This will probably be about the only January 6th post I do. It wasn’t that big of a deal. Democrat Elites and their compliant media, though, think it’s the Worst Thing Ever
Garland says “the actions we have taken thus far” on January 6 rioters “will not be our last”
Attorney General Merrick Garland marked the one-year anniversary of the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol with a sweeping defense of the Justice Department’s investigation, hinting that prosecutors’ mission to hold organizers accountable could include charging those not physically present at the U.S. Capitol during the riot.
“The actions we have taken thus far will not be our last,” Garland said Wednesday, addressing staff members gathered in the Justice Department’s Great Hall for the publicly broadcasted speech.
“The Justice Department remains committed to holding all January 6th perpetrators, at any level, accountable under law — whether they were present that day or were otherwise criminally responsible for the assault on our democracy.” He added, “We will follow the facts wherever they lead.”
Not even physically present. It’s a witch hunt at this point. This is all primarily political for Garland and the Democrats, something they think will help them for the mid-terms, a way to whip up their unhinged moonbat base, and a way to hide their extremist agenda. But, also, consider: the same DOJ is not going after all those who attacked federal buildings during the BLM/Antifa riots, particularly the one in Portland. They know who a lot of these people are, because they were arrested for being there and committing crimes, then released. Many were arrested and released, with charges dropped, multiple times.
Oh, you wanted a bonkers piece on J6? NY Times to the rescue!
— William Teach2 ??????? #refuseresist (@WTeach2) January 6, 2022
The piece is as dumb as you think
Remember when Biden preached unity and bringing the country together? #LetsGoBrandon
— William Teach2 ??????? #refuseresist (@WTeach2) January 6, 2022
Trump haters and extreme leftist will be having orgasms over this.

Remember: non-Supreme Court Justice Garland hates, hates, hates! Republicans.
And the credentialed media are right in on it.
This was on the Philadelphia Inquirer’s website main page on January 4th; a whole section dedicated to the Capitol kerfuffle.
And this was there today.
The left have nothing! Things are far worse today than they were when Donald Trump was President, and everybody except Mr Dowd knows it, so the Democrats and the media are going all out on the Capitol Kerfuffle, hoping that something sticks there, because, if it doesn’t, the Democrats are going to lose big time in November.
Donald Trump and several associated bootlicks, e.g., Gym Jordan, “Cancun” Cruz, John “Memo” Eastman, Josh Hawley, Mo Brooks, Steve “Quarterback” Bannon, Peter “Green Bay Sweep” Navarro, Sid Powell, Rudy Giuliani etc conspired to overturn the 2020 US Presidential election including a violent storming of the US Capitol building. In the melee over 100 officers were injured and 7 people died. But that’s beside the point. Trump and his bootlicks tried to overturn a Presidential election.
It will be a test of American ideals to see how we respond.
“He can’t accept that he lost!”
Dana: Things are far worse today than they were when Donald Trump was President
So, your argument is that he made the trains run on time.
So, your argument is that he made the trains run on time.
Perhaps the trains should run on time. Because under Biden in one single year:
No. The USA under Biden has allowed nearly 2 million illegals into this country. That does not included the 1000’s who have evaded capture and could be carrying drugs, Covid, or any number of other diseases.
The USA has inflation soaring out of control. Just check your local Market or try to buy a used car these days.
The USA has a lie that is the unemployment rate. This month along they added 199,000 jobs but 97,000 have quit in the same month.
The USA has smash and grab all over the country. Well in Blue states.
The USA has elected Distric Attorneys and State AG’s who are now letting you go for violent crimes rather than punish you for your transgression.
The USA Fled Afghanistan willy, nilly leaving behind cohorts, those that risked their lives to help us by being given assurances.
The USA mandates to the world that you cannot use any drugs to treat covid because we say so.
The USA mandates masks, has taken kids from school.
The USA has more deaths under Biden than Trump from Covid-19.
The USA now has a shortage of drugs to deal with covid-19.
The USA is seeing gasoline spiking because Biden shut down pipelines and promises to shut down more.
The USA is threatening to end the filibuster, pack the supreme court, add two now leftist states, and pass laws using budget reconciliation that have nothing to do with the budget.
People are buying Guns at a massive rate Because the left and Biden are trying to destroy the police in this country.
