Thirty plus years of spreading awareness, scaremongering, prognostications of doom, constant articles and broadcasts in the media which fail to take a skeptical eye, and are simply cheerleaders, all to go with Warmists refusing to practice what they preach, and this is the best they can do
Poll: More than two-thirds of Republicans say climate change is ‘not an emergency’
As President Biden pushes Congress to pass his climate agenda just days before world powers gather in Scotland to hash out a new international accord, more than two-thirds of Republicans (67 percent) continue to insist that climate change is “not an emergency,†according to a new Yahoo News/YouGov poll.
Coming on the heels of a summer that featured record-setting heat waves, wildfires and floods — all exacerbated by climate change — the result is a stark example of how U.S. politics imperils global progress on the issue.
The survey of 1,704 U.S. adults, which was conducted from Oct. 19 to 21, found that nearly all Democrats (78 percent) and a plurality of independents (45 percent) view climate change as “an existential threat that must be addressed now with major legislation.â€
Yet less than one-quarter of Republicans (24 percent) agree. Instead, more than 6 in 10 believe, falsely, that global warming is either “not a real threat†(38 percent) or a threat that “the government has already done enough to address†(24 percent).
Plurality is a strange word to use, meant to obscure that a majority of Independents do not find ‘climate change’ to be an existential threat. And, really, for all the yammering from Joe and other Warmists, their actions in their own lives show they do not think it is an existential threat.
The poll underscores the challenge facing Biden as he aims to slash U.S. greenhouse gas emissions to half of 2005 levels by the end of the decade and set an example for other countries to follow. Both the public at large and all but one Democrat on Capitol Hill — centrist West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin — favor Biden’s plan to transition the economy to sustainable sources of energy. But Republicans do not.
We do? Huh. Joe sure doesn’t seem to believe, since he jumps in a fossil fueled helicopter to the airport for a fossil fueled flight, then a large fossil fueled convoy, almost every weekend, either to his Delaware home or Camp David. Later in the article, you read that the numbers to Do Something to do not rise above 48% for any measure
In little more than a week, leaders and representatives from nearly every country in the world will gather in Glasgow for the United Nations Climate Change Conference. U.S. climate envoy John Kerry has called the conference the world’s “last best hope†of keeping global temperature rise from exceeding 1.5 degrees Celsius over preindustrial levels in an effort to avert a cascade of devastating consequences for the planet.
Ten thousand plus taking fossil fueled trips to Scotland, quite a few in private jets.
Yet even that fact is disputed by Republicans. According to the Yahoo News/YouGov poll, more Republicans continue to believe that human activity is not causing climate change (47 percent) than believe it is (34 percent). In contrast, just 4 percent of Democrats and 29 percent of independents deny the role of human activity in global warming.
The question is never asked in terms of how much Mankind contributes. I, and most skeptics, will say that humanity contributes, just not mostly/solely. Most say 50% or less. And a goodly chunk is simply land use and the Urban Heat Island effect. Here’s where it gets really fun
There are limits to how much Americans are willing to personally spend to combat global warming. Without a rebate, support for a carbon tax falls (to 36 percent) and opposition rises (also to 36 percent). When asked to select “changes you would be willing to make” to help solve the problem, far more say they’d be willing to buy an electric car or solar panels with a government rebate (35 percent and 42 percent, respectively) than without (15 percent and 18 percent). And the most popular changes are the ones that require others to pay more, such as raising taxes on Americans earning more than $400,000 a year (42 percent) or on corporations earning more than $5 million (40 percent). Very few Americans are ready to pay more for gas (14 percent) or meat (15 percent).
We’ve seen this again and again, Americans aren’t willing to pay more themselves, nor make changes in their own lives. They want Other People forced to bear the brunt of their beliefs.
The message seems to be that government, not individuals, should bear the brunt of climate action — which is why Biden has proposed rebates for most Americans, along with higher taxes on corporations and the wealthy. Yet while a majority of Democrats (73 percent) and a plurality of independents (40 percent) agree with the president that “the U.S. cannot afford to wait any longer to pass major climate change legislation,†most Republicans (59 percent) say “the U.S. cannot afford to pass major climate change legislation right now.â€
Those in support fail to realize that if government is bearing the brunt then they themselves will be bearing the brunt. But, that’s what indoctrination and brainwashing does.

…and one-third says “”come back with REAL questions.
It’s Yahoo “news”. They are, reliably, the far-left version of what liberals BELIEVE Fox News to be. A reflection of a strawman.
That’s an ASSERTION, Yahoo. Religious in nature since literally EVERYTHING is caused by climate change under your belief system.
Relax, no one who reads Yahoo “news” will question you.
Yahoo “news”.
A reflection of a strawman.
I like that.

Bwaha! Lolgf
The poll was not done by Yahoonews it was done by YouGov which has a B+ rating higher than that of Rasmussen
I’m sure you thought you had some decisive, profound point to make.
You didn’t.
Not so bold prediction.
Things are so bad in Virginia right now that McCaulif is in a dead heat with Younkin(R) for the Governor of Virginia’s race. Youngkin has come from 14 points down to a dead heat in almost every poll conducted on the race with the exception of Fox News Which uses the same people that do the Democratic internal polling. Anyone who thinks Fox has changed its stripes is deceiving themselves. They are owned and operated by a Democratic lunatic lefty who loves hob-knobbing with all the billionaires the left has stationed in DC.
