…is a sea wall necessary to stop the seas rising dozens of feet, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The O.K. Corral, with a post on FJB moving the goalposts again.
It’s shorts week!

…is a sea wall necessary to stop the seas rising dozens of feet, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The O.K. Corral, with a post on FJB moving the goalposts again.
It’s shorts week!
Wow, she’s just… wow.
[…] to William Teach of The Pirate’s Cove for the […]
Teach celebrates a post claiming that “Fuck Joe Biden” is “moving the goalposts again”. The President (and every competent medical scientist on Earth) understands the booster shots DECREASE the likelihood of contracting Covid. The blogger calls President Biden illegitimate because trump tells him to. Cult.
And of course the blogger repeats the canard that masks don’t work. Cult.
Perhaps Mr Dowd can take heart that his St Louis Blues won the Winter Classic in Minneapolis.
Don’t follow hockey. What’s your favorite professional sports team there in Kentucky? The Pacers? Colts? Grizzlies? Titans? Reds? Cleveland Baseball Team? Cubs? Bears? White Sox? BlackHawks? Blue Jackets?
Sorry, my sources just told me that Kentucky has no professional sports. Can that be right??
Sadly, we lost our only professional team, the Kentucky Colonels, when the ABA was folded into the NBA, and the ownership refused to pay the fees the NBA demanded.
I used to listen to the Cincinnati Reds on radio when Al Michaels and Joe Nuxhall were calling the games. In the NFL, “my” team is the Oakland — never Las Vegas! — Raiders. I really don’t care much about the NBA.
But the team I follow most closely is Army football!
I do remember the ABA Colonels… rugged Dan Issel and aircraft carrier Artis Gilmore. The Spirits were the St Louis ABA team (with Marvin “Bad News” Barnes). Besides being a great center, Gilmore had a world class Afro that made him look 7’6″.
On a last second field goal, Army beat the crappy Mizzou team in the Armed Forces Bowl this year. Army was impressive and earned the win.
CBS Sports Network, channel 221 in DirecTV, carries all of the
CadetsBlack Knights home football games. Army plays football the way it was meant to be played! They also carry Navy football games, but occasionally miss some due to scheduling. Army normally kicks off at noon, and Navy at 3:30, for home games, which I would guess is done for television reasons.Missouri was 3-5 in the Southeastern Conference, and winning three SEC games is not something done easily.
The Brown shirts are at it again-Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green was suspended permanently from Twitter for posting VAERS data that came from……..the CDC.
Oh, the Brown Shirts sure are. Some leftist dyke judge just decided that Gizchin Maxwell’s “black book” should not be released. It contains the names of the 2000 Democrat “celebrities”, politicians, billionaires, media and business moguls who joined Clinton and Epstein at his island to rape and sodomize little girls (&boys?) . The fix was in since the judge, Alison Nathan a dyed in the wool leftist (read: communist) was appointed by the head crook himself Hussein Obama Soetoro.
The entire left in America and beyond were up in arms about all the leftists who would be charged with child abuse, rape of a minor and many other felonies if the black book were revealed so they just decided to bury it like most communist countries do to information and facts they don’t like. It’s a government version of being censored from Twitter.
Gotta love the chutzpa of these creeps but at least once again Clinton can breathe a sigh of relief.
Mr Fuck Joe Biden can knock himself out perusing the names in Maxwell’s Little Black Book published years ago by Gawker. The phone numbers and addresses are redacted.
Former President’s Trump and Clinton are there, as is super lawyer and Trump defender Allen Dershowitz, David Koch and hundreds more.
What does a phone contact in this address book really mean?
Mr Fuck Joe Biden accuses all the listed names of raping and sodomizing little girls and boys. Donald, Ivana and Ivanka Trump are all listed so Mr Fuck Joe Biden is accusing them of raping and sodomizing little girls and boys AND being Democrats!
Mr Fuck Joe Biden attacked the judge for being nominated by President Obama and for being married to a woman. Wasn’t President Obama within his power to nominate judges? DJ tRump nominated many, many judges.
I agree. Bill gates is there too. So is Jeff Bezos and Princes, kings, queens.
