I’m sure Biden will be out with a new vaccine mandate at any time
Exclusive: U-turn on mandatory Covid vaccinations for NHS and social care workers
Mandatory Covid jabs for NHS and social care workers are set to be scrapped, The Telegraph can reveal, after warnings of crippling staff shortages if the plan went ahead.
Sajid Javid, the Health Secretary, will on Monday meet fellow ministers on the Covid-Operations Cabinet committee to rubber stamp the decision on the about-turn.
Multiple government sources said ministers are expected to end the requirement because the omicron Covid variant, now dominant in the UK, is milder than previous strains.
The move comes after warnings that almost 80,000 healthcare workers would be forced out of their jobs because they had declined to take two doses of a Covid vaccine.
The time frame of the existing mandate meant the health care workers had to get their first shot by February 3rd, in order to be able to get their 2nd and be considered fully vaccinated by April. These same healthcare workers worked throughout the pandemic prior to vaccines being developed, but, of course, were turned into Villains after the vaccines if they refused to get the jab.
The legal requirement for care home staff to be fully vaccinated came into effect in November. An estimated 40,000 people lost their jobs over the policy. Under the new rules, they are expected to be able to return to work in the sector.
I personally think it’s a mistake to not get vaccinated, if you can, in order to protect yourself. Doesn’t mean you won’t get COVID, just, most likely, it will be mild. Governments made a big mistake in pushing their “we’re in this together, you need to protect everyone else” talking points, rather than “listen, protect yourself, OK?”
T-Mobile to terminate corporate employees who aren’t vaccinated by April -memo
T-Mobile US Inc will fire corporate employees who are not fully vaccinated against COVID-19 by April 2, according to an internal company memo posted on the blog The T-MO Report.
The blog said T-Mobile’s new policy was announced on Friday in an email from its human resource chief to all staff. It follows a U.S. Supreme Court ruling on Jan. 13 that blocked President Joe Biden’s COVID-19 vaccination-or-testing mandate for large businesses.
“Employees who have not yet taken action to receive their first dose and upload proof by February 21 will be placed on unpaid leave,” the blog quoted the memo as saying. “Affected employees who do not become fully vaccinated … by April 2 will be separated from T-Mobile.”
The memo, addressed to “all employees (excluding international),” stated that the vaccine rules do not apply to field technicians and most in-store retail roles.
So, why not the techs and store employees? If they were serious, they’d include them. Also, why wait to do this a year and a half after the vaccines were announced? It’s very silly.
Vaccine mandate could spell trouble for seasonal migrant workers: COVID updates
A Department of Homeland Security COVID-19 vaccine mandate, which took effect Jan. 22, is expected to severely restrict the travel of thousands of H-2A seasonal guest workers this year.
The H-2A program allows agricultural employers to bring foreign workers to the United States for agricultural labor or services on a temporary or seasonal basis.
DHS announced the restrictions on Jan. 20, requiring?non-U.S. individuals?seeking to enter the U.S. via land ports of entry?and?ferry terminals?at?the U.S.-Mexico and U.S.-Canada?borders?to?be fully vaccinated for COVID-19 and provide related proof of vaccinations.
Yet, DHS is allowing illegal aliens into the nation without vaccination. Go figure.

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Teach has no shame in criticizing others over the handling of something he called fake news and no worse than the flu. 885000 deaths.
For the 100th time Hairy, there were not 885,000 died of Covid. About 20% that. IOW, about the amount as the seasonal flu. Stop spreading misinformation about Covid and climate. You guys are looking the truth in the eyes and not recognizing it.
The only person you need o worry about vaxxing is you. BTW, it’s no longer considered a “vaccination” just a shot. And it only eases the effects of Covid on the person getting it. Nobody else. And that too may be just a line of bullshit to cover for the last two years of bullshit.
Tell that BS to 885,000 American families.
You’re still buying the BS that 885,000 ++++ people died FROM Covid? At what point of stupidity will you admit we’ve been lied to and instead of defending the liars with all your heart you actually grow some balls and go after them?
You must have been born a sucker cause you ain’t improving with age.
