Water vapor has pretty much always been the #1 greenhouse gas. But, this is a cult, so, even though they are trying to elevate methane (which is way more potent than CO2, has no doubling effect), they still say that carbon pollution is KILLING GAIA!
Fact check: Human-generated CO2, not water vapor, drives climate change
The claim: Human-generated CO2 is an insignificant contributor to climate change (snip)
Though the report was described as a “code red for humanity” by UN Secretary-General António Guterres, a years-old claim soon resurfaced on social media claiming that humanity’s CO2 emissions are too minute to impact climate.
A version of the claim in the form of a graphic titled “How climate alarmists use numbers to deceive” was posted to Facebook on Sept. 19 and received hundreds of shares. The graphic also accuses the Environmental Protection Agency of publishing a misleading pie chart that “exaggerates CO2’s role as a greenhouse gas.”
“SCIENTIFIC FACT: Man-made CO2 constitutes only 0.1 to 0.2% of atmospheric greenhouse gases. It is an insignificant contributor to global temperature and climate,” the post concludes.
This claim, which has been repeatedly debunked, is wrong. The human-generated CO2 in the atmosphere is causing significant changes in Earth’s climate, scientists say.
Blah blah blah blah blah cult yammerings blah blah blah
This is not a fact check, unless we consider cults as authoritative sources. Because the first thing you have to do is prove that CO2 output is bad, that it is mostly from mankind. It’s we breath out, and what animals breathe out. But, they correlate a low level rise in global temps with rising CO2. How come previous Holocene warm periods were warmer yet lower CO2?
Water vapor and CO2 behave differently in the atmosphere
The social media post correctly indicates that there can be more water vapor than CO2 in the atmosphere, but it is wrong to offer that as evidence CO2 is insignificant.
This “is an old myth,” said Willis. “This one has been debunked many times.”
The fact that there is typically more water vapor than CO2 in the atmosphere does not change the impact of CO2 on the atmosphere.
Using Skeptical Science is not the dunk they think it is: they are a biased website with biased contributors who are vested in pushing anthropogenic climate doom
CO2 and water vapor both contribute to the “greenhouse effect” that warms the Earth and makes it habitable. However, they play very different roles. Increased CO2 levels cause climate change, whereas increased water vapor levels are caused by climate change.
Oh, F*** right of, this is pure cult. It’s just a case of the doomsday cult blaming everything on carbon pollution. Nutjobs.

William Teach: Water vapor has pretty much always been the #1 greenhouse gas.
Yes. The Earth is a watery world. Consequently, atmospheric water vapor content is kept in general equilibrium. If the world warms—for whatever reason—the water vapor content of the atmosphere will tend to increase, increasing the greenhouse effect, and so acting as a positive feedback. If the world cools—for whatever reason—the process works in the opposite direction.
William Teach: It’s we breath out, and what animals breathe out.
The carbon dioxide humans and animals exhale was recently fixed from atmospheric carbon dioxide by plants. Respiration is carbon neutral.
William Teach: How come previous Holocene warm periods were warmer yet lower CO2?
Primarily due to Milankovitch cycles, changes in Earth’s orbit that affect the amount of solar radiation reaching each latitude. Milankovitch cycles currently predict a sight cooling trend.
You’re missing the point – “climate science” is not a science.
If it was, some of their predictions might come true sometimes.
The other point the kiddieZ also misinterpret is that the anthropogenic changes in water vapor in the atmosphere are necessarily accompanied by changes in cloudiness. The changes in cloudiness on global temperatures are overwhelmingly more important than the changes in the atmospheric greenhouse gases.
But the kiddieZ overlook these basic scientific tidbits.
Hell, the kiddieZ overlook a lot.
alanstorm: You’re missing the point – “climate science” is not a science. If it was, some of their predictions might come true sometimes.
Skeptical Science doesn’t deserve the name.
Their website is nothing but appeal to authority and apples/oranges comparisons.
alanstorm: Their website is nothing but appeal to authority
Appealing to scientists in fields relevant to the question is more than appropriate.
Teach: Oh, F*** right of, this is pure cult. It’s just a case of the doomsday cult blaming everything on carbon pollution. Nutjobs.
Denial cultist and Nutjob Teach displays his deepening ignorance and frustration daily. Yes, water vapor is a potent greenhouse gas but doesn’t continually increase independent of CO2. Teach may notice that water also exists as a liquid that falls from the sky quite regularly! As the atmosphere warms the average amount of water vapor increases. This is one of those amplifying positive feedback loops of which you hear scientific authorities speak.
You wanna show us a citation for that or did you just make that up?

from your friends at the American Chemical Society (ACS):
Still waiting, Rimjob.

Maybe you didn’t understand.
Nowhere in your Copy & Paste does it state that water vapor doesn’t continually increase independent of CO2.
Wanna try again, dipshit?
And by children we should include Rimjob and the KiddieZ.

Most climatologists agree thst the global temperature is warmer now than during any previous holicene time
Are you suggesting to us that neither volcanic nor orbital changes ate NOT the reasons for temp spikes in the past? Prove it!!
You agree that Temps are going up BUT you can’t accept CO2 as tge reason But you can’t present an alternative
It is not necessary to provide an answer to climate change. If you throw out a hypothesis, then scientist are only responsible for showing your model does not work. In regard to the climate hoax, it is only necessary to look at the one and only solution presented by the believers in the climate religion. That solution is global communistic government with the unilateral destruction of US/ European economies with little to no restrictions on the major polluters, the Asians.
david7134: If you throw out a hypothesis, then scientist are only responsible for showing your model does not work.