The original point of the new mask mandates in Wake County and Raleigh was to get infection rates below 5%. Wake County’s was supposed to end November 1st, unless they reauthorized it. Raleigh’s was completely open ended. And they want to keep their power trip going
Coronavirus infections are declining, but local officials say it’s too early to ditch masks
North Carolina reported 2,160 coronavirus infections on Wednesday, which is 17 percent lower than a week ago. But even though pandemic-related metrics continue trending downward in the state, local officials say they aren’t ready to lift rules requiring masks indoors in public places.
Wake County’s mask mandate expires Monday, but Matt Calabria, chairman of the county Board of Commissioners, said Wednesday an order extending it will likely be issued by the end of the week.
The county is considered a “high transmission” area for the virus, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Calabria said he doesn’t want to end the mandate before the county drops to a “moderate transmission” area.
The CDC bases those categories on the rate of new infections and the positive rate on virus tests over a seven-day period. Although Wake County’s 3.3 percent positive rate is in the “low transmission” range, the rate of 100 cases per 100,000 residents would need to be cut by more than half to get into the moderate range.
Raleigh Mayor Mary-Ann Baldwin said she also has no plans to lift the city’s indoor mask mandate until the CDC says the region has only moderate levels of viral transmission.
The interesting thing is that other areas of NC without mask mandates are also seeing the same drop in infections. Franklin County and Randolph County, for instance. Florida, with mask mandates being blocked, now has the nation’s lowest Chinese coronavirus rate. Could this all be cyclical, with masking making almost no difference, especially since most masks block, at best, 10% of COVID? Perhaps we should be spending more time on social distancing, no touching, washing hands.
And Wake County and Raleigh have high vaccination rates (over 70%), yet, they want to continue the mask theater.
Meanwhile, The Lid points out
DeBlasio’s vaccine mandate is effective on Friday evening (10/29), only two days from now. As of Tuesday (10/26), twenty-seven percent of all cops have chosen not to get the poke.
The Fire Department is in even worse shape. “Andrew Ansbro, FDNY Firefighters Association president, told the â€Brian Kilmeade Show†that â€right now, 45% of New York firefighters are unvaccinated.†Ansbro thinks that Mayor Bill de Blasio’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate for state workers will lead to â€30% to 40% of firehouses†being closed down.
DeBlasio announced the mandate would no longer have a testing option last week, nine days before the deadline. Anyone who does not get at least one poke before this coming Friday will be placed on leave without pay. That includes the police officers and firefighters he praised months ago for being on the front line in fighting COVID.
Good luck, Democratic Party run area of NYC!

Our distinguished host wrote:
Eventually, someone is going to do the studies, studies which will prove that forced masking made virtually no difference at all in Wuhan virus transmission and infection. Will the authorities then apologize for oppressing the public? Not a chance!
There is one, and only one, solution: vote the [insert plural slang term for the rectum here] out of office! And, if possible, sue them all, individually, into penury.
We thank the Lord that voters in the Bluegrass State elected a General Assembly with Republican super-majorities, to pass the laws, over Reichsstatthalter Beshear’s (NSDAP-KY) veto, which greatly restricted his ’emergency’ authority. The only reason that there is no statewide mask mandate in Kentucky is because of the legislature’s actions; the Reichsstatthalter had already said that, if he had the authority, he’d have ordered one.
Several places have “masks strongly encouraged” signs at the entrances, but in Lowe’s, in Kroger, in PNC Bank, I don’t see many people
submitting like the sheeple they arecomplying.