Democrats love turning funerals into personal political platforms
At Bob Dole’s funeral, Biden recalls bipartisanship of a bygone era
As they sat inside Washington National Cathedral awaiting the arrival of President Biden at the funeral of the late Sen. Bob Dole, R-Kan., on Friday, former President Bill Clinton chatted with former Vice President Dan Quayle. To Quayle’s left was former Vice Presidents Dick Cheney and Mike Pence. Across the aisle, Tom Hanks and his wife, Rita Wilson, sat patiently. A few rows away, Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas — one of the few attendees not wearing a mask — smiled as he talked with Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer scoured the funeral program while Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell checked his phone.
They all stood as Biden, first lady Jill Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris and second gentleman Doug Emhoff took their seats, and stood again as Dole’s casket was carried into the cathedral.
It would be unremarkable if it wasn’t such a rare occurrence in Washington: lawmakers, leaders and luminaries from both parties coming together with a shared purpose — in this case, honoring the life of Dole, the former Republican Senate leader, 1996 Republican presidential nominee and World War II hero, who died Sunday at age 98. (snip)
“We disagreed, but we were never disagreeable with one another,” Biden said in his eulogy. “I found Bob to be a man of principle, pragmatism and enormous integrity. He came into the arena with certain guiding principles to begin with: devotion to country, to fair play, to decency, to dignity, to honor, to literally attempting to find the common good.” (snip)
Biden also pointed to numerous examples of Dole working with Democrats to pass bipartisan legislation, including the bill that made Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday a federal holiday.
That’s an interesting take, that highlights the vast difference between Brandon and Dole: Biden is not doing a damned thing that’s bipartisan in his agenda. And, really, hasn’t this decade. Certainly not while Vice President under Obama. His Build Back Better is certainly 100% partisan. His vaccine mandates, the way he abandoned Afghanistan, his illegal alien policies, you name it. None of it is bipartisan.
“Bob Dole was a man of his word. He loved his country, which he served his whole life. And Bob Dole, for all his hardship, believed he’d been given the greatest gift of all: He was an American. He was an American. And he felt it.”
Biden, like most Democrats only loves the notion of an America that is completely changed. One that’s a Socialist nation with vast restrictions on every citizen.

William Teach: His Build Back Better is certainly 100% partisan. His vaccine mandates, the way he abandoned Afghanistan, his illegal alien policies, you name it. None of it is bipartisan.
• The infrastructure bill was enacted with bipartisan support. Investment in America’s deteriorating infrastructure had been promoted for years by Democrats and Republicans, including Trump. Indeed, many Republicans are taking credit for local infrastructure spending they actually voted against.
• Trump set the date of the Afghan withdrawal as May 1, then Biden extended that to August. The collapse of the Afghan armed forces was inevitable and highlights the futility of any limited deployment there.
• Obamacare was based on a conservative market-based plan, originally proposed by Republicans, and first enacted by Mitt Romney in Massachusetts.
• Since the election of the first Black president, Republicans have rejected most any Democratic initiative regardless of its merits, in order to deprive Democrats of a perceived win.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Of the 1.85 trillion “Build Back Better” plan. only $550 billion goes to actual infrastructure. Nothing like a deal that says “build” when in fact the majority of the money doesn’t build anything. Well, it does add $3 trillion to the deficit without any clear indication of how to pay for it except increasing taxes on people.
A few years ago, in a hearing that was held when Trump was president, Ted Cruz asked the head of the National Highway Administration where the federal gas tax money was going. The agency had no answer. Cruz pressed and the head of the agency could not name a single project that the gas tax had gone toward. Yet there were lots of employees and lots of pensions to pay.
Here in my neck of the woods, after years of promises and wasted spending, the local government decided to take out a bond to pay for roads. Citizens begged them to higher outside firms to do the engineering work, but the local government swore they could do it. When salaries, education, and pensions were factored in, bids from several companies were lower overall, yet the government went with in house.
One year later, before the 5 year plan is completed, the first set of roads are already failing. A private company has to guarantee their work for 10 years by state law. Because the local government was the contractor, people are on the hook.
Governments protect themselves, and not the people when it comes to costs and programs.
Trump’s “deadline” was flexible based on the needs of the US. Biden “negotiated” with the enemy to give then a hard date. In 2008, Biden said that the worst thing the US could do would be withdraw and leave equipment in the region. He said that the weapons we leave would be used to kill future generations of Americans. Guess he forgot that he said that.
The conservative market based plan that you claim Obamacare was built upon bears no resemblance to Obamacare. (Saying Mitt Romney is a conservative is a stretch as well.) However, with the Massachusetts plan in place (a plan enacted by Democrats, BTW) there were major issues and the plan was ultimately deemed a failure.
Payback is a bear, isn’t it? The Democrats rejected anything proposed by Reagan, Ford, the Bush’s, and Trump. It is hypocritical for you to try and say how horrible Republicans are when the Democrats did the same thing and even more.
gitarcarver: Of the 1.85 trillion “Build Back Better” plan. only $550 billion goes to actual infrastructure.
You are conflating the bipartisan infrastructure bill ($1.2 trillion) with proposed Build Back Better legislation.
gitarcarver: The conservative market based plan that you claim Obamacare was built upon bears no resemblance to Obamacare.
Romneycare was largely the same plan and largely conformed with Obamacare when it passed. Obamacare even incorporated a number of Republican amendments, but Republicans voted against it anyway.
gitarcarver: (Saying Mitt Romney is a conservative is a stretch as well.)
He was a Republican, as we stated. The Heritage Foundation is certainly conservative, and they proposed the original idea. It’s about markets.
gitarcarver: However, with the Massachusetts plan in place (a plan enacted by Democrats, BTW) there were major issues and the plan was ultimately deemed a failure.
The plan was modified and improved over time. So? That’s what’s supposed to happen with complex legislation (rather than trying to undermine the programs, as happened with Obamacare).
gitarcarver: The Democrats rejected anything proposed by Reagan, Ford, the Bush’s, and Trump.
