In case you weren’t aware, a volcano in Tonga blew it’s stack and created a tsunami. Lots of interesting videos at this link, like
Tonga's Hunga Tonga volcano just had one of the most violent volcano eruptions ever captured on satellite.
— Colin McCarthy (@US_Stormwatch) January 15, 2022
So, of course we get
Thinking of #Tonga & Pacific nations – Australia’s beloved neighbours – affected by the extraordinary volcanic eruption & tsunami. Australia must play a significant role in providing aid to support the Pacific, and acknowledge the impact of climate change on our region.
— Councillor Linda Scott (@ClrLindaScott) January 15, 2022
The nation of Tonga has been just hit by a tsunami. The Tongan people are wonderful, and vulnerable to tsunamis as well as sea level rise from climate change. Please keep an eye on how this unfolds. They will likely need help.
— Peter Girguis (@pgirguis) January 15, 2022
My heart goes out to everyone in Tonga. Hoping beyond hope that as many as possible can be spared this tragedy.
I realize this is a climate disaster and hope we can take notice and actually take steps to help matters.
— Mrs. N (@BtwnThesePages) January 15, 2022
A climate disaster? What, because Someone Else drove a fossil fueled vehicle?
How is a natural event, a volcano going off followed by a tsunami, a climate emergency? These people really are a cult.

Although global warming does NOT cause volcanoes, the resultant tsunami can be worsened from global warming-induced sea level rise.
Similarly, global does NOT trigger wildfires but makes them much worse by generating dry, easier to burn fuel.
Such natural disasters are also made worse by people not setting their parking brakes.
Or by leaving the trash cans on the street for days on end rather than bringing them bringing them in like good environmental stewards.
Or by using excess electrical power posting specious comments on the internet.
Just one of these large volcanic eruptions spews out more so-called greenhouse gas than the human race has since we discovered fire.
JimS: Just one of these large volcanic eruptions spews out more so-called greenhouse gas than the human race has since we discovered fire.
That’s just another piece of right-wing disinformation that spreads and is never corrected.
Much of what connies believe is just not true.
Human activities generate 60x more CO2 per year than volcanoes. Now you know.
A website called is hardly creditable.
JimS: A website called is hardly creditable (sic).
From where did you get your disinformation? And do you not trust ANYTHING from the federal government?
Try this, this or this. There’s a hundred more if you wish.
It’s quite clear that humans burning fossil fuels add much more CO2 to the atmosphere than does ALL volcanic activity.
Troll Elwood: Nobody spreads misinformation as much as your Marxist Masters.
Why not do your own research? Find out for yourself. Stop being their slave.
That is an absolute lie.
Yep, that fraction of an inch – which may or may NOT actually be occurring – is going to make ALL the difference.
I’ll take “Simplistic Assumptions” for $1000, Alex!”
Keep trying.
1 cm rise across one mile of ocean front yields almost 500,000 additional gallons of seawater.
That adds up!
“I’ll take ‘Conservative Ignorance’ for $2000, Ken!”
Keep trying.
Just think, simply raising taxes and having global communism will stop the tsunami.
I’ll take “sea have been rising on and off for 20,000 years”, Alex.
[…] cultists were linking the massive Tonga volcano eruption with their idiotic climate cult the other day. Now we get (via […]