BLM and Wokism is a communist plot attested to by the fact that the leaders and founders of BLM admit to being communists and having had communist training….I threw this one in so you could have something to cut and past and respond to.
I would say the trains running on time is a good thing. Even that isn’t happening under Biden and the left. Actually one should not be so hard on Biden. He is in charge of nothing. His staffers run the country by committee.
Est1950: Perhaps the trains should run on time.
You just excused Mussolini.
Prove it was an insurrection and hang a few dozen for treason then we’ll believe it. Short of that, STFU you’re wasting America’s time prosecuting people for trespassing and calling them insurrectionists. It’s all BS like your Covid crap.
126 police officers injured by the mostly peacefully tourists of the law and order party
And now Trump has abandoned them.
Yeah, hope they bring that My Pillow terrorist, Mike Lindell, to justice.

Bwaha! Lolgf
What crimes did Mr Pillow commit? He’s stupid and dishonest but that’s not illegal.
Who knows? The stupid and dishonest J6 committee show that they are on a “fishing trip” and thinks they can intimidate anyone.
Try to keep up, dipshit.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Hernandez was infamously photographed with the broken placard of Speaker Pelosi, killed an innocent Missouri woman, last night. You guys may be right, criminals like Herandez should stay locked up. Should she have been kept in jail?
Your propensity to respond glibly and cruel to people’s deaths and misfortunes that you disagree with is all part and parcel of the lefts narcissistic psychosis. You car nothing about anything but yourselves. The hateful (and deliberate lying about Ashli Babbitt) is also part of your group psychosis.
Do you think Emily Hernandez should be kept in prison indefinitely because she was disrespecting Nasty Nazi Nancy’s placard? Perhaps you’d have her killed too like Ashly. After all she was part of that “violent insurrection” too.
Over in Kazakhstan, we got a toppled government. We got a presidential palace on fire. We got a burning parliament. Bodies stacked in the morgues. Cop cars on fire. Blood in the street, dead people, beheadings, concussion grenades, a mayor’s office on fire, armed protestors who shoot back, dead cops, a beheading, armored personnel carriers, tanks, military trucks, a dictator’s remaining minions fighting like cornered rats, and thousands of Russian troops being airlifted in.
Sound anything like what happened on Jan. 6? The land of Borat has just thrown a spanner into the works for that best-laid Democrat plan. You are all liars and deserve everything coming to you.
L.G.Brandon: Do you think Emily Hernandez should be kept in prison indefinitely because she was disrespecting Nasty Nazi Nancy’s placard?
Hernandez was charged with five misdemeanor offenses for her participation in the Capitol riots. She was expected to plead guilty to a single charge, with a maximum jail time of six months, before her recent drunk driving arrest. Sad story for Hernandez. Even sadder for the Wilson family.
When are you lefties going to hold the show trials for the actual insurrectionists who burned down cities, destroyed businesses (mostly minority owned), caused $2 billion in damages, burned court houses and police stations and murdered at least 26 people 15 cops?
Now that’s a sad story when the left has degraded America into a two tier legal system where their rioters are “mostly peaceful” whilst burning the country down but our rioters become “insurrectionists” because they broke a few doors and windows.
Yeah, equal justice under law my ass. Speedy trial? Sure. Cruel and unusual punishment? I guess 11 months in solitary without trial is now the new normal for conservatives, Trump supporters or Republicans.
L.G.Brandon: When are you lefties going to hold the show trials for the actual insurrectionists who burned down cities
Asked and answered. Rioters associated with the BLM protests didn’t attempt to obstruct the peaceful transfer of presidential power. In any case, your premise is faulty:
Records rebut claims of unequal treatment of Jan. 6 rioters: “The AP found that more than 120 defendants across the United States have pleaded guilty or were convicted at trial of federal crimes including rioting, arson and conspiracy. More than 70 defendants who’ve been sentenced so far have gotten an average of about 27 months behind bars. At least 10 received prison terms of five years or more.”
L.G.Brandon: I guess 11 months in solitary without trial is now the new normal for conservatives, Trump supporters or Republicans.
Asked and answered. Everyone who was arrested was given the right to a court hearing before trial. The vast majority have been released before trial, though a small number were shown to constitute a risk of flight or a risk to the public, so are being held pursuant to the law and the U.S. Constitution.
