…is an area in drought from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Bookworm Room, with a post on some examples of stupid leftism.

…is an area in drought from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Bookworm Room, with a post on some examples of stupid leftism.
Ivermectin ‘Safe’ and ‘Effective’ for Treating Omicron: Japanese Company

Bwaha! Lolgf
We’ll put you down as a misinformer.
It was already known that ivermectin had an antiviral effect in in vitro studies. This report adds the omicron variant. Still no evidence that ivermectin is effective in humans, regardless of what the Epoch Times says.
Put yourself down as dumbass who only reads headlines and draws misguided conclusions.
But that’s what dipshits such as yourselves do.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Uh oh….https://journals.lww.com/americantherapeutics/Fulltext/2021/08000/Ivermectin_for_Prevention_and_Treatment_of.7.aspx
Somebody screwed with the title. Go back to the home page and pull up the article.
The authors had to rerun their meta-analysis as one of the most significant studies they used was retracted based on scientific misconduct.
The repeated analysis was much less impressive.
Regardless, the original news article cited by dp was incorrect. But kudos to both for changing the subject!!
Rimjob: The repeated analysis was much less impressive.
Much less impressive than what, dipshit?
Notice Rimjob again generalizing conclusions therefore misinforming.

But that’s what he’s here for.
Bwaha! Lolgfy
Helen looks high and dry there in the desert but she only has nine years before the climate crisis will set the planet on fire and the seas will rise right up to her spot and she’ll look like this:
You say that like it’s a BAD thing!
Truck Fudeau!
What a pussy.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Can you believe this fag communist Trudeau condemned the convoy last week and said it is composed of a “small fringe minority” of people who hold “unacceptable views.” Then he takes off to cover his fag ass.
That sounds like something our resident communist would say.
Lets go Brandon, Trudeau is making you look good by comparison you need to say something stupid again.
Looks like Melania wants some of that Canadian instead of the Good Lard.
Ivanka wants some too.
More misguided conclusions from Rimjob.

Maybe that’s all he has.
But what does one expect from a perverted dipshit?
BTW how is the grandson?
Bwaha! Lolgf
The Pervert Dowd: “Looks like Melania wants some of that Canadian instead of the Good Lard.
Ivanka wants some too.”
Says the guy with his lips firmly wrapped around Lets go Brando’s pecker.
Ever notice how Pervert Dowd talks about, refers to and treats women? He’s the quintessential male pig.
Let’s go Brandon, your perverted follower needs another hoax to promote! Covid is wearing thin with discredit.
Ever notice how the dogsucker and Brenda talk about gay sex all the time? Not that there’s anything wrong with that. Just curious. LOL.
Just after the stolen 2020 election it dawned upon me that what had happened was designed to send a clear and unambiguous message to hard working, patriotic, tax paying Americans, who believed that they could democratically vote for their President, that they were wrong. Such a concept was, apparently, too audacious to let stand and so the rudest message was sent to convince any doubters. Why was it that Biden and Harris having historically, the worst popularity among voters, were chosen, as candidates, when other more popular alternatives existed? The two most unpopular and incapable politicians were chosen to defeat the most popular and capable president since Ronald Reagan, for a specific reason. It made Americans aware that even if the chosen candidates were as preposterous as Tiny Tim, Rasputin or Rumpelstiltskin the election outcome would have been no different. They would have won. Americans, and the world, were simultaneously informed that these two, unelectable, and very incapable candidates, were not elected but, instead, were installed against the will of the people. Americans and the world were simultaneously told, in no uncertain terms, that a cabal, and not voters, control their destinies.
Everything that VDH made clear in this outstanding analysis, which leaves no stone unturned, is not just because Biden and Harris are incapable unelected counterfeits but because those that are responsible for what happened in 2020 want it to happen and are deliberately making sure it visibly does. Nothing is accidental. Crime has overshadowed law and order, in the cities, because people, such a George Soros, backed pro criminal district and state attorneys assuring dystopian experiences begging for a Hobbesian solution. There are many others such as Soros, who are just as determined, and manipulative, now in power, who are using their power to make sure that America is turned inside out and upside down. That is the objective and they had to steal an election to make it happen.
Trump had a rally the other day that drew 86,000 attendees, Checking Apple News, CNN and MSNBC websites makes it clear, by their headlines, that they are more concerned over ex President Trump than what is happening in the Ukraine and elsewhere. I know of a priest who, using night vision equipment, watches hundreds of foreign invaders stream over the Texas southern border, every night; it is never reported on. If not for the NY Post and FOX News, despite thousands of police present for the funeral of murdered officer Jason Rivera, you might not even know it based upon other media outlets, which treat the event as a distraction from reporting on their preferred topic, which is the ex President.
If what has happened in 2021 is what people expected, based upon the fraudulent election and those who illegally ascended to power, consider the likely scenario that in 2022 everyone is likely to experience what they don’t expect to happen. I can’t say what it is because I don’t know but I can state it will not only be the additional tyranny the American people will experience but it will also be the blowback that Brandon and associates never expected while traveling, now uncomfortably, on the road to perdition they embarked upon in November of 2020. Task 1/31/22
This was not the first time Dems have cheated their way to president. The first I knew of was Kennedy. But he was so bad he had to be killed. But think, Obama might have won on his own the first time, but the fix was in on the second time. At the state level Dem cheating is a given. What the last election represented was the stupidity of Nancy P. and group. We still are headed to a civil war, but don’t give the Dems any credit for brains.
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The State Of Modern Journalism – James O’Keefe | Modern Wisdom Podcast 428
Elwood P. Dowd says:
February 1, 2022 at 12:55 am
Ever notice how the dogsucker and Brenda talk about gay sex all the time? Not that there’s anything wrong with that. Just curious. LOL.
No, we have not noticed that. We have noticed you are a rude, disrespectful vile pig towards women. LOL yourself dimwit.
We’re sorry if we offended you.