When it comes to discussing ‘climate change’, we’ve been calling them a cult for several years now, as it has really become a cult. But, consider that those who support abortion on demand have acted like a cult for much longer, and are getting worse, telling their stories of getting an abortion (because they were too irresponsible to properly use birth control), and so much more. And now
Men across America are getting vasectomies ‘as an act of love’
After Andy and Erin Gress had their fourth child, Andy decided it was time for him to “step up” and help with the family planning. So he did something that the mere thought of makes some men cringe: He got a vasectomy.
It was early one morning last winter – a brief moment of peace, before juggling getting the kids ready for online school and work Zoom calls. He happened to see a local news story about discounts being offered during “World Vasectomy Day.” He made an appointment that day.
His wife had taken birth control pills, but she struggled with the side effects. She had worked as a night nurse through four pregnancies, and the couple had children ranging in age from 2 to 11.
“The procedure was a total relief, almost like the covid shot – like I’m safe now,” said Gress, who works in higher education. “I wanted to man up.”
But Gress’s action wasn’t just about his family. He also believed he should do more to support his wife and other women who don’t think the government should decide what they do with their bodies. “I’ve seen the miracle of life,” he said. “But I’ve also seen kids who are born into poverty and misery and don’t have a fair shot.”
Too bad he didn’t do it before having kids. They there wouldn’t be a problem with children being brought up in the insane leftist world-view. I bet he and the wife support forced COVID vaccination, though, eh? And support government restricting what people can eat because of ‘climate change’.
Pennsylvania state Rep. Chris Rabb, a Democrat, introduced “parody” legislation this fall in response to the Texas law that amounts to a near-total ban on abortion. Rabb’s proposal would require men to get vasectomies after the birth of their third child or when they turn 40, whichever comes first. It would be enforced by allowing Pennsylvanians to report men who failed to comply, for a $10,000 reward.
“As long as state legislatures continue to restrict the reproductive rights of cis women, trans men and nonbinary people, there should be laws that address the responsibility of men who impregnate them. Thus, my bill will also codify ‘wrongful conception’ to include when a person has demonstrated negligence toward preventing conception during intercourse,” Rabb wrote in a memo about his proposal, as reported by the Keystone.
But, we can restrict what people do with their bodies when they break the law. I would think murder of the unborn counts. Liberals have totally given up on contraception.
Koushik Shaw, a doctor at the Austin Urology Institute in Texas, said his practice saw about a 15% increase in scheduled vasectomies after the Sept. 1 Texas abortion ban went into effect.
Patients are saying “‘Hey, I’m actually here because some of these changes that [Gov. Greg] Abbott and our legislature have passed that are really impacting our decision-making in terms of family planning,’ so that was a new one for me as a reason – the first time, patients are citing a state law as their motivating factor,” Shaw said.
Too bad we can’t get that to 100%, limit the spread of unhinged leftism.
Brad Younts, 45, said his wife, Lizz Gardner, wants him to become a “vasectomy evangelist,” after he had the “simple procedure” without any problems.
“Men are big babies. Considering everything women go through – menstruation, Pap smears, OB/GYN visits,” said Younts, who lives in Chicago. “I’m proud I did it. And I went on to tell two friends who are also looking into it, too.”

State Representative Chris Rabb (Dummkopf-PA) said:
Only biological females can get pregnant, and Mr Rabb’s notion that anyone who can get pregnant is anything but a real female shows just how stupid he is.
The original is from The Washington Post.
Let’s face it: more
menmales are getting vasectomies because they are afraid that they’ll knock up one of their hook-ups, and she won’t ‘take care’ of the problem by getting an abortion. The story dealt with married men, or mostly men who already have children, and they couched it in feminist terms, but married men who choose that form of birth control because it’s physically easier on their wives were already doing that; they aren’t the real increase.Then again, just because their husbands get vasectomies doesn’t mean they won’t get knocked up! Almost one in 10 moms isn’t sure who fathered their baby: poll.
It just means women with a vasectomized partners must be more careful!
“Hey gorgeous, why are you still taking birth control pills?”
Anyway the poll (conducted for a casino) found 7.8% of British women lied to their spouse about the lineage of a child. That also means there are irresponsible men running around impregnating women and NOT taking care of their children they’ve fathered!
The women didn’t say they didn’t know who fathered the child, just that their mate wasn’t him.
Does Mr Dana absolve men of all responsibility for unplanned pregnancies? If the responsibility falls totally on women… well, you can finish that sentence.
The increasingly reactionary Teach: I would think murder of the unborn counts. Liberals have totally given up on contraception.
