Well, perhaps the Pope could tell all those big wigs to not take all those long, fossil fueled trips on private jets to a ‘climate change’ conference? And, perhaps, he could spend more time on the Bible and the teachings of Jesus, rather than an authoritarian scam
Pope Francis calls for ‘radical’ climate change response before COP26
Pope Francis said Friday that climate change was an “unprecedented threat” which requires an urgent and effective response, as global leaders prepare for the imminent COP26 summit in Scotland.
“The political decision-makers who will meet at COP26 in Glasgow are urgently summoned to provide effective responses to the present ecological crisis, and in this way to offer concrete hope to future generations,” the pontiff said, in the “Thought for the Day” message on BBC Radio 4’s Today program.
Francis also pointed to health care, food supply issues and economic challenges as part of a “profoundly interconnected” global crisis which represents an “immense cultural challenge.”
He called for “vision” in rethinking of the future of the world amid the crises, and urged leaders to make “radical decisions that are not always easy.”
“We can confront these crises by retreating into isolationism, protectionism and exploitation or we can see in them a real chance for change,” the Pope added.
He’s calling for authoritarian, world wide government, screwing the little people and enabling the elites.
Environmental activists from an Extinction Rebellion (XR) offshoot set fire to a prop boat and filled the air with plumes of smoke to protest climate change and fossil fuels.
Two so-called environmentalists from Ocean Rebellion, one dressed as Britain’s Prime Minister Boris Johnson, set fire to the small boat bearing a sail reading, “Your children’s future†on the banks of the River Clyde in Glasgow, Scotland, opposite the site of the United Nations COP26 climate conference which starts on Sunday.
Footage shared on social media and pictures from the protest showed smoke from the fire rising into the air. The activists from Ocean Rebellion, founded in August 2020 as an offshoot of XR, also burnt fake money, some of which was seen strewn on the ground.
On Tuesday, another XR offshoot, Animal Rebellion, scaled the government’s Home Office building in Westminster, London, demanding the world adopt a vegan diet.
Funny how they always want the Government to force compliance, eh? Funny how, even with all sorts of rules and regs and laws and Dicates, we get
Canadians have highest “lifestyle carbon footprint†of all nations in this study
New research has found that all nations analyzed exceed the lifestyle carbon footprint required to avert the climate crisis. The report warned of the need for a precipitous reduction in the global carbon footprint and called for changes at the personal and systemic levels.
The research, 1.5 Degree Lifestyles report, analyzed the lifestyle carbon footprint of nine G20 countries, including Canada. Examining domestic habits in six areas, including food, housing, transport, and leisure, the research determined the reductions necessary to align with the 1.5°C warming increase target outlined in the Paris Agreement. (snip)
These recommendations would have particular ramifications on lifestyles in Canada, which was determined to have by far the highest lifestyle footprint of all nations analyzed. The per capita emissions of the average Canadian was found to be fully six times greater than the average person in Indonesia, three times that of Chinese or South African citizens, and not quite double the footprint of someone from the UK.
Canada has a lot of forced climate emergency (scam) restrictions on citizens, yet, they’re still tops. It’s almost like this has nothing to do with the climate.

mr teach typed (of Pope Francis): he could spend more time on the Bible and the teachings of Jesus, rather than an authoritarian scam
Every major religion disagrees with mr teach. Are not the religious also of this Earth? Does being a Catholic mean withdrawing from the secular world?
Buddhism: October 29th, 2015 (including the Dalai Lama)
Roman Catholic Church:
Southern Baptist Convention:
Scientists, scientific organizations, governments, religious leaders, corporations, educators understand the reality and seriousness of global warming. Yet, the minority of conservative activists/skeptics deny what others see as obvious.
mr teach typed: Canada has a lot of forced climate emergency (scam) restrictions on citizens, yet, they’re still tops. It’s almost like this has nothing to do with the climate.
Canada has per capita CO2 emissions identical to the US. Yet the US emits 10 times as much CO2 as Canada! China emits half as much per capita but emits twice as much as the US and 20 times what Canada emits.
Nearly every middle eastern oil producer and many island nations have much higher CO2 emissions per capita than Canada.
And Teach, of course this is about climate, but it will take political solutions, duh.
Yes, a solution still in search of a problem. Let us know when you find one….
Teach very sadz that Pope says Biden OK to receive communion
G-20 leaders have expressed “broad support” for a landmark deal to establish a 15% global minimum corporate tax that aims at deterring multinational countries from using clever accounting to elude taxes by using low-rate havens.
Fifteen percent is a joke. They need to tax corporations 75 percent and raise the minimum wage to 50 dollars per hour and make everything free. Billionaires should be made paupers overnight. Except those that I personally like.