Monthly Archives: January 2022

Bummer: Only Five Percent Are Looking To Buy An Electric Vehicle

For all the talk from Biden and other Democrats, such as California gov Newsom, about making people buy EVs, there’s not a lot of interest in doing so. For all the manufacturers who are talking about how many EVs they’re going to be producing, consumers are not clamoring for them. Which is why the two […]

Senate Democrats Switch Tactics, Want To Have A Public Debate On Federal Voting Takeover Bill

Well, this is interesting. Shouldn’t there be a public debate on any big bill? Shouldn’t elected officials be telling their constituents what the bill does? Shouldn’t they be have a long debate on the floor of Congress? Dems switch strategy on voting bill as Biden pushes action Senate Democrats are trying to force a public […]

Priorities: DHS Launches “Climate Change Professionals” Program

Cool. The government teaching mush brain idiots how to be activists to make the government change/sue the government. While doing jack squat about and illegal alien invasion Homeland Security launches ‘climate change professionals program’ amid historic illegal border crossings surge The Department of Homeland Security has announced a “climate change professionals program” while the historic […]

If All You See…

…is horrible carbon pollution caused rain, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Jo Nova, with a post on coal use skyrocketing.

Justice Dept To Create Special “Domestic Terrorism” Unit Or Something

I wonder what they will be called? Maybe Stazi? That would be a good name. Who will they go after? Perhaps parents daring to question school boards? Those with MAGA bumper stickers? Those who write #LetsGoBrandon? Justice Dept. creating unit focused on domestic terrorism The Justice Department is establishing a specialized unit focused on domestic […]

Your Fault: Climate Disasters Were Deadly In 2021 Or Something

Bang that cult drum, folks, bang it 2021 was a deadly year for weather: 20 disasters killed more than 600 Americans 2021 was another catastrophic and deadly year for weather and climate disasters in the USA, federal scientists announced Monday. There were 20 separate disasters that each cost at least $1 billion in damage, the […]

Surprise: Scientists Thought COVID19 Escaped From Chinese Lab, Didn’t Want To Disrupt International Harmony

Why isn’t this information all over the news media around the world? Scientists believed Covid leaked from Wuhan lab – but feared debate could hurt ‘international harmony’ Leading British and US scientists thought it was likely that Covid accidentally leaked from a laboratory but were concerned that further debate would harm science in China, emails show. An […]

Your Fault: Kidney Stones To Get Worse From Climate Crisis (scam)

Thanks, you horrible carbon pollution spewing person wants to force Other People to practice what you preach Take that, skeptics!: "Their model found that by 2089, kidney stone incidence would increase by 2.2 per cent in the first scenario, and by 3.9 per sent in the second" — Tom Nelson (@TomANelson) January 11, 2022 […]

If All You See…

…is horrible carbon pollution created heat snow, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Sister Toldjah, with a post on the Washington Post deleting a tweet after the White House complained.

Almost 2 Years On, CDC May Recommend Using Better Masks

And what happens if, probably when, the CDC recommends this? All the states, cities, and companies with mask mandates will then require people to do this, and we’ll have more mask trash in the streets and waters U.S. CDC may recommend better masks against Omicron – Washington Post The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and […]

Pirate's Cove