The cost of vehicles is already going up due to
- the supply chain issues, increasing shipping costs
- manufacturing costs. New could go up $400-600 in the next couple months due to the cost of steel and other materials
Some manufacturers are even considering taking things out to keep costs down, such as moonroofs and power seats. The Infrastructure bill requires engine inhibitors to stop drunk driving, which could increase the price $500-$1,000. So, heck, why not make them even more expensive?
Biden admin announces tougher fuel mileage standards for passenger vehicles
The Environmental Protection Agency said Monday it will tighten pollution standards for cars and light trucks in an attempt to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from automobiles.
Why it matters: Transportation overall is the largest source of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions, so tougher standards for passenger vehicles are a major part of efforts to curb CO2 output.
By the numbers: The new rules will require passenger vehicles to travel an average of 55 miles per gallon of gasoline by 2026.
What they’re saying: “The final rule for light duty vehicles reflect core principles of this Administration: We followed the science, we listened to stakeholders, and we are setting robust and rigorous standards that will aggressively reduce the pollution that is harming people and our planet — and save families money at the same time,” EPA chief Michael Regan said in a statement.
Did they listen to the actual citizens? Will the limos and all the chase vehicles Biden uses be required to conform, or, does he get a pass? All you people who voted for Biden, I don’t want to hear any complaints, this is on you for your stupid vote.
Meanwhile is climate cult world
The case for going to war against climate change
When I became a climate activist in early 2019, I focused on issues at the forefront of popular discourse: coal, cars, air travel, agriculture, and construction. I also addressed shipping, because my hometown, Hamburg in the north of Germany, is home to one of Europe’s biggest ports. But as climate protests grew bigger, peaking at 1.4 million people in Germany alone in September that year, the discourse did not evolve at the same pace. The same basic facts are debated today; solution implementation is still just starting; and even the overdue COP26 climate conference in Glasgow did not bring about paradigmatic change.
As a security analyst accustomed to working with soldiers of various backgrounds, I find the security perspective to be widely absent from the discourse. The climate crisis is here, and security professionals like me now must fully grasp the extent to which we are affected by it, and what our role in solving it can be, because it directly intersects with our fundamental purpose.
Security, remember, is what this is all about. We are not protecting the climate. We are protecting ourselves.
Nice to see the Bulletin Of The Atomic Scientists going full doomsday cult. I’ll believe it’s a crisis when the people who tell me it’s a crisis act like it in their own lives.
I do not ask my colleagues—in or out of uniform—to join climate activists in the streets, though they are very welcome to do so. But security professionals must reframe today’s hand-waving about climate and treat it as a military-style threat that requires immediate and decisive action.

It’s aazing how much BS the Brandon administration call pack into a single statement. The followed their religion, talk to themselves, CO2 is not a pollutant, and this will save NO ONE any money.
“amazing”, not aazing. Dammit.
While totally ignoring the fact that it is China that produces the most carbon emissions of any other country in the world. I’d say bully to it all until the CCP can demonstrate several years of carbon emission reductions. Until then the Biden regime should leave things alone. But there we are and here we are.
Teach: All you people who voted for Biden, I don’t want to hear any complaints, this is on you for your stupid vote.
The only stupid votes were for tRump in 2016 and 2020 and Allah forbid, 2024. We’ve been telling conservatives for years that global warming is real but you just wouldn’t listen.
Thank the Lord that there were enough votes for Mr Trump in 2016 to have kept the odious Hillary Clinton a private citizen. Sadly, we continue to allow urbanites to vote, so there weren’t enough smart votes for President Trump in 2020, but Americans are already having some real buyers’ remorse when it comes to Joe Biden.
Of course, Mr Dowd, at least in his previous incarnation as Jeffery, has told us that he’s very well-off financially, so he can, one assumes, afford a new vehicle that has been engineered for stupidity, but, given his oft-stated concern for the poor, it seems unusual that he’d want to make automobiles less affordable.
I guess that he thinks the peons will all be happy with what they can get.
Global warming is very real. It is the biggest hoax ever inflicted on humans.
You mean after 50+ years of not one single climate prediction coming true you and your fool comrades still tout “global warming” as if it were a real and true threat to humans? Silly commies.
And after all those wrong predictions we’re supposed to believe you? Believe the same people who told us it would take two weeks to “flatten the curve”? The same pe3ople who told us the fake “vaccine” would stop the spread of Covid? The same people who now want to inject us all and our children with potentially deadly and deforming mDNA which has not been tested for long term complications? Are they stupid or do they think we are?
