…is an horrible plastic traffic cone used on horrible streets made for fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Right Scoop, with a post on a DC Comics artist quitting and blasting over leftism and ruining characters.

I am getting a weird error message from the “NoScript” plugin in installed in my version up-to-date Firefox installation:
NoScript detected a potential Cross-Site Scripting attack
It will also say the same thing about a twitter plugin here.
Just thought you’d want to know.
Fauci lied. Millions died!

Bwaha! Lolgf
I’ll admit to not having watched much women’s ice hockey, but I don’t think that their uniforms really look like that.
Mark 10
Jesus specifically says rich men can’t go to Heaven, but doesn’t discuss gay marriage.
Oh fuk!
Now Rimjob, dipshit that he is, quoting the Bible out of context.
But then again what would you expect from a non-believer who serially assraped his prepubescent grandson.

Bwaha! Lolgf
The misinformed Mr Dowd wrote:
Neither clause of that is true. He said it was difficult for wealthy people to go to Heaven, but not impossible.
The second part?
You are aware, are you not, that the law specifically forbade homosexual activity; Jesus, in saying that not one bit of the law shall pass away while Heaven and earth still exist, was saying that the laws on forbidden sexual conduct would not pass away.
Does the ill-informed mr dana thinks Jesus supports all laws of man, “Till heaven and earth pass”? Really? You’re calling Jesus a liar?
What do you “good” christian men feel Jesus was trying to get across? Was he misquoted? Mis-translated? What if a rich man puts all his riches into his wife’s name, does he get into heaven on that technicality?
What else in the New Testament is incorrect?
Nice try, though, Cafeteria Christian. The Bible is used by fundamentalists as the Constitution is used by “strict constructionists”, to justify their prejudices.
Anyway, in America, your religious beliefs are not the law.
Mark 10:25 It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.
Jesus’ message is clear. It is impossible for anyone to be saved on his own merits. Since wealth was seen as proof of God’s approval, it was commonly taught by the rabbis that rich people were blessed by God and were, therefore, the most likely candidates for heaven. Jesus destroyed that notion, and along with it, the idea that anyone can earn eternal life.
One thing you must be aware of in order to even have a context to understand the New Testament is that during the 100’s of years between many of the old testament writings and the time of Jesus, The jews had become established in rigid law. This was kept true by the Scribes and Pharisees who were determined that religion was just that….a stodgy set of rules and laws that if broken would lead to dire consequences.
Jesus came into the world to show the way to all mankind and not just the Jews as God determined that his own children (Israel} had forsaken him and so he was offering hope to the world in the form of Jesus and the Holy Spirit. This is why he told his disciples to go forth and witness. Peter ended up in Rome and it was the context I referred to earlier in which Paul a Christian persecuting convert who became nearly the writer of the New Testament by himself. James ended up in Ephesia etc…etc. Some remained in Palestine but for the most part the disciples went forth as far as Turkey and Greece and Rome and beyond.
Elwood, If you’re gonna quote the Bible perhaps you should actually study it so you understand what is being said. The very idea of a pathetic atheist telling others what the Bible says is in itself a pathology of narcissism.
It’s actually quite funny. LOL
The left in America used to be Christian, but as they started to realize that what they supported as leftists was prohibited by Christianity. Some became ‘Christians,’ like Joe Biden, to whom his Catholicism takes a back seat, a very far back seat, to being a Democrat, and some just became atheists.
Funny thing is, God has no religion mandate; people can believe as they wish. The left? They want to make their beliefs mandatory!
The Catholic Dana accuses the “left” of wanting to make their beliefs mandatory.
Like mandatory freedom for same-sex marriage, violating The Catholic Dana’s belief that gays are perverted?
Mandatory freedom guaranteeing a woman’s right to end a pregnancy, violating The Catholic Dana’s beliefs that abortions should be outlawed?
What else? Mandatory freedom from forced christian prayers in public school?
Mandatory freedom from Catholic priests abusing children?
Let’s be honest, Catholic Dana. The Roman Catholic Church has a rather “checkered” past.
Your ability to be both deliberately nasty and quite obtuse at the same time are quite interesting. Must be a defense mechanism for stupidity.
“The Catholic Dana accuses the “left†of wanting to make their beliefs mandatory.”
You mean the Fauxi Flu hysteria and resulting mandates aren’t making your beliefs mandatory? Or making our entire economy bow, bend and break undrer the yoke of AGW isn’t mandatory? I don’t think Elwood knows what mandatory means.
