…is an Evil fossil fueled vehicle causing big tornadoes, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Raised On Hoecakes, with a post on parade organizers getting upset over a float.

…is an Evil fossil fueled vehicle causing big tornadoes, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Raised On Hoecakes, with a post on parade organizers getting upset over a float.
It sounds as if the parade organizers (Yorktown Foundation) have more class than the parade watchers. The boat expressed a political obscenity, Fuck Joe Biden. The organizers didn’t ban the boat, they just didn’t give the boaters a participation ribbon.
Maybe the snowflake boaters can sue and take it to the Supreme Court!
Hypocrite Elwood: With all your Masters’ lies we exposed here, I’m surprised you still show up. I guess evil Leftists and their “useful idiots’ have no shame.
Yet “class” was not the reason the Yorktown Foundation gave for disqualifying the boat.
Please point out where on the boat is the phrase “F*** Joe Biden.”
You won’t find it there.
This is the second lie in 2 sentences you have told.
This is lie number three. The organization had a set of rules. The boat complied with those rules. They had a set of rules for determining the “people’s choice” winner. The people complied with those rules.
After the boat won, people complained so in order to appease hate filled snowflakes on the left, the Yorktown Foundation took the award from the legal victor.
It is clear that you hate a legal victory that you are willing to lie about what happened and support people stripping those who followed the Foundation’s rules.
That’s the depth of the hate of the left.
Than again, all the left has is hate.
But because of the DQ
There is a God.

Bwaha! Lolgf
This is incredible. Read the whole article.
Preventing defendants from telling juries exactly what happened on January 6 is the Justice Department’s latest attempt to cover up pervasive police misconduct.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Not like it matters. The fix is in.
A corrupt DC jury will find him guilty because that is what they do. No accused Trump supporter will get a fair trial there, no matter what the charges. No prosecutor or judge there will ever be removed or disbarred for egregious conduct against Republicans of any sort. DC is a one-party town and that party is Democrat.
…and DC has a long history of using the judicial system to punish political opponents. The system of defending yourself is punishment enough even if they are eventually released and found innocent. … after over a year in jail without bail for what amounts to trespassing charges.
Despite some dipshit commenter’s adoration…
Despite a Particular Economics Columnist’s Confident Predictions, Inflation Is Really Bad.

Bwaha! Lolgf
So tRumpist orgs, so-called Voter Integrity Associations or Groups are going door to door conducting “forensic audits” of voters in states such as NH, Pennsylvania and Colorado! The III% group is offering armed escorts for the harassers.
Brandonflation: Producer Price Index Rises by Record 9.6%, Worse Than Expected
Lady Braniac (Psaki) over here just told us all that the high costs of meat were not due to Brandon’s out of control inflation — caused by his out of control spending, injecting the economy with literal trillions upon trillions of fake new dollars chasing the same (or shrinking) pool of goods — but due to “meat conglomerates.”

Bwaha! Lolgf
Yesterday Jeff was all for women running around with their tits flopping around which is something some people find offensive, not me as long as they are good looking. Now he is so upset that a float has the letter F. Jeff is easily offended.
Fuck Joe Biden.
Happy Hour all day with that dipshit (hic).

Bwaha! Lolgf
Fuck david Porter
david Porter lies about what we said. We recommended that men be forced to cover up. Fair is fair.
We didn’t say we were offended by the boat/float, but that the organization was.
Fuck david Porter
We owe apologies to the Stop the Steal crowd.
Florida is prosecuting voters for multiple votes in the 2020 election.
You really are a foul mouthed low class individual, aren’t you? Man, you need help.
I’m sure you realize beside being the source of food for their babies (if said babies are not murdered in the womb) breasts are also part of the sex organs of a woman. Do you really think it’s appropriate for people to walk around with their sex organs hanging out? Actually I just want to know if there is any level of propriety and morality you believe in or is everything just up for grabs. Why not just have anybody who wants walk around with their sex organs out?
LGB (Lesbian, Gay, Bi?): You really are a foul mouthed low class individual, aren’t you?
At times! So are tRump, david, Teach, and other right-wing con-menters here!
What does “Let’s Go Brandon” and “FJB” mean? Are you too high class to actually say the words they symbolize?
Brandon: breasts are also part of the sex organs of a woman
Um, no.
Do you object to Teach’s objectification of women on this site?
In your opinion how much breast can a female legally display? All but the nipple?
How would you force women to dress?
Do you think scantily clad women sexually assaulted by men contributed to their own assault?
Notice Jeff’s level of maturity. He feels that since others say something repulsive, then that justified his action. Then he moves to women being blamed for their sexual assault with no foundation. NUT JOB.
Poor david Porter… vulgarity is the lingua franca thanks to Master tRump! NUT JOB.
Cleveland Meredith Jr, QAnoner, who thought Donald Trump was fighting a cabal of Satan-worshipping, child sex trafficking cannibals was sentenced to over 2 years in prison for threats directed at Speaker Pelosi and the DC Mayor.
Car trouble caused Meredith to be late arriving to the insurrection but on Jan 7 sent texts to friends and family … “Thinking about heading over to Pelosi CUNT’s speech and putting a bullet in her noggin on Live TV” and other less than civil threats. His truck was replete with firearms and ammo.
Because of his history of violence, Judge Jackson did not grant Meredith bail but he will get credit for 11 months served.
people are stupid. This man is lucky he only got 2 years instead of a police raid and death by police execution.
No more does Biden or Harris speak for Democrats, does this man speak for most republicans. Remember that the next time you see Biden Threatening Russia with war over his honey pot Ukraine.
I know the left is livid that Trump didn’t Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb bomb Syria. Then they were flabbergasted Biden just up and pulled out of Afghanistan so now the CORPORATE MEDIA is shilling up another war, this time a PROXY war with Ukraine so they can keep their MIC people happy and ratings, any kind of ratings to keep the Corporate media relevant.