Or, really, just about any version of the Chinese coronavirus
Cloth masks may not protect against omicron, report says
Single-layer cloth masks may not provide adequate protection against the very infectious omicron variant of COVID-19, according to a recent Wall Street Journal report.
Many infectious disease experts noted people prefer cloth masks because they are more comfortable and fashionable to wear, but these masks can only block larger droplets of COVID-19, not smaller aerosols or particles that can also carry the virus.
The Mayo Clinic is now requiring all patients and visitors to wear surgical masks, N95 or KN95 masks, so if anyone wears a single-layer, homemade cloth mask or bandanna, they will be given a medical-grade one to wear over it, the report said.
Surgical masks block the COVID-19 virus through its polypropylene electrostatic charge characteristics, while N95 masks have a tighter mesh of fibers than surgical or cloth masks with also electrostatic charge characteristics, which allows the mask to be most efficient at blocking inhaled and exhaled particles.
The Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), however, still recommends N95 masks only for health care workers, advising people instead to wear instead cloth masks that have two (or more) layers of fabric that completely cover the face and mouth, fit ‘snugly’ against the sides of the face (without any gaps) that also has a nose wire to prevent air leaking from the top of the mask.
And, almost no one wears two layers, even the mask fetishists. Let’s also not forget that the CDC didn’t update their mask guidance till the end of May 2020, and, based on the infection numbers, really hasn’t made a difference since
But Dr. Monica Gandhi, an infectious disease specialist at the University of California, San Francisco, said, “If everyone is just wearing a cloth mask or just a surgical mask, it won’t make any difference” against the omicron variant.
“If you really want no exposure, you have to wear the right type of mask.”
But, few will do this. They are expensive, they are supposed to be worn once, and then disposed of. Or, just ignored, if you’re a Democrat escaping from the cold northeast city you represent with all those restrictions for a nice, warm, restrictionless Red state
For those of you with zero sense of humor: the whole point of this post is to expose hypocrisy. We don’t actually care she’s maskless. We care she fear mongers about Florida but then has the audacity to vacation here.
— Brendon Leslie (@BrendonLeslie) January 2, 2022
Meanwhile, Commie Squad member Ayanna Pressley tested positive for COVID, as did Sec of SortaDefense Lloyd Austin. Both are boosted, both wear masks, and the latter is forcing all military members to get vaccinated.

A mask that offers zero protection for the wearer or others around him, but is a great, great way to identify the sheeple!
If the left could just figure out how to force the unvaccinated to wear yellow stars, they’d do it.
Mr Dana: mask that offers zero protection for the wearer or others around him
Just think. If the cloth masks cut infections 10% that is 80,000 that are alive today that wouldn’t have been. Arithmetic!
The medical grade and N95/KN95 masks are much better. How many lives were saved?
Mr Dana: If the left could just figure out how to force the unvaccinated to wear yellow stars, they’d do it.
If everyone would get fully vaccinated we’d have little to worry about with Covid.
If the right could just figure out how to force liberal dems into gas chambers, they’d do it.
Rimjob: Just think. If the cloth masks cut infections 10% that is 80,000 that are alive today that wouldn’t have been. Arithmetic!

Big IF, dipshit!
Just think, dumbass, or try to.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Why are the “vaccinated” worried about the “unvaccinated”? Aren’t they supposedly protected? If the “vaccine” solved all the problems of covid, why are the “vaccinated” still wearing masks?
“Vaccine” is in quotes because the CDC had to redefine the word to make it fit the covid shot, since it isn’t a vaccine.
Actually, the vaccines are indeed vaccines. We could care less about your uninformed opinion, thanks.
The unvaccinated are more likely to contract Covid and spread it to others. Some of the ones they spread it to – for example, seniors and those with co-mobidities – even with vaccination, are at risk. Unvaccinated children are at risk from unvaccinated adults.
Vaccination doesn’t solve all the problems of Covid.