“Like mandatory freedom for same-sex marriage, violating The Catholic Dana’s belief that gays are perverted?”
Sorry but follow the science, gays are perverted. They pervert sex and the male/female biology. You know it but will deny it to the death. What they really are is immoral and that you approve of.
“Mandatory freedom guaranteeing a woman’s right to end a pregnancy, violating The Catholic Dana’s beliefs that abortions should be outlawed?”
Freedom to murder babies is not freedom it’s murder. You are a baby killer and you also know that’s true. According to the science, babies in the womb are human beings in development. What causes you to think you should kill them?
“What else? Mandatory freedom from forced christian prayers in public school?”
Why should there not be Christian prayers in pubic schools? Do they harm someone. Have children died because they heard a prayer? Are Christians the only group that is not to be shown tolerance under any condition? Your filthy hypocrisy is showing again.
“Mandatory freedom from Catholic priests abusing children?”
Catholic priests don’t abuse children FAGGOTS DO! That’s why it was a BIG mistake allowing faggots to become priests in the bullshit name of tolerance and inclusion. Evil should not be tolerated or included.
“Let’s be honest, Catholic Dana. The Roman Catholic Church has a rather “checkered†past.”
A “rather checkered past” is what every organization has that’s been around 2000 years. The church nor the people in it are not perfect. But no outfit has racked up the bloody body count that atheists have. Besides the 160 million murdered by socialist atheists last century, they also have the blood of 75 million unborn American babies on their hands. Them are impressive numbers for immoral racist bigots that point fingers at others.
Just another demonstration of right-wing, fundamentalist hatred. Thanks.
Mr Dowd thinks he has something on me:
If homosexuals wish to live together, that’s none of my business. But enforcing their cockamamie notions that they are in a ‘marriage’ on other people — and legal marriage does carry with it legal obligations — no, I am absolutely opposed to that.
No woman should be forced to care for a child, and she can surrender the child for adoption once he is born. But the convenience of the woman does not somehow outweigh the life of the child.
Feel free to point out anywhere I have said that prayers should be forced on children in the public schools. I’ll wait.
Actually, I have stated, on more than one occasion, that the Church needs to end celibacy requirements and move to a heterosexually married priesthood, and get rid of the homosexuals. Yes, there have been ‘men’ in heterosexual marriages who have abused children — and Jerry Sandusky was not available for comment — but it’s a much rarer thing.
That, sadly, is true enough; nothing with human beings in it is perfect.
What is Jesus actually saying? Was he lying? Misquoted? Mis-translated by a communist sympathizer in the middle ages?
Help this agnostic to understand. Is there a translation of the Bible that is considered accurate?
You are not an agnostic, you’re an atheist. You’ve said so before. Or have you changed your mind?
So you want ne to explain what Jesus was actually saying on a climate/political blog? No one can explain anything to you because you don’t hear. If you did you would not endorse and encourage baby killing. Especially among the poor, the black and the innocent.
The last person I would go to for answers about God, Jesus or morality is a person who does not believe in God, Jesus or morality. That would be you, Elwood.
As expected… no answers. It was a simple question. Is there magical interpretations of Jesus’s words that only believers can understand?
As I’ve said many times before, just not enough evidence of gods, devils, angels, miracles, heaven and hell. Humans believe in hundreds of gods but yours is the one true god. Got it.
Jews who wrote the Bible exactly velueve thst a fetus is not to be considered a human with a soul
How do you Rev Kye interpret th Trial by Bitter Herbs in the Bible
Also please explain to me Romans q3: 1-2 which tells Christians to obey government?
Do Christians get to pick and chose from the Bible?
Ummmm no.
Jeremiah 5:1 “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
before you were born I set you apart;
The trial by bitter water was used to determine guilt of a crime as long as the accusers were not guilty of the same crime. In the New Testament, that trial is thrown away because physical ability is not the same as moral and sinful accountability.
Christians are called to obey governments in some areas – not all. Christians do not abandon their faith when commanded by the government. Try reading Daniel 3 for the story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego who were and are held up as examples of resisting government edicts that contradict ones faith.
Isn’t that what you are doing? You want to pick and choose verses out of context and without any historical setting to back up your hatred of Christians.
Talk about hypocrisy.
At the same time, your religion actively hates all women.
So not only do you hate people of a certain faith, you hate women of all faiths.
Which on some level makes sense.
After all, all the left has is hate.
guitarcarver, you have the patience of a saint. Kudos. I refuse to banter about religion with hateful atheists and perverted heathens who worship in the church of big government and the god of Karl Marx. Life is too short.
