It’s like the Credentialed Media lives in an alternate reality, when we can all see what Joe has done
Budowsky: President Biden leads NATO against Russian aggression
President Biden is acting as leader of the free world, combatting Russian aggression against Ukraine. Working closely with political and military leaders of the NATO alliance, and mobilizing economic and military deterrents to avoid another European war, Biden has hit his stride seeking to construct a multifaceted and multinational policy that, to his credit, has a reasonable chance of success.
Every president grows on the job. President Kennedy screwed up on the Bay of Pigs, took responsibility, and became the leader who saved the world during the Cuban missile crisis and began his great work for nuclear arms control. It is high praise, not criticism, that I see signs that Biden is growing on the job.
Joe has been in the federal government since 1973, first as a Senator, then as Vice President. He didn’t learn anything? He’s also the guy who enticed Russia to get frisky, because he is weak. He blew it with Afghanistan, and even the far left UK Guardian had to be honest
The president’s suggestion that a “minor incursion” by Russia might split Nato over how to respond sent the White House into frantic damage limitation mode.
The weak response to Russia’s annexation of Crimea has emboldened Putin. He has massed almost 130,000 heavily armed troops on the border of Ukraine, instituted covert action, amassed an arsenal of propaganda and psychological warfare against Ukraine (and NATO), and is testing the limits of how aggressively he can attack Ukraine without provoking a powerful and effective response from NATO.
Wasn’t Joe VP during that time?
Biden is right to organize major sanctions, and take preparatory steps to protect European economies on energy and related matters if and when sanctions are imposed. Biden is right to put thousands of American troops on alert and work with NATO nations to provide limited but critically important super-trained troops to help Ukraine defend Ukraine. Biden and NATO are right to mobilize substantial military aid to Ukraine and to use air and naval power to provide intelligence and offshore protection to Ukraine.
You mean like all those sanctions President Trump put on Russia? How he wanted to sanction NORD, the pipeline to Europe from Russia, and Joe doesn’t?
My hope in the coming days is that Biden host a Zoom meeting with living former presidents including Clinton, George W. Bush, Obama and Carter to brief them and seek their ideas based on their experience. This would send a powerful message to Putin and America of bipartisan unity.
Oh, good, let’s involve one of the squishiest presidents, Carter, and Joe’s former boss, who showed weakness and watched Russia go into Crimea (among other bad errors by Obama) and did nothing. But, no Trump, under whom Russia was not frisky.
I would suggest Biden organize a presentation to the United Nations Security Council and present evidence similar to what Kennedy did during the Cuban missile crisis — and explore a vote in the General Assembly to mobilize not just European but worldwide support for Ukraine for Ukrainians — opposing a new Russian colonialism today.
It’s a little too late, especially since Russia has a veto on the Security Council. The time to be tough was from the start of Joe’s term, not pretending to be now. It’s like calling an alarm company when you watch a criminal breaking into your business.

It’s puzzling why the American right has become such staunch allies of Putin and Russia. The Russian state is now routinely airing Tucker Carlson’s anti-American and pro-Russia rants on television there!
Is it all because of trump’s connections to Russia? Is it the right’s hatred of Democrats, liberalism and democracy?
What is puzzling is how the “president” keeps wanting to protect the Ukraine’s boarders but doesn’t give a rats ass about our own. What’s puzzling is how the biden’s made $31 million off Red China and has defended them tooth and nail to keep their graft coming.
The American right is a staunch ally of America unlike the American (?) left who despises Americans.
You Democrats haven’t had a lucid policy since we took away your black slaves.
Let’s go Brandon, more cute commies to screw, deals to make and paintings to sell (Notice how the Hunter paintings and their associated corruption vanished from the news?).
Hey Dowd, what are your plans to steal the next election. Since brandon’s popularity is lower than Covid’s (28%) we figure you’ll need to steal an extra 1.4 million votes. That’s a tall order even for commies like you.
T.G. Brenda!, T.G. Brenda!,: the “president” keeps wanting to protect the (sic) Ukraine’s boarders (sic, LOL) but doesn’t give a rats (sic) ass about our own
The immigrants at the US southern border do not pose a threat to world peace as does the invasion of Ukraine by Russia. So, yeah, there’s that. The Chinese are not poised to invade anyone at this time, although Taiwan is always at risk.
T.G. Brenda!, T.G. Brenda!,: what are your plans to steal the next election
Simple, you anti-democracy fascist, you. We wish to have all legal Americans be able to vote, despite the fascist right’s attempt to suppress voting. Unlike you, we have confidence that the American people will do the right thing! And unlike you and your fellow travelers, we will abide by the results rather than try to destroy America.
Have you found that evidence of voter fraud yet? It’s getting kind of late in the game.
Our marvelous Missourian wrote:
The illegal immigrants do pose a threat to our culture and our welfare system; that’s more than enough reason to stop them, and send back the ones who are already here.
Would Russia invading Ukraine pose “a threat to world peace”? Not if it’s only Russia and Ukraine fighting. It becomes a threat to world peace if other nations join in.