Mr Dowd wrote:
This is not an accurate statement, at least not when it comes to the
XiOmicron variant. The vaccines seem to make symptoms less severe, but apparently do virtually nothing to prevent infection of the vaccinated person, nor reduce the probabilities that he will spread it to others.Can Mr Dana point out the statements in the WaPo article supporting his claim that vaccination does “nothing to prevent infection of the vaccinated person, nor reduce the probabilities that he will spread it to others”.
Note too that unvaccinated adults are also more likely to resist social distancing and masking.
Teach: Let’s also not forget that the CDC didn’t update their mask guidance till the end of May 2020, and, based on the infection numbers, really hasn’t made a difference since.
Paraphrasing Donald Rumsfeld, “You go to pandemics with the masks you have, not the masks you might want or wish to have at a later time.”
Early in the pandemic the most effective masks were not widely available so Americans used cloth masks.
Nazi Squad Member Teach: Commie Squad member Ayanna Pressley tested positive for COVID, as did Sec of SortaDefense Lloyd Austin. Both are boosted, both wear masks, and the latter is forcing all military members to get vaccinated.
Wouldn’t this qualify as discouraging vaccinations and masking?
Teach and his infamous all or nothing typing! These actions are not perfect therefore they’re worthless!
Masks and vaccinations (and boosters) reduce the likelihood of infection and spread of Covid, reduce the likelihood of hospitalization and death. These actions do not reduce the likelihood to zero.
Four Star General Lloyd Austin is the first Black Secretary of Defense. Teach mocks Secretary Austin and seems upset with him wanting to keep military members safe. Huh?
Dowd: Masks and vaccinations (and boosters) reduce the likelihood of infection and spread of Covid, reduce the likelihood of hospitalization and death.
No they don’t and you can’t prove they do. In fact today with millions more people fake vaxxed than ever there are more cases than ever. None of it works but being a leftist the phrase “We ere wrong” simply isn’t in your lexicon. You’re all ignorant and demand to remain that way regardless of how much evidence of your perfidy comes to light. You just ignore it like you ignore stolen elections, murdered unarmed mothers, the body count from abortion, and just about everything else your filthy hands touch. (I used filthy just for Z).
1? 12/30/2021 National File: 96% Of Germans With Omicron Were ‘Fully Vaccinated,’ 28% Triple Vaxxed, Only 4% Unvaxxed, Government Says
2? 12/29/2021 Yahoo: Illinois Rep. Bobby Rush Tests Positive for COVID-19 as Cases on the Rise in Congress: “Rush, who is 75-years-old, says he hasn’t experienced any symptoms and is vaccinated and recently received his booster shot.”
3? 12/20/2021 The Political Insider: Vaxxed And Boosted Democrat Senators Elizabeth Warren And Cory Booker Test Positive For COVID
4? 12/20/2021 CNBC: ‘I have Covid,’ Jim Cramer says. He says he’s been triple vaccinated and has a mild case
5? 12/01/2021 Twitter, Disclose.tv: JUST IN – South Korea, one of the most vaccinated countries in the world, reports 5,266 new #COVID19 cases, the highest 24-hour increase on record.
6? 12/01/2021 NOQ Report: Another Ultra-VAXXED Country Just Had Its Highest Reported Covid Case Surge on Record “The latest narrative-busting fact comes from Sweden where 87% of the population has been “fully vaccinated.” Despite their tremendous success in getting their people to take the injections, the nation just had its highest day on record of Covid-19 cases.”
