These lunatics do realize that most of the people commuting in D.C. are like minded wackadoodle Warmists, right? So, actually, it’s great that they annoy each other, rather then try this crazy around people who might yank them off the road and out of the way
Road Closures, Heavy Traffic Expected Tuesday Around Capitol During Protests
Demonstrations on Capitol Hill Tuesday could potentially shut down roads and delay traffic during the morning rush, U.S. Capitol Police say.
Drivers should expect impromptu road closures and delays beginning about 7 a.m., police said.
Activists with multiple organizations, including ShutDownDC, SPACES In Action, CODEPINK, Arm in Arm Washington DC, Chesapeake Climate Action Network Action Fund, Extinction Rebellion DC, plan to demand congressional action on climate, immigration, racial justice, health care and child care, voting rights and D.C. statehood.
About 150 people will conduct multiple rallies and street blockades featuring brass and go-go bands and large props, organizers of the event said in a news release.
Um, what, exactly, are they protesting? Just chaos, no actual theme, a bunch moonbats yammering, playing drums, holding up signs, leaving the signs and lots of trash behind.
Extinction Rebellion brings medical protest to Worcester Christmas Fayre
Members of Extinction Rebellion held an “emergency room” stunt during the city’s Christmas Fayre.
This was to highlight the health of the planet and demand a “citizen’s assembly” to decide on climate action.
A team of ‘rapid response planet medics’ attended the Earth, which was being carried on a stretcher.
So, basically annoying the people at the Christmas Fayre. Meanwhile
The UK’s policing bill will make climate activism almost illegal – just when it’s most needed
The UK government has proposed some worrying amendments to its already draconian policing bill. The amendments will directly target environmental activists and are a response to direct action protests from groups such as Extinction Rebellion and Insulate Britain, and protests against the HS2 high speed railway.
Proposed changes to the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill would grant police additional powers to restrict protests when deemed to “threaten public order or stop people from getting on with their daily lives”. The proposed legislation represents a dangerous threat to essential democratic and civil liberties such as the right to protest.
Bummer. But, this is in response to the annoying protests, with people gluing themselves to doors, trucks, trains, blocking roads, and so much more. And in Canada
Vancouver police seeking 2022 budget increase, saying climate protests costing millions
Vancouver police say climate activists are costing the department millions of dollars in resources.
The police board is pushing for a budget increase as part of the city’s 2020 budget.
The Vancouver Police Department (VPD) said it spent more than $3 million on protests last year alone — in comparison to $2.5 million in 2019 and $1.5 million in 2018.
Guess who’s paying for this, Vancouver residents?

It might have mattered about 10 years ago. But Waze automatically updates and routes traffic around the obstructions. otherwise, People who work in downtown DC understand that this is a normal part of life in DC. I guarantee you that the annual gay pride parade will block many times more traffic and the DC city counsel will all smile at how awesome it is. There were anti-trump rallies in DC every weekend for 4 years. At some point, it’s just background noise and another reason why normal people should always avoid big cities if they can.
Our host quoted:
That’s seven separate items, pretty much most of the whacko leftist agenda. Of course, even a whole lot of Democrats might not agree with the left’s positions on all of those issues. Some Democrats, for example, might not agree with the virtually open borders positions if the squadristi. Others might question policy prescriptions on
global warmingclimatechangeemergency which would make many people poorer.