Of course, none of the NATO nations are going to come to Ukraine’s defense; I’m sure that you remember the collective sigh of relief from the NATO leaders when Comrade Putin sent the tanks into eastern Ukraine and annexed the Crimea in 2014, that Ukraine had declined NATO membership. What we are seeing are moves which might — it’s not certain yet — send NATO troops, especially American troops, supposedly 8,500 of them, into Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia, to guard against the Russian bear. The Baltic States are indefensible; the Red Army could overrun each in a matter of hours. Do you want to go to war with nuclear-armed Russia over Latvia?
NATO sort of made sense in the 1950s and 1960s, when its eastern front was the border with East Germany. But since the fall of the Soviet Union, the West have been pushing the borders of an alliance to defend against the Soviet Union right up to the border of Russia. It’s one thing to fight for Germany and France; it’s quite another to fight for the no account Baltic States.
Poland? I seem to have read what happened in Europe when the United Kingdom and France gave a guarantee to Poland for its territorial integrity back in 1939.
The sage from St Louis wrote:
How, exactly, is requiring “all legal Americans” to have a verifiable identification suppressing voting? Every American born since the 1980s had to have a Social Security number issued for him; by the 1990s, that was done automatically after birth.
You have to have a valid ID to open a bank account, to get a job, to buy a car, to get a loan, to buy booze, to do almost everything that people do in this country, but somehow, some way, the left believe that this is impossible for some
Jeff is saying very stupid things in order to get people upset. He uses this particular line about once a quarter. As I have said in the past, the guy is psychotic.
Poor Dana,
Your tribe has gone far beyond IDs. In fact, the spineless Dems acquiesced on IDs. GOPhers are reducing drop boxes, reducing early voting, reducing vote by mail, restricting same day registration/voting, interfering with college student voting, rigging WHO counts the votes etc. David Porter was even boasting that a reactionary House member in WI tried to nullify the electoral votes of the 2020 election! GOPhers understand they cannot win unless they suppress Dem voters.
All to solve imaginary fraud. The GOP objective is to reduce Dem votes.
And we recall the hooded Mr Dana advancing the notion that only white men should be allowed to vote.
That’s so good, Dowd. T.G.Brenda!, T.G.Brenda! It proves I got ya cause you had no come back but to copy the Great One, ME!.
Dowd, you are being held ideologically hostage by your own closed mindedness. Read something other than Left Foot Forward and watch something other than XiNN and MSNBCLGBQ+ you may actually wake up. No chance of that I guess.
Now as to that “evidence of fraud” you mentioned. We’ve already spent a year posting that at least 50 times for you but we’ll do one more cause you’re so f’n stupid we need to draw to a picture:
Let’s go Brandon, millions of votes to steal so your commie and fascist followers can stomp on our rights like the Nazi’s they are.
Square this circle.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Did Mr Budowsky actually write this or did Let’s Go Porter just pretend that he did? Poor form.
So, he made a misgoof as to what he included in the blockquote? BFD.
My older daughter is a staff sergeant in the United States Army Reserve, and she already has deployment orders back to Kuwait for this May. She will be the NCOIC for a surveyor unit for the Corps of Engineers.
But if Joe Biden sends troops into the Baltic States and Poland, as ‘tripwire’ forces — since 8,500 troops can’t do much against the whole Red Army, they’re going to need barracks and Army posts, and that means sending in the Corps of Engineers, including surveyors. At least when she was in Afghanistan, all that was facing our troops were third world goat f(ornicators). Now our troops could be facing off against a modern Army, with a million active-duty troops and two million more reservists.
Dana, our prayers are with your daughter and her fellow soldiers. May they return home to their families safely.
SSG Pico was here last night, and she’s sure that her orders won’t be changed.
President Trump recognized something that few wanted to admit: the premise of NATO is that all of the NATO nations would declare war on a nuclear-armed Soviet Union, and now Russia, if the Red Army rolled into one of them.
The North Atlantic Treaty was signed on April 4, 1949; the first Soviet nuclear test was on August 29, 1949, much earlier than anticipated. The USSR still had no way to deliver nuclear bombs against anyone, but that was coming.
Now Russia has an arsenal which could completely destroy the United States. Fighting what we saw as Soviet proxies in North Korea and North Vietnam was one thing; saber-rattling against Russia itself is not just a dangerous game, but a stupid one. Who wants to go to war with nuclear-armed Russia over Latvia?
The Show-me State sage wrote:
No, I stated that the franchise should be limited to white male property owners! The part you omitted is just as important as the one you included.
As it happens, I am wearing a red, hooded, Cincinnati Reds sweatshirt at the moment — it’s just 12º F outside! — but I’m not wearing the hood up, and virtually never do.
The Grand Wizard of Kintucky corrects our egregious error. He feels only white male property owners should have the right to vote.
Our apologies.
BTW, could he be more specific? If a group of 10 Mexican-Americans are members of an LLC that owns a rental house on 0.2 acre would he grant them the right to vote?