7? 11/30/2021 New York Post: Two fully vaccinated Israeli doctors test positive for Omicron variant
8? 11/29/2021 American Thinker: Hard Data Shows the Covid Vaccines Don’t Work
9? 11/28/2021 NYOOOZ: 55 fully vaccinated inmates of Thane old age home test COVID-19 positive along with 7 others | Thane NYOOOZ
10? 11/25/2021 The Health Site: Do Not Lower Your Guards: 50 Fully Vaccinated Medical Students In Karnataka Test COVID Positive
11? 11/25/2021 The Financial Express: 66 fully vaccinated students in Karnataka medical college test positive for Covid, check details
12? 11/25/2021 Freedom First Network: ‘Fully-Vaccinated’ Singer Bryan Adams Tests Positive for Covid AGAIN
13? 11/25/2021 NDTV: One Karnataka College, 66 Students Test Positive, All Fully-Vaccinated
14? 11/24/2021 Fox News, Sports: ‘Fully vaccinated’ Manly star tests positive for Covid after training with Joey Leilua
15? 11/23/2021 Bloomberg: Even in Highly Vaccinated New England, Hospitals Are Suffering: The northern New England states of Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont, all highly vaccinated, are suffering from surges that are taxing hospitals beset by staff shortages and sicker-than-usual patients.
16? 11/18/2021 Spectator: The absurd theatre of vaccine passports: “Indeed, in the cohorts aged between 40 and 79, infection rates among the vaccinated are more than twice as high as among the unvaccinated.”
17? 11/16/2021 RT: ‘Most vaccinated’ place on earth cancels Christmas
18? 11/15/2021 Express: Gibraltar cancels Christmas celebrations amid Covid spike
19? 11/14/2021 Gateway Pundit: Dr. Fauci Admits Vaccines Did Not Work as Advertised and that Vaccinated Are in Great Danger Today (VIDEO)
20? 11/12/2021 WION: Taiwan suspends 2nd dose Pfizer Covid vaccine for 12-17 olds over heart inflammation
21? 11/12/2021 American Thinker: Oops! Cal Berkeley did the unthinkable!
22? 11/10/2021 Breitbart: Vaccinated Vikings Player Hospitalized with Breathing Issues Due to Coronavirus
23? 11/04/2021 Independent, Dublin: Nearly half the people testing positive for Covid-19 are fully vaccinated, with 3,024 new cases reported today
24? 11/03/2021 Washington Examiner: Fully vaccinated LA Mayor Eric Garcetti tests positive for COVID-19 in Scotland
25? 11/03/2021 Los Angeles Times: ‘This could be my room for a few days’: Garcetti tests positive, isolates in Scotland: “The fully vaccinated mayor is ‘feeling good.’”
Thanks for your input! We’ll give it the consideration it deserves.
We still recommend vaccination + booster just like Trump and Teach.
Mr Dowd wrote:
An interesting argument: Mr Teach simply stated facts, facts which the esteemed Mr Dowd did not challenge, but our Sage from St Louis apparently now believes that simply telling the truth constitutes propaganda aimed at discouraging vaccinations and masking.
The truth shall set you free is an old expression, but the Guru of the Gateway City is most seriously worried that the truth will set people free from the orders from Their Betters.
Uh huh. You’re being disingenuous.
My inferior understanding prevents me from following the obvious brilliance of your remark. Could you please tell me, in one or two syllable words, to ease the strain on my brain, how presenting facts, how telling the truth, is disingenuous?
Of the over 600,000 “murcans” infected the other day why would Mr Teach highlight these two? Because they had both received all three shots of vaccine? Why would he call Rep Pressley a Commie? And Sec Austin the Secretary of SortaDefense?
disingenuous: not truly honest or sincere; giving the false appearance of being honest or sincere
propaganda: the spreading of ideas, information, or rumor for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person
True: Not one of my fully vaccinated, mask-wearing friends and family have or have had Covid.
True: “Open” and “free” Florida has the 3rd highest rate (cases/capita) of Covid infection in the US (all the top five states are red states)!
True: Unvaccinated and unmasked Donald Trump contracted Covid and was so sick he had to be hospitalized! Subsequently, he was secretly vaccinated and secretly boosted.
The distinguished Mr Dowd wrote:
That would be the reason, I suppose; our host doesn’t know the vaccine status of the other 599,998 people.
Because she is.
I’m sorry, did you miss the clusterfornicate of the withdrawal from Afghanistan?
