Old and busted: we need to do something about the climate emergency.
New and hot
Biden admin. cancels leases for copper-nickel mine near Boundary Waters
The Biden Administration on Wednesday canceled two minerals leases for the proposed Twin Metals copper-nickel mine in northern Minnesota, likely killing a project widely condemned for being too close to the pristine Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness.
The huge underground mine would have tapped major reserves of copper and nickel, minerals key to a low-carbon economy, but also posed serious risks of contaminating the many waters surrounding it with sulfide and toxic heavy metals. Polls showed many Minnesotans did not support creating a heavy industrial operation at a gateway to the country’s most visited wilderness.
The boreal outback covers more than 1 million acres, a maze of lakes and streams and wetlands where motorized boats are not allowed.
The U.S. Department of Interior filed its legal determination Wednesday in the U.S. Court of Appeals in Washington D.C., where a lawsuit challenging the leases was on appeal. The two minerals leases were essential for Twin Metals, a subsidiary of Chilean mining giant Antofagasta, to develop the mine — its first major effort outside Chile.
Now, in fairness, these types of mines can be dangerous for real environmental concerns. The DOI could have required the companies to provide safeguards for the environment. The thing is, if Brandon wants to push his electric cars, they require vast amounts of copper and nickel, among other metals. Copper itself has been called the most needed metal for “low carbon” technologies, including aforementioned EVs, along with solar technologies, wind turbines, electricity networks, and bioenergy.
Nickel is likewise huge, especially in terms of lithium batteries. It is highly recyclable.
Apparently, the “low carbon” technologies are just going to magically appear.

I have been warning others of this for some time now. Remember my old job which dies hard was to assimilate the news from around the world and make sense of it. To coagulate tidbits of information into a coherent stream of intelligence for people of all stripes to make heads and tails of what is going on around them, so they are able to make informed decisions.
I present just a scratch of that surface without putting forth a 25-page report for your edification.
Retail expert warns recession just ‘around the corner’
Returns, inflation could lead to a recession, Burt Flickinger said
Why is this important? Many, many people are predicting a recession and a serious one that is bordering on 2007-2009. This is just a single example of what is being projected.
(Bloomberg) — Monday’s wild stock-market ride saw the S&P 500 Index lose more than 10% from its record high and the Russell 2000 approach a bear market before a dramatic late-afternoon reversal that sent all major benchmarks back into the green.
Bear territory in the midst of a rocket ride through the roof? Yes. But why?
Apr 26, 2021 … Home Affairs Department Secretary Mike Pezzullo said the possibility of war was increasing. “Today, as free nations again hear the beating drums
Why Australia? What does that have to do with the USA?
Russia and China signed the biggest package of contracts in the history of the two countries’ nuclear partnership, according to Russia’s state nuclear company Rosatom on Friday.
January 11, 2022, by Sanja Pekic
Russia’s natural gas producer Novatek and Chinese energy company ENN have signed a long-term LNG sale and purchase agreement (SPA) for the LNG produced from the Arctic LNG 2 project.
So what?
This is trickle-up intelligence that needs to be observed not in a vacuum but as a whole.
Moscow’s use of arms sales and military engagements to build ties to countries in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and especially the Middle East has also attracted attention. And its massive exports of fossil fuels to Europe offer Russia additional leverage. But for all its ability to upend power dynamics in places like Libya and Ukraine, Moscow has so far not demonstrated the capacity to fill the vacuums it exploits—or creates.
Enter its other world actors. Iran, North Korea, and China.
Following the chain here?
The above references are from Foreign Media outlets.
However, from US media outlets let’s follow a few of their shenanigans.
China Weighing Occupation of Former U.S. Air Base at Bagram: Sources
Building on friendly relations Beijing has secured with the new Taliban government in Afghanistan, China is now considering new ways to expand influence and embarrass the U.S. USNEWS AND WORLD REPORT.
With complex hopes and fears over Afghanistan, China is likely to treat the Taliban “as an equal” CBS NEWS.
Afghanistan puts China firmly on leadership hook REUTERS.
Many, many, many headlines like this. The tragedy of the USA leaving Afghanistan taken over by China. Why is that important?
It’s not what is actually happening but what the PRESS around the world is saying. But more importantly what the MSM in the USA is saying.
Britain, which has remained in close sync with U.S. rhetoric on Ukraine, said Monday that it, too, was pulling some members of its embassy staff…CBS NEWS.
Russia has DEMANDED guarantees from the U.S. that Ukraine will never join NATO and that the alliance will pull back forces from eastern European countries. ABC NEWS.
The State Department has considered pulling families of diplomats out of Ukraine over FEARS of a Russian invasion, according to reports FOX NEWS.
On and on it goes.
