it’s a good thing when government workers take long breaks, because that’s less time for them to mess up the lives of citizens. Not when there’s a big supply chain issue and it involves transportation
Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg on Paid Leave Since Mid-August amid Supply Crisis
As cargo ships congested at U.S. ports, creating an unprecedented supply-chain crisis, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg was on paid leave to spend time with his husband, Chasten, and their two newborn babies.
After weeks of people questioning Buttigieg’s whereabouts as crisis after crisis mounted, Politico’s West Wing Playbook confirmed on Thursday that the transportation secretary was “lying low.â€
“They didn’t previously announce it, but Buttigieg’s office told West Wing Playbook that the secretary has actually been on paid leave since mid-August to spend time with his husband, Chasten, and their two newborn babies,â€Â Playbook reported.
A spokesperson for the Department of Transportation confirmed that Buttigieg was “mostly offline†throughout this tumultuous time period.
“Pete’s been a key member of the team since Day One, and has been critical as we shepherd the President’s agenda across the finish line,†an official told Politico. “We’re overjoyed for him and Chasten, and believe every American should have access to paid family leave.â€
Paid leave for a new job that has lasted for two months, when he really should be doing his job. Why couldn’t they have done this before the election? Before starting the job after Biden took office?
This past Wednesday, Buttigieg reportedly attended a “high-profile meeting†with President Joe Biden to discuss the ongoing supply chain crisis that will likely result in empty shelves at major and small retail outlets this holiday season – a prospect resulting in the hashtag #EmptyShelvesJoe trending on Twitter Thursday.
FLASHBACK: Biden blamed food shortages under Trump in 2020 on ‘lack of leadership’
President Joe Biden is being slammed on social media for clips circulating online from the 2020 campaign trail in which he blamed food shortages on failed leadership from then-President Donald Trump.
“We don’t have a food shortage problem — we have a leadership problem,” then-candidate Biden said in May of 2020 during a virtual town hall while blaming Trump for food shortages during the coronavirus lockdowns.
“We have plenty of food,” Biden added. “It’s being plowed under. You’ve got– you’re euthanizing cattle and pigs. They’re out there making sure that they’re pouring thousands of gallons of milk into the ground. It’s not a food shortage. It’s a lack of leadership– a lack of leadership.”
We don't have a food shortage problem — we have a leadership problem. pic.twitter.com/eFpJ8PGHGM
— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) May 21, 2020
They couldn’t get a lot of goods to market because of state lockdowns, not federal government lockdowns. Primarily in Democrat states. But, we should start with blaming China for all this. It’s what you do to respond. What’s Joe doing? He walked away from questions again yesterday on the subject.

The entire problem begins with the cockamamie sentence, “Pete Buttigieg and his husband, Chasten . . . .” No, no male can have a husband! Despite what the law and political correctness might say, no marriage is legitimate unless it is between a man and a woman.
And yet, they are married. LOL.
Sadly, the law recognizes that, but I do not.
I hear he’s on maternity leave…
They adopted two babies. Good for them. Good for the babies.
Figures a God hating, America hating, Western Civilization destroying commie pervert like Elwood would celebrate these two degenerates and their disgusting adoption of two unfortunate kids to be reared * in a household of butt fuking and cock sucking fags. Elwood’s love of depravity knows no limit. He seems very comfortable amid the deviancy and perversions of homos. He also seems comfortable handing babies over to sex perverts and sodomizers. How woke of Elwood. “Good for the babies” indeed.
‘Get Back to Work or Leave the Department’ Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) told the fag on Monday.
The Buttpeg kerfuffle gloriously illustrates the pitfalls of having a radical leftist, corrupt moron in the White House appointing secretary positions based on phony civil rights basis. Like that Frankenstein monster “Rachel” Levin at Health. https://duckduckgo.com/i/a5be8295.jpg
Believe it or not this perverted, distorted psychotic creature is a professor of pediatrics and psychiatry at the Penn State College of Medicine. SHE TEACHES PSYCHIATRY! Talk about your irony.
Now Pete Buttpeg was spending a months long taxpayer financed “maternity” leave with his “husband” to celebrate the birth of their two unfortunate kids. Meanwhile Southwest Airlines had a 2000 flight problem and America has ships all over the place that can’t unload because of a “Supply problem”. Both of these situations fall under his purview as Transportation Sec. but he and his “husband” were busy at home male “breast feeding” their tots.