So, presenting factual information, telling the truth, is now propaganda in your view?
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Early in the epidemuc, back when Teach was still calling it “fake news” in NYC we were told to use cloth masks and save the rest for Healthcare workers because of extreme shortages.
I get a real kick out of people who for months kept saying it eas fake news, no worse than the flu, etc now considering themselves to be expert epidemiologist.
Hey John-Biden must consider it “fake news”, too, if he still lets illegals across the border without testing, which of course he still does.
Include Elwood Hairy. Include yourself when you consider yourself an expert on things you can google. I am an expert on one thing. Everyone is usually an expert at something but it astounds me how Elwood, Zach and Hairy can be legal masterminds, Expert Climatologists, and master Infectious disease specialists while having PHD’s in whatever science is being discussed at the moment.
In short, Hairy just remember that you were busy telling us Covid was nothing cause you were too busy impeaching Trump to realize that you were doing what treasonous soldiers on a battlefield were doing. Preventing the Commander in Chief from turning his full attention to the incoming danger of Covid in order to defend himself from FAKE NEWS brought to you by the Communist party of the USA. AKA Democrats.
The shitt-for-brains that are now running this country are attempting to shut down, again, the entire country over a variant of the covid virus that has killed no one. This is more about attempting to control every aspect of our lives.
Time to tell senile, little girl fondling Joe Biden and his clowns to shove it. Take off you silly mask, they do nothing to protect you from covid, ignore their stupid mandates and live your life. Stop being sheep and tell them to go to hell. Alec Baldwin has killed more people than Omicron.
The two absolute dumbest most brain dead inept incompetent least self aware incapable and totally clueless persons on the entire planet are now president and vice president (senile Biden isn’t sure which is which)running this country, all due to a rigged election.
You may be right about omicron deaths… Since most new cases in the US are omicron the mortality rate should be zero. Surprising, the 7 day average deaths in the US alone is 1247 deaths per day. Perhaps it’s too soon to judge.
There is NO evidence that the election was rigged although over half of GOPhers believe that Big Lie. America is in big trouble if over half the population is irrational.
That is so funny to see someone who doesn’t know shit pontificating on a subject for which he has no foundation. Why don’t you discuss p value.
It takes something to keep the base fired up. To believe the election was stolen is not any different than the left believing Donald J. Trump was a Russian agent and then embarking on a 4-year plan to destroy his presidency.
The problem for Fuck Joe Biden is that there is more evidence pointing to a stolen election than there is to Trump being a Russian Agent.
So while you vainly, hopelessly defend bizaro values that are rooted in racist, hate white America and try desperately to fling shit at a teflon wall of hope, you surely must realize that the left is going down the tubes and your communist dream of equality is just empty words spoken by an empty soul to an empty room where no one can hear you for the burning of our cities outside the windows of your empty auditorium.
More lefties have switched this week to the GOP. 2 more Lefty congress critters have announced they will not seek reelection. Most people on the left realize that Deny, Deny, Deny doesnt work anymore. Their party has become the party of Mao, Stalin, Hitler.
AOC was caught in a busy, busy cafe without a mask and her butt ugly WHITE BOYFRIEND and what did she tweet to defend herself?
Republicans are butt hurt that they can’t DATE ME!!! Some bizaro sexual fantasies about her. LOLOLOLOL. Not apologizing for not wearing a mask. The mandates she dictates with glee.
Talk about la la land and half the population that is IRRATIONAL. I think the left has a monopoly and should be investigated for anti-trust violations over IRRATIONAL behaviour.
What was more harmful for the country?
100 people fighting with the capitol police while 1000’s of insurrections stormed our nation, tearing down monuments and attacking federal property all across the land. Police attacked, ambushed and murdered just because?
900 peaceful old ladies waving American flags, let into the capitol and wandering the halls peacefully or An Entire party that Believed Donald J. Trump was a Russian Agent marching to the toon of Valdy Putin and telling the world that. Stoking rebellion with lies, lies and more lies aided and abetted by a Main Stream Media that is heavily infiltrated by the very communists and Russians you fear.