Traitorous even by tRump’s low standards…
Weren’t a lot of Republicans elected Nov 3, but not Traitor Don, who lost by several million votes. Are you in agreement that ALL the elections November 3 are invalid?
Are you in agreement that ALL the elections November 3 are invalid?
The walking zombie wants a redo of the 2020? I’m all in. No more secret drop boxes and millions of ballots piled next to dumpsters or dropped on the side of the road. Vote in person with an ID and sure I am 100 percent for a redo….how bout you?
With Biden’s numbers I suspect it would be Trump with 81 million real votes and Biden with 50 million and the DEMS would lose 40 seats in the house and 5 seats since Sinema and Manchin are seriously thinking of switching or becoming an independent. Sinema wants to keep up the Maverick attitude of McCain which she is doing quite well and will likely switch parties after leftists are following her in the bathroom a clear violation of the law. Manchin has said he would consider becoming an independent and caucusing with the left.
Oh puhlease lets have a redo so the Republic and real democracy(and not what walking zombies are trying to peddle as Democracy) can be salvaged and America can continue to be the greatest nation on earth where we work harder than any other nation for equity, fairness and racial equality despite our warts.
Sure I am all for a redo by fellow walking ded bro. Is that what you want? If so sign me up!
In other words, why have elections? Just let the GOPhers rule!
In other words, why have elections? Just let the GOPhers rule!
Of course, I am 100 percent behind your suggestion to let Gopers rule. We would be having a Christmas this year. Tesla’s would still be being built, windmills and solar panels would still be being installed around the country. Leftists would still be burning down cities and defunding the police in their own poorly run democratic cities which would cause more and more Conservatives to leave these cities further eroding leftist support at the polls.
100 percent leftists are incapable of leading anything. Walking zombies get confused by a door, cannot open it, will stand around milling for hours aimlessly waiting for someone else to do something. There is little doubt walking zombies are nothing more than a nuisance so they should of course by any stretch of the imagination not be allowed anywhere near government resources.
I am 100 percent in agreement that Gop’ers as you call them should lead this nation to greatness while the walking zombies can feast off the “You Didn’t Build That” mentality of their leaders.
Porter Good,
All the information one needs to report my “crimes” are here.
Have at it.
It seems that, under the horribly fascist and authoritarian dictator, Donald Trump, Wrongthink was not made a crime. It has only been under the all wise and beneficent Joe Biden that the government wants to criminalize Wrongthink, to punish conservatives.
Had President Trump managed to criminalize Wrongthink, then yeah, someone could report you, but somehow, some way, he never even tried.
Now if we criminalized Dumbthink, everyone on the left would be in jail!
Your dear friend drowningpuppies accused me once again of raping my grandson, which even a Kentuckian would consider a crime, not Wrongthink.
I merely gave Porter and Rodney the contact information of the local gendarmes to facilitate turning me in.
Rimjob again complaining about accusations against him but has no problem when he accuses others of deviant behavior. It will continue until you cease and desist from your same behavior.

Got a problem with it, dipshit?
Sue me, tough guy.
You’ve issued hollow threats to me before.
Bwaha! Lolgf
I know whenever I need sound Christian advice, I always consult a militant atheist.
All those years of figure skating lessons are finally paying off for her.
” Elwood P. Dowd says:
October 22, 2021 at 11:20 am
As expected… no answers. It was a simple question. Is there magical interpretations of Jesus’s words that only believers can understand?”
The reason you asked the question is because you knew I cannot answer it in the allotted space. I’m also not foolish enough to believe ANY answer I provide you would ever be good enough. It’s your usual commie ploy but I ain’t biting. You hateful condescension and ambiguous nasty question notwithstanding, read it yourself fuk head.
“Hairy says:
October 22, 2021 at 11:58 am
Jews who wrote the Bible exactly velueve thst a fetus is not to be considered a human with a soul
How do you Rev Kye interpret th Trial by Bitter Herbs in the Bible
Also please explain to me Romans q3: 1-2 which tells Christians to obey government?
Do Christians get to pick and chose from the Bible?”
Another heathen preaching the Bible? Wow, the atheist left is really full of you guys. Again Hairy, I wouldn’t waste my time “explaining” anything to you as you won’t get anything out of it. I come here to read comments about AGW and politics not to argue Theology with heathens and pagans who believe in baby sacrifice as part of their orthodoxy.
But yes, Christians do get to pick and choose from the Bible. Now you go study up on that one and figure it out. When you do (LOL) you’ll understand why your communist/fascist religion of power, pain, punishment, death and depravity here on earth can never win over the Christian belief of Love, Brotherhood, Good Will and eternal Life through Jesus Christ.
