Well, it’s not just truckers, but, can you imagine what this will do to the supply chain?
NEW: President Joe Biden will require essential, nonresident travelers crossing U.S. land borders, such as truck drivers, government and emergency response officials, to be fully vaccinated beginning on Jan. 22. https://t.co/wtPctBSWjV
— Star Tribune (@StarTribune) November 23, 2021
From the link
President Joe Biden will require essential, nonresident travelers crossing U.S. land borders, such as truck drivers, government and emergency response officials, to be fully vaccinated beginning on Jan. 22, the administration planned to announce.
A senior administration official said the requirement, which the White House previewed in October, brings the rules for essential travelers in line with those that took effect earlier this month for leisure travelers, when the U.S. reopened its borders to fully vaccinated individuals. (snip)
The Biden administration pushed back the requirement for essential travelers by more than two months from when it went into effect on Nov. 8 for non-essential visitors to prevent disruptions, particularly among truck drivers who are vital to North American trade. While most cross-border traffic was shut down in the earliest days of the pandemic, essential travelers have been able to transit unimpeded.
Even with the delay, though, Norita Taylor, spokeswoman for the trucking group Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association, criticized the vaccination requirement, calling it an example of “how unnecessary government mandates can force experienced owner-operators and independent truckers out of business.”
So, the #LetsGoBrandon administration knew this would cause supply chain issues two months ago, and is doing now, with the supply chain in even more of a mess.
It’s like Joe asked “how can I make this worse” and his handlers said “make everyone driving goods into the U.S. be vaccinated. And subject all U.S. citizens bringing goods back from Canada and Mexico go through rigorous testing and isolation protocols.”
But, you know who’s still not required to be vaccinated? All the illegals/migrants crossing the border.

Those crossing the Southern border illegally, not so much….I
Ya know who else isn’t vaxxed? The welfare establishment. The easiest to require vaxes for. No vax, no EBT/housing/and all the other perks. I guess that would be racist even though there are more whites on welfare. Can you imagine the uproar if they told knee-grows they had to get a vax to charge their cards? Multi millionaire (but what Democrat ain’t these days?) Joy-less Reid would be apoplectic.
Vax newborns in hospital. Vax to get married, get a driver license and get a bank loan. And to vote. Not that it matters any more. They just print up the extras and voila!
As stated before, Brandon had a colonoscopy a few weeks ago.
Doctors found a brain.

Bwaha! Lolgf
I’m going to need proof.
But they removed it thinking it was a polyp.