When’s Biden giving up his own fossil fueled travel? The lawsuits from Republican states should be epic
Biden Crafts a Climate Plan B: Tax Credits, Regulation and State Action
After losing the centerpiece of his climate agenda just a week before heading to a major global warming summit, President Joe Biden intends to make the case that the United States has a new plan that will still meet its ambitions to sharply cut greenhouse gases that are warming the planet.
The administration’s strategy now consists of a three-pronged approach of generous tax incentives for wind, solar and other clean energy; tough regulations to restrict pollution coming from power plants and automobile tailpipes; and a slew of clean energy laws enacted by states.
Tax incentives means “hooking up his rich donors” while others pay through the nose. Regulations means “raising the cost of living for the middle and lower classes”. How does he plan to force states to pass “clean energy laws”, ie, helping out China which slams the market with undervalue products?
But chances for success are slim; the approach faces significant legal, logistical and political challenges. The process of crafting regulations could take years, and the conservative-leaning Supreme Court could overrule them, or a future president could simply roll them back. And relying on states to amp up their clean energy laws just shifts the fight to statehouses for environmentalists and fossil fuel interests to battle it out on the local level.
In other words, the law/rules/regulations could violated the Constitution
Speaking at a CNN Town Hall on Thursday night, Biden pledged that when he arrives in Scotland, “I’m presenting a commitment to the world that we will in fact get to net zero emissions on electric power by 2035 and net zero emissions across the board by 2050 or before, but we have to do so much, between now and 2030, to demonstrate what we’re going to do to get there.â€
Accompanying the president to Scotland, in addition to a significant portion of his Cabinet, will be Biden’s top climate change advisers, John Kerry and Gina McCarthy, both veterans of the Obama administration. During that administration, Kerry and McCarthy traveled to multiple international climate negotiations, where Kerry promised that the United States would pass a tough climate law, which it never did, and McCarthy detailed tough pollution rules governing smokestacks and power plants, which were enacted but then rolled back by the Trump administration.
So, he’ll force you, or at least attempt to force you, to limit/give up your use of fossil fuels while he takes a fossil fueled flight to Scotland, with a backup jumbo jet, one carrying his limo, fighter jets, then a large convoy of fossil fueled vehicles.
Looming over that question is the shadow of former President Donald Trump, who relished dismantling Obama’s climate policies. The fossil fuel industry would almost certainly challenge new environmental regulations, which could end up before a Supreme Court with a conservative majority, including three justices appointed by Trump. The former president also appears to be weighing another run for the White House in 2024.
They just can’t quit him, eh?

Not only can they not quit him, they are obsessed with him. They must think he’s some sort of Superman the way the mere mention of his name drives them insane.
They have created a fake country in a fake world and are determined to impose their will on all of us. There will be an occurrence, an event, some sort of fuk up will occur where they panic and start shooting citizens then we will see how it goes. At that point we will find out if we live on our feet or die on our knees. Either way they will have destroyed what America was and face it, that’s their goal. Just ask Elwood.
BTW, right now in Afghanistan the Taliban is going door to door killing those people on the lists that biden furnished them ostensibly to “help them get out”. biden actually supplied the names and addresses of the people the Taliban wanted to kill. Whose side is junta the killer on anyway?
Traitor Don tried to overthrow the United States government. Rather than slink away in humiliation he continues to involve himself in US politics and has a sizeable and violent following intent on overthrowing the US. Daily rightowings
kye is a silly old man making up stories about coming mass murders and a communist takeover from within, all because his white nationalist boss man lost the election.
kye typed: right now in Afghanistan the Taliban is going door to door killing those people on the lists that biden furnished
Prove it.
Does kye now wish to renege on tRump’s cozy deal with the Taliban to be gone by May 2021? Why didn’t tRump leave Afghanistan during his term?
“Traitor Don tried to overthrow the US governmentâ€.. Really? Have any evidence of that? Of course you don’t…
Of course we do! Thanks for asking.
The investigation continues, even with tRump’s delays and obstruction.
Before the election, tRump whined that the vote was fixed. He repeated this mantra daily to this day.