Christians aren’t perfect and never claimed to be, but we do try. You immoral assholes don’t even try. You want to win not be morally right. Failing is why we need Jesus Christ as our savior. You heathens on the left always believe yourselves correct on everything and never consider the fact you are quite often wrong because if you do your entire belief system turns to shit. You also never see the bodies you leave behind nor the horror and terror you inflict on others. You claim to be compassionate and care yet you are the cruelest and most un empathetic of all humans.
As expected… no answers. It was a simple question. Is there magical interpretations of Jesus’s words that only believers can understand?
It requires faith. Just as you have faith in AGW theories, Faith in the government to never ever tell you a lie, just as you have faith there is no god, just as you have faith in your set of facts are more solid than the set of facts your political opponent has. Yes, it takes faith to understand the bible. Faith in God and his word. Just as you have faith that the globe is warming because you believe that every scientist has no agenda and is filled with nothing but goodness in their heart and the money for the next research project does not weigh on their minds when they publish.
A very popular website that debunks God quotes a bunch of old testament writings then ends with this tidbit of wisdom:
And remember Jesus did not invalidate any of these with his teachings. They were never to be cast aside. “Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill the law” [Matthew 5:18]
So why would Jesus say “Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill the law” [Matthew 5:18]
Sadly he can’t even quote the correct scripture. The above is Mathew 5:17.
Mathew 5:18 actually says: For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until all is accomplished.
Now there is some context for those who seek the truth and not Fake News about God.
Christ’s righteousness, imputed to us by faith alone, is needed by everyone that enters the kingdom of grace or of glory; but the new creation of the heart to holiness, produces a thorough change in a man’s temper and conduct.
Till all be fulfilled. — Or, accomplished. Though all earth and hell should join together to hinder the accomplishment of the great designs of the Most High, yet it shall all be in vain – even the sense of a single letter shall not be lost. The words of God, which point out his designs, are as unchangeable as his nature itself. Every sinner, who perseveres in his iniquity, shall surely be punished with separation from God and the glory of his power; and every soul that turns to God, through Christ, shall as surely be saved, as that Jesus himself hath died.
The kingdom of God is not a place or a set of laws. It is within you. God resides within the believer through the power of the holy spirit. To understand the teachings of God require one with the trinity. God, Christ and the Holy Spirit.
So yes, it requires something special to understand the teachings of GOD. That understanding is given to you when you accept the holy spirit into your life and let God live in your heart.
Hairy says:
October 22, 2021 at 11:58 am
Jews who wrote the Bible exactly velueve thst a fetus is not to be considered a human with a soul
How do you Rev Kye interpret th Trial by Bitter Herbs in the Bible
Also please explain to me Romans q3: 1-2 which tells Christians to obey government?
Do Christians get to pick and chose from the Bible?
I am the way, the truth and the light. No one comes to God but by me. Christ says.
As for Romans it was written by Paul of Tarsus to the church of Rome. The Christians in Rome were being highly persectued because they thought it was okay to disobey the laws of ROME at the expense of the laws of GOD. Paul is assuring them that it is their duty to follow the laws of Rome as long as they do not contradict the laws of Christ and the Holy Spirit.
We do not get to pick and choose, Hairy.
God’s laws are the 10 commandments. Which one would you like to break today Hairy. The rest of the bible is a history of the Jewish people who were the first people to worship a single god. Yaweh. Elohim or whatever Greek, Hebrew name you choose for God.
We are admonished to obey the law always as long as the law does not go against the written word of God. The majority of the bible is just writings intended to convey a history steeped in mankind who has not had the ability to commune with God through the holy spirit.
Let me explain. The Hebrew word, Ruwach is used to designate God’s Spirit in the Old Testament, and sometimes is also used to designate man’s spirit. However, when God breathed life into the first man Adam, a different word is used, which is nashamah. This word is used in association with giving life to a human soul.
Think Neandrathal vs current mankind. A divide in the evolutionary scale.
When God created the first Adam, He breathed into him the “breath of life†and Adam became a living soul (Genesis 2:7).
And so it is written, the first Adam was made a living soul. The last Adam was made a quickening – (Greek, zoopoieo- life giving-) Spirit
I Corinthians 15:45.
For as the Father has life in Himself: so hath He given to the Son to have life in Himself – John 5:26.
It is incumbent upon believers to follow the 10 commandments to commune with man, laws that are written by man that contradict these laws are anethema to a believer.