I read how Great Empires and Nations fall from corruption and perversion like Rome and now I can see the total progom the left has in store for America.
Nice rant, Adolf. It sounded better in the original German.
“progom” is not a word.
From Reilly in Idaho and Kye in PA and dana in K-Y and tRump in FL/NY, we see clearly what the nuRight has in store for America.
We don’t hate your god, we just don’t believe it exists. Not enough evidence. It makes sense that someone who believes their life is dominated by demons, gods, angels, devils, heaven, hell, and miracles – all from the myths of Bronze Age goatherders – doesn’t believe in or understand reality.
The nuRight wants to put their “gods” in charge of America much like the Saudis put Allah in charge of their nation.
Would you outlaw same-sex marriage? Same-sex adoptions? Abortions? Would you require christian prayers in schools? How about mixed-race marriages? What you outlaw same-sex displays of public affection? Would you implement bathroom checks to see who pees where? Would you move to deport Muslims? Jews?
“Nice rant, Adolf. It sounded better in the original German.”
Boy are you the pot calling the kettle black. Dr. Mengele meets Joseph Goebbels in one person calling me Adolf. You, the head baby killer promoter and the lead propagandist for American Fascism, better known as the demofascist party calling someone else Adolf. You are one confused projecting motherfuker.
““progom†is not a word.”
Wrong again you baby killing pervert loving fascist.
According to Google Progrom is a noun meaning murder, slaughter. It’s also defined as: a violent riot which is aimed at the massacre or expulsion of an ethnic or religious group.
I just knew my comment would bring out the accusations and hate spewing Monkey typing asshole in you Elwood. Mission accomplished. BTW, before I forget I checked and demented joe dropped my weekly $16k into my account yesterday. Thanks pal!
Now back to our regularly scheduled psychotic rant of unfounded and unproven accusations. I don’t know where to start with this retarded mishmash of craziness but here goes.
“Would you outlaw same-sex marriage? Yes. They have destroyed the meaning of marriage. Same-sex adoptions? Yes. You don’t hand over babies to perverts who rape babies. We also have a responsibility as a society to provide the best possible family in an adoptive scenario and two fags is definitely not that. Abortions? Yes. Murder for birth control is immoral. If you can’t see that you have no moral footing to discuss any of this. Would you require christian prayers in schools? No. But I would allow Christian prayers in schools since that is what our nation was founded on. How about mixed-race marriages? I’m in a mixed race marriage you fukin moron so what do you think? What you outlaw same-sex displays of public affection? Yes. Is it judicious to think that perverted acts in public are in any way necessary. Would you implement bathroom checks to see who pees where? No. It would be illegal for biological males to use ladies rooms and vice versa. I would mandate that, like all of history, men are men and women women. Would you move to deport Muslims? Yes. Moooslems’ religion precludes them from assimilation in American society, culture and politics and they believe in and are currently in Jihad against America. Why would/should any reasonable person/country be expected to allow enemies vowed to destroy them live among them? P.S. I’d also throw out you demofascists and communists for the same reason. Jews? Again, my step grandfather was a Jew and my first wife Was a Jew and as long as I’ve been commenting here I have never said a word against Jews. Why on earth would you even bring something that stupid up? Or dare you just making shit up as you go along?
“The nuRight wants to put their “gods†in charge of America much like the Saudis put Allah in charge of their nation.”
Again as is your tradition YOU LIE. Where have I or anyone you named ever said we want to do that and establish America as a Theocracy? Never. You make shit up all the time. You lie by profession any more. And yet it is you who is constantly touting, defending and has his head up the ass of Islam which IS a theocracy, murders fags, clips girls clits, chops off Christian and Jews heads. But they seem to be your go-to religion.
Do you ever, on any subject, go to the Pro America side or are your balls permanently affixed to Americas enemies and mass immorality?
“We don’t hate your god, we just don’t believe it exists. Not enough evidence. It makes sense that someone who believes their life is dominated by demons, gods, angels, devils, heaven, hell, and miracles – all from the myths of Bronze Age goatherders – doesn’t believe in or understand reality.”
