None of this would have stopped the nutjob who shot up the school, nor most shootings. But, the tragedy 9 years ago was a method to push his Build Back Better idiocy, which has been postponed till next year, and might never see a vote at this point
Biden pushes gun control agenda on ninth anniversary of Sandy Hook shooting
President Biden marked the ninth anniversary of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting with a renewed push for gun control.
“There are three common sense bills to reduce gun violence that the Senate should pass now right away, long overdue. One requires more extensive background checks for gun sales. One is to keep guns out of the hands of more abusers,” Biden said Tuesday.(snip)
The president also used the speech to tout his budget and Build Back Better legislation, which he noted include provisions aimed at combating gun violence.
“In my budget, I’m calling for doubling the funding for gun violence prevention research, including examining gun violence as a public health threat, which it is in my view,” Biden said.
“My build back better legislation … would make a landmark $5 billion investment in community violence prevention and intervention programs.”
Or, Democrats could stop coddling criminals, stop releasing hardcores, arrest them, jail them. But, none of what Biden suggests would have stopped the Sandy Hook nutjob, who stole the gun from his mom. Better background checks? Nope. Stopping abusers? Nope? Build Back Better? Nope. He really was just using the murders to push his bill. Meanwhile, more Fail
Opinion | The Israel-Emirati Rapprochement Won’t Solve Biden’s Problem in the Middle East
This week, a right-wing Israeli prime minister paid a state visit to the United Arab Emirates for the first time ever. A day later, in an unrelated but also surprising move, the United Arab Emirates appeared to back away from a major arms sale with the United States, its most important benefactor.
Clearly, the Middle East is changing. As the Biden administration has made good on its promise to focus less on the historically troublesome region and more on China, Middle Eastern states are taking notice. Israel, Saudi Arabia and the UAE are forging new relationships and hedging their bets, driven by a shared concern that a Washington, D.C. hyper-focused on China and domestic travails may not be there for them when it comes to dealing with Iran’s ambitions in the region, tensions with the Palestinians or other security threats.
But although President Joe Biden wants to reduce U.S. involvement in the Middle East, it isn’t necessarily good news for him that the region is preparing for a future where America looms smaller. The rebalance he sought is happening — but not on his terms and not in a way he can easily control, especially given his faltering goal of inking a new nuclear deal with Iran. It’s certainly a welcome development that Middle Eastern states are casting aside their historic enmities. But the thaw between Israel and the UAE won’t make the Iran nuclear conundrum, or the Middle East in general, much more manageable. It’s a reminder that — as previous presidents have learned — the region will remain a serious headache for the United States despite its best efforts to move its priorities elsewhere.
Apparently, the beheamoth that is the U.S. government cannot focus on more than one spot under Brandon. He’s already backed away from the historic peace bargains made by the Trump admin, so, Israel and Middle East nations are simply doing it on their own, especially since Biden keeps wanting to get Iran back in the failed nuclear deal. And this will all give China and Russia a chance to jump back into the ME, try and have influence.

The United States has the highest homicide rate of any advanced nation. Greater than Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, England, France, Germany, Holland, Israel, Japan etc…
‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens
Murdered children are a small price to pay for FREEDOM!
Elwood P. Dowd: Murdered children are a small price to pay for FREEDOM!
Are you saying guns go around shooting people? Maybe, just maybe the homicide rate in the US is caused by the people in the US. Ya think? Who do you think commit more homicides white systemic racists or minorities?
I know you types don’t want to hear it but if all the minorities were suddenly removed from America our homicide rate would be like Sweden or close to it. Are people in the burbs doing drive-bys? Are the shooting each other in Georgetown over meth? Do the folks in white middle class neighborhoods roam around looking to “make their bones” by killing a Korean store clerk?
Guns don’t kill people, people do. The sooner the morons on the left realize this the safer we law abiding gun owning citizens will be.
We could also cut the homicide rate by executing murderers the first time and by throwing
those filthy illegals who come here and kill our people out.
But sitting in your comfy home and pointing your finger is another hollow show of the “decency” of leftist.
Guns don’t kill people, bullets kill people!
Brandon: if all the minorities were suddenly removed from America our homicide rate would be like Sweden or close to it
Untrue. The homicide rate in the US is 5 homicides/100,000, and in Sweden it’s 1 homicide/100,000. If Black Americans perpetrate 55% of US homicides, your wet dream of deporting all Blacks would drop the the rate to about 2.5/100,000.
That’s still above the rates of Myanmar, Belarus, China, Kosovo, Kurdistan, Sierra Leone, Jordan, Cameroon, Burkina Faso and every advanced nation. Other than the US, the highest homicide rate among the advanced nations is Canada at 1.8/100,000.
Even white Americans are more violent than the peoples of any other advanced nation on Earth. Why are Americans so violent? Genetics? Easy availability of guns and ammo? American culture? It’s clearly the people since guns don’t kill people, people firing guns kill people.
For perspective, last year only 21,570 Americans were murdered and 400,000 died from Covid.
Guess that’s why St. Louis is again the murder capital of the U.S. with all them white Americans killing each other.

Right, Rimjob???
You really are a stupid dipshit.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Dowd: Untrue. The homicide rate in the US is 5 homicides/100,000, and in Sweden it’s 1 homicide/100,000. If Black Americans perpetrate 55% of US homicides, your wet dream of deporting all Blacks would drop the the rate to about 2.5/100,000.
First of all I was being glib when I said “if all the minorities were suddenly removed from America our homicide rate would be like Sweden or close to it” and only a complete malevolent fool would think it literal. Fact is we would cut our homicide rate in half by eliminating just blacks between the ages of 15 and 35. That’s all due to the system set up by Democrats since they were forced to give up their black slaves.
Incidentally, they frequently incorporate Hispanics into the white statistics so being able (once again) to get actual/factual stats from “our friends” in the government becomes less probable.
The millions of dead blacks not just the killing of 30-40 million unborn blacks the Democrats have supported are all due to the breakdown of family, refusal to provide good schools and non-racist teachers, the deliberate destruction of black families by Democrats with The War on Poverty and their generational welfare programs and the soft bigotry of low expectations by Democrats who seem to believe blacks are even too stupid to get a voter ID yet are smart enough to get welfare.
I also looked at the demographics and the US has lower homicide rates than many countries and so do American whites. But that was not my point. My point was that people kill people and even if the availability of firearms could be a factor, the reverse is also true BUT NO RECORDS ARE KEPT showing how many crimes and homicides are thwarted by firearms.
Frankly, allowing leftists to own guns is a bad policy for any country. The undocumented fact is more Democrats commit crimes including murder than do Conservatives. You are aware about 80% of incarcerated criminals are Democrats. That’s just because they are full of hate and hostility, think like children and cannot communicate without using violence.
Maybe getting rid of the Democrats would be the real way to cut homicides. We can keep the black Republicans since I can virtually guarantee Ben Carson’ and Candice Owens’ are not committing murder.
And don’t forget those filthy illegal immigrants murdering Americans like Kate Steinle and hundreds, no thousands more.