Huh? Reagan faced a Democratic Congress, so he worked consistently with Democrats. Indeed, it was seen as an important hallmark of American democracy. Even with Trump, Democrats tried to work with him on an infrastructure package, but he lashed out over impeachment and pulled out of negotiations.
What world do y’all live in?
Seriously. Dems did everything they could do to obstruct President Trump.
Y’all forget Russia, Russia, Russia, not mention that impeachment bullshit?
Fuck off, KiddieZ. You’re proven liars like Rimjob.

Bwaha! Lolgf
This Z seems really bad. He definitely has consumed the communist propaganda, but intelligence is sadly lacking. Now I am going to get called an ad homo.
david7134: Now I am going to get called an ad homo.
Arguments are ad hominem, not people.
ALL dave or porter and dp do is make ad hominem attacks. And that’s all I got to say about that.
gt is a special case that combines ad hominem attacks with slippery, almost true observations. He is what a dumb guy thinks a smart guy sounds like.
Fact is, Mr Zachriel is the only one who sticks to the facts, which is guaranteed to enrage cons.
Some specifics:
1983, Social Security reform under Reagan, spearheaded by Republican Dole and Democrat Moynihan.
1990, Americans with Disability Act under Bush, Republican Dole and Democrat Mitchell being instrumental in passage.
1996, Welfare reform under Clinton.
1997, Children’s Health Insurance Program under Clinton, Democrat Kennedy and Republican Hatch joined to ensure passage.
2001, Bipartisanship under Bush was near universal in the aftermath of 9-11.
2019, Democrats and Trump agree to $2 trillion infrastructure investment.
Still, the number of spending $550 billion is correct. Do the math – the “infrastructure” bill has less than 50% of actual infrastructure.
You would have that backwards if you were correct as Romneycare was in place before Obamacare. I have no idea why you would think that including a few amendments would mean that the overall idea of ObamaCare would suddenly be supported.
Apparently you think that the idea that health care needed reform is the same thing as Obamacare. The proposal by the Heritage Foundation would have lowered costs, while Obamacare raised them.
Romneycare never got fixed as costs rose and services declined. Apparently you seem to forget that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
(And for the record, Obamacare is not market driven, which means your whole premise is flawed.)
As for adapting and changing legislation, most people know that a house built on a horrible, unstable foundation cannot stand and the only way to change that is to fix the foundation – not change the decor in rooms.
As always, you are changing the goalposts. The Democrats continually demonized Reagan and continue to do so to this day.
gitarcarver: Still, the number of spending $550 billion is correct.
You are still confused. The $1.2 trillion bill represents $550 billion in *new* spending with the balance being renewal of existing commitments. Virtually all the spending is for hard infrastructure.
gitarcarver: You would have that backwards if you were correct as Romneycare was in place before Obamacare.
You had indicated that Romneycare bears no resemblance to Obamacare; however, Romneycare fit directly into the Obamacare system. You had also claimed Romneycare was “deemed a failure,” but the state still has the system, which enjoys wide public support.
gitarcarver: Um….no.
Have no idea what your post is supposed to mean in terms how they proposed a market-based solution to universal healthcare.
gitarcarver: Apparently you think that the idea that health care needed reform is the same thing as Obamacare.
Huh? The Heritage Foundation proposed a marketplace solution, which is what Obamacare uses.
gitarcarver: The Democrats continually demonized Reagan and continue to do so to this day.
Uh, that’s *the very point*. Democrats and Republicans worked together on issues where they could, even if they remained far apart on others.
Republicans, since the election of the first Black president, have almost universally refused to work with Democrats. Trump walked away from infrastructure negotiations because of a fit of pique, to punish the Democrats, but effectively punishing the American people.
Porter takes the occasion of Senator Bob Dole’s funeral to attack President Biden, who had nothing but good things to say about Senator Dole.
Senator Dole was a good and decent man, unlike today’s nuGOP Senators, heartless, dishonest, mean-spirited trolls such as Ted Cruz, Tom Cotton and Josh Hawley.
Porter blames President Biden for the partisan positions of the increasingly reactionary nuGOP! It was the nuGOP that stole the Supreme Court. It was the nuGOP that enabled the unAmerican tRump. It is the nuGOP working overtime to suppress voters. nuGOPhers refuse to vote in favor of anything supported by the Dems and President Biden because of their unfounded belief that THEIR WAY is the ONE TRUE path for America. Recall Mitch McConnell’s only objective following President Obama’s FIRST successful election – he wanted to make certain that President Obama was a one term president (like tRump, as it turned out, LOL).
Porter and the nuGOP consider bipartisanship to be the surrender of the majority Dems to the minority nuGOP on every issue.
Let’s see. So far under the illegitimate Brandon junta about 2 million unvetted second and third world illegal immigrants were methodically ushered into our sovereign nation through the junta’s open border program. That is illegal. Even a fake president is required to protect our borders and to not do so is an impeachable offense. So where are all these GOP Congresscritters that Elwood claims are so heartless? Why quite as church mice covering their butts within the uniparty.
The feds then escort these filthy illegals onto planes and busses and in the dark of night (like the criminals they are) move them into and among American cities with no regard to how we the American citizens feel about it. We don’t count. The Democrat leaders (?) don’t care about us they only care about changing America’s demography to favor themselves in their thirst for absolute power. “By any means necessary”.
They are now engaged in forcing all Americans of all ages even children to get a shot of a basically untried medicine but not their illegals. The illegals are brought here unvetted as to loyalty, terrorist proclivities notwithstanding, not vaxxed , with no money, no visible means of support , no sponsors, little education or work experience and little or no ability to speak English. These people have no desire to be American just to use Americans. They bring with them diseases we’ve already basically eradicated, crime, drugs, human, sex and child trafficking, and almost zero desire to assimilate to American culture or society. Yet these people are being brought into our country without our permission by Democrats determined to “fundamentally change” America. Into what? A third world socialist shithole?
