…is horrible heat snow from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Lid, with a post on #EmpyShelvesJoe.

…is horrible heat snow from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Lid, with a post on #EmpyShelvesJoe.
Uh… nope!

Bwaha! Lolgf
Yeah ya did!

That’s got to be photoshopped. Pretty girl, but that waist does not match the legs and butt.
We understand you guys get upset whenever anyone mentions that President Biden beat not-president trump, but Lemke was just blowing off a little right-wing steam. Whatever happened to Free Speech???? Convicted for making simple threats to family members of journos? Maybe the journos shouldn’t lie about trump, amIright? Does the 1st Amendment no longer apply?
America’s Front Line Doctors (AFLD) were founded by the co-founder of the Tea Party Patriots and associated with Heritage, ALEC and right-wing dark money groups. AFLD are pushers of hydroxychloroquine and now ivermectin for desperate Covid patients and reportedly took in $6.7 million pushing ivermectin July-Sept.
Founder Simone Gold was indicted for her part in storming the US Capitol on Jan 6.
So if you think those pushing ivermectin and opposing vaccines are motivated by medicine or science, think again. All politics, all the time.
“So if you think those pushing ivermectin and opposing vaccines are motivated by medicine or science, think again. All politics, all the time.”
We don’t think anything of the sort. Herr Closed Mind, I took Ivermectin and was cured of Fauxi Flu in 10 days. No hospital. My sister took Ivermectin and was cured of Fauxi Flu in 14 days. No hospital stay. Why do you have such a problem with people using therapeutics other than a shot of what we all now know is not a true vaccine? Why is that bad? Why do you and your fascist comrades want to force other people to inject themselves when there are other options? Are you really that stupid you believe only one remedy is the solution for 330 million people?
BTW, we can all dig up anecdotal examples to defend out positions. Mine are personal experiences. Yours are hearsay.
Are you invested in the “vaccine” companies? Or is it just the rush you get from grinding your boot in the face of someone else?
“So if you think those pushing ivermectin and opposing vaccines are motivated by medicine or science, think again. All politics, all the time.”
What exactly are those “pushing” forced vaccinations that are only 60-70% effective and can actually cause more harm than good to some people motivated by? Money? Power? Hate? Envy? With you radical fascists everything is all politics all the time. From sports to medicine, from schools to guns. Everything.
The fake president is leading(?) a group of stupid people down the rabbit hole of fascist subjugation and you love it.
We’re pleased that you and your sister survived.
You were vaccinated. Was your sister? Is it possible your vaccination contributed to your survival as much as ivermectin?
Covid-19 vaccinations have been shown to be quite effective, in both clinical trials and real life experience. Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine have not.
Data is not the plural of anecdote.
I received one vaxx shot and no further, so no I am not fully vaxxed. My sister was not “vaccinated” and still is not.
It is certainly possible that the one vaxx shot contributed to my survival, but obviously had nothing to do with my sister’s. I assume you will admit that the HCQ and Ivermectin also contributed to our survival.
Both HCQ and Ivermectin are being used around the world quite successfully. They have both been in use for many years and have shown no ill side effects. The creator of Ivermectin won a Nobel Prize for his creation I believe,
But none of this answers my question: Do you actually believe that unproven medicine that have not been around long enough to establish long term safety are the only therapeutic resource we should be using? What happens when like thalidomide, long term damage is done but this time to hundreds of millions of Americans?
We are not saying the shots are not effective. They appear to be very effective. We are saying there are toxic effects and there are many. We are saying the government in an immoral power drive is trying to force every American to receive a shot of an unknown drug which has been granted immunity from both criminal and civil prosecution should it be revealed as poison. Why?
Can you explain why the government has chosen to not just allow but force people to take a drug that could cause great future harm while protecting the billionaire manufacturers from future litigation and prosecution? You said follow the money. Who is being paid off and is 10% going to the Big Guy?
What concerns me an others is your and the government partisans continued support of an unknown, possibly deadly toxin without any concern for the long term effects. You started out bitching about not taking the “Trump vaccine” and now you seem to believe Trump is responsible for the new “penicillin” and everyone, even people like me who have natural antibodies, should be forced to take it.
