We’ve heard rumblings and ruminations of changing the definition to include getting a booster, moving that goal post, for a few weeks now. Notre Dame has taken it to heart
Notre Dame is requiring students to get a COVID-19 booster to keep fully vaccinated status
The University of Notre Dame is requiring all students to get a booster as a part of its COVID-19 vaccination policy.
The university will have an on-campus vaccine clinic in mid-January where students can receive a Pfizer BioNTech booster.
Notre Dame shared information about the upcoming clinic in a tweet Monday.
As an extension of our existing COVID-19 vaccination requirement, the COVID-19 booster is required of all students to minimize our community’s experience with coronavirus.
An on-campus booster vaccination clinic will take place January 11-14.https://t.co/ArB4DlOdKF pic.twitter.com/zcH3mZe6pC
— University of Notre Dame (@NotreDame) December 6, 2021
Will it be required to get another booster when they come out with one tailored for Omicron (which is more contagious by much, much less dangerous, being more like a mild cold)?
Booster shots may be needed to keep fully vaccinated status in Australia in future
A booster dose could be necessary to keep your green Covid-19 vaccination tick in the future, the health department secretary Brendan Murphy says.
Booster shots are being rolled out across Australia amid warnings that immunisation from the initial vaccinations wanes with time. (snip)
He said the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (Atagi) has so far “felt there’s not sufficient evidence to say that someone who’s had two doses needs a third to maintain their fully vaccinated status”.
“So at the moment we’re regarding everyone with two doses as fully vaccinated,” he said.
“If in the future the data suggests that immunity from the primary course wanes so much that people do really need a third dose, that could change.”
The minute a few people get Omicron it will change. Australian government workers and politicians have really gone power mad this year.
- Fully Vaccinated? A Booster Shot May Become a Requirement
- New Mexico Governor: Full Vaccination Means Boosters Too
- De Blasio considering second shot, booster vaccination mandate for NYC restaurants, concerts as omicron bears down
- Fauci says COVID booster shot may be ‘standard’ for full vaccination
- No 10 plans booster jab requirement for people to obtain Covid pass

Ah yes, the portentous (a la jimhoft) “It Begins”…
And the unoriginal “Moving the goalposts”…
The University of Notre Dame du Lac has the duty and responsibility of keeping its 15,000+ students and staff safe. We’ve learned that receiving a booster after the the two injection vaccination increases the effectiveness of the regimen against Covid-19.
New US infections and deaths are once again on the rise. Do trumpists find a daily death count of 2000 Americans/day from Covid acceptable? Why?
“Well, when events change, I change my mind. What do you do?” — Paul Samuelson
We assume all the trumpists who were frightened into accepting the vaccinations have had the wisdom and courage to forego the boosters. Or does your hypocrisy continue – taking the booster yourself but discouraging others?
We humans may be dodging a bullet with the omicron variant if, as early reports suggest, it is 5 times more transmissible but less virulent.
Elwood P. Dowd: The University of Notre Dame du Lac has the duty and responsibility of keeping its 15,000+ students and staff safe.
Only within the reasonable limits of a school. They only have a duty to teach them and give them value for their tuition money which most colleges today seem to fail at doing. No school can be charged with the responsibility to keep students safe from disease, accidents, crime, acts of war, etc.. They are not within the schools power. And they should not be permitted to force any student or staff to commit any act which that individual thinks is against his best interests or religion or human rights. That includes forcing people to take unproven medicine or forcing them against their human and constitutional rights to be secure in their person and free from invasive mandates.
I realize this type of free thinking conflicts with your leftist propensity to dominate and subjugate others and may cause you discomfort but I’ll remind you it wasn’t all that long ago when every liberal would have agreed with me. We need to take care of our selves and colleges need to teach. If we both attend to that we’ll come out okay.
Turns out the Omicron variant is not the “scary we’re all gonna die” virus they wanted it to be. How disappointing for the dems.
Omicron spelled another way is “moronic”.

The Notre Dame students have the absolute freedom to not attend.
A university may find it difficult to teach if a large proportion of its population has a communicable disease.
Organizations, whether schools, government or businesses, have an obligation to take reasonable precautions to insure the safety of students, employees and customers.
There’s a fine line between “free thinking” and “license”. Does one have the Constitutional right to recklessly infect others?
Most conservatives would force (by government actions!) women to sacrifice to save the life of zygotes, embryos and fetuses. Would you object to being forced to sacrifice blood, a kidney, skin, bone marrow or a piece of your liver to save the life of a child on a waiting list? People die every day for want of an organ.
Good to see Rimjob sharing his daily dose of stupid.
Keep it up, dipshit, you keep providing the best case against having loony dems in government.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Such as the common cold? Or the flu?
So your inconsistent point (at best) is that people can be forced to take steps not to “infect” others, but people must be allowed to kill children?
It is clear that you hate children because you want them to die and yet you hate the idea of freedom for the Branden Virus.
Then again, all the left has is hate.
You poor, poor thing. Did you not understand we were discussing Covid? Covid-19 has killed nearly 800,000 Americans over the past 22 months. More than 5,000,000 have died worldwide. Influenza may kill 10-40 thousand Americans in a bad year. Common cold? Rarely fatal.
Covid-19 kills children as well as adults. In contrast, it’s against the law for people to kill children. If people ARE killing children I will join you in stopping them, risking my own freedom and well-being in the process. Let’s Go, Gitar!! The QAnon tale that Dems were killing children has been debunked.
It is clear that you hate everyone and everything except, strangely, you support the widespread distribution of the Trump Virus.
Even though the Trump Virus prefers to kill unvaccinated tRump voters, we STILL recommend that we end this pandemic with vaccinations, medicines and behaviors.
Then again, all the right has is hate.
You poor thing. Did you not understand that you brought abortion into the discussion? You hate facts so much that you can’t even live up to the “standards” you want to impose on others. That’s the depth of your heart.
I guess you missed the fact that more children die from abortion than from COVID, yet you still want to keep killing children.
In fact kids have died from abortion in the US than people have died from COVID.
It is clear that you hate children so much that you don’t care about their innocent lives.
Brandon has been totally ineffective against the Brandon virus and yet you and the left hate freedoms and responsibility so much that you want to keep repeating the same mistakes.
It is clear that you hate history when it goes against you.
Then again, all the left has is hate.