In 2020 the Democrats not only allowed but encouraged the burning of our cities and even went so far as bail out the perpetrators who received very little in the way of punishment while they just moved two Americans charged with nothing from a DC jail to Lewisburg Federal Penitentiary just to separate them from their families, their council and to break them financially and mentally for the horror of backing a political enemy. This is the America of Democrats today. Allied with communists to bring us political prisoners, burning cities, false charges of “insurrection” if you protest for their political foes, what amounts to torture and abuse of fellow Americans and Elwood calls GOP’s “cruel, heartless, mean-spirited, dishonest trolls”.
On top of this rape of America they lockdown businesses, unemploy people, pay people not to work, and divide Americans into classes and races in ways that would make old Adolf proud.
The Democrats are running everything and blaming the GOP for all their failures. And idiots with no thought ability are buying it.
Let’s go Brandon!
L.G.Brandon: filthy illegals
Racist much?
L.G.Brandon: (like the criminals they are)
Many are applying for refugee status, which is a legal right under U.S. and international law.
L.G.Brandon: They bring with them diseases we’ve already basically eradicated, crime, drugs, human, sex and child trafficking
You’re joking, right?
Zachriel do you not accept the reality that Illegals crossing the border illegally might carry diseases that have indeed been eradicated in the USA?
From the Pediatric infectious diseases Society
Ecuador also experienced a large outbreak of measles in 2011, mainly in indigenous rural areas with low vaccination coverage; nearly 300 cases, the majority of which were in children <5 years of age, were noted.
Measles: Measles cases from Venezuela have been reported in Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. The report provides data taken over a 16-month period (June 2017-October 2018) during which time a total of 7,524 suspected measles cases have been reported in Venezuela. Of these, 5,525 were confirmed representing 68% (5,525/8,091) of measles cases in the Americas reported, and also the most deaths from measles
Diphtheria: From January 2016 to October 2018, a total of 2,170 diphtheria cases have been reported to date with a lethality rate of 22%. In 2018, 96% (806/838) of diphtheria cases in the Americas region originate from Venezuela.
Polio: Although polio has not yet been reported in Venezuela, estimates indicate that vaccination coverage against polio has slipped from 87% in 2015 to less than 79% in 2017.
In 2018 in Mexico while illegals waited for admission into the USA:
So far, officials have confirmed three cases of tuberculosis, four cases of AIDS, and four separate cases of chickenpox, the network reported.
Even worse, they’ve also brought in bugs. Real bugs. At least 101 carry lice and “skin infections.”
That means the migrants might well start a typhus epidemic or bring in chagas disease.
According to the Centers for Disease Control, the body louse is the vector for the typhus bacterium, Rickettsia prowazekii.
“Epidemic typhus is spread to people through contact with infected body lice,” CDC says. It noted the disease is uncommon these days, although “epidemic typhus was responsible for millions of deaths in previous centuries.” But cases continue to occur, in areas where extreme overcrowding is common and body lice can travel from one person to another.”
Est1950: do you not accept the reality that Illegals crossing the border illegally might carry diseases that have indeed been eradicated in the USA?
That doesn’t justify calling someone a filthy
Jewillegal.Est1950: In 2018 in Mexico while illegals waited for admission into the USA: So far, officials have confirmed three cases of tuberculosis, four cases of AIDS, and four separate cases of chickenpox, the network reported.
Cases of tuberculosis in U.S per year: 7,000+
New cases of HIV in U.S. per year: 36,000+
Cases of chickenpox in U.S. per year: 3,000,000+
Thought you said these diseases had been eliminated?
Oh no, the Z thinks we are racist. For the simple fact that we resent being invade by an army of wet backs.
Who cares? The kiddieZ are as big a joke as Rimjob.

They still argue about Russian collusion with Trump during the 2016 election.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Zachriel: That doesn’t justify calling someone a filthy — illegal.
Maybe not but being a filthy illegal does justify calling him a filthy illegal. If illegals bring in one more case of any disease then we already have it’s one too many. If illegals murder one American, rape one woman or child, sodomize one little boy, sell the drugs that overdose an American teen, provide the illegal weapon that shoots one cop, kills one more American while driving drunk, or steals one more American taxpayer dime then there is no reason for us to have the filthy, dirty criminal pigs here in the first place and they should be exiled or executed.
We already have enough of those crimes and diseases without the Democrats trying to destroy the American culture by bringing in more illegals. The Democrats should be held accountable for this treason. And make no mistake about it willfully breaching our sovereign borders is an illegal act and for the (even fake) president to do it should result in impeachment. But the Democrats are too busy trying to vaccinate children with medicine they don’t need to stop a pandemic that has almost no effect on children and can literally kill them all without the permission or desires of the parents. It’s all about force with them.
Z: Racist much?
L.G.Brandon: Maybe not but being a filthy illegal does justify calling him a filthy illegal. . . filthy, dirty criminal pigs
So all the time, then.
I see you are one of the illustrious leftists who immediately tie any disagreement to racism. What part of not wanting filthy, disease ridden, uneducated, poverty stricken illegal aliens in our country is racist? Since when is it racist to demand our borders be respected and to acknowledge we are a sovereign country? Why would placing the well being of our fellow Americans, red, yellow, black and white ahead of foreigners illegally entering our country be racist?
You probably think (?) that if Swedes and Canadians were invading America and stealing our wealth and opportunities from our own people I’d be all for that because they’re White. I wouldn’t. I don’t care what color an invading army is I will work to defeat it.
Do you know why second and third world countries are such crap holes? Because of the people. It’s the people who make the culture and society of a nation. If you want America to turn into a crap hole keep bringing in millions of crap people. Is that so hard for you to understand?
People like you know well all the reasons to control and limit immigration and to eliminate illegal immigration. Can you give me any good reasons we should keep our borders open? Can you tell us what we gain by it? Which of us benefits because of illegal immigration? That is beside all the Democrat politicians and celebrities that get cheap maids, gardeners, pool boys and nannies?
L.G.Brandon: I see you are one of the illustrious leftists who immediately tie any disagreement to racism.
Not at all. It’s reasonable to disagree about immigration policy. But painting an entire group of people as filthy
Jewsillegals is racist on its face. When we asked you about it, you repeated it.Brandon: Do you know why second and third world countries are such crap holes? Because of the people. It’s the people who make the culture and society of a nation.