Yes, you do hate our God and the fact you refuse to even show respect for our beliefs proves it and also proves to have NO CLASS (You properly capitalize “Allah” while not Christian as an insult). We Christians created Western Culture as it has evolved to in modern times. You hate that and the people who created it. It shows every time you attempt to deny it. You hate the White people the same way for the same reason. And you also, like your entire anti Semitic demofascist party, hate Jews. Was it not your ignorant party of immoral pigs who Bood God at the 2012 campaign? That’s contempt. That’s corrupt. That’s the sign of an immoral and hateful party.
Not believing in God answers a lot of questions about the type of people you and your fascist party are and why you are all so immoral at so many levels and believe the filth you believe. Without God all we have is hate and lies. Baby, that’s you to a T. Without God you have no center, nor faith except in government which like you is corrupt and does nothing but lie.
Thank you for this opportunity to piss you off once again. And thanks for the $$$$
Kye: progam . . . program . . . According to Google Progrom is a noun meaning murder, slaughter. It’s also defined as: a violent riot which is aimed at the massacre or expulsion of an ethnic or religious group.
You apparently mean pogrom.
Kye: I would mandate that, like all of history, men are men and women women.
Except when they’re not. As has been known since ancient times, some births result in ambiguous genitalia.
Kye: Moooslems’ religion precludes them from assimilation in American society
Homosexuals cannot reproduce, so they have to recruit. Homosexual couples adopting babies is an attempt to rear them as homosexual. I’m guessing that you don’t see anything wrong with that, but most people would.
Dana: Homosexuals cannot reproduce, so they have to recruit.
Homosexuality occurs in all human cultures, and even in other species, so that would suggest a natural basis.
A gay penguin couple adopted an egg in a Berlin zoo
Gee whiz! Wonder what makes them homos.

The explanation isn’t apparent from the article cited.
Male penguins always help to incubate and care for eggs.
Bwaha! Lolgf
So same-sex couples have to recruit young gays. You’re nuts. So gays are made not born? Do you know any gay men or women? Do you express your hatred of them directly?
Most people don’t see anything wrong with same-sex couples raising children, not that it matters what people such as you think.
“Do you express your hatred of them directly?”
Your usual lie. You say the same thing every time and never learn. That’s why talking to you is worthless. We have said a million times as CHRISTIANS we are taught to hate the sin love the sinner. It is not we who throw fags off buildings but rather your beloved mooslems that you treasure so much. However, we do not believe we should either tolerate perversions nor encourage and celebrate them. That would put us on the same low moral level as you when you celebrate baby murder. That’s very low to celebrate sin.
First off asshole, disagreement is not “hatred”. Unless you are so stupid and closed minded you can’t accept another opinion. In which case you need a doctor not a Blog post.
“Most people don’t see anything wrong with same-sex couples raising children, not that it matters what people such as you think.”
Hey asshole, it also doesn’t matter what “most people think” because “most people” are fuking brainwashed morons like you. You still think that by being in a majority it makes you right. It doesn’t. It just makes you more powerful and much more dangerous to others.
“So same-sex couples have to recruit young gays. You’re nuts. So gays are made not born?”
Well, there is no “gay gene” so homo’s are either made or they suffer from a psychosis. Which is it?
I’m sure everyone here has known at least a few gays and you know that so don’t act like you’re the only person who has. Coming from Philly I’ve know dozens and they all have the same stories: “I was sodomized by a man as a kid”. or “I decided I was gay when I was in JR. high or high school after experimenting”. So other fags raped them as kids and turned them queer out of humiliation or they had some sexual development issue and it was never properly addressed. Either way responsible societies do not hand over their babies to perverts. Period.
Most of what Kye types does not ring true. Of course gay men have told you they were raped as children which turned them into “faggots”. Liar.
Kye and his Master, Teach are both assholes.
My question to youse guys was whether to call your gay acquaintances “fags” and “perverts” to their face, or are you typically hypocritical.
Most child sexual abuse is by heteros.
I oppose the murder of babies, as I hope you do.
Just ask Rimjob’s little grandson.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Dead pup walking…
Rimjob loves him some NAMBLA.

Bwaha! Lolgf
The esteemed Mr Dowd wrote:
Well, they certainly can’t reproduce by themselves!
I don’t bother them in personal situations; what they do in their personal lives is none of my business. But if any of them ask me, I’ll tell them the truth.
That “most people” don’t see anything wrong with it does not mean that there isn’t anything wrong with it. Remember, most Germans didn’t see anything wrong with Nazi ‘restrictions’ against Jews, and most Serbians didn’t see anything wrong with throwing Bosnians into concentration camps. Rearing children in an unnatural environment is harmful to children.