If Trump was trying to force you to take a shot “for your own good” would you take it?
The Rt Rev Hoagie wrote:
And that’s just it: Kye is exercising his freedom of choice, his right to choose what he puts into, and declines to put into, his body.
The vaccines are not 100% safe; there have been some nasty, and a few fatal, side effects. And not getting vaccinated is also not 100% safe. The unvaccinated person is more likely to contract the virus, and if he becomes sick, is, on average, more likely to become sicker than if he had been vaccinated. The unvaccinated person who contracts the virus appears to be more likely to die from it than the vaccinated person.
Thus, it becomes a question of risk assessment: which is riskier, getting vaccinated or not? In my opinion, the wiser and safer choice is to get vaccinated, but I would not impose my opinion and my choice on other people. If Kye chooses not to continue with the vaccination procedure, I may think his choice the wrong one, but I still recognize it as his choice, and no one else’s.
Thank you Dana. That’s all I ask for myself and every other American. That we be treated like adults and be able to decide for ourselves what course to take regarding this virus. Yesterday while at Giant I took the opportunity to get my seasonal “old people’s ” flu shot. But nobody told me I’d lose my job, income, livelihood and house if I didn’t. Why is that? Between 60 & 100 thousand Americans die each year from the seasonal flu (except last year of course) but nobly runs around hysterical about masks, lockdowns or fascist “penalties” for not complying do they?
To paraphrase the Jews at a Passover Seder, Why is This flu different than all others? Why the panic? The hostility and downright hate toward Americans who don’t want the shot? Why the heavy penalties, threats and despotic force?
But mostly, what aren’t they telling us that requires an exemption from prosecution or law suit for the Big Pharma billionaires? What are they hiding?
Let’s clarify one thing.
By law, vaccine developers and manufacturers have long had liability protections.
President Trump’s HHS Secretary Azar issued the PREP Act in 2020 giving extra protections to vaccine developers, distributors, hospitals, clinics, health professionals etc.
This is an extension of 42 U.S. Code § 300aa–22 which says in part:
Liability for injury resulting from vaccination is a matter of state law.
This is not specific to Covid vaccines.
Again, a valid argument. But… in a society we also have obligations to our fellow citizens.
You’ve heard this argument many times before, but here we go again. The US Supreme Court has recognized the value of vaccine mandates in helping to assure public health.
The military enforces vaccine mandates as do most states regarding school children.
A commenter here (mr dana?) hinted that there’s a conservative movement to eliminate all vaccine mandates for school children (Aside from the conservative movement to eliminate public education).
Our commenter from the Show me State wrote:
If our “obligations to our fellow citizens” includes being required to put something into our bodies that we don’t want, then surely we can require white women to allow white men put their penises into reluctant white women’s vaginas, as often as necessary, to produce more white children, right?
What’s that you say? The comparison is way, way, way over the top? Perhaps so, but the principle is the same.
I took trump’s vaccine shots the moment they were available. Why? Because I trusted the CDC, the FDA and the scientists. I would not consider hydroxychloroquine just because trump swore by it because the scientific studies didn’t support its effectiveness. Even trump’s doctors didn’t treat him with hydroxychloroquine, preferring proven therapies, ie, Regeneron MAb cocktail, dex and oxygen.
The vaccines are very effective and there is little evidence of acute or chronic adverse effects. But we do know that Covid has killed over 700,000 Americans and sickened millions more. The pandemic has harmed the world’s economies. And we are still gathering data on the chronic effects following recovery from Covid infection.
Although some have recommended just allowing the disease to take its natural course, evidence supports that this approach is dangerous. The vaccinations have saved hundreds of thousands of American lives.
An epidemiologist recently said that every American will either get vaccinated or contract Covid. One or the other.
Kye asked, fairly: Do you actually believe that unproven medicine that have not been around long enough to establish long term safety are the only therapeutic resource we should be using?
Aside from your misleading “unproven medicine” quip… No, the vaccine should not be the only resource available. In fact, the monoclonal antibody approach is effective as are oxygen and dexamethasone. Early in vitro and small clinical studies showed that the anti-viral remdesivir was effective but two large clinical studies could not confirm the results. Data on two new anti-viral drugs has been presented to the FDA.