Got it. So you’re not a racist at all, just a realist. LOL. The indigenous peoples of Australia, Africa, India, North and South America are grateful for the help from European plunderers, LOL. The indigenous peoples of Japan, S. Korea and China weren’t as fortunate.
Cases of tuberculosis in U.S per year: 7,000+
New cases of HIV in U.S. per year: 36,000+
Cases of chickenpox in U.S. per year: 3,000,000+
Thought you said these diseases had been eliminated?
I never said any such thing. In fact, the only thing I said in this discussion via my post, was the following:
Zachriel do you not accept the reality that Illegals crossing the border illegally might carry diseases that have indeed been eradicated in the USA? The rest of my words were from the Pediatric infectious diseases Society.
The society talked about the prevalence of Measles, Polio, and Diptheria which still exists in Central and South America. The place of origin for most Illegals crossing into the United States.
I personally made no claims anything has been eradicated. That was another poster and Not I.
You posted: That doesn’t justify calling someone a filthy Jew illegal.
Secondly, I did not nor did the other person Insert JEW in their discussion. That was you.
Would you not agree that immigrants on the road for a month and sometimes two, walking 1000’s of miles could not potentially be filthy and sickly when they arrive in the USA illegally?
Your propensity to cherry-pick words from a sentence out of context and then comment in such a manner as to insult the poster is disconcerting and certainly disingenuous.
My original question remains unanswered. Zachriel do you not accept the reality that Illegals crossing the border illegally might carry diseases that have indeed been eradicated in the USA?
For your edification, I will use the left’s favorite website. Wiki.
Measles, Mumps and Rubella, Diptheria and Polio, which are prevalent in Central and South America according to the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society have been irradicated in the USA according to Wiki. If that is so is it not possible that people coming from regions where this exists might be bringing with them diseases that have indeed been irradicated in the USA.
I understand you have a hard time critically thinking but just try to overcome your incessant need to be technically right and embrace the fact that being right and being wise are not the same thing.
That is a quote I embraced when I was on the ground in the first gulf war. A marine corporal responded with this line(which went into my report) when I asked why they were being so cautious with what appeared to be no threat on the road ahead.
It’s not what you see, he said. It’s what you can’t see that will kill you.
Est1950: I did not nor did the other person Insert JEW in their discussion. That was you.
So it’s okay to call an entire ethnic group “filthy Mexicans” or “filthy Blacks”, but not “filthy Jews”? Is that your position?
KiddieZ using the old Kafka Trapping fallacy.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Est1950: Zachriel do you not accept the reality that Illegals crossing the border illegally might carry diseases that have indeed been eradicated in the USA?
Sure, it’s possible some people carry diseases, which is why anyone applying for residency has to have a medical check and take a battery of vaccinations, including for COVID. But one doesn’t denigrate the entire group by calling them “filthy”. Meanwhile, U.S. citizens weren’t welcome in many part of the world because they couldn’t control their outbreak of COVID. “Dirty Americans”?
Was it wrong to call people “filthy Jews” when many of them were refugees?
Est1950: For your edification, I will use the left’s favorite website. Wiki.
“Regarded by CDC as eradicated in 2000, however see the Measles resurgence in the United States”. There was a measles outbreak in the U.S. in 2019, largely due to people who refused vaccination. “Dirty Americans”?
Fuck off, KiddieZ.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Spitroast: ongoing transmission (of measles) for nearly 1 year in large and close-knit Orthodox Jewish communities, counted for 934 (75%) cases during 2019
For some reason Spitroast doesn’t consider Orthodox Jews to be Americans.
Fuck off, Spitroast.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Didn’t imply that at all.
Only someone like you who is a bigoted anti-Semitite would think that.
Sorry Rimjob but the KiddieZ brought up the Jew thing.
Guess you missed it.
Oh, and fuck you too, sweetheart.

Bwaha! Lolgf
I am not talking about Jews nor refugees, I’m talking about ILLEGAL ALIENS. Stop lying and moving the goal posts. I don’t care what color they are, they’re illegal. That means (since you seem to be ignorant of the term illegal) they have no right to be here. They are breaking our laws. They are invading our country. Criminals get thrown in jail then thrown out never to return again. Invaders get shot. What would you do with criminals and invaders? Give them welfare?
Z: Sure, it’s possible some people carry diseases, which is why anyone applying for residency has to have a medical check and take a battery of vaccinations, including for COVID.
No Z, it’s not “possible” it’s guaranteed! And if they’re here illegally they have not applied for residency or anything else and have not received either “a medical check” nor a “battery of vaccinations”. You know that’s true but you wll continue to promote your fake news.
L.G.Brandon: They are breaking our laws.
Under U.S. and international law, people have the right to apply for refugee status.
L.G.Brandon: I am not talking about Jews nor refugees, I’m talking about ILLEGAL ALIENS.
Many undocumented aliens are refugees. Regardless, there are historical reasons why you shouldn’t paint an entire group as “filthy”. Are you saying it’s okay to call an entire ethnic group “filthy Mexicans” or “filthy illegals”, but not “filthy Jews”? Is that your position?
More Kafkatrapping from the KiddieZ.

Bwaha! Lolgf
My position, which I have stated several times enough for even a retard to understand is they are ILLEGAL ALIENS not refugees, not migrants, not visitors. They are filthy, dirty illegal aliens. Criminals. Invaders. Violating our country, our laws and our people. Why is that so hard for you to understand? Or is it the fact I used the word “filthy” to describe them? Did I hurt your gonads? Are you an anti-Trumper cause he did “mean Tweets”? Am I a meanie too?
Z: Regardless, there are historical reasons why you shouldn’t paint an entire group as “filthy”. Are you saying it’s okay to call an entire ethnic group “filthy Mexicans” or “filthy illegals”, but not “filthy Jews”? Is that your position?
Again with the racism. Where did I call “an entire ethnic group” filthy? You leftist are brain dead with racism. Your projection of your own prejudices and ethnic hates is staggering. I never mentioned a race or ethnicity anywhere. YOU DID. YOU ARE A RACIST!!! Do you think all Jews are filthy? How about Mexicans? Cause I never said that YOU DID!!!
