UK bans sunrooms in new construction because of global warming. via @MailOnline
— Steve Milloy (@JunkScience) January 20, 2022
From the link
Climate change looks set to claim an unexpected new victim – Britain’s conservatories.
They may be a sought-after addition to many middle-class homes but the sun traps can overheat in our increasingly warm summers.
As a result, regulations are being brought in that could make conservatories far rarer in new-build houses.
From June, any conservatory intended as part of a new development will need to show it will not create ‘unwanted solar gain’.
The change is part of a raft of measures aimed at future-proofing homes against summers where temperatures are predicted to reach 40C (104F).
“Predicted.” Right now, the average daily high in July for the U.K. is 70F
The new rules, which also aim to improve domestic ventilation and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 30 per cent, will limit window sizes according to which direction they face and whether the home is likely to overheat.
These freaking people.

A shame the UK hasn’t discovered air conditioning yet. If only electricity has a cost. Then people could decide for themselves if they wanted to spend their money cooling indoor places with magnificent views. At least the rich will still have everything they want.
Her Majesty’s subjects have exactly as much freedom as the government chooses to allow them.
We see now that America is being agitated to go to war with Russia, RUSSIA! by a coalition neocons and leftists with Adam Schiff leading the charge and Cameltoe Harris “head” cheerleader.
You gotta love the hypocrisy of these Democrat commie pigs who won’t defend our own southern border but who are ready to send our kids to die in order to protect the Ukraine’s.
Let’s go Brandon! We have new wars to fight and more kids to kill. The leftist bloodlust is hungry to be fed. Now that Brandon is the metaphor for a declining America. He needs to go “by any means necessary” as the leftists are so fond of saying.
The only way to save America is to eliminate the left.
You know which recent President didn’t like foreign wars? Yeah, that would be Donald Trump!
Joe Biden has to look like a tough guy, so he’s talking tough, but, difficult as it is to picture, Vladimir Vladimirovich must be rolling on the floor, laughing his ass off! He has the hammer, Joe Biden knows that he has the hammer, and everyone else knows that he has the hammer. No one wants to go to war with nuclear-armed Russia, and Mr Putin could shut off the natural gas pipeline to the EU on a whim. The EU does have some stored natural gas reserves, but they’d vanish quickly if Europe had to face the rest of the winter without Russian natural gas shipments.
Theodore Roosevelt once said, “If you’ve got them by the balls, their hearts and minds will follow.” Well, Mr Putin has them by the balls. Poland, Germany and all of northern Europe are dependent upon Russian natural gas shipments, and if the EU made it through this winter on its stored reserves, it would have nothing left for next winter. LNG tankers could bring natural gas to Europe, but Russia has somewhere between 49 and 64 submarines, and it would take just one sinking of an LNG tanker in international waters, and that would be the end of that: no commercial carrier would send another LNG ship to Europe.
Dana: You know which recent President didn’t like foreign wars? Yeah, that would be Donald Trump!
Few “like” foreign wars.
Then-President Trump left office with Americans fighting/”advising” in Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq and Yemen.
President Trump didn’t start any of those actions, and had been drawing down American involvement in all of them.
That was a start! Good boy, Donnie, good boy.
And “bold and brave” Trump was for increased troop levels before he was against troops in Afghanistan (in time for 2020 election, coincidentally).
President Biden ended our Afghanistan war. Period.
According to CENTCOM, the number of troops in the Middle East (Area of Responsibility) marks the lowest on record for the one-year mark of any U.S. President this century. Isn’t that a good thing for those that want the U.S. to end forever wars?
As “bold” and “brave” as Rimjob who falsely claimed he “signed up” with the US Army during the Vietnam War.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Joe Biden has to look like an awake guy.
Fixed it for you.
Germany gets about 23% of its total energy from natural gas
Russia supplies about 1/3 of that, about equal to Norway and the Netherlands. Russia is more dependent than Germany than the other way around. As far as a Russian sub sinking a tanker? Thst would realky begin a shooting war. If the usa sent troops into Cuba or Venezuela do you think Russia would declare war on the USA? I don’t
Dana exactly how do you think the USA should respond to a Russian incursion? I think only economically. The same for China
Stop buying Chinese articles, tell Trump to personally stop buying Chinese steel. Tell Teach to stop helping our enemies by selling that shit
LG Brenda: The only way to save America is to eliminate the left. and President Biden “needs to go “by any means necessary” .
Since time is critical, how does Brenda recommend eliminating President Biden before America’s destruction? Once Brenda “eliminates” President Biden, how will Brenda “eliminate” the new President Harris? Of if Brenda “eliminates” both at once, how will Brenda “eliminate” the new President Pelosi”
Vlad Poutine wants a US President faithful to Pountine’s and Russia’s wishes. Someone like Donald Trump.
IF Russian troops invade Ukraine what response, if any, from the West does LG Brenda recommend?
Always stuck on Trump, again Rimjob has nothing relevant to offer except stupid questions.

