What’s the crime rate in San Jose, California? It’s actually not that bad,a 15, at least for a California city not that far away from San Francisco and Oakland. So, why this focus on creating prohibitive rules against law abiding citizens?
San Jose Moves to Require Gun Owners to Have Insurance and Pay Annual Fees
Gun owners in San Jose, Calif., may soon be required to carry liability insurance and to pay an annual fee for suicide prevention and other safety programs intended to reduce gun violence.
Members of the San Jose City Council voted overwhelmingly in favor of a gun-ownership ordinance Tuesday night. If the measure is passed again after a second reading next month, as expected, the fees imposed on the roughly 50,000 gun-owning households in the city of more than one million residents could take effect in August.
City officials say the annual “harm reduction fee” of about $25 will go toward the cost of nonprofits that would help to run programs to reduce forms of gun violence like suicide and domestic violence, as well as to provide gun safety training, mental health counseling and addiction treatment. (snip)
What is new, San Jose officials say, is making liability insurance a requirement, similar to insurance for motorists, and seeking a fee to offset city services that go toward serving people directly affected by gun violence.
The problem really isn’t the yearly fees (though, they are problematic), it’s the insurance, which you know will be expensive. But, that’s the point, to make it too expensive to own a firearm. Even though it is rarely the legal owner of a firearm who is the problem.
And, immediately, lawsuits were filed
“If left intact,” the National Association for Gun Rights said in a federal lawsuit filed on Tuesday in U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California, “the City of San Jose’s ordinance would strike at the very core of the fundamental constitutional right to keep and bear arms and defend one’s home.”
California is one of the few states which has no mention of gun rights. But, the federal Constitution is the basis of the whole system, and we know this is an attempt to deny law abiding citizens their 2nd Amendment Right
The liability insurance would cover “losses or damages resulting from any negligent or accidental use” of the firearm, including “death, injury or property damage,” the ordinance reads.
If a gun is lost or stolen, the owner of that gun would also be responsible for it up until the moment the loss or theft is reported to the police, according to the ordinance.
So, if someone breaks into your home and steals your firearm and kills someone before you even know it was stolen, the gun owner would be liable. That won’t make the insurance really expensive, right? So much that people would give up their firearms. Making them at the mercy of the criminals that liberals empower. The National Association Of Gun Rights says
“We promised we would sue the City of San Jose if they actually passed this ridiculous tax on the right to keep and bear arms, and now we’re fulfilling that promise,” said Dudley Brown, President of the National Association for Gun Rights. “To tax a constitutional right is absolutely preposterous and places an undue burden on law-abiding gun owners. Do the members of the San Jose City Council actually believe this will do anything to stop crime?”
The National Foundation for Gun Rights sent a cease and desist letter to the San Jose City Council on July 15th, 2021 urging the city to reject the proposed ordinance.”
A right that you have to pay a tax to exercise is not a right at all. You would not dream of imposing a tax to attend a church or to disseminate or read a newspaper, which are protected by the First Amendment,” said Hannah Hill, Policy Director for the National Foundation for Gun Rights. “This is why the Foundation exists – to stand up to bullies like the City of San Jose and their tyrannical ordinance which will harm law-abiding citizens and set an ugly precedent for gun control laws all across the nation.”
This will end up in the Supreme Court.

Each year over 3000 children are killed by gunshot
Gungrabbers prevent this kids from being able to legally carry even for self defense against abusive parents
Hairy: “Each year over 3000 children are killed by gunshot”
Would you feel better if they were beaten to death by a Louisville Slugger? They are killed by people USING guns, not by guns. You leftists can never see the facts behind the emotion.
Let’s go Brandon, once you get the guns you can never lose an election!
Well Csrol Ann I certainly would feel better if thst number was REDUCED, wouldn’t you? I think thst we would both agree thst few children kill themselves or others using a baseball bat. I also think that the number of accidental deaths by baseball bat would be quite. Drive-by drsths of minors by baseball bat also would be greatly reduced. Guns make death by gunshot much more likely than death by baseball bat. I could agree with you but then both of us would be wrong

Bwaha! Lolgf
Well Carol Ann I certainly would feel better if thst number was REDUCED, wouldn’t you? I think thst we would both agree thst few children kill themselves or others using a baseball bat. I also think that the number of accidental deaths by baseball bat would be quite. Drive-by drsths of minors by baseball bat also would be greatly reduced. Guns make death by gunshot much more likely than death by baseball bat. I could agree with you but then both of us would be wrong
I have a picture of the average dirt bag criminal buying insurance. Which means this is just another worthless piece of legislation making life hard for the average American.
John, I had my own shotgun at age 8. Most of the people I know had similar guns at that time. Kids in my high school came to school with their guns in racks in their pickups. Amazing how we did not have that much problem with gun deaths.
And left our trucks unlocked too!

Bwaha! Lolgf
If law abiding legal gun owners were the problem, you’d know about it. Together we have more weapons and ammunition than the US Military.
David I grew up on suburbia only cub scouts in uniform one day a week were allowed to bring official boy scout knives to school.i am unsure of what your point is? Are you suggesting that we should be allowing kids now to bring guns to school? If so, I think that might increase the already high number of school shootings. What was allowed 60 years ago might not work out too well this century.
The point is that something has happened to our country that is not good. It needs to be evaluated. I feel it has to do with an excess of brown people. They don’t seem to integrate into our society and are excessively violent. I am sure you and Jeff will come up with multiple excuses and condemnations and will call me racist, but come up with another reason. But losing freedom and further control of law abiding people will only worsen the situation. The disruption of our voting process by the liberals/ communist has massively disturbed the social order. Maybe the coming civil war will return our freedoms and get the government to leave us alone.
I don’t know when you were in school; I was graduated from high school in 1971. Almost every boy had a pocketknife, we argued about whether Case of K-Bar were better, and we even traded them, openly, on the front steps, and nobody cared. There were pickup trucks in the parking lot with gun racks in the rear windows, and while those racks were usually empty, they might not all have been during buck season.
Mt Sterling, Kentucky, has an annual festival called Court Day, the third Monday in October. I bought two long guns, a rifle and a shotgun, on different Court Days, and carried them home, openly, up Maysville Avenue, in full view of the police station, when I was around 13 or 14, and nobody thought anything of it.
Sadly, Court Day has gone dramatically downhill, from when the country folk brought items they had made to sell or trade — sorghum molasses, hand carved axe handles, hunting dogs, even a few pigs — to what is now just a travelling professional flea market, but you can still buy guns there.
I think my tiny brain will explode.
Justice Roberts opened the door by saying the mandate for Obamacare was a TAX and within the purview of the Government. Hence Blue states and blue cities can tax guns out of existence.
10,000 dollars per year per gun. A TAX.
It will move millions of people out of blue states into red states. Literally. Blue cities could easily collapse if people are unable to even have a gun in their homes to defend themselves from a defunded police department.
Allowing this to stand another Scotus challenge will turn America into a nation divided even more.