Stop putting words in my mouth. And take your foot out of your own.
[b]L.G.Brandon[/b]: [i]My position, which I have stated several times enough for even a retard to understand is they are ILLEGAL ALIENS not refugees, not migrants, not visitors.[/i]
Some undocumented migrants are refugees, some are visitors who overstayed their visas. On the other hand, some are economic migrants, who may have no legal basis to stay in the U.S.
[b]L.G.Brandon[/b]: [i]They are filthy, dirty illegal aliens.[/i]
So, you again paint an entire group as “filthy”. You can’t seem to help yourself.
Was it wrong to call people “filthy Jews” when many of them were refugees?
Context would be important at this point. I have no idea what you are talking about unless you want to discuss Truman sending Harrison to Europe to check on the conditions of the DP camps set up to hold the Jewish people after the war ended. He sent a cable to Truman saying the US Soldiers have taken over the duty of the SS soldiers and the Jews remain prisoners, many in the same concentration camps they were liberated from only weeks and months earlier.
I listed a wiki site that showed the diseases that were considered eradicated in the USA for context showing you that these diseases still exist in central and South America.
You respond to this with: “Regarded by CDC as eradicated in 2000, however, see the Measles resurgence in the United States”. There was a measles outbreak in the U.S. in 2019, largely due to people who refused vaccination. “Dirty Americans”?
I assumed the “Dirty Americans”? was inserted by you. Pointless since I have said repeatedly I am Latino and now living in Ecuador. Secondly, the sentence you quoted says Largely due to people who refused vaccination.
You do agree that 1000’s of illegals have escaped capture and have disappeared into the great Nation of America avoiding medical care including vaccinations?? Or No??
Since I have already pointed out that many, USA eradicated diseases, are still prevalent in Central and South America it is intellectually dishonest for you to claim that these illegals are being vaccinated before being sent on their way when your own government admits that 1000’s upon 1000’s of them escape capture and by default could be a carrier of these eradicated diseases.
est1950: Was it wrong to call people “filthy Jews” when many of them were refugees?
We’re talking about Jewish refugees during the Nazi period. Most didn’t speak English or share a common religion with the vast majority of Americans, had a culture largely foreign to American making assimilation difficult, and were generally unkempt after their long journeys.
est1950: I assumed the “Dirty Americans”?
But you didn’t answer. Is it fair to refer to all Americans as “dirty Americans” because of a measles outbreak? Perhaps you should only apply the epithet to those who refuse to get vaccinated, but that is probably just as unproductive and arguably unfair.
est1950: You do agree that 1000’s of illegals have escaped capture and have disappeared into the great Nation of America avoiding medical care including vaccinations??
Sure, but it’s important to distinguish those people from other migrants who are in the immigration system and have applied for residency, something you have resisted. Undetected migration does represent a public health issue. That doesn’t mean calling them “filthy immigrants” isn’t bigoted language, which is where this discussion started.
Listen Z you are sounding like a complete fool. The discussion did not stare with “filthy immigrants” being called out as bigoted language. I started when you accused me of racism because I called illegal immigrants filthy. There was NO MENTION OF RACE!!!! for the tenth time.
If I had said “filthy Jews” or “filthy Mexicans” that would have been racist. I did not. I called ALL people regardless of race filthy if they invade our country illegally. I was calling them filthy for their crimes, not their race.
The problem with you radical leftists is that you project your own racism, bigotry and hate onto others with whom you disagree because you got nothing else. The only one of the two of us who is hung up on some magical mystery racism is you.
L.G.Brandon: I started when you accused me of racism because I called illegal immigrants filthy.
Filthy is a standard racist trope. You could have chosen any number of descriptions, but there you are.
Est1950: incessant need to be technically right
Damn those being technically right!! You do make the point, accidentally, that there can be such a thing as context.
Est1950: responding to commenter regarding elimination of diseases I never said any such thing.
Est1950: do you not accept the reality that Illegals crossing the border illegally might carry diseases that have indeed been eradicated in the USA?
Are you arguing the distinction between “eliminated” and “eradicated”?
Look at the little Z trying to work the word game. And he doesn’t know shit about what he is talking about. We are supposed to have some pathos for the wet backs breaking the law and invading our country, all to take our social services and take American jobs. Of course the Z has never had a real job and responsibilities. Then he equates this to the Jews. The Jews were kept out of the US by FDR, one of our worse presidents and definitely a closet communist. He is the darling of liberals. Why did he keep out Jews, because they were bring in gold and that would inflate his economy, which he never got on its feet. Also, FDR and Churchill are on record as hating Jews (Human Smoke). I have never understood the hate for Jews, but liberals really are in to it. Then they love them some Muslims, who are vowed to killing us.
The KiddieZ are using what is called kafka trapping.
All the SJWs use this tactic.
Bwaha! Lolgf
david7134: We are supposed to have some pathos for the wet backs breaking the law and invading our country, all to take our social services and take American jobs.
It’s more than reasonable to argue about the problem of undocumented aliens.
You are free to use ethnic slurs, as you have done here. But we are likewise free to remind you that you have, indeed, used an ethnic slur.
david7134: The Jews were kept out of the US by FDR
About a hundred thousand European Jews were admitted to the U.S. between 1933 and 1945. However, many more were not admitted; some because they didn’t have the money required for admission; some because of concerns about security. They could have done more. They should have done more.
Little child, you have swallowed the propaganda. Read a book. As to ethnic slur, we need more of that type of discrimination in our country.
MoreKafka trapping by the the KiddieZ.

Pay them no mind.
They have nothing better to do.
david7134: As to ethnic slur, we need more of that type of discrimination in our country.
Point made.
david7134 says: Read a book.
What do you recommend: Thomas Dixon Jr’s The Reconstruction Trilogy, The Clansman (Vol II)?
Are you arguing the distinction between “eliminated” and “eradicated”?
Again. I never said they are carrying anything. I asked a question. Do you not accept the reality that Illegals crossing the border illegally MIGHT CARRY DISEASES that have been irradicated in the USA?
