This doesn’t bode well when it comes to how politicians react, because it may well mean the reinstitution of rules against big gatherings
Omicron outbreak at Norway Christmas party is biggest outside S. Africa -authorities
At least 13 people in Oslo have been infected with the Omicron variant of the coronavirus following a corporate Christmas party described as a “super spreader event”, and their numbers could rise to over 60 cases, authorities said on Friday.
The outbreak took place at a Christmas party on Nov. 26 organised by renewable energy company Scatec, which has operations in South Africa where the variant was first detected.
“This party has been a super spreader event,” Preben Aavitsland, a senior physician at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health, told Reuters by email.
“Our working hypothesis is that at least half of the 120 participants were infected with the Omicron variant during the party. This makes this, for now, the largest Omicron outbreak outside South Africa.”
The outbreak led the Norwegian government to reintroduce some nationwide restrictions to curb the spread of COVID-19.
The first person in Oslo confirmed as infected had attended the party, where at least one employee had just returned from South Africa. All the attendees were fully vaccinated and had tested negative before the event.
Perhaps having a party where someone just came back from South Africa wasn’t the best of ideas? Even though everyone was vaccinated? Maybe they should have said “bro/broette, how about sitting this one out, and, stay away from the office for a week?”
Health authorities said the individuals infected were so far displaying mild symptoms, with none hospitalised.
“It is still too early to say whether the clinical picture of the disease is different in Omicron infections than in Delta infections,” Aavitsland said.
“None of the patients has severe symptoms; none is hospitalised. However, this is not unexpected given the young age of the participants.”
So far it looks like very few are hospitalized, which is the good news. Any area that has a mask mandate, expect that to be extended for at least several months. And for The Powers That Be to push restrictions.

Our esteemed host concluded:
How true that is! Reichsstatthalter Tom Wolf (NSDAP-PA) told his subjects not to worry, he was going to lift his illegal and unconstitutional mask mandate for schools — public and private — in the Commonwealth on January 17th. A lawsuit to force an end to the restrictions, which the Reichsstatthalter lost, is to be heard on appeal by the state Supreme Court on December 8th, and the Court just decided to keep the restrictions in place while the appeal is heard, though the Court said, “Nothing in this order shall be construed as a position regarding the merits of this appeal.” Considering how long court cases take, January 17th would almost certainly have come and gone before the state Supremes would have announced any decision.
If the Reichsstatthalter did lift the order on January 17th, as promised, he could then file a motion to dismiss the whole thing as moot. But now, with the
XiOmicron variant, he might just decide to keep it in place.That looks about right. The left has a plan and they’re executing it.
Rearrange the letters in “Omicron” and you get “moronic”.