Bwaha! Lolgf
You can stop acting like a child and calling me women’s names. It’s stupid even for you.
Dowd: “IF Russian troops invade Ukraine what response, if any, from the West does LG Brenda recommend?”
Absolutely nothing! What interest do we have in Ukraine? Why would we risk nuclear war with Russia over it? Because Hunter and creepy joe do business with Ukraine?
Because the senile idiot got them to fire a prosecutor who was fixing to imprison Hunter for fraud, money laundering and conspiracy but since the then VP threatened them so they didn’t? What would you do General Dowd? Bomb them? Turn’em into glass? You’re the big man, tell us.
BTW, was Trump doing Putin’s wishes when he intervened in the gas pipeline? The only thing Trump cared about were American interests. The only thing sniffin joe cares about are his own.
Your constant projection proves your contempt for America and Americans. The exact same people who were calling Trump a Nazi for making some effort to defend the border are the exact same people who are out demanding — and using — Nazi tactics right now.
As with everything else — foreign election interference, using badthink, extorting foreign governments for political advantage, becoming wealthy on public service, anything else you care to name — it’s always projection,
Let’s go Brandon. Thousands of American soldiers to sacrifice to the leftist agenda.
LGB wrote:
As a guy who grew up, in the South, with a girl’s name, I had to develop a thick skin, and you need one on this fine site.
Mr Dowd has tried Ms Dana and Mx Dana on me, but it hasn’t worked, because I don’t let it bother me. You, unfortunately, have just told Mr Dowd that it does bother you, so he’ll keep on doing it.
However, it says more about Mr Dowd than he wants us to notice; just as the very tolerant left likes to use accusations of homosexuality as an insult, Mr Dowd trying to feminize your ‘name’ tells us that he believes, deep down, that calling a man a woman is an insult, something which could only be true if he believes women to somehow be less than men.
A person with an alias that “means” “Fuck Joe Biden” whines that calling them “Brenda” is childish. LOL. That’s rich.
Mr Dana thinks feminizing a conservative’s name reveals that the critic believes women are somehow less than men. LOL. He knows better. It actually reveals that conservatives believes women to somehow be less than men. The only things worse are pointing out that a conservative is gay, Black, or heaven forefend, transgendered!
It’s a fact that while L.G. Brandon (Brenda) is a man, research shows he’s a Black, cross-dressing commie. He’s an undercover agent for the FBI sent down South to infiltrate the Ku Klux Klan. This man has gone as far as tearing Trump stickers off the bumpers of cars! And he voted for Gus Hall for president – four times! He’s long-haired hippie-type pinko fag and he’s even got an Al Qaeda flag up on the wall inside of his garage! He may act dumb but that’s just a disguise.
Curiously, Mr Dana has not once objected to this commenter being called a pedophile.
Feel better now, Rimjob?
Next time don’t hold back, m’kay?
BTW, since you brought it up, how is the grandson?

Bwaha! Lolgf
The erudite Mr Dowd wrote:
Given that he did not choose the screen handle “F(ornicate) Joe Biden,” but one without the obscenity, shows the maturity not to use the vulgarity, and the humor to communicate how he feels. It is no more offensive than your years long references to tRump.
What it means is that the supposedly tolerant left are hypocrites!
While I don’t try to insult people by claiming — without proof, of course — that that someone is homosexual or transgendered, given that I have never defended homosexuality or transgenderism as normal, healthy, moral or acceptable, I could do so without it constituting hypocrisy. Since you have claimed that such are normal, healthy, moral and acceptable, you cannot.
This is the part you dislike, me holding you to your own standards.
Mr Dana rides to the rescue of TG Brenda, but outsmarts himself.
[…] for a summer day here in Phoenix, but is unlikely to be experienced in Britain, where as noted at Pirate’s Cove, the average daily high in July is 70°F. However, temperatures will skyrocket any minute now […]
And some Brits wonder why 1776 happened?
Dowd, when we read ridiculous psychotic tirades like yours above the complete mental instability of leftism is revealed. You are a very hateful person. No wonder you are a leftist. Now in typical leftist fashion since you don’t like my alias you find a need to attack me personally.
Did it ever occur to you that if you asked me politely and nicely to change my alias because you felt it is offensive I would have? Of course not. To fools like you hate is all you know. You treat other commenters like shit then when they call you names you whine like the little bitch you apparently are.
So since you didn’t ask nicely I’m changing my alias just for you to: L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! thereby giving the child rapist and incestuous pedophile the FU TWICE!!!
Now every time you see my name it will be because of you. Hahahahahaha. You’re pathetic.
Oh, and Let’s go Brandon! There are more children to diddle. More soldiers to kill. More lies to tell.