There would be no need for production to soar if Warmists gave up their own use of fossil fuels, right?
Climate change: Fossil fuel production set to soar over next decade
Plans by governments to extract fossil fuels up to 2030 are incompatible with keeping global temperatures to safe levels, says the UN.
The UNEP production gap report says countries will drill or mine more than double the levels needed to keep the 1.5C threshold alive.
Oil and gas recovery is set to rise sharply with only a modest decrease in coal.
There has been little change since the first report was published in 2019.
With the COP26 climate conference just over a week away, there is already a huge focus on the carbon-cutting ambitions of the biggest emitters.
But despite the flurry of net zero emission goals and the increased pledges of many countries, some of the biggest oil, gas and coal producers have not set out plans for the rapid reductions in fossil fuels that scientists say are necessary to limit temperatures in coming years. (snip)
The report profiles 15 major production countries including Australia, Russia, Saudi Arabia, the US and UK.
Most governments continue to provide significant policy support for fossil fuel production, the authors say.
“The research is clear: global coal, oil, and gas production must start declining immediately and steeply to be consistent with limiting long-term warming to 1.5C,” says Ploy Achakulwisut, a lead author on the report from the Stockholm Environment Institute.
It’s always interesting when Warmists are quoted like this, with a few more further in the article, yet, the reporter(s) fails to ask if the individuals, along with their entities, have given up their own use of fossil fuels. Governments wouldn’t have to “provide support”, which is climate cult code for “not restricting and banning” in most cases, if citizens had no interest in them. They wouldn’t need to provide support if they weren’t highly efficient and low cost. Hence why many European nations are turning back to coal to provide the necessary power.

Teach always expects “warmists” to totally and immediately give up their own use of fossil fuels
That is not considered either possible or in fact desirable by the vast majority of those whom Teach classifues as warmest
Here in the USA as a country our reduction of CO2 has decreased 20% from its peak even as population and GDP have increased
When will Teach totally stop both personal use of items made by and business ties with the evil red Chinese? When will he totally comit his life to stopping the murder of the preborn? You expect others to live in total perfection but yourself?
Out: Global Warming
In : Global Stilling

Bwaha! Lolgf
Your own response shows the problem.
Teach isn’t running around demanding that people do anything. You and the left are.
Teach isn’t demanding that people wear masks and then like Biden, not wear them.
You seem perfectly happy with the killing of children which shows your priorities. You further your faux concern with the middle and lower class by happily dismissing the projected minimum of 30% increase in heating costs this winter.
And people won’t even have a treadmill upon which to exercise and stay warm.
Leadership is always accomplished by doing that which you want others to do.
You can’t even lead out or your mother’s basement, demanding that she make pizza rolls for you.
You hate the idea of real leadership and accountability because all the left has is hate.
gitarcarver accuses others of “killing children”, yet it’s the American right-wing (tRumpublicuns) who want to continue the pandemic. You are killing Americans to promote your political/religious position. Perhaps your judgement is that killing actual Americans is worth it if you can gain more Texas-style “public servants” to support your religion.
If you really believed children were being killed why aren’t you trying to stop it? If I saw folks marching children into a facility to be “murdered”, the police would have to kill me.
You can’t even lead out or your mother’s basement, demanding that she make pizza rolls for you.
You hate the idea of real leadership (tRump? LOL) and accountability (tRump? LOL) because all the right has is hate, authoritarianism and fantasy.
Way to go guitarcarver you pulled the crazy typing Monkey out of Elwood again. He’s at the point where he DEMANDS everyone be “vaccinated” while he has the total self un awareness to call us the “authoritarians”. Gotta love a party that has such complete control over the minds of it’s cultist followers they call people wanting to be free and those who are oppressing them the heroes.
How would you solve your abortion problem?
You are killing Americans to promote your political/religious position.
I am very sure that my position on the pandemic isn’t killing anyone.
You like the idea of killing children and have said so. There is no disputing that. More children die because of the blood on your hands every year than have died during the pandemic.
You’re willingness to lie about what others believe shows just how deep the hatred in you is.
Then again, all the left has it hate.
gitarcarver typed: You like the idea of killing children and have said so.
And you’re a lying sack of turds. But what’s new…
Your willingness to lie about what others believe shows how deep the hatred in you is.
Then again, all the right has is hate.
How would you solve the abortion issue?
According to Gallup 80% of Americans want to keep abortion legal and only 19% want to ban it.
How would you solve the abortion issue if you were king?