Not truthfully. Not even close.

Bwaha! Lolgf
What would a legitimate president do if irregularities were present in his election? First he would authorize an extensive review of the election and satisfy the citizens that everything was as correct as possible. But Biden did nothing. Then he leads the country to ruin.
But a thief would proclaim constantly that he was legitimate, hold speeches to condemn his opponent, and rightful president. Then he would make sure that the justic department prosecuted any and every person who challenged the result.
Want an example, look at the third world countries.
Donald J. Trump lost the election on November 3, 2020. He left the office on Jan 20, 2021.
That’s nearly 3 months to authorize an extensive review of the election. But Trump did nothing but whine and lie. Over a year later he is still whining and lying.
For a few moments after Jan 6 the Republican Party said they’d had enough of Trump – Senators Graham and McConnell and Representative McCarthy all made speeches very specifically condemning President Trump. But with fingers in the wind to see which way the right-wingers were blowing, they reversed themselves and swore their fealty to Trump and became part of his lickspittle brigade.
The Democrats are not destroying this nation, Trump and his bootlicks such a youse guys are.
Trumpists no longer believe in the democratic process.
david7134: What would a legitimate president do if irregularities were present in his election? First he would authorize an extensive review of the election and satisfy the citizens that everything was as correct as possible.
In fact, there were extensive investigations of the election, including audits and hand recounts, all with judicial oversight.
If the “peaceful protesters” object to “insurrection”, howsabout “insurgency” or “putsch”?
The morons who stormed the US Capital Building were just dumb puppets misled by the likes of Trump, Gosar, Jordan, Hawley, Brooks, Navarro, Bannon et al, are the true traitors who behind the scenes tried to overturn the election.
Once you list them as traitors they deserve a traitors death. So you are down with executing Trump, Gosar, Jordan, Hawley, Brooks, Navarro, Bannon et al? You guys have already overthrown our government, installed a mentally deficient puppet régime, established a gulag system in DC to hold political prisoners without trial, are holding a USSR style show trial and are trying your damndest to portray 150 million Americans as insurrectionists and criminals because they demanded an audit of a blatantly criminal trial.
I figure political executions should be next as Dowd says, they’re traitors.
Every time the left is in charge anywhere the bodies pile up. This slow witted leftist even insists Ashli Babbitt was at the head of a “violent” mob when according to the video we’ve seen she was standing next to a cop holding an automatic weapon.
All leftists should be considered mass murderers as their history indicates.
Brandon: Once you list them as traitors they deserve a traitor’s death
While it’s true that America would be better off with these guys gone, besides execution the law says: or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.
Brandon: You guys have already overthrown our government
Your strongest projection yet! The traitors listed tried to overthrow our government. There is NO evidence that trump won the election. Evidence is piling up that trump and his lickspittles tried to overturn the election! So yes, the US must deal with these traitors.
Brandon: to hold political prisoners without trial
Most of the accused have been released on bail. Judges have determined that several are a risk to society. Drunken Emily Hernandez of Missouri, released on bail, killed a young woman by driving the wrong way on I-44. Many of the charged have pleaded guilty.
Brandon: I figure political executions should be next
More projection from the right-wing.
NuCons consider America “broken” and no longer have faith in American institutions including the democratic process. In my opinion, this results from the changes in American society: Blacks, LGBQTs, immigrants, non-Christians, the poor and working classes are clamoring for their rights, threatening white, Christian male hegemony.
L.G.Brandon: You guys have already overthrown our government,
You mean the Democrats won the election.
L.G.Brandon: installed a mentally deficient puppet régime,
The evidence shows the president is mentally capable.
L.G.Brandon: established a gulag system in DC to hold political prisoners without trial,
Actually, everyone who was arrested was given the right to a court hearing before trial. The vast majority have been released before trial, though a small number were shown to constitute a risk of flight or a risk to the public, so are being held pursuant to the law and the U.S. Constitution.
L.G.Brandon: are holding a USSR style show trial
Trials are presided over by a judiciary independent of the prosecution, with guilt determined by a jury of peers.
L.G.Brandon: and are trying your damndest to portray 150 million Americans as insurrectionists and criminals because they demanded an audit of a blatantly criminal trial.
Only about a third of the American public, mostly Republicans support the use of violence to resolve political differences.