If you can chant the lie that 885,000 Americans died from Covid then I’d like to point out over 300,000 have died from adverse vaccine reactions (AVR). And they are almost all between 5 and 45 not old people beyond the average life expectancy anyway.
Let’s go Brandon, time to spread more lies and bull shit to the dummies who worship your senile ass.
Omicron more likely to reinfect than Delta, no milder -study REUTERS.
The study in question was reported by REUTERS.
The results of the study by Imperial College London were based on UK Health Security Agency and National Health Service data on people who tested positive for COVID-19 in a PCR test in England between Nov. 29 and Dec. 11.
“We find no evidence (for both risk of hospitalisation attendance and symptom status) of Omicron having different severity from Delta,” the study said, although it added that data on hospitalisations remains very limited.
They then go on to say…….REUTERS………MSM……….FEARMONGERING FOR CLICKS.
But Dr Clive Dix, former Chair of the UK Vaccine Taskforce, said it was important not to overinterpret the data.
“The conclusions made are based on making assumptions about Omicron where we still don’t have sufficient data,” Dr Dix said. “For example, we have no data on the cellular immune response which is now probably driving effectiveness of vaccines.”
“This is a crucial missing assumption in the modelling.”
Some of the conclusions are different to the data emerging from South Africa, where vaccines are holding up well against severe disease and death at present, he said.
I will just close this by saying. Blah, blah, blah. Fearmongering by Reuters for Clickbait using a study that has not been peer-reviewed, is contradicted by South African more in-depth dealing with Omicron and the fact that once again they are saying your vaccine is impotent but with a $$$$$$$BOOSTER your all good and saved.
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Our host quoted the money line:
Translation: we need the guys who are able to sell our phones and service, and the not-so-easily-replaced technicians.
Remember how WalMart did this about a year ago, imposing a vaccine mandate at the corporate headquarters, but not on the people who actually work in the stores. WalMart knew that the highly-paid corporate cheeses wouldn’t risk losing their jobs, and the lower-paid secretaries would probably go along as well, because how many other decent jobs are there in Bentonville, Arkansas?
These decisions are not really based on health, but on economic and business calculations.
You think I should get vaccinated?
If I become disabled or die from side effects, do you still think I should get vaccinated?
This is why health choices should be left to the individual.
I could care less if you get vaccinated (or not).
It’s not something I would recommend.
I’m not a doctor.
You can’t undo a vaccination.
The govt has gone from 95% effective to you may not get as bad of symptoms.
That’s a long travel.
Our Govt is full of shit.
Every medication has risks, and the COVID vaccines do as well. The issue becomes: which is the greater risk, the risk of side effects from the vaccines, or the risk of serious illness, and possibly death, from the virus? At least right now, the risk of serious illness and possibly death from the virus seems to be more common than serious, negative reactions to the vaccines, but the possibility of unknown, longer-term negative reactions cannot be discounted, because the vaccines haven’t been around long enough to know.
XiOmicron variant has changed the calculation for many: it is more easily transmissible, and the vaccines don’t stop it, but the symptoms of the variant are less severe. That makes the benefits of the vaccines less than with theBrandonDelta variant, which had more serious health effects than the Alpha.Of course, Mr Falcon raised the obvious question:
Since no one can know if the side effects will manifest themselves until an individual takes the vaccines, the question can’t be answered. That’s why, as he said, the choice should be up to the individual.
Of course it’s easy to find 885,000 families who have lost family members, but remarkably difficult to find any of the 300,000 that you falsely claim died from the vaccines.
Are the hospitals packed to the gills with ill patients lying to us? Are they also part of the vast global conspiracy that includes all Democrats, China, global communists, corporations, governments, the WHO (We Won’t Get Fooled Again!!), FDA, NIH, CDC, the medical community, big media… all in an effort to “get” trump?
As the estimable Mr Dana posits, there is always a risk-benefit calculation with all medicines, including vaccines. During a pandemic the public health aspects add another confounding variable. Contrary to the false claims of far right publications, the ACUTE risk of the Covid vaccines is very low. Mr Dana is also correct that the long-term effects are unknown, a concern multiplied by the new mRNA vaccines.