“Murder of the unborn” is an oxymoron. Liberals have been the ones promoting contraception and now vasectomies! Irresponsible conservative wienies continue to impregnate women then violently object to abortion, oppose contraception and now mock responsible men who get vasectomies. Since good christian men never have sex outside of marriage, how do these women get pregnant?
There’s an ongoing movement to make oral contraceptives (OCs) over-the-counter rather than prescription drugs. That would be a game changer and reduce abortions. What do you think? Good idea? I bet Stephanie Clifford was on OCs when the married DJ tRump had unprotected sex with her in his hotel room in 2006. Recall that tRump paid Clifford $130,000 in hush money during the 2016 campaign. Clifford also received $450,000 from the city of Columbus OH resulting from police harassment of her in 2018.
Indicative of how connies only care about “unborn” babies, pediatric units in hospitals are now filling up with kids, but connies still oppose vaccinations and masks. Children need support and protection after they’re born, too.
The bedwetter Rimjob with another one of his “holier than thou” psychorants.

It seems almost responsible that a man who doesn’t wish to father any more children should get a vasectomy! Yet Teach calls them “squishy beta males”. What does Teach’s wife think?
Responsible (adj): 3: able to be trusted to do what is right or to do the things that are expected or required
Remember when conservatives were manly and proud to be responsible? Now they’re all macho posturing and bullying. Their latest Savior is a cowardly, childish “man” with a bouffant hairdo, manicured nails, orange make-up, a history of abusing women, no impulse control, at least 5 children via 3 different “baby mamas”, a history of adultery, and who tried to overturn the 2020 presidential election.
We just celebrated the birthday of our “latest Savior” three days ago so you know not what you speak. Our Savior is Jesus Christ. We don’t believe mortals are our savior. You guys may believe either Obama or even a criminal child molesting, election stealing pervert like Brandon is a savior but that’s not our style so please stop projecting your proclivities onto us.
Meanwhile, God Bless you with the love and happiness this Season brings and may you and your family have a healthy New Year.
CarolAnn: a criminal child molesting, election stealing pervert like Brandon
We assume from your “Fuck Joe Biden” reference that you’re referring to President Biden. You call him a criminal, child molester and an election stealing pervert, yet there is no evidence to support any of those “charges”. What would Jesus think of your hateful lying? President Biden is a lifelong Roman Catholic.
Did you vote for tRump? He’s a criminal, accused rapist, accused pedophile, tried to steal an election, adulterer, liar and a pretend christian. You sound more like tRump than you do Jesus.
Elwood P. I made no reference to “Fuck Joe Biden” and thank you not to curse at me. What I said was a deliberate swipe at you for constantly making all kinds of accusations against Trump, none proven but all opinions. Oh, and none with any evidence provided. You’re entitled to your opinions. I’m entitled to mine, am I not?
I made no hateful lying sir, you did. I simply switched the charges and you triggered out like most leftist do when confronted with either the truth or conflicting opinions. Sleepy sniffin Joe is a “lifelong Roman Catholic” in name only. He’d be a Muslim tomorrow if it would help him win an election. Also, Roman Catholics are against abortion and homosexuality. Is sniffin Joe? Didn’t think so. Both he and you are as credible as Joe Isuzu.
“You sound more like Trump than you do Jesus.” Do I? then who do you sound like when you say ridiculous nonsense like: ” He’s a criminal, accused rapist, accused pedophile, tried to steal an election, adulterer, liar and a pretend Christian.” none of which are true nor do you substantiate any of those accusations. You’re just being silly. You’re also trying hard to insult me. Why? Do you hate me too now? You’ve already said my children will be racists and terrorists so I guess it’s my turn to be insulted. I’ve noticed when you start to lose an argument you tent to resort to the insults.
I don’t know how old you are but my 8 year old autistic daughter has better manners and more self control than you do. (And a much better mouth). I still wish you a Happy New Year and all Gods Blessings. You really, really need them.
CarolAnn: He’s a criminal, accused rapist, accused pedophile, tried to steal an election, adulterer, liar and a pretend Christian.” none of which are true nor do you substantiate any of those accusations.
Donald J. Trump has been accused of rape by E. Jean Carroll, accused of raping a 13 yr old girl with his good friend Epstein, did try to steal the election, is an adulterer many times over (remember Stormy Daniels? Marla Maples? Karen McDougal?), a liar (puh-leaze) and a pretend christian.
What do you think “Let’s Go Brandon” means?
The only good thing I can think of that Trump did for our country was to make it more acceptable for gay men to wear make up and dye their hair and get their nails done
What is your personal favorite means of protection? Abstinence?