…is coffee which will soon taste horrible due to carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Irons In The Fire, with a post on the FDA playing games with people’s lives.
It’s Asian week!

…is coffee which will soon taste horrible due to carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Irons In The Fire, with a post on the FDA playing games with people’s lives.
It’s Asian week!
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Bwaha! Lolgf
Who said it?
– tRump consigliere and white christo-fascist, Michael Flynn
Right-wing, anti-democracy, anti-constitution, anti-Americans such as Flynn have the right as an American to say whatever he wishes, but has no right to be part of our government.
My, my, Elwood P. Dowd. Do you wake up every day this full of hate and venom and come here to spit out nasty names at people? You need to relax and stop branding people. That’s very intolerant.
On the lighter side a friend at church who sends her boy to public school told me today that the state may want to force us home schoolers to prove we have Covid shots. I assume the state of NJ will soon try and require shots for kids which will not happen in my home. I do not understand the burning desire to inject relatively untested medicines into the bodies of small children generally shown not severely impacted by Covid. I personally think the shot is more dangerous than the flu and will not allow my kids to be injected unless or until this has gone through several years of rigorous testing and proved safe. However, I have no problem with other parents getting shots for their kids if they believe it’s in their best interest. I only wish the state would grant us the same respect.
Do you agree with Flynn that America must have one religion under G-d?
Now the CDC is saying that even universal vaccination will not stop the spread of the virus.
They really have no choice now that their credibility is circling the toilet.

Bwaha! Lolgf
The vaccinated hermit, mr Dana, continues to discourage vaccination, typing “even universal vaccination will not stop the spread of the virus”.
Of course, the CDC said no such thing, although some typist from Yahoo! did.
Currently under 60% of Americans are vaccinated.
Nearly all hospitalized Covid patients are unvaccinated.
Vaccination DOES reduce the spread of Covid, regardless of how many NFL QBs get infected.
Our path out of this pandemic is vaccination and effective anti-viral meds. Why nuCons repeatedly discourage vaccination and effective drugs can only be because nuCons prefer maintaining power and privilege to the commonweal of their fellow citizens. Americans dying from Covid is not as important to them as maintaining power.
The vaccinated hermit, Dr Dana, claims that 100% vaccination will NOT change the trajectory of the Covid pandemic in the US.
Wonder where Rimjob, dipshit that he is, gets his information.
Seems he should be able to share so his outrageous claims could be verified.
What is the percentage “nearly all” represents? Where are your stats?

The esteemed Mr Dowd wrote:
Melissa Healy, the reporter, was writing about the comments made by Dr Jefferson Jones, a medical officer on the CDC’s COVID-19 Epidemiology Task Force, had stated.
The CDC are worried that Dr Jones remarks will hurt people’s perceptions, but they did not refute him.
As for “some typist for Yahoo!”, the article originally appeared in the Los Angeles Times. Yahoo! news has some sort of arrangement to reprint articles, from several sources, that are otherwise hidden behind a paywall, and Times articles often are.
When CDC officials are saying that vaccination has not and does not prevent transmission, it’s more than some “vaccinated hermit” saying so.
That, of course, is untrue, and you know it is untrue. I am not “discourag(ing) vaccination,” but simply telling the truth: the vaccines have not performed as we were told they would perform.
I do believe that the ‘vaccines’ — it would be more accurate to refer to them as prophylactic medications — are helpful, as I have said before, and you know that I have said before. But I also believe, as does our distinguished host, that they should not be mandatory, that everyone should, and ought to have, the right to take the decision to get vaccinated personally.
We ought to be asking: for how long have the CDC known that this prophylactic medication was not a true vaccine? For how long have the ‘experts’ known that two doses would not provide long lasting assistance, but would need apparently routine booster shots? Were the things that we were told all along simple ignorance, or deliberate lies?
Well, she might be Asian, but she sure dressed like a Southern girl!
While the Democrats in the USA are ready to become socialists/communists I do not think the rest of the country is prepared for that same leap which puts the Dems in a dire position in the 2022 midterms and beyond.
If the election was held today: 51% of registered voters prefer a GOP-held Congress, compared to just 41% for a Democrat-held Congress, according to the poll.
It’s the largest lead Republican congressional candidates have held in the midterm election vote preferences of the poll in 40 years, underscoring profound challenges for Democrats hoping to retain their slim majorities in Congress next year, according to ABC News.
The GOP held an 8 point lead in 2010 and won 63 seats in the house. I don’t think those numbers are even possible today since the Dems at that time had like 242 seats compared to 218 today Still, I think it is highly likely the GOP will win back the house and enjoy a 15 or 20 seat margin.
Another headwind the left faces is the redistricting of the several states favoring the GOP in purple states such as WI, MI, PA, GA, AZ, etc. Because they are controlled by a GOP congress.
The GOP has also focused heavily on State Attorney General races as well as Local District Attorney races realizing they are winning the legislatures only to be beaten unconscious by weaponized AG and DA’s. There is also a fanatical approach to local school boards now that CRT has become a real threat to this nation. The VA election showed what happens when an issue overwhelms party loyalty.
Issues like the Iraq war got the GOP beat senseless. Obamacare and many others through the course of the USA’s history. CRT is just the latest stumbling block in the way of the Left becoming the party in power that is communist in all but name.
Additionally, it is believed the left will lose at least 3 seats in CA because of a nonpartisan redistricting committee along with losing one seat by Census. It is not shaping up for a very good year for the left in 2022.
The Virginia election showed what the GOP has been facing for decades. Ambivalence at the polling precincts during elections. Virginia had thousands of Republican poll watchers descend upon the state which prevented a narrow loss for the Dems to become a narrow win via shenanigans.
Still, it is early. The Dems could very easily turn this around. The AGW wing of their party is in control and everything they are doing right now is out of fear of putting more Carbon into the skies. If Biden tames inflation, puts people back to work, stops the virus, and solves the supply chain issues then the left could have a healthy midterm. No small task.
One thing I will tell you with certainty. If the Government gives a COLA of 1-2 percent this year when Inflation is soaring to 20-30 percent, there will be a revolution at the polls in 2022. This is a warning for Biden and the Democrats. Pounding fixed-income seniors with huge inflation believed caused by this president’s policies and then denying a COLA that helps them out is tantamount to political suicide.
The 19 GOP Senators who voted for President Biden’s Infrastructure Bill:
Will these commies get primaried by the tRumpublicuns? Eight are either retiring or up for 2022 elections.
But, carbon filtering makes coffee taste better.