Climate Cult Wants To To Eat “Climatarian”

Or, they could simply mind their own business instead of trying to force Other People to eat a certain way

What is the Climatarian diet? Foods you can eat to minimize your carbon footprint in 2022

If your New Year’s resolution is to help combat climate change, the food you eat could make a big difference.

It’s not. And, for most Warmists, it’s not, except to agitate. They won’t actually do anything themselves

A Climatarian diet focuses on reducing your carbon footprint with plant-based, locally sourced produce, according to nutrition app Lifesum.

Increased carbon emissions are drastically changing our planet, including rising temperatures and sea levels, which contribute to more heatwaves, drought and storms, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. A Climatarian diet has the potential to not just help the planet but also improve your health, according to Dr. Alona Pulde, a family practitioner specializing in nutrition and lifestyle medicine at Lifesum.

And what do they recommend?

  1. Lentils and beans
  2. Local and seasonal fruits and veggies
  3. Whole grains
  4. Nuts and seeds
  5. Chicken

And what do they not want people to eat?

  1. Beef and lamb (I can deal without lamb. Beef? Piss off)
  2. Palm oil (this, yes. Palm oil is bad for the environment, causes massive defoliation and clearcutting, along with destruction of species. Interestingly, palm oil was meant to be helpful to reduce carbon footprints.
  3. Farmed fish
  4. Coffee (good luck with that)
  5. Sugar (piss off)

Most of this used to be called eating responsible to be healthier, now the climate cult has appropriated it.

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11 Responses to “Climate Cult Wants To To Eat “Climatarian””

  1. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Teach: they could simply mind their own business instead of trying to force Other People to eat a certain way

    Teach is trying to force Other People to mind their own business and shut up.

    • Unkle C says:

      Actually, Elwood, that sounds like a pretty good idea.

      • Elwood P. Dowd says:

        Right-wingers worship force.

        • alanstorm says:

          Right-wingers worship force.

          Oh, child, you are delusional.

          Who is it that wants to use the threat of government force to make you recycle?

          Who is it that wants to use the threat of government force to make you hire certain people and NOT others because of their ancestry/skin color?

          Who is it that wants to use the threat of government force to force your choice of vehicle fuel?

          I could go on all day, but you will never grasp it.

          Teach is trying to force Other People to mind their own business and shut up.

          That is a GOOD thing. The fact that you think it’s bad somehow is VERY revealing.

  2. L.G.Brandon says:

    Dowd: “Teach is trying to force Other People to mind their own business and shut up.”

    Have you any self awareness at all? How about any sense of irony? Do you realize you’re on his blog that he pays for and allows you to crap on daily for free as you accuse him of forcing other people to mind their business and shut up?

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:

      The point was that the author, Michelle Shen, was not trying to force anyone to do anything.

      Writers have little power other than of the pen.

      • alanstorm says:

        Do you doubt that the author would enact such policies if she had the power, or will work to see that such policies are enacted?

        Yes, she would force this.

    • alanstorm says:

      Have you any self awareness at all?

      Some questions just answer themselves.

  3. Earle says:

    Thankfully they’re not trying to force people to inject experimental vaccines into their bodies.

    Oh wait…

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:

      Millions of vaccine doses have been administered to millions of people for over a year with adverse event profiles similar to other vaccines, despite what you hear from right-wing blogs.

      On the other hand, over 800,000 Americans (and nearly 5 million globally) have died from Covid.

  4. alanstorm says:

    Increased carbon emissions are drastically changing our planet, including rising temperatures and sea levels, which contribute to more heatwaves, drought and storms, according to the Environmental Protection Agency.

    What a shock – a political organization preaching politics. With ZERO evidence.

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