Interesting. She doesn’t push her “deeply held” religious beliefs to protect the unborn
‘This is God’s creation’: Pelosi invokes religion for climate change action after U.N. summit
To emphasize the moral imperative to combat climate change, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi invoked her religious beliefs in a press conference on Thursday.
Pelosi said limiting the severity of climate change is “a moral obligation for us to hand this planet over to the next generation in a responsible way.”
“For me, it’s a religious thing: I believe this is God’s creation, and we have a moral obligation to be good stewards,” said Pelosi, who is a practicing Catholic.
But, not for the unborn.
Pope Francis, the leader of the Roman Catholic Church, is a strong advocate of action to address climate change. President Biden, who, like Pelosi, is a Catholic Democrat, met with the pope in late October and discussed their shared commitment to fighting climate change, among other subjects. (snip)
The urgency is particularly acute because the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Glasgow, Scotland, also known as COP26, just concluded last Saturday. Pelosi led a 21-member congressional delegation there last week. During their visit, she and her colleagues consistently touted the provisions of Build Back Better as if its passage were assured, despite its uncertain future in the Senate.
She cares so much that she took a long fossil fueled flight to Rome and Glasgow, both with large contingents. But, not for the unborn, which is rather an important Catholic belief.
Pelosi says protecting Earth "is a moral issue if you believe, as I do, that this is God's creation and we have a moral obligation to be good stewards. But even if you don't share that view religiously, we all share it morally, that we have a responsibility to future generations"
— CBS News (@CBSNews) November 17, 2021

It is no secret why the pope endorses a POLITICAL POSITION in regard to Climate Change.
He knows who has the ultimate power to bring down the Catholic church’s house of cards. I do not attack individual Catholics or their faith but rather those who work for the Church instead of for God.
He fully endorses Climate change to save what is left of a rapidly declining Catholic Institution that has been around for at least 1500 years. Period.
Even the liberal Wikipedia understands what is happening. Your jaw will drop at just the amount of sexual abuse and scandals this Institution has endured and covered up over the last half century.
Religions have various tenets and few practitioners adhere to every one. Some of you may be familiar with the Ten Commandments of the christian faith. Don’t lie, don’t steal, don’t covet, don’t bang outside of marriage, keep Sunday holy etc. Not a word about abortion or protecting the planet.
If you want to attack Speaker Pelosi, attack her for attributing “green” inclinations to the almighty.