On November 17 the Wayne County board voted unanimously to certify its results. tRump subsequently called the two Republican members, after which they rescinded their votes for certification. The two denied tRump’s call had influenced their reversal. Trump issued an invitation to Michigan GOP lawmakers to travel to Washington, which several did. RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel and the MI GOP Chair called upon the Michigan State Board of Canvassers to not proceed with the planned certification of election results, but on November 23, they certified the election.
He tried to strongarm GA Sec of State to change the vote count. It was recorded, oops.
Michael Flynn urged tRump to suspend the Constitution, silence the press, and hold a new election under military supervision.
The tRump campaign demanded a recount in Milwaukee and Dane counties, and objected to many of the ballots, but the final recount increased President Biden’s total.
tRump and his gang filed at least 63 unsuccessful lawsuits to invalidate various state votes.
He pressured the DOJ to call the election “illegal” and “corrupt”.
In PA, an “informational meeting,” was held in Gettysburg with Rudy Giuliani the election was subject to massive fraud. Trump also spoke to the over speakerphone, saying “We have to turn the election over”.
In December Rep Mo Brooks organized three White House meetings between Trump, and others, including Vice President Pence, representatives Jody Hice (R-Ga.), Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), and Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.), representative-elect Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.), and members of the Trump legal team. The purpose of the meetings was to strategize about how Congress could overturn the election results on January 6.
On 2 Jan 2021, Trump, Giuliani, Eastman and others held a conference call with 300 GOP legislators of key states urging them to call special sessions of their legislatures in an attempt to decertify electors.
tRump and some of his supporters promoted a false notion that Vice President Pence had the authority to reject the certified results. (Hang Mike Pence on Jan 6!!)
He urged his supporters to march with him to the Capitol to “protest” while his lawyers tried to get Justice Alito to halt the certification. Speaker Pelosi brought Congress back before it Alito could rule.
Surprisingly Rimjob, dipshit that he is, doesn’t really have any evidence at all.
Real shocka there.
Bwaha! Lolgfy
This is actually wonderful news! Republican candidates for the House and Senate will be running against Mr Biden’s plans, and will be educating the public on what everybody ought to already know: raising taxes, fees and expenses on businesses means businesses passing those increases on to their customers.
Even with “generous tax incentives” for favored power generation, that infrastructure takes years to build . . . and the next congressional elections are just one year and 15 days away! Just getting land bought, surveyed and permits granted for a solar park or windmill farm could take a year!
Just how does our esteemed President plan on doing that? Fossil fuel plants produce 62.5% of our current electric generating capacity, with nuclear providing 19%. Places like the Pyrite State will never allow new nuclear plants to be built there, so, as they retire — as California’s Diablo Canyon is about to — we’ll need to rebuild, within 14 years, between 63% and 82% of our entire electric generation capacity.
And more, because that doesn’t account for the Dummkopf from Delaware’s plans to push plug-in electric cars!
Teach it wasn’t Biden thst forced GM and the other major car manufacturers to announce an end to production of fossil fueled cars by 2035
Capitalists are baking that decision blame them
Why is it Teach that you want the Saudis Iraqis and Iranians to continue to hold the world captive for energy? Whzt do you think finances violent jihad?
The Hirsute One wrote:
The Democrats came into power stating that their plans were to pass regulations requiring all new vehicles sold in the US to be zero-emission by 2035; of course the Dummkopf from Delaware forced that decision upon them; they have to get ready for the engineering and production of those vehicles. They are trying to get ahead of the technology and development, hoping to produce electric vehicles that are better than being just someone’s second car.
“When’s Biden giving up his own fossil fueled travel? ”
Personally, I don’t have any expectation that the President of the USA, no matter which party, will ever have to accept a standard of living and support that is less than “presidential”. I am happy that the President of the USA rides on the most gas guzzling Limo, in a convoy of gas guzzling trucks and SUVs to get to the worlds most gas guzzling super-jumbo jet to fly wherever he wants to go, on a whim. It tells the rest of the world, “We are America and we may talk a good game about climate, but we all know we aren’t really going to give up anything just to make a few million activists happy”. And really, that is the real message that Hollywood celebrities, Politicians, and Euro-trash aristocrats tell us every day. Their mouths say “HOW DARE YOU”. Their actions say , “Fill ‘er up”.