Usually, when a story like this hits, people are like “oh, my goodness, that’s horrible!”
Scorpions stung Saturday 453 citizens – killing three – living near the mountainous areas of Aswan as thundershowers hit the governorate pushing them to leave their nests#EgyptToday
— Egypt Today Magazine (@EgyptTodayMag) November 14, 2021
The Cult of Climastrology’s first though is “how can I use this to push the cult?”
As Climate Emergency Worsens, Freak Storm Sends Snow, Scorpion Plague on Egypt’s Aswan
Egyptian climate scientists have no doubt that the Aswan storm was a manifestation of human-driven climate change, and they say that the old Egypt people grew up with is being altered.
How freakish and biblical our climate emergency could become was illustrated this week in the Upper Egyptian city of Aswan, which was struck in November by rolling lightning storms, downpours, snow, and a plague of scorpions. High winds blew the deadly Egyptian black, fat-tailed scorpions from the surrounding desert into the city and into people’s homes. The scorpions killed three persons with their venom and left hundreds sickened, as Egyptian rescue crews tried to distribute the antidote.
The Egyptian fat-tailed or black scorpion is one of the deadliest of its species.
Snow and scorpions and downpours. In November. In Upper Egypt.
The average high in November in Egypt is 86°F. with an average low of 61°F. Not really what you would call snow weather. The average rainfall in November in Aswan is 0.0 millimeters. That is, none, zero, zilch, nada.
So, not only are scorpions caused by ‘climate change’, but, snow storms.
This tragedy underlines the ways in which climate change-driven superstorms and other severe weather drive wild creatures into human spaces, where they can spread exotic viruses or simply attack.
These people. And there’s more
A swarm of scorpions in Egypt killed at least 3 people and hospitalized over 500 others, says state media.
Heavy rains and extreme weather scientists link to the climate crisis pushed the "man-killer" scorpions from their hiding places into streets and homes, say officials.
— AJ+ (@ajplus) November 15, 2021
— Barbara Poeta (@PoetaBarbara) November 15, 2021
The climate plagues.
"Egypt's fat-tailed scorpions are considered to be among the most deadly in the world. Venom from a black fat-tail can kill humans in under an hour if left untreated."
— (@loufreshwater) November 15, 2021
“Climate plagues”. There’s plenty more.

If one does a bit of searching you can find the live sunspot activity for today. There are a whopping 23 sunspots today. Now one must remember that each sunspot is considered a cluster of 10 sunspots and not that there are actually 23 discernable spots on the surface of the sun. There are two clusters on the sun’s surface right now with 23 individual spots.
The sun is relatively quiet. The heat from the sun is lower. It is colder. Hence why you are seeing snow in Egypt. This is going to continue for the next fifty years and it will always be blamed on Global Warming or AGW or Climate Change.
Of course, the climate is changing. It has been getting warmer even as the sun has been cooling. The question for debate is what is causing the climate to warm? Most contend it is the addition of 100 molecules of Carbon or Co2. Others without a political agenda understand that Co2 does help with warming but it is more the pluming effects of millions of square miles of Asphalt and concrete as the earth becomes more industrialized.
The grand solar minimum is approaching. This is the end of the sunspot cycles in which the drastic dip in sunspots cast the least amount of heat throughout the entire solar system. This will of course greatly affect the Earth’s weather.
A typical sunspot cycle lasts on average 11 years though it is variable to some degree. 28 sunspot cycles times 11 years puts you back 300+ years. That would be roughly the year 1730.
What was happening on Earth in 1700’s?
The ‘Great Storm’ of 1703 which commenced on Friday 26th November (old-style, 7th December new-style) was probably the worst ever experienced in England; it is described by Defoe in his work: “The Storm 1703”.
1704 Perhaps the driest year for 20 years .. but not everywhere. A warm summer (London/South).
1714 Outstandingly dry: the annual rainfall at Upminster (Essex) was some 11.25 inches (or 286 mm) which is about half of the average during the first half of the 20th century. (These low values were not beaten until 1921 q.v.)
1715/1716 Cold / severe winter, by CET series. (0.8 degC). Severe frost from 24th November(OS) to 9th February(OS). Frost fair held on the Thames.
1716 A dry year – with a dry summer
1717 24th/25th December(NS): According to Hubert Lamb, this was ‘one of the greatest historically recorded storm disasters on the coasts of the North Sea in terms of loss of life
1720 “Great losses sustained in Lancashire in December, 1720 by the violent overflowing of the sea”. (Diary of Nicholas Blundell). Storm tides (wind-driven surge) had flooded 6600 acres of land, washed-out 157 houses, and damaged 200 more.
I can go on and on. Why am I using England? Because they kept accurate weather reports as opposed to the USA which did not until much later in their history. In 1700 the USA was barely getting started as a geographical location while England had been in Existence since at least 400 AD.
The point is simple. The Approaching Grand solar minimum and the 30 years prior to that time saw severe weather events that were out of the ordinary in England. Exactly as today. Combine today with nearly 9 billion people and giant city heat pluming and more Co2 and the weather is going to be an issue for the world.
But reducing co2 is not a solution to anything. Reducing the population and the use of Asphalts and concretes is. But then, of course, it seems as if the AGW proponents are addicted to their high rises and big cities don’t they?
Mr. Teach missed the chance to use a Rad Scorpion reference.