Dana: Well, they certainly can’t reproduce by themselves!
As noted above, homosexuality occurs in all human cultures, and even in other species, so that would suggest a natural basis.
A gay penguin couple adopted an egg in a Berlin zoo
Mr dana compares rearing children to Nazi atrocities. Of course he does.
Perhaps a better comparison is between children living with two loving parents vs separating kids from their parents forever.
We suspect you oppose gov’t paid healthcare, food and housing assistance for poor kids too.
He wants to be on the school board to impose his religious intolerance on others? It’s the nuCon way!
“He wants to be on the school board to impose his religious intolerance on others? It’s the nuCon way!”
What’s the matter Elwood, run out of your famous “tolerance”? He specifically STATED he’s for tolerance which you obviously are NOT. As a commie and a moral criminal you would SILENCE any Christian view or any view other than yours. Tolerance! Your hate is legion.
What Mr. Reilly is not for which it seems you encourage is the the sexual perversion and exploitation of our children by our public school system. Or do you find it unreasonable for parents to want to reserve that sort of education for themselves.
If you want school boards to teach perversion and communism to kids you have a serious psychological problem comrade.
No need to wonder.

With Rimjob that’s a given.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Lil Rimjob displaying self-loathing.
Lil Rimjob displaying self-loathing.
Mr Kye is correct. We do not tolerate intolerance!
Certain fundamentalist sects (primarily Christian and Islamic) have long considered homosexual behavior to be an intolerable perversion. OK. But now you wish to teach that intolerance to school children.
And then you toss in communism for some reason. If you think elementary schools are promoting communism you have a serious psychological problem.
Were I a resident of Post Falls, Idaho, I would vote for him.
Absolutely right; I agree completely.
What does TranSec Pete actually do besides political stunts?
Trick question.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Why I believe he takes in the butt-a-peg from his “husband” since he seems to think he’s the “girl” (or catcher as better know) in that arrangement.
You like speculating about other’s sex acts?
Does your wife suck your cock? You ever peg her from behind? You ever go down on her? Spanking? Watch any porn?
You’re one sick fuk.
From Rimjob himself, noted child molester.

(Must be getting deep into his cups because there’s more nastiness to come, for sure.)
Bwaha! Lolgf
Lil Rimjob and his mentor, Teach, are both noted child molesters.
Aside from being a nut job what does my perfectly normal sexual and psychological sex life have to do with two faggots sucking each others dick or butt banging?
You support every deviation and deprivation that Satan in his wisdom can send into your heathen mind. And you do it with zero moral considerations. From murdering babies for birth control to “celebrating” deviant sex practices. What’s next Elwood, under age sex partners? Ten wives? Animals? There is no limit to the depth of your depredations. Your distain for humanity, self control, civil society and the actual meaning of sex is an abomination. And so are you you sick motherfuker.
BTW, today your fake pres dropped my NGO nonprofit’s rent in the company account. $68K every week like clockwork. Thanks Elwood. By the end of the year we should be doing at least $100k per week thanks to leftist immigration policies. Had Trump won I would have never gotten these opportunities. Thanks again Elwood.
Kye and his buddy William Teach are both sick motherfukers.
Always remember, Trump won. Biden is a pretender. Keep mining the scum as much as possible. Either you get it or a wet back.
Let’s go Brandon.
“Elwood P. Dowd says:
October 15, 2021 at 3:57 pm
Most of what Kye types does not ring true. Of course gay men have told you they were raped as children which turned them into “faggotsâ€. Liar.”
Hate to tell you but you’re the liar, not I. I don’t need to lie I’m on the side of morality. You don’t know my gay friends, what we have discussed privately nor what turned them toward their perversions. These people are good people they just have a sexual problem. They don’t need “celebrating” they need compassion. Something you completely lack. They went through a trauma as a child no person should have to go through and you call it a lie because it runs contrary to your hateful propaganda. That’s deplorable. These people were harmed and you treat it as a political talking point. You’re sick.
“Kye and his Master, Teach are both assholes.”
Non sequitur, asshole.
“My question to youse guys was whether to call your gay acquaintances “fags†and “perverts†to their face, or are you typically hypocritical.”
Again, has nothing to do with the discussion. Keep focused you Monkey.
“Most child sexual abuse is by heteros.”