L.G.Brandon: Ashli Babbitt was at the head of a “violent” mob when according to the video we’ve seen she was standing next to a cop holding an automatic weapon.
Babbitt was at the head of a violent mob, which was threatening to hang Mike Pence.
Babbitt was murdered by Capitol Police Lt. Michael Leroy Byrd.

Fuck off, KiddieZ.
Bwaha! Lolgf
William Teach: It wasn’t that big of a deal.
The event not only damaged the U.S. political system, but it has had vast geopolitical ramifications. It implies the rise of authoritarianism in the world’s leading democracy, and prefigures the decline of American power.
William Teach: Not even physically present. It’s a witch hunt at this point.
Uh, no. You don’t have to be physically present to be part of a criminal conspiracy.
William Teach: But, also, consider: the same DOJ is not going after all those who attacked federal buildings during the BLM/Antifa riots, particularly the one in Portland.
Rioters associated with the BLM protests didn’t attempt to obstruct the peaceful transfer of presidential power. In any case, your premise is faulty:
Records rebut claims of unequal treatment of Jan. 6 rioters: “The AP found that more than 120 defendants across the United States have pleaded guilty or were convicted at trial of federal crimes including rioting, arson and conspiracy. More than 70 defendants who’ve been sentenced so far have gotten an average of about 27 months behind bars. At least 10 received prison terms of five years or more.”
Zman says it best about you lying filthy (just for Z) America haters:
“Time to celebrate one of the newest, but most solemn festivals, Insurrection Day. Given the way they have been carrying on for the last year, it is surprising that a congressional idiot has not suggested making it a federal holiday. Then again, that would make it more difficult to brainwash school children into thinking that this is the time when orange Nazis tried to burn down the Reichstag Capitol and seize power with Big Lies!
The absurdity of this ridiculous drama conceals something interesting about the psychology of the political class. They seem to require an Alamo-type event to rally their minds around as they lash out at their enemies. Charlottesville, another trivial affair, has been a rallying point for them. They got three years out of that one, so January 6th will probably be with us through the next presidential election unless some new political tragedy is engineered by our good friends at the FBI.
Part of it is the fact that the ideology of liberal democracy does not provide the sense of struggle required to keep everyone engaged. Like communism, liberal democracy has evolved into a revolutionary mindset without a defined end. It is just a process that goes on until something magical happens and we reach utopia. The commies came up with perpetual revolution to solve this problem. Liberal democracy is evolving a culture of permanent crisis to keep the believers engaged. [and afraid]
Charlottesville and now January 6 are legends that can be told around the [backyard fire pits] as reminders of the struggle. They both have the same elements. The cause was the good people were not vigilant, which allowed the bad guys to form up. Both stories have a point where things could go either way. Both have the point when the righteous swept the villains from the field and triumphed over evil. Both have their martyrs, although the January 6 martyrs are imaginary.
Of course, the more you examine it the more you see that the overlap between ideological zeal and insanity is quite large. These people cannot exist in the world as it is, so they have created a fantasy world. This world of imaginary villains is one where they can pretend to be on the side of angels in the great struggle. By itself it would be harmless, but this madness comes with a fanatical drive to control society. These people are crazy and highly motivated to take over society.
Communism eventually sidelined the fanatics. That is largely what happened when the Brezhnev faction deposed Khrushchev. The more sober minded saw that rule by true believer would get everyone killed. They were still left with an unworkable system full of logical contradictions, but they were able to stabilize it for a generation. It remains to be seen if liberal democracy can pull it off. Biden is the closest analog to Brezhnev and he is a doddering old fool incapable of doing anything.”
The brainwashed followers keep calling us “insurrectionists” and now even a once almost sane Zachriel wants political rivals treated as national enemies and imprisoned for crimes against the state. Against their state, that is.
We are no longer considered the opposing political party by the so-called Democrats. Rather we are considered domestic enemies against their state and should be deprived of our rights, freedoms, property and even lives. Just as they do with Covid fake vaccines. Soon to be how they handle climate. Do it our way or suffer intolerable oppression. We cannot exist a country when they hold that much hatred for their fellow Americans because we don’t agree. The sad thing is if they would just stop trying to use force to make us comply with their desires and would stop lying to justify their actions we could live in relative peace. But when Democrats consider the losers of elections (even fake ones) unworthy of participation in our country because as Hussein said “We won” so shut up. Seems to them if one loses an election one forfeits all his rights.