I am not arguing anything. I am asking you a question and gave context for my question.
Z:L So, you again paint an entire group as “filthy”. You can’t seem to help yourself.
So you are upset about me calling these filthy illegals filthy. Wow, how sensitive you are about you illegal pets. People like you who defend this illegal intrusion on our land by illegals and guys like the one below who help them have American blood on your hands.
“Texas Mother and Daughter Killed When Hit by Human Smuggler With Six Illegals in his SUV
A Texas mother and daughter, ages 59 and 22, were killed Saturday when a human smuggler ran a stop sign and slammed into their vehicle. Both women were pronounced dead at the scene.
Esteban Cantu Jr. is an 18-year-old U.S. citizen who was attempting to flee from the police while smuggling six [filthy] illegal immigrants. The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) released a statement to Sara Carter stating DPS had “responded to assist the United States Border Patrol on Saturday, December 11, 2021, at approximately 11:51 a.m., after a vehicle failed to yield on Conway north of US 83 in Mission, Texas – Rio Grande Valley Sector.”
You seem to think there’s something wrong with calling filthy people filthy. There isn’t unless (like most leftists) you’re afraid of the truth. I bet you refer to men who “transitioned” to female as “she” don’t you? Even though you know the truth is it’s still a “he” you just can’t face it. Sad. That’s what a steady diet of lies, programming and propaganda will do to ya. Can’t call a spade a spade.
The are just high school kids with mush for brains. Pups nails it with the trap concept. Think of their objective. They are just here to formulate argument for debate and practice rhetoric. What will be neat is the war Biden is trying to start up. These kids will be drafted and they can be liberals as cannon fodder.
L.G.Brandon: So you are upset about me calling these filthy illegals filthy.
You are free to use the ethnic slurs, just as we are free to remind you that you have, indeed, used ethnic slurs.
L.G.Brandon: Esteban Cantu Jr.
Cantu is alleged to have committed a number of felonies. But if someone commits a crime, it doesn’t mean everyone in the group is “filthy”. Just because an American kills someone doesn’t mean Americans are “filthy”.
We asked if you “Racist much?” You have more than answered the question.
Zachriel: You are free to use the ethnic slurs, just as we are free to remind you that you have, indeed, used ethnic slurs.
You keep repeating the lie I used ethnic slurs. Why? Has your argument no validity without falsehood? Please name the specific ethnicity that I “slurred”. I don’t believe filthy illegal immigrants are an ethnicity. I believe they are a band/group/gaggle of criminals of many racial and ethnic people.
Even a leftist shouldn’t be as obtuse as you are demonstrating here.
L.G.Brandon: I don’t believe filthy illegal immigrants are an ethnicity.
david7134 brought up a pertinent case, those of Jewish refugees escaping Nazi persecution. They were less likely to speak English, didn’t share the common religion of the vast majority of Americans, were frequently difficult to assimilate, and were generally unkempt after their long travels. They were often called “dirty Jews.”
We know you like to think you have plausible deniability, but you have explicitly slurred a whole group by reference to their worst members. That’s like saying, “Americans are bigots.” Even though some Americans are bigots, as you have shown, that doesn’t mean all Americans are bigots. You use the language of bigotry.
Plausible deniability? Are you a friggin’ lawyer? What has that to do with your argument. In fact you called me PERSONALLY the slurs of racist and bigot because I called criminals filthy? Are you stupid?
I’m not talking about Jews escaping Nazi persecution and I’m not talking about the unvaxxed escaping Democrat leftist persecution. I’m talking about filthy animal criminals illegally invading our country and for some reason you are defending their crimes under the false guise of racism. The filthy animals bring disease, crime, drugs and all the bad habits of the country they left and did not even ask to come in. How many do you have living in your house? None, right? Why?
The only reason for you to be this fired up about me calling criminals filthy is that you must endorse their illegal activities and are trying to cover for them. Which makes you an enabler.
Trump supporters are filthy, diseased animals intent on destroying America.
Do you like that?
L.G.Brandon: I’m talking about filthy animal criminals
So they are “filthy animals” now.
Brandon: Plausible deniability? Are you a friggin’ lawyer?
To be technically correct, “plausible deniability” is a political term, not a legal one.
Carry on.
Advice to our white supremacist “friends”: When deep in a hole, stop digging.
Who are your “white supremists friends”? Or are you now accusing me of being a white supremacist because I call illegal criminals filthy too? Perhaps you were referring to Zachriel who I doubt is a white supremacist but it seems he’s a bit of a racist if he thinks a statement about criminals which mentions no race or religion is somehow racist and bigoted. That’s called racial shaming. I don’t do that. It’s a leftist trait.
I have heard the term “plausible deniability” used in the context of politics and law but I can’t give you the specific incidences. Haven’t you? So “technically” both are correct. Besides, what difference does it make or has this devolved into a peeing contest?
Here is last months crime report for JUST ARIZONA. These filthy criminal illegal aliens must be stopped.
Wednesday, November 10, 2021
United States Attorney’s Office District of Arizona October 2021 Immigration and Border Crimes Report
I. Illegal Reentry After Deportation (8 U.S.C. 1326)
289 individuals were charged in October with illegal reentry
A. 217 of those 289 individuals had previously been convicted of non-immigration criminal offenses in the U.S.
Of the 217 individuals with non-immigration criminal records:
1. 49 had violent crime convictions, including:
0 individuals had homicide convictions
11 individuals had sex offense convictions
15 individuals had domestic violence convictions
2. 17 had property crime convictions
3. 31 had DUI convictions
4. 115 had drug crime convictions
B. 142 of those 289 individuals had been deported three or more times
II. Alien Smuggling (8 U.S.C. 1324)
48 individuals were charged in October with alien smuggling
Jeff and the Z,
So, from your comments you feel that if we desire, we can enter your home whenever. Eat your food, drive your car, etc.. Because that is the implication of your statements. As to us calling them “dirty” and being discriminatory, the reason for that has nothing to do with there skin color, as the two of you have implied. It is because conservatives are law and order types and these wet backs are breaking the law, in fact several laws. And though they are sometimes claiming asylum, that is a joke and only done to get past our laws of entry, another crime. The Z does not even recognize that Jews are not a race. But both of you demonstrate attitude and name calling showing that you are bigots, that is the same as a racist, if not worse.