I can’t criticize someone with Covid who takes ivermectin and/or hydroxychloroquine hoping it will help, even though large clinical trials don’t support their use.
Good that Rimjob has finally admitted the error of his ways.

Bwaha!! Lolgf
Kye typed: We are not saying the shots are not effective. They appear to be very effective.
That is a concession. And true.
We are saying there are toxic effects and there are many.
All drugs and vaccines have the potential for adverse effects. The Covid vaccines have not shown excessive adverse effects. Covid infection is more dangerous than the vaccines.
We are saying the government in an immoral power drive is trying to force every American to receive a shot of an unknown drug which has been granted immunity from both criminal and civil prosecution should it be revealed as poison.
The governments (state and federal) have the responsibility of protecting US citizens. The vaccines are not “unknown drugs”. ALL vaccines are granted limited immunity from liability at the federal level and have been for decades. Please read the documents in another comment addressing this. There is no evidence that the vaccines are poison when used as directed.
Putting citizens in a corner where they either must subject their bodies to an unwanted invasion or kill the person trying to do it is a fine step toward war. Are you on tyhe left trying to force us into war? Why? Why can’t you just take your “vaccine” and leave us alone? What is it about the fascist brain that causes it to require everybody to submit to it’s tyrannical rule?
We are assured the right to be “to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, ”
I ask what violates this more than denying one’s right to his own body? The ultimate private property is oneself. Perhaps that’s why the leftists are so adamant about taking our bodily rights away. After they take our humanity we have nothing left.
It amazes me how you leftists get a “vaccination” to protect yourself then claim it doesn’t work so we have to take one too to protect you also. But if it does not protect you it won’t protect us therefore you still are vulnerable. Seems you want a 100% guarantee you can’t get sick regardless how many people you must ruin or how many bodies you pile up. Typical.
Scared to death over a flu with a 98% recovery. Amazing the cowardice of the left.
Love it when Rimjob, dipshit that he is, spouts his; “There is no evidence that the vaccines are poison when used as directed.”
Except there is.
Keep setting them up, dipshit, and they’ll keep getting knocked down.

Bwaha! Lolgf
There’s never a compromise with you is there Elwood? I guess there’s never a compromise with any closed minded fascist and there never will be.
You need to know we don’t give a rats ass what drugs Trump used or which “vaccines” junta joe used. Does not matter. We only care that people who don’t know us and in fact hate us are trying to force us to inject our bodies with a still unproven drug.
Many of the persons bitching and complaining about the unvaxxed if they had a button in front of them that if pressed would kill Trump and all his supporters would press that button in a New York minute. And we’re supposed to trust them with our medicines? You kid me. These are the same people who want to deny life saving medicines and procedures to any person not “vaccinated” even those with herd immunity. But we’re supposed to trust them because we need to get vaxxed to protect them even though they are vaxxed from the disease they were vaxxed for saying in effect the vaxx does not work but we should be forced to take it anyway.
The vaccines are very effective and there is little evidence of acute or chronic adverse effects. But we do know that Covid has killed over 700,000 Americans and sickened millions more.”
First of all about 30,000 Americans alone have died from the shots and many thousands more had “acute or chronic adverse effects” so please don’t lie. Just because CNN, MSNBC, Facebook, and all the leftist media won’t report it does not mean it isn’t happening, it is. As I informed you about three weeks ago a Korean friend of my wife’s got the shot (I don’t remember which) and the following day had a stroke paralyzing her entire left side. She is 45 years old and here alone for her job with Hyundai. She’s alone, fuked up, in a strange hospital in a strange land with people jabbering technical terms she does not understand. As I told you before, she comes from a wealthy family who is trying to arrange to get her to a private hospital in Seoul. The red tape is murder. I realize this is anecdotal but my wife visits her frequently and they call me to translate for them. I really feel sorry for this lady. You can’t imagine how frightened she is 24/7.
The effectiveness and usefulness of both HCQ and Ivermectin around the world are well documented and reported EXCEPT in the US and Canada. Try a little investigation unless the opening of your eyes would be too painful. In case you’re unaware thousands of Americans like myself have used these drugs with great results and as far as I have seen zero side effects.