L.G.Brandon: They seem to require an Alamo-type event to rally their minds around as they lash out at their enemies.
Which helps explain the psychology of those who stormed the U.S. Capitol.
Does it explain those who burnt down our cities too? Or does hate with you sleazy immoral people only go one way?
We recognize your anger and frustration that the facts don’t often align with your beliefs.
The riots in US cities over the shootings were NOT intended to overturn a national election, as was the conspiracy and storming of the US Capitol Building as Congress and the VP certified the election results.
Do you really believe it was a coincidence that trump’s hate rally and the storming of the Capitol were planned at the exact time of the certification??
The distinguished gentleman from Missouri wrote:
Perhaps you’ve forgotten the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone, and its three-week long defiance of, and setting up a revolutionary, “government” in a section of Seattle? Wasn’t that a rebellion against legal authority?
The Capitol kerfuffle — and a kerfuffle is all that it ever was — did something like $5 million in damage. The 2020 BLM riots caused billions in damages, burned out hundreds of buildings, cost thousands of people their jobs, and saw thousands of people assaulted, and a few actually killed.
Oh, the demonstrations in favor of suspending law enforcement — and that’s all they ever were about — accomplished something: murders in your hometown soared from 194 in 2019 to 263 in 2020, and if they’ve come down from that, they’re still high. In Philadelphia, the killings jumped from what was already a 12-year high of 356 in 2019 to the second-place all time of 499 in 2020, and then soared to 562 in 2021, shattering the old record of 500 set during the crack cocaine wars of 1990.
It’s a bit early to have any real information on trends, but the 10 homicides by the end of January 6th match the 10 on the same date last year.
But, not to worry: the vast majority of the victims are just black males, about whose lives you say matter, but about whose lives your actions say do not.
You’ve railed about Kyle Rittenhouse, but what caused Mr Rittenhouse’s presence in Kenosha’s streets?
It was the left’s Mostly Peaceful Protests™, peacefully burning out businesses, looting stores, and causing general mayhem, that inspired Mr Rittenhouse to try to protect the business of someone he knew. It’s unfortunate that Mr Rittenhouse had to endure more than a year of legal jeopardy, but at least he did rid the world of a convicted sex criminal and along with another Mostly Peaceful leftist protester, along with crippling a third, and all of it over the justified shooting of a criminal.
It ought to tell you something that the left’s “martyrs” — Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Jacob Blake, George Floyd, Freddie Gray — were all criminals, were all people who broke the law, who victimized people.
And who are their victims? They are the mostly innocent people and families who have to live in the combat zones, the ones who just want to make it through another day, another week, another year, and hope that it’s someone else’s kid who gets killed, and not theirs, because the left, because you! don’t want to enforce the law, don’t want to hold the criminals accountable.
Mr Dana again conflates the riots resulting from the protests to the intentional storming of the US Capitol to halt the certification of the Presidential election. Squirrel!! Look over there!!!
We understand the GOP’s efforts to describe the trump coup attempt as just a kerfuffle or protest but ignore that it was a conspiracy to destroy democracy. The cretins climbing the walls like the zombies in I Am Legend weren’t the biggest threat, the “brainiacs” behind the The Big Lie and the Green Bay Sweep were.
This is not dismissing the violence of the protests or the violent crime in US inner cities, as tragic, threatening and disruptive as they are.
Does Mr Dana really believe that eliminating US democracy will help the inner cities?
The Capitol Kerfufflers believed that the election had been rigged, and stolen; they didn’t see themselves as destroying democracy, but saving it. You can question their beliefs, but there were some strange signs, mostly states having big leads for President Trump vanishing as huge numbers of mail in ballots were counted. That Donald Trump got 11½ million more votes than he did in 2016, but Joe Biden got 15 million more votes than the odious Hillary Clinton was just mind boggling. 26,646,736 more votes, a 20.68% increase, was staggering.
It was what I had feared all along, that the idiocy of mail-in voting made voting too easy for those who normally stayed at home.
Our big cities are, in effect, letting the inmates run the asylum, but that’s the result when you have people voting based on “social justice” rather than the law.