Jeff, what hole are you digging?
david7134: Eat your food, drive your car, etc.. Because that is the implication of your statements.
We didn’t say that at all. Indeed, we have repeatedly said that there are legitimate concerns about migrants crossing the border undetected. That doesn’t make everyone who crosses a “filthy animal”.
david7134: It is because conservatives are law and order types and these wet backs are breaking the law, in fact several laws.
You do understand that “wetback” is considered an ethnic slur? Well, apparently you don’t. Now, you have been informed.
Some people crossing will apply for refugee status, which is their legal right under U.S. law. Many are desperate to escape from violence in their home countries. Some are children being brought across by their parents, so can’t be considered to have broken any laws. These you universally call “wetbacks” and others on this thread have called “filthy” or even “filthy animals”.
The Z,
Yes, the implication is that you feel free to give away to others what we have earned, of course you have earn squat.
And yes, wetback is an ok term to describe those coming here illegally. Cry me a River over their conditions at home. I have yet to see one that is in poor condition. Now what do I say about real people who come here legally, WELCOME, IS THERE ANYTHING YOU NEED.
david7134: the implication is that you feel free to give away to others what we have earned
Whatever accommodations are made with respect to migrants should be determined through the democratic and legal process, not by those evading the law.
david7134: wetback is an ok term to describe those coming here illegally.
If by “ok”, you mean racist, then sure.
Is there anyone not a radical leftist, communist supporter you think may not be a racist? You throw that now meaningless term around like candy. Even when no mention of race, religion or color is mentioned we’re all racists.
You disgust me with that crap. Instead of having a reasonable give and take about these filthy illegal law breakers you’d rather call everyone names and ignore the problem.
What are these filthy criminals bringing to America that you feel is so important you’d try and demean and slander your fellow citizens? I mean other than crime, disease, poverty, ignorance and being just plain filthy.
These aren’t filthy are they?
You confirm that you are a bigot.
L.G.Brandon: Is there anyone not a radical leftist, communist supporter you think may not be a racist?
While everyone has often faulty preconceptions of other cultures, most people, including conservatives, are not actually racists, and most avoid racially-charged language.
L.G.Brandon: Instead of having a reasonable give and take about these filthy illegal law breakers you’d rather call everyone names and ignore the problem.
He says as he calls names. We would be happy to have a discussion about immigration, but not when you continue to *insist* on using bigoted language.
L.G.Brandon: These aren’t filthy are they?
For evidence, you provide a photoshop.
Regardless, you are trying to paint an entire group of people by the worst of their number. As we have already pointed out, there bad Americans, diseased Americans, Americans with poor hygiene. That doesn’t justify calling all Americans “dirty”.
Note that the Z desires to have a discussion on “immigration”. WRONG. The Z only wishes to push the concept of illegal immigration as some kind of right. Z if you desire to talk about the problems of legal immigrants, great, the liberals have made their lives living hell. But you said that illegals should be subjected to the democrat vote. It has, many times and the verdict is that they are illegals. People that willingly break our laws we often call dirty. But these wet back are truly dirty. Try going through north Mexico and coming out clean, our south Texas for that matter.
Z you and your generation are the problem with our country.
david7134: The Z only wishes to push the concept of illegal immigration as some kind of right.
No. Our position is that immigration, especially for refugees, should be more open, but not unlimited, and that people shouldn’t be allowed to cross the border without detection. But whatever process is decided upon should be made through the democratic and legal process, not those evading the law.
david7134: But these wet back are truly dirty.
Bigots will bigot. Nothing new about that.
More particularly, by creating a caricature, you can’t understand the problem, which is necessary to finding a solution. There are market and political pressures involved which are causing the surge in migration. The southern border of the U.S. is porous by nature, so solving the problem means reducing the pressures on people to migrate.
Z man,
No, no ,no, I am the racist, you are the bigot, and likely racist as well. Once someone begins the racist crap, they are the bigot. Yes, I will point out that people breaking our laws deserve to be looked upon with scorn. All the world knows that they can get our help by going to the embassy. That is pointed out in all countries in SA. But, we are not obligated to assist the whims of everyone that forces themselves into our country.
david7134: No, no ,no, I am the racist,
Yes, you made that clear.
And glad you accept the fact of being a bigot.
Zachriel: </strong No. Our position is that immigration, especially for refugees, should be more open, but not unlimited, and that people shouldn’t be allowed to cross the border without detection. But whatever process is decided upon should be made through the democratic and legal process, not those evading the law.
We got another one her. Just like Elwood always says “we” you use “our”. Don’t you leftists ever speak for yourself? Are you always a group against the opposing individual?
Anyway, you didn’t seem to be promoting that “position” when you jumped on me because I called criminals “filthy”. You also weren’t doing much more than attacking about the term “wetbacks”. I tried several times to explain I had not made an opinion or a slur about any ethnic or religious group but you didn’t want to hear any of it. I used the term “filthy” so I was a racist according to you. You even decided I was racist against Jews fleeing Germany 90 years ago. Hey, maybe I was also against the flight of Israelites from Egypt under Moses. Who knows? My “racism” knows no bounds according to you.
But I am happy to see you agree with me about illegals sadly we must disagree on “refugees”. Illegals are not refugees. A refugee is :
The INA provides that an applicant may be granted asylum or refugee status, in the
exercise of discretion, if the applicant is a refugee within the meaning of section
101(a)(42) of the INA.2 Therefore, a firm understanding of the definition of refugee is
critical to determine whether an alien is eligible for asylum or refugee status.
