Realistically, this is the way it should be done: big measures should be voted on separately. And the climate emergency (scam) portion of BBB is so big that it itself should be broken up. And none of it will help the economy or the real problems facing America right now, hence, it’s not surprising in the least that Biden and his Congressional Comrades want to focus on this
‘Build Back Better’ Hit a Wall, but Climate Action Could Move Forward
A small but growing number of Democrats in Congress want to move ahead with the climate portion of President Joe Biden’s stalled spending bill, saying the urgency of a warming planet demands action and they believe they can muster enough votes to muscle it past Republican opposition.
Faced with the possibility that Democrats could lose control of Congress in November’s midterm elections, the party is now looking to salvage what it can from the $2.2 trillion Build Back Better Act. The sweeping climate-change and social-policy bill passed the House but came to a halt last month when Joe Manchin, D-W.Va. and swing vote in the Senate, said he opposed it.
But Manchin has suggested that he might back various climate provisions in the legislation, leading some Democrats to say the party should regroup around a climate bill.
“The bottom line is that we are running out of time and the only thing that can pass is a package that has the votes,” said Sen. Edward Markey, D-Mass., a leading proponent of climate action in Congress.
Tell you what, Ed: when all you climate cultists in Congress practice what you preach, I’ll consider listening. When you stop taking lots of fossil fueled flights, I’ll listen. When you all purchase and drive EVs, I’ll listen. When Biden replaces his big limo and large number of chase cars with EVs, I’ll listen.
The New York Times asked each of the 50 Senate Republicans if they would support just the climate provisions in the Build Back Better Act if they were presented in a stand-alone bill. None said they would.
“You’d be hard-pressed to find GOP members who would be on board with approving these Democrat priorities,” Sen. John Boozman, R-Ark., said in a statement.
He described the climate provisions as “a far-left agenda” that is “opposed by every Republican in the Senate.”
The bill really isn’t about climate, or the environment, it’s about control from the Central Government. But, hey, Dems, waste more time on this idiocy.
With climate change legislation stalled in Congress, states look to pick up the slack
With action to address climate change stalled in Congress, states across the country are ramping up efforts to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.
In his State of the State speech on Jan. 11, Washington Gov. Jay Inslee asked state legislators to appropriate $626 million in 2022 for combating climate change, including $100 million in rebates for buying electric vehicles and $100 million in grants for institutions installing solar panels. Although passage is hardly guaranteed, the Washington state Legislature is controlled by Inslee’s fellow Democrats, who have so far reacted positively to his proposal.
First, that’s the way it really should be. This is not really a power of the federal government. It really wasn’t the intent of the Commerce Clause. Second, Jay’s previous attempts were shot down in referendums, with lots of Democrat voters saying “no”, because Doing Something about ‘climate change’ is popular in theory, not in practice. Not when the Warmists know the policies will negatively affect their own lives and money. But, if states want to do this, let them. There should be a provision that any person who votes for this cannot leave the state for a period of time. They need to feel the pain of their votes.