It’ll always be something
NY governor plans to add booster shot to definition of ‘fully vaccinated’
New York Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) announced during a press conference on Thursday that she is planning to introduce legislation that includes a booster shot within the definition of being “fully vaccinated.”
While the Democratic governor noted that the legislation needed to be more fleshed out and required more data to be collected, she signaled the change would happen eventually, saying that “at some point, we have to determine that fully vaccinated means boosted as well,” CNY Central reported.
Hochul’s remarks come as the country begins to see an uptick of COVID-19 cases again and as health officials grapple with the spread of the omicron variant, which President Biden’s chief medical adviser Anthony Fauci warned on Thursday would likely be the dominant strain in “a few weeks.”
Last time I checked, she was in the Executive Branch, not the Legislative Branch: she doesn’t introduce legislation, she implements legislation. Anyhow, if passed, will those who took the vaccine but do not get boosterized be then treated like they treat the unvaccinated? Will they be banned from stores, restaurants, gyms, and so forth? From going into work places?
Sen. Elizabeth Warren tests positive for Covid
Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., said on Sunday that she has contracted a breakthrough case of Covid.
“I regularly test for COVID & while I tested negative earlier this week, today I tested positive with a breakthrough case,” Warren said in a tweet. She added that she is only experiencing mild symptoms and is “grateful for the protection provided against serious illness that comes from being vaccinated & boosted.”
So, boosterized and still got it. Look, again, I’m an advocate of getting vaccinated. I even recommend getting the booster. The Chinese coronavirus is not going away. It keeps changing, and we need to learn to live with it. We also do not need to try this use of force, in shaming, in treating people like pariahs, and certainly do not need to keep changing definitions, which will make the vaccine unsure more skeptical, and turn those who’ve been vaccinated skeptical as to government intentions.
Americans are less willing to take precautions as the coronavirus wears on
The fight against the coronavirus has entered a new stage with the emergence of the omicron variant. As it spreads, cases are rising in much of the United States.
Take a look at a recent Monmouth University poll that asked how people felt about the coronavirus. Six in 10 Americans say they feel at least a little bit worn about how the virus has impacted their daily lives. And unlike with a lot of other emotions and actions revolving around the coronavirus, there is no partisan split around feeling at least a little worn out. Republicans come in at 64% and Democrats at 63%.
This exhaustion with the virus might be part of the reason why people are simply less likely to make major changes to their everyday lives. The pe??rcentage of Americans who feel safe to carry on their lives largely in the same way they did before the pandemic is up from 36% in a CNN/SSRS poll completed in early September to 45% in a new CNN poll released this month.
Even though Raleigh has a mask mandate and is a Democratic Party voting city, more and more people are just refusing to wear masks. More and more businesses are taking down their “mask required” signs. I was rather surprised my favorite Chinese takeout place took theirs down. It was one of the last places I would have thought would do it, because they even required masks when the original state mandate was removed.
Just 45% of Americans say they have socially distanced in the last week, according to an Axios/Ipsos poll released this week. That’s about the same as it’s been since the beginning of summe??r. It’s much lower than the 79% it was last December, before vaccines became widespread.
It might be worth pushing the original ideas: wash your hands, don’t touch your face, and social distance. But, people are tired, and they’ve had enough of government rules, especially when it seems so many of those making the rules, such as masking, do not practice what they preach.

Israel has ocked all flights from the USA because of the omni covid apparently they are taking this very seriously
Hairy: You invariably align on the side of force regardless of the issue. You’d make a good dictator. You’re already half way there.
[…] to get vaccinated, those who do not want to take the vaccines are pushing back harder as well. As William Teach noted, Governor Kathy Hochul (D-NY) is now pushing legislation which would mandate a booster shot as well […]
All the rest of you are just gonna die miserably.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Woulda, shoulda, coulda …

Bwaha! Lolgf
It seems that Maryland Governor Larry Hogan, fully vaccinated and boostered, Senatrix Elizabeth Warren, fully vaccinated and boostered, and Senator Cory Booker, fully vaccinated and boostered, all announced, in just a day, that they had tested positive for the Wuhan virus.
No word yet as to whether it is the
XiOmicron variant.It really doesn’t matter what variant it is the mere fact they got it proves the “vaccine” does not stop it therefore it matters not whether one gets the shot or not except to himself. It’s like carrying a gun. It’s for personal protection.
Still just a coincidence that with the most virulent and deadly virus EVAH, no member of congress, elected or appointed member of the administration or governor has been hospitalized or died, despite have multiple co-morbidities in their population.
Hmmm. Vaccines, masking and 6 feet of separation don’t make a difference, but being in congress seems to be 100% effective. I wonder why.
The omicron (ivanka) variant has overtaken the delta (donjr) variant of the tRump virus.
Realize we are testing more so will be seeing more cases, exaggerating the effect. The crowing by the vaxxed, yet anti-vax crowd, that fully vaccinated people are contracting the tRump virus, but so far very mild symptoms, ignores the fact that unvaccinated Americans will become infected and some will die from it.
BTW, D tRump admitted he received the booster himself, as did his co-host, Bill O’Reilly, in the intimate “rally” in TX.
Anyway, complete vaccination 1) reduces your chance of hospitalization and death and 2) reduces your chances of spreading and contracting the disease. So yes, get your 3 shot vaccinations and wear a good mask indoors.
Looks like Rimjob has his little gaslighting narrative down pat.