Correct and most murders are by heteros too. That’s because they are 96% of the population you idiot. However, child sexual abuse is ten times higher among fags than straights by percentage of population. They commit more child sex crimes for their tiny population then one would expect.
“I oppose the murder of babies, as I hope you do.”
No you don’t and you know that’s a lie. If you support abortion you support baby murder. What do you think these women are aborting, horses? Pigs? Lizards? They are killing their baby human children. Each with her own DNA, genes and each with a future as An American human being. And you support their death by being drawn and quartered in utero. Hideous. Barbaric. Satanic.
The loss of zygotes, embryos or fetuses aborted by miscarriage or by a doctor are not counted in death statistics, since they were never “An American human being”. In the US you cannot buy life insurance for the unborn. Abortion is not murder regardless of how many times you type it.
At what moment does a zygote become a being with the rights and protections afforded “An American human being”? For practical reasons would you be willing to allow “baby murder” up to perhaps the first 6 weeks of gestation as Texas does? If so, why?
Hundreds of thousands of zygotes/embryos are lost very early, often without the potential mother even knowing she was pregnant. Would you recommend a formal inquest be held for each of the million miscarriages in the US each year? Otherwise, how will you know if the potential mother did something to cause the pregnancy loss?
You don’t believe that abortion is “baby murder”, otherwise you’d stand outside clinics with one of your AR-15s telling the potential mothers, “You shall not pass!”
Another brainless reaction from an immoral follower of the Baby-Killing-Party. Your ability to rationalize and ignore the facts is astounding but expected. I love how you try (as fascists and democrats always do) to change the language from killing babies to zygotes/embryos like that makes a difference. If you admit your immoral position now there’s no going back.
Also comparing a natural miscarriage to abortion is like claiming getting struck by lightning the same as being shot by a robber. You make no sense.
As I pointed out, those zygotes and embryos do not end up being horses, pigs or lizards. They are just human beings at different stages of development no different than tots, teens or adults. All humans, all at different stages of life, and all entitled to live. Unless you and your murdering ghouls have anything to say about it.
“You don’t believe that abortion is “baby murderâ€, otherwise you’d stand outside clinics with one of your AR-15s telling the potential mothers, “You shall not pass!—
Do not try to tell me what I believe after I have spent the past 5 years telling you what I believe. You believe in killing little humans, I don’t. And I don’t have to stand outside anywhere to prove it. It’s an ignorant, immoral and cheap shot to tell me what I have to do to convince a heathen like you what I believe.
You stand for baby murder and I believe in Life. You believe in killing little Americans in the womb and I believe they deserve to live.
“The loss of zygotes, embryos or fetuses aborted by miscarriage or by a doctor are not counted in death statistics, since they were never “An American human beingâ€. ”
They are not counted because the murders like yourself cannot face the statistics if they were. Jews in camps weren’t counted in the death statistics of Germany either, were they not people? American abortions just like German Jews are counted as a mass so not to traumatize the people. Just like they don’t show pictures of aborted babies like they didn’t show pictures of the death camps. You fascists have murder down to a science, Herr Mengele.
“In the US you cannot buy life insurance for the unborn.”
You cannot buy life insurance for the born under many circumstances either. Like ME! I can’t buy life insurance. Since when does who can buy insurance for determine their Humanity? When did the insurance industry become the determiner of who is human?
“Abortion is not murder regardless of how many times you type it.”
Abortion stops the birth of a human baby no matter how many times you deny it. You know it and you hate yourself for being a baby killer but you JUST CAN’T CHANGE because that fascist mind of yours is welded shut.
Elwood, Elwood hey, hey, hey, How many babies did you kill today? When you ghouls sell the baby parts of those “non-human” babies to science do you all buy Lamborghinis or are some of you going for EV’s to “save the planet” while killing the babies? Wouldn’t that be a hoot. Kill the babies, plant a fukin tree!!!!!
Here’s a thought-experiment: There’s a fire at the fertility clinic. The fire is spreading rapidly. Down one hallway, you hear a young child crying. Down the other hallway, you hear the soft purr of a freezer unit which you know contains hundred of zygotes. There is little time, and you may only be able to save one. Down which hallway do you go?
BTW, I forgot to mention if a pregnant woman is murdered and the “zygote/embryo” dies also why is the killer charged with TWO murders if the baby isn’t human?
You stupid fuk.
Both Kye and William Teach are stupid fuks.