The inquisitive Mr Dowd asked:
The City of Brotherly Love is in a shambles, is ‘diverse’ overall, but highly segregated when you get to the neighborhood level, has a huge homicide rate . . . and when the last Republican mayor left office, Harry Truman was President and George VI was King of England. One party government has led Philadelphia from being our fourth largest city to our sixth, a high poverty rate, a high crime rate, and problems everywhere. It’s pretty obvious that democracy in Philadelphia has not led to an improvement!
I read The Philadelphia Inquirer, and see the disconnect. One thing is clear: the editorial writers and columnists, liberals all, don’t live in Strawberry Mansion or Kensington; they must live in South Philly, Chestnut Hill, or perhaps even out in Bucks County, because they can see the numbers but still have no f(ornicating) clue about what is happening in their city.
What about your hometown? Remember those numbers I gave you: a homicide rate for black males of 205.48 per 100,000? How long have the Democrats run the Gateway City? How much has St Louis been helped by the people elected to govern the place?
L.G.Brandon: Does it explain those who burnt down our cities too?
The rioters associated with the BLM protests don’t seem like the Alamo type.
L.G.: we are considered domestic enemies against their state
Not really. So America is no longer your state? Many in your tribe believe America has passed the point of no return toward a communist/socialist/fascist/nazi polyglot, diverse nation where science and history are taught in schools. Many in your tribe (including your leader DJT) consider those outside your tribe enemies of the state.
The leader of your tribe (DJT) tried to overturn the election he clearly lost, irrefutable evidence of nascent authoritarianism. Thousands of your tribe showed up in DC to support his coup.
Any Republican who now claims that DJT is the true president of the US is either mentally ill or deceitful or both and is a potential danger to the nation.
First, we’re not in a “tribe”. We find that very racist and anti-Indian. They have tribes, Americans don’t. THe fact you don’t know that shows exactly the type of racist you are.
Now, if you can pry your lying eyes away from Xinn or the NYT perhaps for a just a few minutes (unless it’s beyond your attention span) to scan opinions not your own you may see why we’re pissed.
But you won’t cause ignorance is bliss for leftists.
L.G.Brandon: They have tribes, Americans don’t.
Tribes are specified in the U.S. Constitution. See Article I, Section 8, Clause 3.
Brandon: They have tribes, Americans don’t.
Tribe is not about Indians except on old TV shows. And you don’t believe American Indians are Americans?? Or did you mean white Americans don’t have tribes?
I read the article. The point you miss is that at the highest level of the federal government (President and members of Congress) tried to overturn the Presidential election of 2020. Trump and his minions tried to stay in power after LOSING the election. It was much more than storming the Capitol Building. You don’t get it.
No you don’t get it.
Brandon, please understand that Jeff’s one and only purpose here is to annoy. That is his only agenda. Everything you say in a comment will be turned around in a negative manner. To me, he is one of the worse jerks I have seen, but that is a compliment to him.
Clearly he is mentally ill. In fact he is so I’ll that he ignores his job in a multiple million dollar listed corporation. This has resulted in a significant loss in market share as he did not pay proper attention to a major study involving their one and only drug.
I no longer care about Dowd. He’s a liar and a member of the psychotic anti American left. I have no time for partisan liars.
Like this partisan liar. Suddenly, after a year he remembers this BS:
FuckJoeBiden says: Like this partisan liar. Suddenly, after a year he remembers this BS
This attack on Senate Majority Leader Schumer exemplifies the knee-jerk anti-other nature of the reactionary right (WMCP: white, male, christian party).
Fun facts:
Of the 37 Jewish House members, 2 are Republicans. Of the 10 Jewish Senators, 0 are Republicans.
Of the 58 Black House members, 2 are Republicans. Of the 3 Black Senators, 1 is a Republican.
Of the 120 female House members, 31 are Republicans. Of the 24 female Senators, 8 are Republicans.
Of the 45 Hispanic House members, 11 are Republicans. Of the 6 Hispanic Senators, 2 are Republicans.
Of the 13 Asian House members, 2 are Republicans. Of the 2 Asian Senators, 0 are
Of the 51 non-christians in the House, 7 are Republicans. Of the 14 non-christians in the Senate, 0 are Republican.
The Democratic Party appears to be the party of all Americans while the GOP is the party of white, christian males.