Bwaha! Lolgf
The CDC estimates that, as predicted by science, in only 3 weeks the omicron variant has become the dominant strain causing new infections.
It’s likely most Americans will become infected.
Fasten your seat belts, it’s gonna be a bumpy ride…
Dowd: Fasten your seat belts, it’s gonna be a bumpy ride…
You got to stop spreading disinformation. The omicron variant has not killed one single American so far according to the CDC. The only bumpy ride Americans are apt to get is by the mandates and abuse of Democrats as their party implodes and in a fit of panic they try to drag down the rest of us with them.
It’s all been a scam, a grift to get and keep despotic Democrats in power.
“AstraZeneca uncovers what’s triggering blood clots after its jab” reads a recent headline from Mail Online. “Oh, oh, oh!” one feels like exclaiming. So, it is true, after all. After nearly one year of stonewalling and denials, they officially admit that the Covid vaccines can, in fact, cause blood clots.
This will undoubtedly come as a great shock to those who believe the mainstream media narratives where all talk of vaccine injury has been hitherto dismissed as “misinformation” by those right wing anti-vaxxers. You know, like Dowd.
We have been repeatedly told that only crazy people would believe that the Covid vaccines could be dangerous. After all, scientists and public health officials have always reassured us that these vaccines are “completely safe and effective.”
It turns out, however, that the mantra “completely safe and effective” is not true, since those crack scientists who devised these vaccines now admit that their product can also generate blood clots.
What comes after omicron? These Democrat leftists are going batpoop crazy because if they admit the fake vaccine doesn’t work everything they’ve been telling to us and all the threats, tortures and crimes against humanity they’ve perpetrated against the people will be in the light of truth. And if there’s one thing the Democrat liars who started this scam can’t tolerate it’s truth.
WE need to get rid of all these liars. Sweep them out “by any means necessary”. They are a plague on our freedoms, our culture and our person. They are thugs, thieves, grifters and they want us dead. Let’s turn the tables and save humanity, America and freedom from these filthy animals*.
* I put filthy there just for the illegal alien lover Zachriel.
When was the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine (Vaxzevria/Covishield) granted an Emergency Use Authorization by the US FDA? (Hint: never). But.. the J&J vaccine, which has an FDA EUA, is the same type of vaccine as AstraZeneca. This is not seen with the mRNA vaccines.
For every million persons vaccinated the vaccine caused serious blood clots in 4. Covid-19 infection caused pulmonary emboli in 78,000 per million patients and caused DVT in 112,000 per million. If the vaccine reduces serious Covid infections it greatly REDUCES the more common thrombo-embolic events!
Be a good little Rimjob and just keep making it up as you go along.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Mr Brandon wants to rid America of Dems/Libs “by any means necessary”, except by democratic means. He considers Dems and Libs to be thugs, thieves and grifters out to murder all tRumpists. He wants to “turn the tables” and save America from these filthy animals.
How does Brandon recommend eliminating the Dems and Libs? Will you be the first to courageously murder a Dem?
Dowd: Mr Brandon wants to rid America of Dems/Libs “by any means necessary”, except by democratic means.
Where did We state “except by democratic means”? Show me. When you have to lie and put words in other people’ mouths it proves you’re a thug because it’s a lie meant to deceive. I also did not say you are out to murder all Trumpists, did I?
I recommend eliminating the Dems and libs by voting them out illegally like they did us. Rigging elections, falsifying votes, and using all the dirty tricks the Democrats and their allies in the CCP used against America. Then, once they’re out exiling them to communist countries where they can enjoy the utopia they’ve always dreamed of without causing the rest of us normal people such misery. And take the senile fool and his criminal son with you along with his crappy “art”.
Let’s go Brandon!!!
So Let’s Go Brandon wants to get rid Dems by illegal means. Got it. There is no credible evidence that Dems stole the election. If they could steal the presidency, why didn’t they steal the House and Senate?
Once Let’s Go Brandon steals the election and steals absolute power he wants to deport the Dems! Sounds like a typical authoritarian plan.
Let’s Go Brandon probably considers himself a “patriotic” American, but clearly is a reactionary who hates America.
We get it, Let’s Go Brandon is frustrated that Americans voted out his Great Right Hope. Like so many of his brethren, Let’s Go Brandon wants HIS America and only HIS America. His “brave” brethren even stormed the US Capitol to stop the Constitutional requirement of certifying the 2020 Presidential election. Over 600 of the traitors have been arrested.
“Hang Mike Pence!”, indeed.
Dowd: You want people to take shots of mDNA which I don’t think has never been done before WITHOUT thorough testing. It’s beginning to look a lot like genocide.…