Women and Independents are breaking for Younkin by 20 points and yet it’s a dead heat. I can confidently predict that Younkin and the GOP are going to take over the Virginia Governor’s mansion in about 10 days and when that happens it will be a rubber stamp on the coming bloodletting in 2022 midterms which is why the Dems are so desperate to get stuff passed before they are thrown from the house and senate.
The House in Virginia flipped in 2019 for the first time in a long time giving the Dems a trifecta in the state. However, the House is up this year along with the Governor and the DEMS themselves are predicting 55-45 Democrat victory and yet that is the profile that matched Trump’s unpopularity. Given Biden’s overwhelming awesome job it is safe to assume that the house might well flip back to the GOP in 2021. I predict a 53-47 GOP house and a GOP governorship in 2021 in Virginia.
“I can confidently predict that Younkin and the GOP are going to take over the Virginia Governor’s mansion in about 10 days …..”
I wouldn’t do that if I were you. If the demofascists even smell a defeat the votes will start pouring in from as far away as The Sea of Tranquility, in truck loads, in unmailed/unsealed envelopes and be run through the counting machines as many times as it takes.
Never forget they stole a national election and got away with it. In their minds they should never lose another election….anywhere and America is now effectively a one party nation like Cuba.
KYE IF THE dems could do that wouldn’t they win 10p% of all races?
Even your fabled Cyber Ninjas could not prove any fraud in Maricopa AZ
The only error they found there was that Biden’s votes were undercounted by 800
…and how did I miss THIS gem?
See? Yahoo “news” has already decided the issue FOR you. “No need to worry about the actual science, or evaluate alternative scenarios. Most of you can’t, anyway, thanks to the dumbing-down of government schools. Just do what we tell you, and let government dictate everything you can and can’t do. Hey, as long as you can have sex with anyone you like and abort the result, what do you care?”
Yahoo, like every other main source of “information” is a wholly owned subsidiary of the DNC. There is no “official” news source that is factual without subliminal propaganda at a minimum.
Where do you think people like Elwood gets all his dis and mis “information”?
And remember, everything the fake administration says is a lie. Everything the media says is a lie and everything the “impartial” GAO says is a lie. All the numbers that are published as “statistics” for anything from Fauxi Flu to number of illegals biden is bringing into America to kill our economy are all lies.
If you keep that in mind when you read and hear and see the “news” you can avoid becoming a common carrier of the fake news plague and therefore not become an Elwood.
Old cranks such as kye get their “information” from FOX, Gateway Pudendum, Breitbart, DJtRump, Sinclair stations, Heritage, talk radio, Newsmax etc. Right-wingers exist is a toxic stew of mis- and dis-information that they angrily consume without question.
tRump won! Global warming is a hoax! Democrats eat babies! Schools are teaching hatred of whites! The vaccines kill more than they save! Airlines are spreading mind-control chemicals from the engine exhausts!! The CDC, WHO, FBI, NIH, Democrats, CIA, labor unions, teachers, military, universities, big pharma are all dominated by the international communist cabal who want to control US “patriots” by forcing them into EVs!!!
“Right-wingers exist is a toxic stew of mis- and dis-information that they angrily consume without question.” You misspelled “Left-wingers”.
The last time a left-winger questioned anything not approved by the Democrats and/or the MSM was…well, never, actually.
Do you believe tRump received more votes than Biden?
Fact check: a democratic election is the one in which votes are counted until Democrats win.
The walking ded Mr. Elwood has finally struck some truths with his verbiage.
The CDC, WHO, FBI, NIH, Democrats, CIA, labor unions, teachers, military, universities, big pharma are all dominated by the international communist cabal who want to control US “patriots†by forcing them into EVs!!!
You pretty much nailed it. Now if we could just teach you to open a door and use your brain you would be a useful person in keeping America safe from communism and the Chinese who have openly boasted their goal is world domination by 2049.
The reason that: Right-wingers exist is a toxic stew of mis- and dis-information that they angrily consume without question.
Is because??? That is what the left tosses out of their pie hole from their double-tapped brain. If you would stop spreading disinformation faster than the Enterprise can warp to the Moon perhaps the running dead on the right would not chase your fairy tales and we could all revel in the truth.
The rare Double-Tapped survivor (congrats – suggests you had little brain to explode!), Zombie Boy, blames right-wing stupidity and sadism on the left! But of course! LOL.
Kye is just incapable of accepting reality
Kye there is simply little market for the slant of news that you want
Americans have many many choices in their news media
FoxNews gets about 10% of the viewers during the prime time newshkyr when most Americans watch the news
Your real gripe is that Aneticans choose news media that does not contain ykur stamp of official Kye Approval
Not at all Hairy. Hairy it takes all the leftist “slant of the news” at primetime to equal FOX. Some of the “news” on CNNMSNBC can’t even garner a million viewers in a night. They get beaten by comedy reruns.
Last night the “presidential” (LOL) briefing got a mere 300,000 viewers but you and Elwood still think he beat Trump. It’s all lies all the time. It’s a fukin joke Hairy.
You guys and your commie sycophant “news services” have created a Truth Vacuum. That’s why the maladministration, the fascist “president” , Pcircle Back Psaki, Fauxci the liar and the entire media industry has the lowest ratings EVER!
You’re all a bunch of fukin liars and nobody’s listening any more.
More people watch pornography than listen to Dick’shroom tRump but that doesn’t prove Stormy Daniels should be president!
tRump received fewer votes than President Biden. That’s the difference between a loser like tRump and the winning candidate.
“Stop the Steal!” LOL