Yes, it is about that time of the year to get the “Fall foliage is dooooooomed!” stories
Fall foliage season is a calendar highlight in states from Maine south to Georgia and west to the Rocky Mountains. It’s especially important in the Northeast, where fall colors attract an estimated US$8 billion in tourism revenues to New England every year.
As a forestry scientist, I’m often asked how climate change is affecting fall foliage displays. What’s clearest so far is that color changes are occurring later in the season. And the persistence of very warm, wet weather in 2021 is reducing color displays in the Northeast and mid-Atlantic. But climate change isn’t the only factor at work, and in some areas, human decisions about forest management are the biggest influences. (big snip)
For now, however, climate change has extended the growing season for trees in the Northeast by about 10-14 days. In my tree ring research, we routinely see trees putting on much more diameter growth now than in the past.
ZOMG! Say, what happened during the previous Holocene Warmi Periods? Also, consider how much the Little Ice Age shortened the growing season. How does that effect the time frame? Anyhow, it is actually an interesting and well thought out article, worth the read. It’s not all Warmist doom. It also fails to prove that mankind is mostly solely responsible for the warming. Not surprise.
Al Gore launches climate change asset manager
Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore and financier David Blood have set up a new asset manager to address global net-zero carbon emissions as countries come under increasing pressure to slow climate change and achieve carbon neutrality.
Just Climate, which will be launched on Wednesday, plans to invest in solutions that will help to limit global temperature rises to 1.5 degrees Celsius.
Just Climate has been founded to do the hard yards of addressing the most difficult to decarbonise segments of the global economy that investors have ignored until now, Blood said. (snip)
Just Climate will also seek to help institutional investors provide sufficient quantity of capital to close the climate finance gap, estimated by the United Nations to be $3 trillion per annum through 2050 to reach net-zero, the release said.
And surely Gore will make no money off this, right? Right? Not a scam, right?

The Little Ice Age is not considered to be global significant
It affected really only the North European regionnd at no other time in the Holocend has the rate of temp increasing been this fast
Teach: It also fails to prove that mankind is mostly solely responsible for the warming
Scientific theories, e.g., CO2-dependent global warming, are not proven. As supporting evidence accumulates (with no “knockout” data to invalidate the theory) scientists begin to accept the theory as the null hypothesis, i.e., acceptable scientific truth. That’s where things stand now. What more data/evidence would mr teach need to accept the theory?
So far, he claims that many of those who understand global warming drive cars and fly in planes, invalidating the theory. Further, he claims that past warm periods invalidate that the current warming can be caused by an increase in greenhouse gases.