I vote for the latter. I am pretty sure that in 2022 you will be claiming the election was stolen when your party gets destroyed because of your insanity. But somehow I think you paid agitators don’t care. Somehow I think you paid agitators want that very thing.
Thats what I think. That’s what most Americans are starting to believe as they mistrust the Democrats, the MSM and get their news elsewhere and suddenly have said to themselves….WTF!!!!!!
Let’s see Dowd….
You believe men can become women, have babies and breast feed.
You believe killing a human zygote somehow does not end the life of a human.
You believe everything the liar Fauci says even when he changes his mind weekly. You believe the election wasn’t suspicious even after we showed you videos, affidavits, and eye witness testimony.
You insist a riot, and a minor riot at that was an “insurrection” even though the supposed insurrectionists were unarmed, carried American flags, burned nor bombed nothing and were mostly older working Americans. But don’t believe the burning of 26 cities was anything more than “a mostly peaceful demonstration”.
You believe in glow-ball warming even after 50 years of never making one correct prediction.
You keep pushing and untested and fake vaccine even after it is shown not to do what the “experts” claimed in any way.
You believed Jussie Smollett was attacked by Trump supporters.
You believe the fake vaccine works even as joe the pedo lets in unvaxed filthy illegal alien criminals.
You believe our electric grid can handle 200 million EV’s even as we have brown outs and black outs now without them.
And you insinuate we’re crazy? Your self awareness is below zero and into the negatives.
Teach: a nice, warm, restrictionless Red state
New cases in FL are shooting up, up, up. Third worst state in new cases per capita. Nearly 80,000 new infections per day.
That’s because AOC brought disease with her. “Infections” are not really up, testing is. Since the Democrats have scared the crap out of everybody testing is in demand. Are you saying Floridians shouldn’t be able to get tested? You do realize I live near Tampa, don’t you? And I haven’t been fake vaxxed but I did have Covid last year.
BTW, the only reason Sandy Cortez came to Florida was to try and get in the sack with me. She’s obsessed with strong white men and fire fighters since all she gets in Yankeeville are a bunch of beta soy boys and retread baristas.
I kept clear of her during her visit since she strikes me as an “unclean” broad.
Dowd, let me know when the “pandemic” has gotten serious enough to close the southern border.
Rep Ocasio-Cortez wanted you?
When did she get a hankering for gay men?
“Macho, macho man! Brandon wants to be a macho man!”
We should close the FL border to the rest of America.
Since Covid is a fake disease why do you worry about the southern border?
Dowd: “When did she get a hankering for gay men?”
You just can’t stop yourself from being a complete ass can you? Calling people’s wives whores, calling the autistic child of a commenter a future racist and white supremacist and now I’m a fag.
We never said Covid was a fake disease. As usual your brain is in a twist. We said the hysteria was and the vaccine is. Get your facts straight.
Unlike the dim-witted Sandy Cotex who actually believeRepublican men want to date her, I was joking. But it could be true because if the leftist “men” are like you she needs a guy like me.
Now, are you going to break down into constant personal insults when we voice an opinion you don’t like? Very mature. I don’t know how old you are but you should be old enough to comment while keeping sane or is that just not possible for a leftist?
Masks don’t protect from any virus ……
Ridiculously false.
“Ridiculously false.” Again you parrot the lies and propaganda of your fascist overlords. There is no help for a person like you who has a mind so close no light can penetrate. You are like the black hole of the Pirates Cove.
Yeah, masks prevent viruses. This is that idiot commie Austin before Covid in his Darth Vader protective gear. TWO masks and a spit guard. (Probably a haz-mat suit under his clothes too)
Now he’s sick and may die. Even though America and her security would be enhanced if he did I wish him a speedy recovery.
Now there’s your leftist Macho Man!!!!!!