The problem is not Joe Biden or anyone else. The problem is an FBI that is so partisan that they are unable to see justice as blind. Remember they have always been this way. Remember Hoover in charge of the FBI and how everyone feared the man.
Why? Because he had dirt on everyone and kept it in a little black book which is why he was in charge of the FBI for (Let me google it, but I know it was a long time) Ahh yess…..He was appointed director of the Bureau of Investigation – the FBI’s predecessor – in 1924 and was instrumental in founding the FBI in 1935, where he remained director for another 37 years until his death in 1972 at the age of 77.
The FBI never recovered from this dirt-gathering bonanza. I had a cop buddy once who told me I can do anything because I AM THE LAW.
So people want to defund the police but have supreme confidence in the FBI? Seriously. The most compromised law enforcement agency in the world. That FBI.
I wished they would go after every name in that black book but then you would go after 3 trillion dollars of money and somehow I think 3 trillion is enough to make Epstein go away and to make all of this go away.
Evidence? The documents were resealed by the judge after the trial of Maxwell.
twitter is a private company with guidelines that Greene violated repeatedly.
twitter is a private company with guidelines that Greene violated repeatedly.
Oh yah-the “don’t post anything from the CDC policy”. Got it.
Republicun Greene wouldn’t or couldn’t follow the rules.
She responded:
Why would she want to participate in the unAmerican, communist style, enemy of America platform??
Does that mean Cigarette companies should be able to kill you? How about drugs? Just claim they are a private company and all if fine? I mean Twitter is trying to start a civil war. Why is that not insurrectionist? Somehow I think a civil war will be hazardous to our health.
Why should one have to wear a seat belt, if Chevrolet said it’s our company and we say you don’t have to wear a seat belt if you drive our cars? I mean Chevrolet is a private company.
Do you favor regulating these companies to make them comply with legislation such as car companies forced to put seat belts in a car as opposed to making them optional? I mean we know that essentially seat belts do save lives, but so what? Why is it the government’s business to tell you who you can and cannot kill? If they were at all interested in saving lives they would destroy Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok and attempting a coup on the world by pushing a leftist narrative favorable to Communist China.
Your a leftist. Surely you favor heavy regulations and taxes on Twitter.
Republicun Greene claimed twitter banned her because she tweeted VAERS data.
twitter claimed it was the following exchange:
Omicron is a blessing. It is extremely mild and once you catch it, it appears to offer superlative protection against the Delta Variant.
South Africa is saying along with a whole host of infectious disease specialists that Omicron will destroy Delta, because Delta will be unable to spread and die off because Omicron is offering powerful resistance to Delta.
Omicron hospitalizations are mostly secondary to some other reason and as Greene suggested nothing more than sneezes, coughs, and runny noses. However, as with all things, people are dying strictly from Omicron just like they die from colds, pneumonia, flu, chickenpox, heart disease, high blood pressure causing strokes, etc…etc.
The very sexist Mr Dowd wrote:
The “a” key is pretty far from the “u” key, so this would seem unlikely to be a typo. And, of course, Mr Dowd employed “Republicun” previously, in this thread, so the possibility that this was a typographical error is vanishingly small.
Really, I’m just surprised that he didn’t go ahead and add the “t” to the end, since that’s certainly what he meant.
So, what do we have? We have a hard left Democrat, who drove Kye off of this site by calling his wife, a woman who has never been part of the commentariat here, a “whore”, and now he’s implying what one woman told me was the most offensive insult to be given to a woman, in this case, a congresswomen who doesn’t even know Mr Dowd exists.
What are we to conclude other than our St Louis socialist is an out-and-out sexist pig?
Of course, Mr Dowd has also, in past months, referred to me as “Ms Dana,” thinking it will somehow hurt my feelings, or lead me to respond in a poorly considered way, but it reveals the thinking of many of our friends on the left: the left see calling men women as an insult, just as so many of them frequently use outright accusations or not-so-subtle implications that Republican men are homosexual, as insults. Oddly enough, it seems that he can’t even tell the difference between males and females, with his support of ‘transgenderism.’
The left in America are hypocrites, and Mr Dowd is but one example.
Mr Dowd will almost certainly try to push this argument back on me, but the difference is obvious, and I never claimed not to be sexist. We evil reich wing conservatives are perfectly willing to say that men and women are different.
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