Jan 12, 2022 … The EU has no formal role in the talks, although its officials are drawing up possible sanctions to levy against Russia if the Kremlin decides TheGuardian.
The United States and Germany on Thursday WARNED Russia that a major gas pipeline was at stake if it invades Ukraine as Washington voiced hope for a diplomatic way out despite frigid statements from Moscow.(Economy)
I could go on and on but you get the Gist.
One last point then I will conclude:
The French President on Monday Emmanuel Macron is hosting a meeting between the leaders of France, Germany, Ukraine, and Russia ONE HAS TO GO TO YOUTUBE TO FIND THIS INFORMATION. The MSM is not covering it as it shows a sharp divide between the EU and the USA.
2 days ago … WASHINGTON — Presidential advisers from Russia, Ukraine, France, and Germany met for more than five hours Wednesday over the long-running feud…. NOT THE USA.
The Drums of war are pounding in America. The Military-Industrial complex is begging for a new war and I do not mean a war in which your sons and daughters take part but rather another PROXY war where the MIC can send billions and billions of dollars to Ukraine and the EU.
Now circle back to the impending recession. The writing on the wall has never been more clear by the Biden Administration to STAVE off a recession in the midst of Inflation and a runaway pandemic.
In the past, I would write 25-30 pages on this. Today I simply want to get the news out as to what is really going on in the USA and around the world.
Est: old job… was to assimilate the news from around the world and make sense of it
That’s what FOX, OAN, Pravda, Gateway Pudendum, Breitbart and Teach etc do!! Wiser minds call that propaganda.
Republican presidents are so unlucky, in that recessions always occur under their watch (you could look it up, but won’t). If the GOP succeeds in stealing the 2024 election they’ll be able to trigger the next recession. And of course, more tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations will leave us no room to stimulate the economy. Well done, GOPhers!!
Republicans led the trillion dollar invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan but Democratic Presidents got us out. Republican legislators lead the charge for funding the MIC and the surveillance state. Dems prefer reinvesting in US physical (bridges, internet, power grid etc) AND social (education and health etc) infrastructure.
The pandemic is not runaway, although the unvaccinated in the US are still dying. Cases are dropping in many states, mostly in the east e.g., new daily cases in NY have dropped 75% in 3 weeks. NJ dropped over 80%. FL dropped 35%. MA dropped 70%. DC dropped 80%. New cases in the midwest and west have leveled or dropping slightly.
If you were a smarter person you would understand that a recession is simply a period of negative GDP growth that lasts two or more consecutive quarters and, since one of the factors comprising GDP is government spending, using the existence (or non-existence) of a recession as a measuring stick for the strength of he private economy of the US displays a childlike understanding of Economics on your part.
Hi Phil,
If you were a smarter person you would understand that recessions are bad for the mass of Americans.
We understand that conservatives favor recession as a means to put workers in their place.
Your defense of recession as an economic tool displays a childlike understanding of economics and human decency.
Why do recessions correlate with GOP presidents?
Dowd: “Why do recessions correlate with GOP presidents?”
First of all recessions are non-partisan a concept you cannot understand. Secondly it only seems to you that they correlate with GOP presidents since the president has very little to do with it. Congress determines the spending, taxes and the like and it it the composition of Congress you should examine. If a president could control a recession why wouldn’t the junta elect just hold up his hand like a god and demand recession to stop? Why would he not by force of will stop the supply shortage? Cause full employment? Control the stock market.
The only time liars like yourself decide to give credit to GOPhers is when they’re in power went the shit your team started finally hits the fan.
Now do you actually believe that the illegal Brandon is handling the economy well? The supply chain? Inflation? Employment and business?
Then let’s see what the Democrats run on in November. We bet you anything you want it won’t be the economy so stop lying we ain’t falling for your crap any more.
Let’s go Brandon, time to crush Covid and get that all important black woman SC justice. Candice, Candice, Candice!
Elwood wrote: Republican presidents are so unlucky, in that recessions always occur under their watch (you could look it up, but won’t).
1836-1838 recession….. Democrats were in the White House
1839-1843 recession….Democrat.
1845-1846 recession….Whig
1847-1848 recession…..Democrat
1860-1861 recession…..Republican Lincoln
1865-1869 Recession….Democrat…Yes the VP of Lincoln was a democrat
1869-1870 recession….Democrat and then Republican.
1873-1879 the long DEPRESSION…Grant and Hayes both Republicans.
1882-1891 Long recession….Republican, Republican, Democrat, Republican
1895-1904…Long recession…Democrat, Republican, Republican
1907-1933…recession after recession after recession…..Republican, Democrat, Republican, Republican.
1929-1938 Depression. FDR. Democrat
1945-1945 8 months….Truman. Democrat
1949….Truman Democrat.
1953 and 1957 Republican. Eisenhower.
1960-1961 Democrat through most of it.