“I can’t criticize someone with Covid who takes ivermectin and/or hydroxychloroquine hoping it will help, even though large clinical trials don’t support their use.”
And yet you do criticize them all the time and infer they are stupid for trying a different treatment. BTW, if “large clinical trials” are your basis for rejection bear in mind Ivermectin has been around and used by actual patients for all sorts of ailments for years and it’s inventor won a Nobel Prize for its development, and none of the “vaccines” have undergone large clinical trials either hence our inability to sue the makers for dispensing a snake oil drug.
BTW, 700,000 Americans DID NOT DIE FROM FAUXI FLU. About 500,000 died WITH it but not from it and the longer you repeat the lie the more we don’t trust you. Most of those reported having died from the scamdemic died from the annual flu, pneumonia, emphysema, COPD, other heart and pulmonary issues and thousands were “marked” as dying from the fauxi flu who died from things as far removed as a car accident or gunshot.
Constantly repeating the bogus number of 700,000 dead put out there to scare the shit out of people by the government and repeated incessantly by their willing accomplices in the press only fools the fools. The rest of us are not buying the bullshit they and you are selling. We’re full up from the climate scam, the election scam, the “insurrection” scam, the boarder scam, the CRT scam and all the rest of the innumerable grifts the junta of an illegal president has been blowing up our asses for the last 10 months. Anybody who claims spending 3.5 trillion will cost zero is a pathological liar and in fact should be dragged out of office and incarcerated.
Kye projected: Many of the persons bitching and complaining about the unvaxxed if they had a button in front of them that if pressed would kill Trump and all his supporters would press that button in a New York minute.
We all realize what the fascist-right will do when they gain absolute power and establish their long-desired white, christian, male-dominated, authoritarian regime. Outright discrimination against domestic non-white, non-christian, non-male, non-straight Americans. All backed by an expanded plutocracy. The super-wealthy will let you run the nation and oppress the non-whites as long as you play along and do their economic bidding.
You’re going to have trouble with the working classes though, who have finally decided they’ve had enough of the plutocrats benefitting from the worker’s labors. We know you conElites hate unions and work to destroy them because you think the money should be all yours.
Am I to understand that you think the COVID vaccine is the same as those in the past for other illnesses. If so, really stupid, but we know that about you.
I don’t think he does, david7134. I believe Elwood like all the leftists on the net and TV say the “vaccine” is great and effective when they want to make others take it but in reality know it is not a real vaccine and does not protect them from contracting the virus nor spreading it to others.
We know the demofascists don’t give a rats ass if we deplorables live or die so they most certainly don’t care if we took the vaccine if it actually worked. Fact is they’re in the middle of looking like a bunch of fools as the deaths pile up of “vaccinated” Fauxi flu victims. The jig is up (are we still allowed to say that?) as the “vaccinated” deaths outnumber the unvaxxed and they are standing there holding their collective dicks (except Pete Butt-gig, he’s/she’s holding some other guys dick).
As Afghanistan unwinds, the border crumbles, queers are determining school programs and running our military, the economy is in free fall, as is the dollar yet they keep creating new money like inflation is a Norse myth, even as the retail prices soar like hell for everything from housing to food to fuel since the America that was energy independent just last year is now having a fuel shortage, ships are lined up along the coast as product is halted, workers refuse to work and those that can are told not to unless they receive the jab. Everything junta joe and the demofascists touch turns to shit. So they just press their Nazi boot that much harder on the faces of the American working man.
And we let them. We are enablers.
Kye and dookie don’t seem to understand that those dying now from Covid are the unvaccinated.
Vaccines will save the lives of your deplorable brethren. Plus wider vaccination will reduce the spread! But nuCons are willing to sacrifice their fellow citizens to own the libs. Pathetic.
Funny that being the dipshit he is Rimjob posts another assertion that cannot be backed up.

He does that a lot just to prove what a dumbass he is…
Bwaha! Lolgf
Two of them are mRNA vaccines, so in that sense they are different. They are effective and safe compared to other vaccines. The Covid vaccines are much safer than the smallpox and polio vaccines and a zillion times safer than the Pasteur rabies treatment.
You’re not a very convincing doctor, dookie.