2.1 Section 101(a)(42)(A) & (B) of the INA
The term “refugee” as defined at INA section 101(a)(42) includes two subparagraphs—
section 101(a)(42)(A) and (B). Subparagraph (A) provides the broad definition of
“refugee,” whereas subparagraph (B) provides for so-called “in-country” overseas
refugee processing in certain special circumstances. Specifically, under INA section
101(a)(42)(A), a refugee is:
any person who is outside any country of such person’s nationality or, in the case
of a person having no nationality, is outside any country in which such person last
habitually resided, and who is unable or unwilling to return to, and is unable or
unwilling to avail himself or herself of the protection of, that country because of
persecution or a well-founded fear of persecution on account of race, religion,
nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion.3”
Therefore, coming across our border illegally does not make one a refugee. It does however, make one a filthy criminal. I don’t know of any illegal immigrants crossing our Southern border who are fleeing any of the persecutions mentioned in the Immigration and Nationality Act.
Currently the only persons I would figure as actual (not for Democrat election purposes) refugees are from some Middle Eastern countries and they would be mostly persecuted Christians which Democrats would never grant asylum to or Cubans and Venezuelans who are persecuted for political reasons. Frankly it seems nonvaxxed people in the United States are subject to more discrimination and persecution then Mexicans, Guatemalans and the rest of South Americans are. At least they’re not talking about denying food, housing, jobs and medical treatment to Mexicans.
L.G.Brandon: Anyway, you didn’t seem to be promoting that “position” when you jumped on me because I called criminals “filthy”.
We pointed out that you are using a word strongly associated with ethnic slurs. That you continue to use the term, when you could simply substitute a word with less baggage, implies you think it is appropriate to overgeneralize in order to slur.
L.G.Brandon: You even decided I was racist against Jews fleeing Germany 90 years ago.
No. We used it to show you the history of using such words to denigrate a group, to create a caricature for vilification.
L.G.Brandon: Therefore, coming across our border illegally does not make one a refugee.
No, but once someone is in the U.S., they can apply for refugee status.
L.G.Brandon: I don’t know of any illegal immigrants crossing our Southern border who are fleeing any of the persecutions mentioned in the Immigration and Nationality Act.
Your ignorance is not an argument. Thousands of people fleeing from Central America have been granted refugee status. Notably, the U.S. has contributed to the instability of the region.
Zachriel: We pointed out that you are using a word strongly associated with ethnic slurs. That you continue to use the term, when you could simply substitute a word with less baggage, implies you think it is appropriate to overgeneralize in order to slur.
Still withy the plural “we”. What is it with you leftists?
I use a word strongly associated with filth, dirt, unhygienic people, slobs. I continue to use the term because it fits regardless of how it bothers your narrow definition and sensibilities. We are not overgeneralizing (We can use we too). We’re using a specific word that we believe fits the people and problem we’re addressing. For example:
Zachriel: No. We used it to show you the history of using such words to denigrate a group, to create a caricature for vilification.
You say we used the word to denigrate a group but we say we used the word to describe millions of filthy law breaking illegals appropriately. You can think what you want and we can too.
Zachriel:No, but once someone is in the U.S., they can apply for refugee status.
And once someone is convicted of murder or rape they can apply for an appeal but they are still guilty of rape or murder and these filthy pigs are still illegal aliens and broke into our home. We fail to understand why foreigners breaking into our country fails to move you.
Zachriel: Your ignorance is not an argument. Thousands of people fleeing from Central America have been granted refugee status. Notably, the U.S. has contributed to the instability of the region.
You couldn’t get through even one comment without a personal insult could you? It’s your nature. All thousands of people who have been granted refugee status are A) not real refugees and B) were beneficiaries of the demented left trying to “fundamentally change” America sadly for the worse. Thousands of people have also been granted release from jails how’s that working out? How is the US contributing to the instability of the region? By sending billions in air to those countries? By sending out Navy and Army to help clean up, house and feed them after an earthquake? By sending doctors, medicines and critical aide after a tsunami or hurricane?
Leftists always have tunnel vision and you all only see how bad America is at the end of the tunnel. We think America is a good country as well as a great country. We realize it’s not perfect but no country is or ever was but we sure try to be.
I guess when people love their country they tend to not want to fundamentally change it by bringing in the filth of the world who offer nothing and call them refugees. We actually don’t want nor currently need immigrants from anywhere. And should we need more immigrants in the future we certainly don’t need them from the bottom rung of other nations population.
Like these lovely filth bags:×612&w=0&h=92szW-3nayhJYD7eiao_pLQwmgaYyqEi-eH_P6VEaHM=
L.G.Brandon: I use a word strongly associated with filth, dirt, unhygienic people, slobs.
Yes, you have insited that you are narrowminded.
L.G.Brandon: You couldn’t get through even one comment without a personal insult could you?
You made an argument from ignorance; however, ignorance is curable.
L.G.Brandon: All thousands of people who have been granted refugee status are A) not real refugees
That’s contradicted by the findings of the courts under the laws of the United States.
LGB: You couldn’t get through even one comment without a personal insult
Noting your ignorance is not an insult. We are all ignorant of some things. You were ignorant about refugees coming to America. Being ignorant is not a flaw, but staying ignorant is. The commenter was just pointing out that he wasn’t responsible for gaps in your knowledge.
We have come to believe that leftism is a form of psychosis or mental retardation. We disagree with your opinions on illegal immigration. We also think that since illegal immigration is illegal to begin with yours is the ignorant position. And stupid too! You have shown nothing that disputes that. You call us ignorant yet fail to be able to identify and separate a description from a racist or ethnic slur. That’s what we were accused of, being racist. Keep in your lane ladies. Only after we proved that calling filthy people filthy (complete with pictures) did you decide to attack us on some specious claim of ignorance. Of all people to call someone else ignorant it would be you who believe men can become women and zygotes are not human. We guess they’re dinosaurs. You make us laugh.
We always know when we’re winning because the slander and insults come out. Thanks for being predictable.
P.S. We have about 500 more pictures of filthy illegals breaking into our country if you need them. Have a good day.
L.G.Brandon: Only after we proved that calling filthy people filthy (complete with pictures)
That you use a term with a long history as an ethnic slur, and then paint an entire group of largely Latino migrant by reference to the worst members of the group, even going so far as to deny the existence of refugees, fits the very definition of bigotry.