…is a big sports team which uses lots of energy and fossil fuels, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Sultan Knish, with a post on Kellogg’s going Woke.

…is a big sports team which uses lots of energy and fossil fuels, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Sultan Knish, with a post on Kellogg’s going Woke.
School board in PA sending rape and death threats from anti-maskers, anti-vaxxers to FBI.
Uh, they certainly are.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Boy is that a bunch of bullshit. Bet it’s another Smolett type hoax. It’s amazing how these school board pigs think they can do whatever they want but when people revolt they turn into snowflakes. Poor babies gotta call in the FBI because people talked bad to them. Figures. When leftist do it to us it’s okay because Maxine Waters told them to but when concerned parents are IGNORED by the school boards until they get fed up and react they are “domestic terrorists”. The only domestic terrorists we see are the ones programming our kids to hate Whites, America and get them vaxxed against the parents wishes for a disease they are the least likely to get.
As soon as they start with the anti- Semitic shit you know it’s a hoax. Only demofascists and BLM are anti Semites these days so you know some school board member is writing this shit.
I’ll take a wait and see position. Although this could be another FBI set up like Jan 6, to start the purge of the parents that won’t comply. Maybe they can arrest 3 or 4 hundred parents, slam them in solitary for a year and set an example of bad parenting. Maybe send in a cop or two to shoot them for trying to overthrow the government of Pennsbury, PA.
Or they could actually LISTEN to the parents and respond to their concerns instead of bringing it to a head like this. After all, the parents didn’t start it they just wanted to be listened to but were told to go fuk themselves an then they got pissed. N ah, that would be like expecting a closed minded Monkey like Elwood to listen to one of us. Ain’t gonna happen.
Not all threats are protected speech.
We all understand the inherent violent nature of right-wingers, the Proud Boyz, III%ers, KKK, trumpistas, Boogaloo Boyz, QAnon, Wolverine Watchmen etc, who are frustrated by the diverse direction of the United States of America, and urged on by their leaders, cowardly standing on the sidelines, FOX, DJ tRump, Heritage, the GOP, ALEC, FreedomWorks, Leadership Institute, FRC, Turning Point, Citizens for Renewing America..
This is terrorism, pure and simple. Using the threat of violence to affect policy.
Would you consider the posting of right-wing blogger’s home and work addresses with a personal photo on an antifa site to be a threat or just free speech?
So a father of a girl that was raped at school and the school board outright lies about knowledge of the incident then the father whom gets irate about it is a “terrorist”?
Fuk you!

Bwaha! Lolgf
The oblivious mr kye typed: Only demofascists and BLM are anti Semites these days
Just another right-wing myth. Those fine young men at tRump’s Unite the Right rally, carrying torches and chanting “Jews Won’t Replace US!”, in Charlottesville were neither Dems nor BLM (unless kye thinks they were all antifa/FBI infiltrators, which has become the right-wingers’ go-to explanation for all right-wing sins).
We read the rantings of old cranks like Kye but reject them.
Kye posits that the threats of rape and murder directed at school boards and their families are justified because the school board doesn’t accede to the demands of the right-wing groups. We reject that “reasoning”.
Not all threats are protected speech.
For over a decade, right-wing dark-money groups have been legally organizing and financing the takeover of local political groups, school boards, county councils, city councils, state legislatures, resulting in right-wing minority rule. Republicans are ruthless politicos, Democrats are starry-eyed pollyannas.
When the legal approach has been frustrated the right-wing resorts to violence. Authoritarianism 101. Makes a mask mandate look tame by comparison.
So Rimjob how’s your company stock doing?

Or is it considered “terrorism” to ask?
Bwaha! Lolgf
“Kye posits that the threats of rape and murder directed at school boards and their families are justified because the school board doesn’t accede to the demands of the right-wing groups. We reject that “reasoningâ€.”
That’s not what I “posited” at all you fukin liar. I said they are Smollett style hoaxes. Exactly how many of these “threats” have been carried out? ZERO. You are constantly with your panties in a twist over ghosts. The Proud Boys, Qanon, White Nationalism, Christian Theocracy, Capitol “Insurrections” and now rapes and murders of school board idiots. You are really a faggot’s faggot. You are afraid of everything except that which is real. And you accuse everybody you disagree with, even concerned parents, of being insurrectionists or domestic terrorists. Your paranoia and insanity are unreal.
Your paranoia and insanity are unreal.

But understandable with Rimjob’s company tanking.
Bwaha! Lolgf
But that’s exactly what you posited. You dismissed the school board members’ concerns about threats against them and their families from right-wingers.
Again, the Supreme Court has ruled that a threat doesn’t have to be carried out to be real.
The FBI will find out soon enough if the threats originated from the school board, antifa or those faux-concerned parents. Or you may conveniently believe the commie Deep State FBI is in on the hoax with the school board!! Your theory is unfalsifiable!!
My family and I have had several creditable threats. The attitude of law enforcement is that they can do nothing. You obviously have lived a stress free life and have no idea about the rest of the world.
Years ago corporate security alerted us that a left-wing PETA-type org with a history of violence posted our home address on their website, accusing me of being a vivisectionist. nothing came of it.
A right-wing FOX radio host in St Louis posted my email address on his website which allowed locals to find my home address. Again nothing came of it other than a few “You want us to take care of him?”, in comments.
Recall mr dana once complained that a commenter here referred to Teach by his actual name. Mr dana surmised the reason for doing that was to intimidate Teach.
“Again, the Supreme Court has ruled that a threat doesn’t have to be carried out to be real.”
So what? The SC has made so many dumbassed rulings I can’t count them all. And exactly which ruling was this because a threat is only a threat and a threat is a real threat regardless. Are there fake threats? The case you cite is anti Free Speech gobblygook. To leftists everything not in agreement is a fuking threat. Every person who didn’t vote commie is an insurrectionist. Every parent who complains a domestic terrorist. You fags have done to these words what you did to “racist” and “White supremacist”. You used them so much, so broadly and so arbitrarily they ceased all relevant meaning.
BTW, the only way a person could be “reasonably put in fear of attack” is if the person making the threat was close enough to carry it out. So Black can shove it.
Supposedly there is phone video of the Constitution being raped on a crowded California loading dock, and no one did anything to stop the Constitution’s attacker. Notyoutube has removed all postings of the alleged video. Elwood wept.