BTW, we would have none of the current problems we face had you just let the people speak and admit Trump won by a landslide. Nobody wants sleepy brandon the retarded sociopath that wants Americans dead. His approval rating is now around 28 and the only thing saving him from Arkancide is an even worse moron VP with an approval rating of 5.
We are living in the Post-Trump oligarchy of billionaire Democrats in cahoots with deep state and political fascists grinding down American freedom and the American people into dust. That’s why they wouldn’t investigate the stolen election but will go to the ends of the earth to prosecute people who protested on 1/6. It’s why there wasn’t a peep about Brandon bragging on TV he got a corrupt Ukrainian installed to protect his pervert son Hunter or how that same son bought an illegal gun, colluded with the communist Chinese and is now engaged in a art selling grift to wealthy political contributors. Not. A. Peep. They are all corrupt liars and grifters.
When the government can close your business, cut your job, force you on welfare and force you to take a dangerous injection with no liability nor recourse the government is being run by fascist bullies. We are no longer free by any definition of the word.
Let’s go Brandon!!!
Our distinguished host quoted:
The only way to achieve that is with hybrids, and even those are a stretch: my older daughter’s Prius Hybrid gets about 50 MPG, not 55.
The real solution is to defeat the Democrats in 2022 and 2024, and overturn these stupid regulations.
CAFE standards don’t actually force cars to get better fuel efficiency. They simply tax the fleet vehicles at the point of manufacture that don’t comply. All sedans are in the same “fleet” so all sedan manufacturers already pay this tax. Only a car company like Tesla that has no gas engines would be exempt from paying this fine/tax. SUVs are in a different “fleet” so they don’t have to meet the Sedan CAFE standard. Same for larger commercial vehicles like trucks and busses.
A car company in theory is incentivized to sell more fuel efficient cars instead of “gas guzzlers”, but since customers don’t want those, it just become a tax they pay and tack on the price of every new car.
Used cars of course pay no penalty for CAFE.
Teach is trying to protect his Russian and Arab friends from this plot against them
CAFE standards were created to reduce American dependence on foreign oil. Something America stopped caring about in the 70’s. Yet, we still have it. Now they are just another taxing mechanism. They neither create new technology, incentivize new technology, nor incentivize people to buy smaller cars. it just adds a price to the cost of the cars that gets passed along to consumers.
What finally did make America energy independent? FRACKING. Something the government had nothing to do with and would have squashed if it had it’s way.
Cue irrelevant arguments about seat belts.
OMG !! Car costs could go up $400 to 600 dollars
That is a lot if money !!
But maybe not significant since it is only 1% of the cost of a new car
Teach that increase in cost of steel is that connected to the zlTrump steel tariffs on imported steel? Like the kind he used in almost all of his own business?
China produces 57% of the world’s steel. They plan to cut production 10 to 20% to reduce pollution including CO2
Hairy: Do you believe everything every government says even filthy lying commies or are you just acting dumb?
BTW a 10-20% cut in steel manufacturing would probably cause an increase of 20% in new cars. But that’s no problem for rich progressives who live off the government.
The average amount of steel in an American car is less than q300 pounds about 33% of the total weight
Mathilde Carlier
March 19 2021
With the recent increase to almost 2000 dollars per ton this would mean the cost of steel to ne about 700 dollars
Kroger Dunning
Apparently others also believe that China will cut back on steel as is shown in the steel futures market
Brandon you can thank me later for this part of your education
And again
Think about how it applies to yourself
I was going by the figures you stated. So then the increase would be around $140 is what you are saying now. You can’t make a lucid argument yet start with more nonsense. You know where to put your Kroger-Dunning don’t you?
Dunning-Kruger Effect – “Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge.” – Dickens
Sorry that was 1300 pounds of steel in an American car
Dowd: I like Hairy’ “Kroger-Dunning” better. It says it all about Hairy.
“Dunning-Kruger Effect
Reviewed by Psychology Today Staff
The Dunning-Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which people wrongly overestimate their knowledge or ability in a specific area. This tends to occur because a lack of self-awareness prevents them from accurately assessing their own skills.”
That basically describes the entire Democrat party, every socialist, communist and fascist ever alive and atheists.
It’s like people demanding I get a non-vaccine shot of an unknown nature to protect them even though they have said shot. Makes. No. Sense!
Hey, I’m just a retired fire fighter with two years of college but I’m not cognitively impaired enough to buy the crap that these guys are selling. I can’t believe you can. Almost no one has died of omicron yet you folks are running around doing your best Nazi impersonations and pulling out your hair. Holy crap, what would you do in a real emergency?