1969 LBJ. Democrat
1973-1975 Nixon, Ford.
1979-1980 Carter
1981-1982 Reagan
1990 Bush Sr.
2001- Bush Jr.
2007-2009 Obama….The recession started one month before Bush left office.
2020 Biden.
There I looked it up for you. I am not pointing a finger at the walking dead Biden. Not even the Democrats. I am simply pointing out what the deep state, the establishment is trying to do to stave off an impending recession.
Start a war. It’s too bad certain echo chambers force the participants to wear earmuffs and blinders with rose-colored glasses. If you read what I wrote, you would understand I am pointing a finger at the Deep state and the MSM. Not Biden, and yes that includes Fox news if you noticed I even linked them pounding the drum.
Good one-“wiser minds call that propaganda”. Wiser commenters would offer proof of such an assertion. But look who we’re dealing with…
Obviously, Jl reads ONLY the propaganda aggregators. Do you really deny that OAN and Pravda bias their coverage? LOL.
But look who we’re dealing with…
So in other words you still have no proof. Shocking, I know…
Do you really think that I forgot that in addition to OAN and Pravda you mentioned Fox, Gateway Pundit, Breitbart and Teach? Guess what, I didn’t
Bully for you!! Do you have a point? FOX, Gateway Pudendum, Breitbart and Touch are all propagandists too!!
But look who we’re dealing with…
So, still no proof of “propaganda”. You’re following the same pattern you do with “climate change”.
Baseless assertions
“Biden cancels copper-nickel mine”. In other news, Biden is ok with expanded lithium mining for use in batteries. Libs are hypocrites-who knew…?
Do you really think that putting a giant mine next to the most visited wilderness area in the usa is a good idea? I don’t
The Hirsute One wrote:
You can only put a mine where the materials to be mined actually are.
It’s a trade-off: either you mine the materials that the Biden Administration’s silly
global warmingclimate change plans require where those metals are, or you preserve the area for other reasons; if the ores happen to be near a protected recreation area, then you have to take a choice; you can’t do both.Of course, it is much, much better to have the copper and cobalt mined by child laborers in the Congo than here, right? After all, those child laborers are only Africans, right, only Negroes, so what does it really matter, right?
We’re happy to hear that the previous cobalt-using Mr Dana has given up his use of electronic devices so that he doesn’t take advantage of Congolese children.
Most cobalt is mined by multinational corporations which do not use child labor, but no doubt small operations there do. Perhaps we could enforce global regulations to stop child labor!
BTW, only about 10% of mined cobalt goes for EV batteries.
We’ll take your concern for child labor seriously when you stop relying on child labor for your devices.
Oh, no, I haven’t given up my use of electronic devices, not in the slightest. I’d prefer that the cobalt didn’t come from the Congo, or from any other non-democratic nation, or anyplace using child labor, but not so much that I’d inconvenience myself due to it.
And I’d be much happier if the ores needed were mined in the United States, where the money would go to American workers and — hopefully — American companies. I actually pay attention to things like that, such as getting gasoline in Kentucky rather than Indiana on Wednesday, because as much as I hate taxes, period, I’d rather pay fuel taxes to the state in which I live, for road improvements for Kentuckians, rather than Hoosiers. When I had to make trips back-and-forth between the Bluegrass and Keystone States, I planned my fuel purchases based not only on the states with the lower fuel taxes — Kentucky and West Virginia — but the states I preferred to get, or not get, my fuel taxes. (Pennsylvania over Maryland.)
So you’re just a big ol’ hypocrite!
John-we’ll move the copper and nickel to a more suitable location, and then mine it there…
Brandon is on a roll.

Kill more jobs for Americans kinda like with the shutdown of the Keystone XL pipeline.
Go from an energy exporter to begging Russia and OPEC to pump more oil.
Heckuva job.
Bwaha! Lolgf
This “administration” (Can an illegitimate junta honestly be called an administration? I doubt it) has only increased the misery of American workers and poor as well as the death toll in Afghanistan and soon to be the Ukraine. They have needlessly allowed, nay caused thousands of our family and neighbors to die because they refused to allow HQC and ivermectin as well as other therapeutics to be used. The plan was that is was better people die by the thousands than admit Trump was right and Fauci is a fraud.
Ahh, good ole joe the baby killer. Now the Brandon DOJ gage a arsonist and murderer a reduced sentence because he was rioting for BLM. Medicine by race, SCOTUS by race and sex and now legal penalty by race. Meanwhile the big black bastard who murdered little Ashli Babbitt walks among us flipping us the bird. What a country this fake president has wrought upon our people. They are out to genocide non leftist whites and they ain’t afraid to show it.
Let’s go Brandon, times a waste’ in if you really want to eliminate the two party (HaHa) system or what’s left of it.