First, let’s take a look at the NY Times
The Unvaccinated May Not Be Who You Think
The research and data we do have show that significant portions of the unvaccinated public were confused and concerned, rather than absolutely opposed to vaccines.
The Covid States team shared with me more than a thousand comments from unvaccinated people who were surveyed. Scrolling through them, I noticed a lot more fear than certainty. There was the very, very rare “it’s a hoax†and “it’s a gene therapy,†but most of it was a version of: I’m not sure it’s safe. Was it developed too fast? Do we know enough? There was also a lot of fear of side effects, worries about lack of Food and Drug Administration approval and about yet-undiscovered dangers.
How many are resisting on religious reasons? How many are simply just not ready for something that seemed to appear out of nowhere with little research and testing? How many are now confused as they are told that you can get COVID even with a jab, and that you have to wear a mask, when we were told the vaccine is how we get our lives back?
Navy sets guidelines for sailors who refuse COVID-19 vaccine
The U.S. Navy has announced how it plans to discipline sailors who refuse to comply with the COVID-19 vaccine mandate.
Sailors who don’t get vaccinated and aren’t approved for an exemption have until Nov. 28 to get fully vaccinated, while those in the selected reserve have another month. The deadline is technically two weeks prior to that because sailors are not considered fully inoculated until 14 days after the completion of the dosage.
The Navy established the COVID Consolidated Disposition Authority (CCDA) to oversee the administrative discharge process for the sailors who refuse the vaccine, according to a statement.
The guidelines state that “administrative action may begin as soon as a Navy service member meets the definition of ‘refusing the vaccine,’†describing such a service member as one “who received a lawful order to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19, is not or will not be fully vaccinated on the date required by the order, and does not have a pending or approved exemption request.â€
Moving forward, sailors who refuse the vaccine are not allowed to be promoted, “reenlist, or execute orders, with the exception of separation orders, until the CCDA has completed disposition of their case.â€
Any sailor who is forced out of the Navy will not receive anything lower than a general discharge under honorable conditions, which could result in the loss of some veterans’ benefits.
They would still keep all their VA and other benefits, the Navy could just be losing quite a bit of experience. And, supposedly, 98% of Navy members are on their way to being vaccinated, so they tell us. But
“The CCDA may also seek recoupment of applicable bonuses, special and incentive pays, and the cost of training and education for service members refusing the vaccine,” the statement added.
What will this do to recruitment?
A growing number of U.S. Navy SEALs who are seeking a religious exemption to the Defense Department’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate are being threatened and, in some cases, harassed into submission, Fox News has learned.
A series of new directives by the Navy are promising severe punishment, including demotions, pay cuts and a ban on travel for SEALs, and other Navy service members, who do not comply with the vaccine mandate. For some SEALs who are in the process of seeking a religious exemption to the mandate, the process is nearly impossible to successfully complete to get a waiver, Fox News has been told.
Michael Berry, First Liberty Institute’s general counsel and Lt. Col. U.S. Marine Corps Reserve, who is representing approximately 34 active-duty SEALs and two reservists, told Fox News that the Navy’s new directives are illegal and infringe upon an individual’s First Amendment freedoms.
“Purging our military of its elite servicemembers is detrimental to national security. Doing so because the Commander in Chief refuses to accommodate their religious convictions is abhorrent to the Constitution. Their years of experience and leadership in service to our nation is immeasurable and irreplaceable,” Berry told Fox News.
Going after the best of the best, people who cannot easily be replaced, not at full standards. Good move!

Teach 20 months ago when YIUR BELOVED Trump was warp speeding the vaccinations I can only recall you saying that it was the Dems who were expressing any trepidation
Now after 200 million have been vaccinated you are echoing the fears of the unvaccinated
How many people in the military are objecting because of religion? All members of our military are vaccinated for other diseases and always have been
Those SEALS? Do the math, 34 is just about 1% of the total number of SEALs normally there is about a 12% yearly turnover if that increases by an additional q% will anyone notice ?
The 2 biggest churches that refuse vaccinations are Dutch Reformed Church and Christian Scientists with a total membership of about 150000 in usa
I find it difficult to believe thst any of those are SEALs
William Teach believes troops should be able to choose what orders to obey?
Have all the newly born nuCon anti-vaxxers here hypocritically received their booster shots yet?
Teach, like any moral thinking person, believes all humans are endowed with the right to determine what medicines and chemicals are injected into their bodies. Even soldiers.
You, as usual spread your fascist lies and propaganda with terms like “anti-vaxxers which you know is a lie since not only are we vaccinated but we encourage people who want vaccinations to get them. It is you and fascists like you, who want to force people who for one reason or another refuse to get vaxxed. That’s called Freedom of choice and it’s ensconced in the Constitution, The Nuremberg Laws and the UN bylaws.
What gives you the right to try and force other people to take a drug and if they don’t comply do them physical, financial and personal harm? Who the fuk do you think you are?
Lying about other people’s motivations and medical dispositions is a despicable and immoral thing even for a fascist like you.
Think before you type.
Are you really suggesting that the American military eliminate all public health requirements for service members, or are you only opposed to the Covid-19 vaccine (that likely saved your life)?
Those wanting to join the military have the “Freedom of choice” not to join if they refuse to follow the rules.
Are you really suggesting that ALL vaccine requirements for children be eliminated?
You keep drinking that kool-aid,pal
Nothing like pissing off a group of individuals who could basically take over a small state or wreak havoc in larger states. A few of these men could take out an electrical sub-station and cut power off to NYC or Chicago.
These are the healthiest and toughest guys on the planet and it would be foolish to force them to take an experimental non-vaccine vaccine which has been known to cause heart inflammation and blood clots in younger adults. This could put a serious dent in their ability to mission ready and deploy.
Time for the CNO to stop being woke and let these men do what they are trained to do.
Another nuCon advocating violent revolution!
What kind of “american” would contemplate taking out an electrical substation, cutting power to millions of Americans, because their superior officers make them get a vaccination?
Should the US determine ALL their policies based on the potential of violence from a particular group? Isn’t that the definition of “terrorism”?
Anyway, 10% of troops have contracted Covid-19, and at least 52 have died. This could put a serious dent in their ability to be mission-ready and deploy.
The Covid-19 vaccines ARE vaccines has been well-studied and has a very low number of adverse effects.
Did I say they would do such a thing, no I did not.
Did I advocate they do such a thing, no I did not.
You should really bone up on your reading comprehension because you only look like fool you are when you fail to do so.
Then again you only assume hate out of everyone else since all you understand is hate.
All the left has is hate and lies.
Nice try, con man. But we’re pleased you don’t really believe that Navy Seals would or should commit terrorist acts for being ordered to receive a vaccine.
Just being provocative?